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Haquapathy: The Journey to Your Transcendent Life
Haquapathy: The Journey to Your Transcendent Life
Haquapathy: The Journey to Your Transcendent Life
Ebook1,304 pages13 hours

Haquapathy: The Journey to Your Transcendent Life

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About this ebook

In "Haqua Revitalize Therapy (HART)," Faris AlHajri takes readers on a transformative journey through the revolutionary world of holistic wellness. Drawing on his personal experience and profound insights, Faris introduces readers to a groundbreaking approach to achieving optimal health and longevity. This book is a testament to the power of human potential, the laws of nature, and the Four Essential Elements of Life (FEELs).
Faris begins by sharing his personal health struggles, chronic ailments, and the turning point in 2007 when he discovered Haqua Revitalize Therapy (HART), also known as Haquapathy.
Readers are introduced to the fundamental principles that underpin Haqua Revitalize Therapy. Faris explains the Laws of Creation and Nature (LCN) and how they are the guiding force behind this revolutionary approach to well-being. Readers are introduced to the Four Essential Elements of Life (FEELs): water, oxygen, hydrogen, and energy. Faris emphasizes the crucial role these elements play in maintaining the body's homeostatic balance and overall health.
The book provides an in-depth look at the Haqua Revitalize Therapy (HART) approach, exploring the various techniques and modalities used to harness the power of FEELs and unlock the body's self-healing and self-maintenance potentials.
Readers gain insights into how Haqua Revitalize Therapy (HART) can be practically applied to their daily lives. Faris shares real-life examples and testimonials, showcasing the transformative impact of HART on individuals' health and well-being.
Faris shares his vision for the future of holistic wellness and wellness projects at a global level. He highlights the need to align with the principles of nature and emphasizes that Haqua Revitalize Therapy is the key to a healthier and more vibrant world.
In the final chapter, readers are left with a profound understanding of the transformative potential of Haqua Revitalize Therapy. Faris concludes by encouraging individuals to embrace this revolutionary approach to wellness and embark on their journey to optimal health and longevity.
"Haquapathy: The Journey to Your Transcendent Life" offers a roadmap to a healthier, more vibrant life. It's an invitation to explore the laws of nature, unlock the potential within, and experience the transformative power of the Four Essential Elements of Life (FEELs).
Release dateMay 21, 2024
Haquapathy: The Journey to Your Transcendent Life

Faris AlHajri-PhD(AM)

I’m Faris AlHajri from Oman, the founder of Haqua Wellness, VA, U.S., and the groundbreaking Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART), also known as Haquapathic Medicine (HAM), or simply Haquapathy. My journey began after years of battling chronic ailments. In 2007, I achieved complete healing, relying solely on Haquapathy, without any need for pills or medication. My personal transformation inspired me to see Haquapathy as a revolutionary path to optimal health. From 2007 to 2015, I launched the ‘Campaign Stage,’ delivering lectures, speaking at international conferences, collecting anecdotal evidence, engaging in media interviews, and issuing press releases. From 2015 to 2022, ‘The Strategy Stage’ in the U.S. saw clinical research studies and the initial planning of wellness projects. Now, I’m fully committed to ‘The Execution Stage,’ seeking to establish wellness projects under our HART/Haquapathy brand. Haquapathy is a holistic health revolution rooted in the ‘Laws of Creation and Nature - LCN.’ It harnesses the power of the ‘Four Essential Elements of Life - FEELs,’ provided exclusively through Haqua Revitalize® Therapy-HART, as natural fuels that empower the human body for optimal health and a transformative wellness journey. Why choose Haquapathy? Because humans and all living organisms cannot be invented, we rely on our exclusive natural fuels for a healthy life. Our approach aligns with the principles of nature, tapping into the body’s innate self-healing, self-regulation, and self-maintenance abilities, representing the Tenets of Osteopathy.

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    Haquapathy - Faris AlHajri-PhD(AM)

    © 2024 Faris AlHajri-PhD(AM). All rights reserved.

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    ISBN: 979-8-8230-1771-8 (sc)

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    979-8-8230-1770-1 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2023921735

    Published by AuthorHouse 05/20/2024


    In respect to the founder of Haquapathy:

    Faris Al-Hajri-Ph.D.(A.M.)

    Founder – Haqua Wellness, Blacksburg, Virginia, U.S.A.

