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A Re-forming Actress
A Re-forming Actress
A Re-forming Actress
Ebook269 pages4 hours

A Re-forming Actress

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About this ebook

Maria realises her dream to work in TV but has a compromising past. She finds it hard not to get pulled back in to the Sex Busters undercover police women’s team, especially after being photographed naked and getting involved in a sex ring. She finds herself acting like a sex slave at home to placate her boyfriend and with the sex ring. Things come to a head and the Sex Busters team goes in deeper and more dangerously than before.

PublisherJ Itchen
Release dateNov 6, 2014
A Re-forming Actress

J Itchen

J is a graduate from Bristol University, England, who is married with four children. Currently lives in Southampton, England, although when young also lived in other parts of the world (Malaysia, Thailand, Yemen Arab Republic).J has been writing for several years mainly for magazines (more usually science rather than science fiction), for specialist books and recently a web site. Starting with science fiction (not fantasy), genres published have also covered the erotic, plus a combination of the two.

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    Book preview

    A Re-forming Actress - J Itchen

    Chapter 1 - Audition

    Maria sat nervously waiting to meet the Artistic Director. This was her big chance to move from the Police Force into acting, and she was determined to give it her all. She had come through the initial interviews and this was the final audition for the role as the female presenter of a new children’s daytime TV programme. It was not a massive role but it could be her breakthrough.

    She tried to quell her nerves as she attempted to go into her confident zone. She looked at the others I the room. There were three men and three women, presumably for the male and female presenter roles, although Maria had not dared to talk to them. No doubt they had a lot more experience than her and she did not want to become down-hearted before she went in.

    The two other women were both pretty and about her age. Maria tried not to work out how good they were. These were her competition. Maria had done her best to look like the homely type for this role and her long brown hair she had curled slightly to give it a strong wave.

    Maria remembered her last ‘audition’ where some tricksters had set up shop and supposedly auditioned her for a role in a sex film, but in fact were after her naked body, which she had realised too late. This however was with a well-recognised TV company, so she felt safe with them.

    Maria and Mark, please come through, the secretary called.

    This was it. She had heard that the Artistic Director was a tough cookie and took no prisoners. You either performed or you were out. She presumed that she was to have the joint audition with Mark to see how they worked together as joint potential presenters.

    Maria strode forwards into the room and smiled at the Artistic Director.

    Hello, I am Rebecca, the Artistic Director said. Rebecca stared severely back at Maria, with no hint of a smile.

    So this was the great Rebecca, the one who held Maria’s future in her hands. She looked to be in her forties and had a gaunt look, cheeks slightly hollowed, as if sucked in to her teeth. Her mid length fair hair looked a bit straggly.

    Rebecca greeted Mark similarly. Mark looked like he was about thirty, handsome in a traditional sense, and he looked very wholesome and clean cut, with short dark hair and bright dark eyes.

    The door shut behind them and the three of them were in a very plain room with a desk and a chair at the front, and that was it.

    Please stand here, Rebecca said to them both. She looked them up and down. Maria felt her piercing eyes take in her every detail.

    Mark, please remove your clothes, Rebecca said.

    Mark looked a bit startled, but he took them off until he stood in his underpants.

    Underpants too, Rebecca said calmly. She sat idly on the edge of the desk, her piercing eyes now on Mark.

    Mark looked very uncertain about this, but did as he was told. Maria noted his very handsome naked male body, his penis looking unsure whether to react or not.

    Good, Rebecca said and came forward. She looked slowly all over his nudity with her unabashed stare. "Now, I want you to convince me and Maria here that it does not matter that you are naked and this is quite normal for you. I want you to present something to us.

    Mark decided to present a story about a fire in a factory. Maria certainly did not feel that this was normal as he bobbed about and his wobbly bits wobbled freely.

    OK, Rebecca said. Now Mark, I want you to greet Maria and then do some more presenting together. You both need to present totally naturally as if you were both fully clothed, like Maria is. You have to show me your inner selves, naked externally and internally. If you do not come across with passion and conviction then you will never make it as actors.

    Mark came across to Maria and gave her a welcoming peck beside each cheek, in the continental way. Maria carefully kept her hands on his sides to reciprocate. She had to imagine him as totally clothed, despite his dangly bits being very present, and present with gusty.

    Let’s present a new dog to the audience, Maria suggested to him.

