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Cadet Sex Parties
Cadet Sex Parties
Cadet Sex Parties
Ebook207 pages3 hours

Cadet Sex Parties

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About this ebook

Maria could not get an acting part and even her desperate pitch for a sexy role goes too far. Should she join her friends as a Police Cadet? Their annual Ball also gets very erotic when she organises the topless waitresses. Were they overstepping the bounds of what was acceptable or even legal? Was Maria going too far as well?

Maria gets press ganged herself and learns more about sexy exhibitionism.

PublisherJ Itchen
Release dateMay 9, 2013
Cadet Sex Parties

J Itchen

J is a graduate from Bristol University, England, who is married with four children. Currently lives in Southampton, England, although when young also lived in other parts of the world (Malaysia, Thailand, Yemen Arab Republic).J has been writing for several years mainly for magazines (more usually science rather than science fiction), for specialist books and recently a web site. Starting with science fiction (not fantasy), genres published have also covered the erotic, plus a combination of the two.

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    Book preview

    Cadet Sex Parties - J Itchen




    by J. Itchen

    ISBN: 9781301983322

    Published by J. Itchen at Smashwords

    Copyright: ©2013, J. Itchen, all rights reserved

    Cadet Sex Parties

    Chapter 1 – The topless interview

    Maria was nervous. She knew that this was a big turning point in her life. Maybe she had just wasted two years getting qualified as an actress. If she did not get this role then what realistically could she get? She had tried so many times for so many different types of role.

    She looked at the man sitting across from her in the waiting area. He was there as chaperone for his girlfriend who was in her interview now. The rumours of Directors Couch casting were rife. As this role required nudity no doubt part of the interview would involve stripping off but Maria was prepared for that. Maria felt that if she could not even get this small part in a low budget film then she was going to have to get real and follow her friends into the Police Cadets. She had already been accepted as a cadet so either she managed to get this part or she was going to train to become a Policewoman.

    The door opened and the man’s girlfriend stood in the doorway. She was topless.

    Thank you for giving me a chance, the girl said, shaking the hand of the man who had escorted her to the door. She held her bra and blouse in one hand which hovered just below her breasts whilst she animatedly spoke to him. I think that I can really do the part justice. I hope that you liked what you saw.

    She wiggled her tits slightly to emphasise them to the man and to flirt with him a bit, despite the fact that her boyfriend looked on.

    Maria sized up her opposition. She was a small girl with large boobs. The boobs looked too large, falsely so, and a bit of a fake rounded shape which was too firm to be real. Otherwise she looked pretty and her long blond hair was obviously dyed despite there being no sign of a different colour at the roots. She had probably re-dyed her hair for this interview. She looked like a bit of a floosy which indeed was what the role was meant to be.

    Maria did not think of herself as a floosy, although she would have to act that way in a minute and flash her own tits at what were probably mainly male interviewers. She was psyched up to do this now. As a pretty young aspiring actress she could not refuse to do parts that involved going naked or she may never get a role at all.

    We will let you know within a week, the man said to the girl and closed the door.

    How did it go? her boyfriend asked as she came across to him.

    I don’t know, the girl said, shaking her head.

    The man stood up and gave her a hug, then pulled away to cup her breasts.

    You look great, he said appreciatively, looking at her nipples.

    I hope that they thought that as well, she said. She leant sideways to drop her blouse on a chair and started to put her bra on.

    Maria could not see any bra marks from when she had taken the bra off, which implied that she had been topless for much of the interview. That size of boobs was bound to create bra marks when they were constrained in the metal cage supportive bra she had brought with her. Maria’s own bra was softer and less supportive for the very reason of lessening bra marks when it was removed.

    What did they ask you to do? Maria asked her.

    I had to act all sexy and seductive, the girl said. That is difficult to do when three of them stare at you and watching closely your every move.

    Maria had to psyche herself up to feel sexy. Could she surreptitiously rub her clitoris through her flouncy skirt whilst these two were there? She could because she needed to, and never mind what these two may think.

    The girl had her bra reinstated and started to put her blouse on. Her boyfriend lost his close interest and sat down again opposite Maria.

    Just then the door opened from the interview room. Are you Maria? the man said as he approached Maria. This was the man who had escorted the other girl out topless. He looked quite young, in his early thirties, dressed mainly in the regulation black of the arts people with black trousers and black shirt.