    Founder - Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART)

    Haquapathic Medicine (HAM), Haquapthy


    Chapter 1     Introduction

    1-1: Humans’ Wars Against Diseases

    1-2- Health versus Technology

    1-3- A Holistic Approach to Haquapathy

    1-4- A Basic Concept of Osteopathy

    1-5- A Basic Concept of Holistic Health

    1-6- Haqua Revitalize® Therapeutic Modalities-HRTM

    1-6-1- Internum Therapeutic Method-ITM

    1-6-2- Externum Therapeutic Methods-ETM

    1-7- Haqua Revitalize® Therapeutic Benefits

    1-8- Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART), Haquapathic Medicine (HAM), and Haquapathy

    1-8-1- What is the concept of Haquapathy?

    1-8-2- What is the concept of Haqua Revitalize®?

    Chapter 2     The Concept of Haquapathy on the Five Aspects of Health (FAH)

    2-1: Effects of Haquapathy on Physical Health

    2-1-1: Factors That Fall Under Physical Health

    2-1-2: The Benefits of Haquapathy on Physical Health

    2-1-3- Excessive Exercise

    2-1-4- The Role of Haquapathy to Strengthen the Immune System

    2-1-4-1- Effects of Water on the Immune System

    2-1-4-2- Effects of Oxygen on the Immune System

    2-1-4-3- Effects of Hydrogen on the Immune System

    2-1-4-4- Effects of Energy on the Immune System

    2-1-5- Effects of Haquapathy on Physical Exercise Controversies

    2-2- Effects of Haquapathy on Emotional Health

    2-2-1- Factors That Fall Under Emotional Health

    2-2-2- The Benefits of Haquapathy on Emotional Health

    2-2-3- Effects of Haquapathy on Hormone Regulation

    2-2-3-1- Effects of Water on Hormone Regulation

    2-2-3-2- Effects of Oxygen on Hormone Regulation

    2-2-3-3- Effects of Hydrogen on Hormone Regulation

    2-2-3-4- Effects of Energy on Hormone Regulation

    2-2-4- Humans’ Highest Psychological Vortex (HHPV)

    2-2-4-1- The Role of Haquapathy in Achieving the Psychological Vortex of Humanity

    2-2-4-2- Step One: Effects of Five Aspects of Health (FAH) on Humans’ Highest Psychological Vortex (HHPV)

    2-2-4-3- Step Two: The Effects of Five Factors of Wealth (FFW) on Humans’ Highest Psychological Vortex (HHPV)

    2-2-4-4- Step Three: The Effects of Five Pinnacles of Transcendency (FPT) on Humans’ Highest Psychological Vortex (HHPV)

    2-2-5- Excerpts from our first book, The Miracle & Wonders of Treatment from Hot Water on Emotional Health

    2-2-5-1- Humans’ Materialistic Trend (HMT)

    2-2-5-2- Humans’ Highest Psychological Vortex (HHPV)

    2-2-6- Excerpts from our book ‘The Values of Well Being & Its Secrets for a Better Living – Theories’: (AlHajri F. 2010) [44]

    2-2-7- Insights on Emotional Health

    2-3- The Effects of Haquapathy on Mental Health

    2-3-1- Effects of Water on Mental Health

    2-3-2- Effects of Oxygen on Mental Health

    2-3-3- Effects of Hydrogen on Mental Health

    2-3-4- Effects of Energy on Mental Health

    2-3-5- Human Biological Intelligence (HBI) and Universal Intelligence (UI)

    2-3-5-1- Human Biological Intelligence (HBI)

    2-3-5-2- The Universal Intelligence (UI)

    2-3-6- Addiction Therapy from Vicious to Productive Behaviors and the Effect of Haqua Revitalize® Therapy- HART

    2-3-7- Excerpts from our book The Miracle & Wonders of Treatment from Hot Water on Mental Health (AlHajri F. 2010) [35]

    2-4- Effect of Haquapathy on Spiritual Health

    2-4-1- The Hypothesis of Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) to Reduce Poverty

    2-5- Effects of Haquapathy on Social Health

    2-5-1: The Most Discerned Influential Characteristics of Social Health

    Chapter 3     The Concept of Four Essential Elements of Life (FEELs) on the Five Aspects of Health (FAH)