    Mark nodded and went over to bring in an imaginary dog. Maria gave fulsome praise of the dog, describing it to the imagined children. She realised that her looking at the supposed dog beside Mark meant that she was looking down all the time at his nether regions. She dropped on one knee to stroke the imagined dog and tried to focus on the blank space to the right of his penis. She turned to face the camera, which was Rebecca to say some more about the imaginary dog, how sweet it was and how she loved stroking its fur. Mark’s penis seemed to like her bending down beside it as it had started to react.

    Rebecca stood watching them both, her chin in her hand as she leant against the desk.

    Ok, Rebecca said. I now want you to show how much you like each other, as joint presenters. There needs to be an almost sexual attraction between you.

    Maria stood up and Mark hugged her sideways. Maria stayed trying to ignore the now erect penis, turned and gave him a frontal sisterly hug, pushing to one side the prod that she received down below.

    I really like your outfit, Maria beamed at him in a jokey way. Maybe a bit thicker shirt, as good quality shirts are nearly always thick. I like your pointy shoes. She had seen his shoes when he had taken them off and she pretended that he still had them on as she looked down, past the penis. Maria felt that she had to demonstrate that she could look directly at him like this and still not be fazed by it.

    Mark made some complimentary jokes about her outfit and indicated in a wholesome way that she had a good bust.

    Rebecca came across. I am not sure that the children will appreciate this, she said, as she put her hand on his penis and pulled him to face her.

    I would envisage that he would be safely tucked away in the real situation, Mark replied.

    You have to be able to act whatever the situation you find yourself in, Rebecca said. She let his penis go. OK, get dressed, Mark, I have seen enough. I may call you in later to partner one of the women. Maria, you stay here.

    Now that you have seen me, I think that you owe it to me to show me your body, Mark said cheekily to Rebecca.

    She looked critically at him and scanned down his still naked body as it faced her, penis still excited.

    I will take you to a hotel tonight so you can give your body to me for a couple of hours, Mark continued as a slightly crooked smile spread on his lips.

    Rebecca looked sternly at him. OK, you are on. Come back here at eight pm. Rebecca said, still with no smile. However that does not give you any inside track for the job. You get it or you do not based on your performance in here, not in bed. Rebecca looked like she did not often get the chance of a good fuck and was happy to accept when it was offered, even in this situation. She glanced at Maria.

    Fair enough, Mark looked like he had carried out some sort of coup, even though Rebecca was at least ten years older than him and hardly a spring chicken.

    Mark dressed and left with instructions to send the next man in.

    I thought that you were married! Maria gasped at Rebecca, somewhat shocked by her acceptance of Mark’s offer.

    Yes I am, agreed Rebecca and looked slyly at Maria. What is good for the gander is also good for the goose.

    The next man came in. He clearly had no idea what was in store as yet as he looked so fresh and innocent. Rebecca and Peter exchanged greetings. Maria wondered if Rebecca would take Peter up if he made a similar offer to Mark, although she supposed that these offers were rare. That was unless word had got around amongst the men that she was open to such offers, and indeed it helped their careers to offer.

    OK, Maria, your turn, Rebecca said. Strip off.

    Maria looked at Peter as she obeyed Rebecca’s instruction. His eyes almost popped out of his head as he watched as she casually removed her bra. Maria stood facing between Peter and Rebecca as she completed her strip. Maria was happy with her body and had shown it off naked quite a lot, all things considered. Peter could not take his eyes off her.

    Right, Rebecca said as she subjected Maria’s body to the slow detailed scan that she had given Mark’s naked body. Peter was not so much scanning her but looking almost open-mouthed at her bare breasts. Present to me on your chosen subject.

    Maria stood upright and pushed her chest forward to emphasise her sexy curves. She decided to pretend to do the weather forecast and emphasised the windy conditions by wobbling her top half about to the imagined wind, her boobs bouncing in synch with her movement. She finished with her hands behind her back and stood slightly sideways to the imagined screen showing the weather.

    Very good, Rebecca said approvingly. Now do a joint presentation with Peter.

    Let’s present a craft scene, Maria suggested to Peter and moved to the desk. She then started to describe the Lego like imaginary building that she was making and suggesting that the imagined children should think what they could make.

    Peter seemed overawed by Maria’s nakedness. He knew that he had to perform as a smooth actor but he kept stumbling on his sentences. Presumably this was exactly the reaction that Rebecca sought to weed out from the presenters that she took on They had to be able to carry on unperturbed whatever happened on the real set.