    Yes, Maria smiled her winning smile at him and stood up, bending forwards slightly to allow her low cut top to show off her cleavage and the tops of her breasts as she stood up.

    I am Damian, he said and shook her hand. Please come this way.

    He led her into a large room where there were two others sitting in high backed comfy chairs, made of leather and with the old fashioned wings on the top. One was a man who looked even younger than the man who had brought her in, and a buxom woman of about thirty-five.

    There was no couch, but to one side was a large four poster bed! Maria’s boyfriend Sean had warned her to beware of a casting couch, but had not thought to add to beware of a four poster bed in an interview. Perhaps this was an acting prop. The thing that they would want to check was her ability and willingness to do the bedroom scenes.

    The man stood up to shake her hand and said I am Patrick, Paddy to some, he grinned at her.

    The woman half rose from her seat to shake her hand as well I am Susie, she said simply. Maria noted that despite being buxom Susie had clearly decided to go bra-less as her red dress clung closely to her rounded breasts which showed the nipple bumps. Maybe the shape and structure of the dress meant that it itself gave her support and she could whip the whole thing of quickly simply by undoing the zip at the back. Why she might want to strip off quickly Maria did not know.

    Maria curtseyed to them as she had planned. That was a bit different, she felt, and maybe something a floosy would do.

    Damian sat in a third chair, but there was not a fourth so Maria stood.

    You can sit on the end of the bed, Damian said, indicating. The three chairs formed a semi-circle facing the end of the bed so that did in fact work. Maria settled down. It was a soft and bouncy bed and she sank in at the edge.

    So I see from your resumé that you have been to acting school and you have passed with distinction. Damian said. You played a Nun in a production of ‘The Sound of Music’ and Mary in a nativity play plus some bit parts.

    It was a major production of the Nativity Play, Maria interjected. She did not want him to think that it was some sort of end of term school play. It was a joint production by several churches.

    Well these are very different roles from the sexy vamp role that this is, Susie said. What makes you think that you can play that with conviction?

    I hope that I can show you, Maria said I have trained as an actress and as a young sexy woman I feel that I have all the physical and mental qualities to play the part very well.

    We expect you to be exceptional, Susie said. You do know that this part involves nudity?

    Yes I saw that, Maria said and I am very happy to be filmed naked.

    OK, Patrick said show us what you have got.

    Maria hesitated and Susie said I think that what he means is will you please strip to your waist. You need to do it in a sexy and sultry way. Imagine that you are doing this for the man of your dreams and you want to fuck that man.

    Maria had indeed done this before for the man of her dreams, who was Sean. She set out to recreate that. She stuck out her chest and slowly undid the buttons on her blouse, staring into the face of Patrick. He was looking at her chest. Her blouse was low cut and frilly with a light blue pattern on a thin semi see-through white material.

    With all the buttons undone she put her hands inside her blouse and caressed herself in what she felt was a sexy and sultry way. Coming out of the caress she pulled her blouse back and over her shoulders. Her light-weight bra was also made of near see-through material with a delicate white pattern on it. Her nipples could be seen through the material along with her light coloured aureoles. She stood up to allow her blouse to drop down her arms and it lightly dropped on the floor.

    Maria put her head back, allowing her long thick brunette hair to fall back over her shoulders, keeping it clear of her breasts as she put her hands behind her to unclip the bra. She then brought her hands down to her sides. Her bra was now loose but not yet off her breasts. She reached up, pushed the straps off her shoulder and slowly pulled the bra down to reveal her breasts. She was glad that she had a slight nipple erection as she exposed them completely.

    She let the bra join her blouse on the floor. She sat back down on the bed, dropped her head so that her hair partially covered her breasts in a teasing sort of a way, then she lay back on the bed, back slightly arched to push her breasts upwards and wriggling slightly as if to invite her man to join her. This was no place to be too coy. She had to act brazenly.

    Very good, Susie said. Can you please stand up now?

    Maria did so, aware of three pairs of eyes looking at her naked assets. She held her hands behind her back and stuck her chest out. She had to impress them.

    Please do two or three slow twirls, Susie said.

    If a man had told her to do this topless then she would have assumed that he was doing it for pure sexual gratification, but with her asking for it then there must be a professional reason for it. She had to look good from all angles. She felt that being a C cup she was not the same as the big breasted silicon wonder who came in before her, but she felt that she certainly passed muster for the appeal of her naked breasts. Surely the natural look counted for something?