    3-1- The FEELs from Haquapathy – Scientific Rationality

    3-1-1- Water Therapy, or Hydropathy - The Therapeutic Effects of Water

    3-1-1-1- Unlocking Water’s Memory and Its Profound Impact

    3-1-1-2- Weight loss effects

    3-1-1-3- Ionized Water

    3-1-1-4- The Japanese Water Therapy

    3-1-1-5- Environmental Conditions

    3-1-1-6- The Global Challenge: Access to Potable, Fresh Water

    3-1-2- Oxygen Therapy - The Therapeutic Effects of Oxygen

    3-1-3- Hydrogen Therapy – The Therapeutic Effects of Hydrogen

    3-1-3-1- The Carbon Cycle

    3-1-3-2- The Hydrogen Cycle

    3-1-3-3- Scientific Objectivity

    3-1-3-4 - Hydrogen: Personal Objectivity

    3-1-3-5- The pH Value of Water

    3-1-4- Energy Therapy – The Therapeutic Effects of Energy

    3-1-4-1- Vasodilation

    3-1-4-2- Health Benefits of Sunbathing

    3-1-4-3- Side Effects of Sunbathing

    3-1-4-4- Advisory Precautions To Prevent Side Effects Of Sunbathing

    3-1-4-5- Controversies Between Benefits & Side Effects of Sunbathing

    3-1-4-6- Effects of Haquapathy on Sunbathing

    3-1-4-7- Unlocking the Benefits of Vitamin D

    3-1-4-8- Covid-19 And Vitamin D

    3-1-4-9- Haquapathy and Calorie Burn: Exploring the Connection

    3-1-4-10- Metabolic System

    3-1-4-11- Energy Related Therapies

    3-1-4-12- Controversies on Energy Related Therapies

    3-1-4-13- Muscle Spam, Osteoarthritis, and Other Related Bones Diseases

    3-1-5- Effect of Enzymes in Breaking down the Water Molecules

    Chapter 4     Haqua Revitalize® Therapeutic Effects (HRTE)

    4-1 - Physical Health

    4-2 - Emotional Health

    4-3- Mental Health

    4-4- Spiritual Health

    4-5- Social Health

    4-6- Hydration by Haquation

    4-7- Oxygen by Haquation

    4-8- Hydrogen by Haquation

    4-9- Energy by Haquation

    4-10- Vitamin D

    4-11- Immune System

    4-12- Central Nervous System

    4-13- Metabolic System

    4-14- Bones

    4-15- Skin Brightening

    4-16- Visual Perception and Eye Whitening

    4-17- Voice Enhancement

    4-18- Strengthen Hair

    4-19- Tooth Whitening

    4-20- Body Fitness

    4-21- Burning Calories

    4-22- Obesity, Lipid and Fat Burning, and Weight Loss

    4-23- Libido

    4-24- Harmful Bacteria

    4-25- Toxins

    4-26- Kidneys

    4-27- Liver

    4-28- Addiction to Smoking, Drugs, and Alcohol

    4-29- Metabolism

    4-30- Constipation

    4-31- Body Odor

    4-32- Stress, Anxiety, and Sleep Disorders

    4-33- Source of Creation

    4-34- Source of Life for Every Living Organism

    4-35- Women’s Menstruation Cycle

    4-36- Fetal Development

    4-37- Contractions

    4-38- Baby’s and Children Nutrition

    4-39- Aging Process

    4-40- Biologic, Genetic, and Psychologic

    4-41- Increasing Life Expectancy

    4-42- Hot Weather

    4-43- Cold Weather

    4-44- Poverty

    4-45- World Peace and Stability

    Chapter 5     Cosmogenic Systems Laws of Nature (CSLN)

    5-1- Humans Cosmic Cycle-HCC

    5-1-1- Scientific Rational and Personal Hypothesis

    5-1-1-1- The Vital Role of Amniotic Fluid

    5-1-1-2: Harnessing Sunlight for Vitamin D Production

    5-1-1-3- The Miracle of Childbirth

    5-1-1-4- A Pioneering Conclusion

    5-2: The Impact of the Hydrogen Cycle on the Cosmogenic Systems Laws of Nature (CSLN)

    5-3: The Hydrological Cycle and Haqua’s Role in Creation and Life

    5-4- Addressing the Challenge of Global Warming with Haquapathy

    5-5- Enhancing Universal Cosmic Life (UCL) with Haquapathy

    5-6- The HART-UCL Cycle

    Chapter 6     The Concepts of Haqua Revitalize® Therapeutic Modalities-HRTM

    6-1- Internum Therapeutic Method-ITM

    6-1-1- Therapeutic Methods of Haqua Gulping-TMHG

    6-1-1-1- Haqua Common Gulping Method (HCGM)