    OK, now show how much you like each other with that slight hint of sexual attractiveness, Rebecca said.

    There was certainly no shortage of signs of sexual attraction by Peter as he failed to kiss her properly beside each cheek as she stood full frontally nude in front of him.

    Up here, Maria indicated that he should look at her eyes and not her boobs. Peter was hopeless and seemed to have no understanding of the test that Rebecca had set them both.

    OK. I think that I have seen enough, Rebecca said. Maria, you can get dressed again. Then you can both go out. Please send Mark back in with the next female candidate.

    Maria took this to mean that Peter had flunked the test and so Mark would be the dressed partner of the woman who would have to strip naked. Peter waited and watched Maria dress. She kept herself topless as she put on her tights and only put her bra back on at the end, simply as she felt a bit devilish and Peter seemed to enjoy looking at her.

    Rebecca watched them both, a little smile at the edges of her lips for the first time.

    As Maria went out now fully dresses again she asked the next girl to go in. This girl looked pretty and naïve, so she was in for a shock. Maria had no intention of warning her.

    Peter, Rebecca would like you to go back in as well, Maria said.

    Maria felt that it had gone well. She was used to going naked in front of men she did not know particularly so it had all been somewhat second nature to her. She whistled a tune to herself as she left the broadcasting house.

    Maria’s Police Women friends would be amused by the story of her audience and it may even turn Sean, her boyfriend, on for a good night tonight. Maybe she could get laid at the same time as Rebecca got laid by Mark. Rebecca was clearly not the old goat that she had first appeared to be.

    Chapter 2 - Sunbathing

    Maria leant on her elbow on her towel to take in the view. The sun was high, the beach was secluded in a small cove, well away from most people and well out of sight from others. She was with her three friends Tasha, Annie and Carrie. It was heaven.

    Maria looked at the three shapely bodies in their bikinis.

    Anyone fancy a skinny dip? Maria queried. She had just told the girls about the audition process and had just heard that she had got the job. She felt distinctly frisky herself now.

    Tasha squinted across, her light brown hair falling over one eye. I’ll do it topless, she offered, Seeing as we are alone here.

    Why have you suddenly gone shy? Annie laughed. She sat up athletically, her petite figure moving smoothly as she tossed her long curly fair hair back.

    You lot seem to thrive on showing your bodies off! Carrie commented. You are all slim and sexy, as opposed to my podginess.

    Maria looked at Carrie. She had always been slightly stocky with large boobs. You are just a different body shape to us, the men still seem very keen on you, Maria replied.

    It’s your big boobs that they are impressed by, Annie suggested as she stood up.

    Carrie also dragged herself to her feet, so Maria did so too. She felt hot and ready for a cool dip.

    Tasha still lay on her towel.

    Topless only then, Maria suggested as she leant over to pull Tasha’s hand to get her up.

    As she said so Maria noticed Annie’s top drop to the floor, her perky boobs framed by a very slight redness from the sun exposure. Carrie undid her bra and pulled her bra off her full boobs which bobbled in the sunlight.

    Tasha was on her feet as well now and rapidly shed her top in one smooth movement. As always she looked like she was sexually excited as her nipples were permanently slightly erect.

    Come on then, Annie said to Maria. You suggested it. Or does your new job on that children’s TV programme not allow it? Nudity is OK in the TV audition studios but not if you show yourself off publicly.

    I think that they would be a bit shocked if they saw a picture of me topless in the newspapers! Maria agreed as she undid her bra clip. However loads of women sunbathe topless so they can’t object to that! She looked down at her body. She was happy with it and the men seemed to like her 36C boobs, so that was fine. Her long dark brown hair fell in front of her eyes so she pushed it back with her hands, bending her body back to catch the sun.

    Race you into the sea! Annie shouted and was off before the other three.

    They raced into the waves and fell into the water.

    That’s the best way to get in, Annie laughed. Otherwise you just get cold inching in step by step.

    They all stood up, the water dripping off their naked tops. Little rivulets streamed off Maria’s nipples as the water from her wet hair came down her front.

    I’m taking my bottoms off as well, Annie said. It is nice to have the feel of the water against your body unencumbered by clothes.

    She did so and wandered out of the water to drop her bikini bottoms just above the water’s edge.

    Tasha walked up after Annie and removed her bikini bottoms when out of the sea before returning side by side with Annie.