    Were they going to ask her to strip off completely? She completed her third twirl.

    OK, Susie said. "Now slip off your shoes and skirt and we want you to lie on the bed and fake an orgasm.

    As Maria pulled down her skirt, aware of her breasts as they hung very differently with her torso horizontal.

    Stay in that position for a moment, Susie said. The interviewers were clearly also interested in this different perspective on her breasts. Susie stood up and gave one breast a slight push. It jiggles around a bit. Susie smiled at Patrick and Damian.

    OK, Susie said, do continue.

    Maria completed the removal of her skirt and high heeled shoes. She stood up again.

    Do you want me to take of my knickers as well? she offered. She felt that it was politic to offer willingly.

    That will be for the second interview, Damian said, looking at her body and not her face. If you pass this one then we will need you to come back to meet the lead male actor.

    So that would be to meet the lead male actor naked then. Maria realised that she would have to do an exotic strip routing a second time, but that time going full naked. She would do it. She needed the part and the part involved nudity.

    Maria climbed on to the bed. This was her ‘When Harry met Sally’ moment for which she had practiced a fake orgasm several times. It helped if she could rub her clitoris whilst she did it, but that was not likely to be a good idea here. She had wondered if the actress who played Sally had rubbed her clitoris out of sight of the cameras during the restaurant scene to add real veracity to the moaning.

    Maria lay on the bed and started to thrash around moaning. She had to put herself into the zone and she closed her eyes to imagine that she was with Sean. She brought herself to her imaginary climax, managing to get slightly moist in the process. Acting and imagining did produce real physical responses.

    She sat back up on her elbows. The other three had stood up from their seats to watch her writhe around almost naked and to moan her fake ecstasy.

    OK, Susie said That looked good too, I think. Now just lay back as if you are asleep. Gradually whilst you are still asleep a man comes and looks at you. He touches you and you respond but it becomes part of your dreams, you are still asleep.

    Maria moved up the bed and lay on her back as instructed. She spread her thick waved brunette hair over the pillow and then lay slightly sideways. She always thought that bare breasts looked at their best not when the owner was flat on her back as they could flatten out to be somewhat pancake like. Maybe it worked for the silicone wonders, but for her being slightly on her side gave a better, more sexy view.

    The nipples are a bit too erect now, Patrick observed, but that can fit in with an erotic dream.

    She lay there under their gaze and imagined Sean had come in. He brushed against one breast in her imagination and she turned, eyes still shut to respond and so he could also stroke her other breast easily. She arched her back in her supposed sleep and moaned gently. This was what being a young sexy actress was all about, and she did want the part. It even felt sexy in reality to her. As her moans became more constant she was now flat on her back. She opened her eyes.

    Excellent, Susie said you would indeed open your eyes and wake up when he enters you.

    Maria had not got as far as imagining the start of sexual intercourse but it that was what Susie wanted, then so be it.

    Damian handed her a fake fur very long white scarf. See what you can do with this, he said.

    Maria took it, sat up on the end of the bed and put it behind her shoulders. She then started to writhe with it, covering her bare breasts and then uncovering them in what she hoped were enticing ways. She pushed the fake fur up her breasts one at a time and let the breasts drop and wobble temptingly. She was sure that Damian at least had a hard on.

    Maria ended this routine by wrapping the ends of the scarf around both arms and her wrists then threw herself backwards on to the bed as if the scarves were also tied to the posts of the bed and she was bound there for the man to have her. She thought that this was a good sexy ending and she had acted as well as she could have expected. If she did not get this role then that was it, the end of her dream.

    OK, Susie said I think that you have done very well. We won’t be doing bondage today. Finally please put your skirt and shoes back on as sexily as you can.

    Maria felt that this was the hardest bit to do sexily. Getting dressed was not usually the sexy part. The three had settled back into their chairs, so Maria sat on the floor in front of them facing them, and pulled her high heeled shoes on, whilst pushing her head back and displaying her breasts slightly upwards and towards the onlookers. This did not make it easy to do up the shoe straps so she stood up and put her foot up on to the seat between Damian’s legs, leant her breasts towards him and said Please tie me up. This was meant deliberately to have two meanings, although she was not the script writer. He did tie up her shoe straps.

    She went over to Patrick Please can you do me up as well. She smiled a sexy smile

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