    6-1-1-2- Haqua Soft Gulping Method-HSGM

    6-1-1-3- Haqua Morning-break Gulping Method-HMG

    6-1-1-4- Haqua Afternoon-break Gulping-HAG

    6-1-1-5- Haqua Night-break Gulping Method-HNG

    6-1-1-6- Haqua Gulping For Urgent Need-HGU

    6-1-1-7- Haqua Gulping for Teenagers-HGT

    6-1-1-8- Haqua Gulping for Children - HGC

    6-1-1-9- Haqua Gulping for Babies-HGB

    6-1-2- Haqua Gargling Method-HGM

    6-1-3- Haqua Mouth Bleaching-HMB

    6-1-4- Haqua Teeth Bleaching-HTB

    6-1-5- Haqua Nose Spa -HNS

    6-1-6- Haqua Ear Spa-HEaS

    6-1-7- Haqua Eye Spa Therapy-HEST

    6-2- Externum Therapeutic Methods (ETM)

    6-2-1- Haqua Compress Therapy (HCT)

    6-2-2- Haqua Massage Therapy-HMT

    6-2-3- Haqua Steam Therapy-HST

    6-2-5- Haqua Pello Therapy-HPT

    6-2-6- Haqua Marculus Therapy-HMT

    6-2-7- Haqua Necto Therapy-HNT

    6-2-8- Haqua Flex Therapy-HFT

    6-2-9- Haqua Aer Therapy-HAeT

    6-2-10- Haqua Stretch Therapy-HST

    6-2-10-1- Haqua Stretch Forward Bending Therapy-HSFBT

    6-2-10-2- Haqua Stretch Shoulder Folding Therapy-HSSFT

    6-2-10-3- Haqua Stretch Shoulder Stretching Therapy-HSSST

    6-2-10-4- Haqua Stretch Standing Trunk Twist Therapy -HSSTTT

    6-2-10-5- Haqua Stretch Leg Folding Therapy-HSLFT

    6-2-11- Haqua Neck Stretching Therapy-HNST

    6-2-11-1- Haqua Neck Right-Left Method-HNRLM

    6-2-11-2- Haqua Neck Swinging Method-HNSM

    6-2-11-3- Haqua Neck Spinning Method-HNSM

    6-2-11-4- Haqua Neck Pivoting Method-HNPM

    6-2-12: Kata Fats Burning Method-KFBM

    Chapter 7     The Concepts of Haqua Diet Therapy-HDT

    7-1- Personal Hypotheses and Scientific Facts

    7-2- Substituting Food with Haqua

    7-3- Therapeutic Benefits

    7-4: Summary & Conclusion

    7-5- Haqua Vegie Diet Therapy-HVDT

    7-6- Effects of Haqua Diet Therapy-HDT on Metabolism

    7-7- Enzymatic Hydrolysis

    Chapter 8     Weight Loss

    8-1- Water Temperature

    8-2- Obesity

    8-3- Measuring Obesity

    8-4: Other Benefits

    8-5- Economic Impact of Obesity and Statistics

    8-6: Tips for Weight Loss

    8-7: Underweight Individuals and Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART)

    8-8: Therapeutic Benefits of Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) for Underweight Individuals

    8-9: Obesity and Stress

    Chapter 9     Revitalize® Therapy (HART)- Scientific Objectivity

    9-1- Haqua Scientific Formulae I and II

    9-1-1- Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) - Scientific Formulae I

    9-1-2- Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) - Scientific Formulae II

    9-2- Scientific Objectivity

    9-3- Heat Therapy

    9-4- Individual Objectivity

    9-5- Impurities

    9-6- Haqua before bedtime - A Personal Testimonial

    9-7- Gulping glasses of Haqua regularly during physical exercises

    9-8- Symptoms in Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART): Vomiting and Loose Bowel Movements

    9-9- Evidence of Success: Proven Records in Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART)

    9-10: Water and Temperature

    9-11- Effects of Haquapathy on Vitamin ‘D’

    9-12- The Transformative Power of Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART)

    9-13- The Root Causes of Free Radicals

    9-14- Implications of Free Radicals in Various Diseases

    9-15- Prolonging Life Through Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) and Its Therapeutic Modalities

    9-16- Effects of Haquapathy on Weather Conditions

    9-17- Effects of Haquapathy on Insomnia

    9-17-1: Effects of Water on Insomnia

    9-17-2: Effects of Oxygen on Insomnia

    9-17-3: Effects of Hydrogen on Insomnia

    9-17-4: Effects of Energy in Insomnia

    9-17-5: Advice for Overcoming Insomnia

    9-18: Enhancing Visual Acuity with Haquapathy

    9-18-1: Effects of Water on Acuity Improvement

    9-18-2: Effects of Oxygen on Acuity Improvement

    9-18-3: Effects of Hydrogen on Acuity Improvement

    9-18-4: Effects of Energy on Acuity Improvement

    9-19- Cold Water Adverse Health Effects

    Chapter 10    HART Tips

    10-1- The Fall of Mammoth

    10-2- Are You Invented or Created?