    Very sexy, Maria commented as they headed back. I suppose I did suggest it so I should follow suit. She reached down and took hers off as well, waving them in her hand as she passed the other two.

    You are very sexy, too! Annie smiled at Maria as Maria started back into the water. Do a twirl.

    Maria lifted her hands to hold them horizontally at her sides and twirled around in the shallow waves, smiling at her female audience. Maria turned to face the woods behind the beach and did a curtsey to the audience of trees.

    Carrie suddenly yelped as Tasha and Annie suddenly attacked her, removing her bikini bottoms after a short token struggle.

    All off one means all off all, Tasha said in triumph as she brought Carrie’s bikini bottom out of the water.

    They messed around in the water for a while and then linked arms.

    Let’s go out arm in arm, like the Sex Busters team we are, Carrie grinned.

    We should have a team photo, Tasha said.

    Naked? Annie asked.

    It seems appropriate, Tasha said.

    I do not think so, Carrie said. You are an undercover team, remember?

    As they walked up onto the beach arm in arm, Maria who was at one end decided to try to twist around and to grab Carrie’s arm who was on the other end of the four. She succeeded and they formed a square, back to back, their nakedness open to anyone who happened to pass, which Maria was glad was no-one.

    They stumbled a few steps as they tried to move like this until giggling they fell into a heap on the soft beach.

    I am covered in sand! Tasha protested as she stood up, arms out to demonstrate the fine covering of sand that she had from head to toe.

    We will just have to go back into the sea to wash it off, Annie giggled.

    I think someone is coming Carrie said. I thought I saw movement up there.

    They all looked at the thick covering of trees on the slope behind the cove.

    It was just the wind, Annie said.

    Anyway they can see me stark naked if they want to! Tasha said as did an open armed twirl and pushed her sandy chest out for the possible audience to admire.

    Annie stood up and did the same and in a couple of moments all four of them were on their feet, posing outrageously in sandy sexy poses for any potential spectators.

    Enough of this, Carrie laughed. There could be an old man up there having a heart attack! She turned to clean the sand off in the sea.

    After some splashing they all returned slowly to their towels. Tasha did another display for the imagined observer, arms above her head and bountiful boobs to the fore. Let the old man die happy, she commented.

    Annie took up an identical pose next to Tasha, so Maria joined in as well.

    Stop being such brazen hussies, Carrie rebuked them as she bent down to pick up her towel, her large boobs swinging freely.

    Well why not? Tasha said as she broke off her pose to get her towel. No-one is up there.

    You do not know that for sure, Carrie said.

    That’s what gives it the edge! Annie said wickedly.

    You would not like it if that someone had a camera and put pictures of you naked all over social media, Carrie said.

    We are only on a nudist beach not bothering anyone, Tasha said defensively.

    I don’t think that this beach is officially nudist, Maria countered. We just made it so.

    Would you put your clothes on again if four handsome young men came onto the beach and set up just next to us? Annie said.

    It depends if they stripped off naked as well, Tasha said. If they also went nudist then that would be fine.

    They could admire our bodies and we could admire theirs, Carrie suggested.

    A nudist beach is not about sex, Maria replied. It is about being natural and open, unencumbered by clothes.

    Who said anything about sex? Annie said as she lay back on her towel, joining Carrie who already lay like this.

    As Tasha lay back as well Maria looked at their young well-formed bodies, their sexual allure on full display. If anyone did take picture then I think that they would not put them for free on social media but would try to sell them to a magazine. You lot look too good.

    Who would pay for that? Annie queried. They only pay decent money for pictures of naked celebrities.

    Maria is about to become a celebrity, Carrie commented. Presenting a children’s programme on TV makes you a celebrity.

    The Producer did ask if I had any skeletons in my cupboard, Maria said as she lay back beside the others. Of course I said ‘no’.

    You are a big liar! Tasha scoffed. You have so many skeletons that you need a house-full of cupboards to keep them in!

    Well I wasn’t going to admit to any, was I? Maria protested. They would replace me before I had even done one show.

    I advise you to keep your house-full of skeletons well locked up, Carrie said. How many photos of you naked are there around anyway?

    She lost count years ago, Annie said.

    I don’t think that it is so much the photos and videos, although there are some of those, Maria said pensively. "A few people seeing photos of me topless may boost my audiences. It is the fact that I was a key member of the Sex Busters team and we did much more

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