    10-3- Between Invention and Creature

    10-4- Efficiency of Therapeutic Methods of Haqua Gulping-TMHG

    10-5- Stress, Anxiety, Depression & Haquapathy

    10-6- Human’s Bones & Haquapathy

    10-7- Mysterious Secrets of Water & Haquapathy

    10-8- Turn Your Tragedy to Fortune

    10-9- Live Your Life, Live Your Freedom!

    10-10- Haquapathy & The Five Pinnacles of Transcendental Life - PITRAL:

    10-11- Covid-19, Natural Immunity & Haquapathy

    10-11-1- Symptoms:

    10-11-2- Haqua Revitalize® Therapeutic Modalities (HRTM)

    10-11-3- Therapeutic Steps

    10-11-4- Laboratory Examination Results

    10-11-5- Recovery Period

    10-11-6- Possible Adverse Effects of Covid-19 Vaccination

    10-11-7- What to Do in the Event of Forced Covid-19 Vaccination?

    10-12- The Power of Faith

    10-13- Two Opposing Powers

    10-14- Living Organisms, Non-Living Things & Haquapathy

    10-15- The Magnet

    10-16- The Investor

    10-17- The Pair

    10-18- The Tertiary

    10-19- The Golden Age

    10-20- The Cycle

    10-21- 2X100 Incidents

    10-22- The Human Brain Behind World Incidents

    10-23: The Profound Bond Between Humanity and Universal Intelligence (UI)

    Chapter 11   Insights from Rat-Based Preclinical Research Studies Conducted

    Chapter 12   Anecdotal Evidence- Partially Retrieved

    12-1 - Asthma, Chest Pain, Rhinitis, Allergy, etc

    12-1-1 - Improved Allergic Infection, Rhinitis, and Asthma- Male

    12-1-2 - Improved Allergic Rhinitis and Chest Congestion- Male

    12-1-3 –Cured of Asthma Without Inhaler- Male

    12-1-4 - Improved Allergic Rhinitis- Male

    12-1-5 - Improved Allergy Rhinitis, Cold, Chest Congestion, and Sore Throat- Male

    12-1-6 - Improved Cough and Chest Congestion- Male

    12-1-7 - Improved Sinusitis, Mucus, and Phlegm- Male

    12-1-8 – Asthma Recovered in Three Months- Female

    12-1-9 - Chronic Summer Fatigue Eliminated- Male

    12-1-10 - Improved Breathing, Skin Quality, and General Health -Woman

    12-2- Body Fit, etc.

    12-2-1 –Improved Fitness and Discipline in Football Team

    12-2-2 – Bodybuilder’s Testimonial: Enhanced Energy, Muscle, Sleep, and More with Haquapathy- 50 Year Old

    12-3- Lowbackache, Arthritis, Bones Diseases, etc.

    12-3-1 - Improved Lumbago Through Haquapathy- Arab Female

    12-3-2 - Relieved From Strained Ankle Muscle- American Lady (Nurse)

    12-4- Cardiovascular Diseases, Heart Problems, etc.

    12-4-1 – Heartfelt Healing: Conquering Heartbeat (Arrhythmia) with Haquapathy- Woman

    12-4-2 - Improved Atrial Fibrillation- American Woman

    12-4-3- Heartfelt Recovery: Overcoming Rapid Heart Rate and Restoring Health- Arab Woman

    12-5- Cholesterol, Fatty Liver

    12-5-1- Reclaiming Health: A 15-Year Struggle with Elevated Liver Enzymes, Cough, and Gout- Male

    12-5-2- Improved Elevated Fatty Liver- Female

    12-5-3- Cholesterol Improved- Male

    12-5-4- Curing High Cholesterol: A Kuwaiti Citizen’s Remarkable Journey

    12-5-5- An American Woman Cured From Cholesterol

    12-6- Covid-19

    12-6-1- Friend’s COVID-19 Recovery with Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART)

    12-6-2- Sharing the Recipe for COVID-19 Recovery: Success Stories with Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART)

    12-6-3- Haquapathy Triumph: How A Woman and Family Beat Coronavirus with Haquapathy

    12-6-4- Haquapathy Success Story: Avoiding Fever After Vaccination

    12-6-5- Cured of Coronavirus with Haquapathy-Arabian Gulf Female

    12-7- Diabetes Mellitus

    12-7-1- Remarkable Improvement in Diabetes in Just Two Months- Saudi Male

    12-7-2- Complete Recovery from Type II Diabetes Through Haquapathy- Fasting Blood Sugar Down From 409 to 95.4 mg/dL (22.7 to 5.3) In 3 Months- Egyptian Male

    12-7-3- Dramatic Improvements in Hypertension, Diabetes, and Weight Loss- 56Years Old Male

    12-7-4- Overcoming Gestational Diabetes and Hypertension: A Journey of Healing Through Haquapathy- Female

    12-7-5- Cured of Diabetes: A Testimonial of Transformation and Healing- Male

    12-7-6- Effective Management of High Blood Sugar and High Blood Pressure- Female

    12-8- Digestive Diseases

    12-8-1- Overcoming Gastrointestinal Reflux, Asthma, and More: A Haquapathy Success Story- Asia Female

    12-8-2- Healing Gastrointestinal Issues: The Remarkable Power of Haquapathy- Arab Male

    12-8-3- Relieving Heartburn and Indigestion with Haquapathy- Saudi Female

    12-8-4- Three Weeks of Progress: Haquapathy for Improved Digestion and Hope for Joint Pain Relief- Arab Female

    12-8-5- Improved Stomach Pain- Arab female

    12-9- High Blood Pressure

    12-9-1- A Remarkable Health Transformation: The Power of Haquapathy- Improved Blood Pressure- Canadian Artist Male

    12-9-2- Haquapathy’s Blessing: Lowered Blood Pressure and Headache Relief- Male

    12-9-3- Haquapathy: A Game Changer for High Blood Pressure- Arab Female HBP Down From 200/106 to 99/67 in 10 Days

    12-9-4- Overcoming High Blood Pressure: The Healing Power of Haquapathy- Woman

    12-10- Kidney Diseases

    12-10-1- Breaking Ureteric Stones with the Healing Power of Haquapathy- Male

    12-11- Headache, Migraine, etc.

    12-11-1- Overcoming 26 Years of Suffering: Haquapathy’s Miraculous Healing From Headache, Constipation, Lethargy, And Many Diseases- Male

    12-11-2- A Health Journey: Overcoming Migraine, Constipation, Lethargy, and More in 3 Days- Male

    12-11-3- Breaking Free from Headaches in Just Three Days with Haquapathy- Male

    12-11-4- A holistic doctor cured from Haquapathy after 14 years of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

    12-12- Miscellaneous Diseases

    12-12-1- Transforming Health with Haquapathy: A Kuwaiti Woman’s Journey

    12-12-2- Cholesterol down from 350 to 221; Uric Acid down from 7 to 5.6 and tonsillitis- Saudi Male

    12-12-3- Certification of Haquapthy’s Healing Effects by Dr. Thomas Stone- American Holistic Doctor

    12-12-4- Relief from High Blood Pressure and Migraine Headaches with Haquapathy

    12-12-5- Positive Impact: Over 200 People Benefit from Haquapathy

    12-12-6- Reclaiming Health: Overcoming Migraine and Diabetes with Haquapathy- Female

    12-12-7- Freedom from Disease and Medications: A Journey of Relief- Female

    12-12-8- A Woman’s Triumph Over Constipation, Menstrual Irregularities, and Headaches in Just 3 Months

    12-13- Parkinson’s Disease

    12-13-1- Overcoming Parkinsonism: A Journey to Wellness- Male

    12-13-2- An Arab Woman’s Triumph Over Parkinson’s Disease with Haquapathy

    12-14- Stomach Diseases: Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, Gastrointestinal Diseases, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Constipation, etc.

    12-14-1- Overcoming the Unthinkable: Beating Gastroenteritis and Cologne Disease with Hot Water- Arab Male

    12-14-2- A Saudi Woman’s Triumph Over Heartburn and Digestive Disorders with Haquapathy

    12-14-3- Overcoming Acidity with Haquapathy- Arab Female

    12-14-4- Finding Relief: A Woman’s Journey to Easing Stomach Pains with Haquapathy

    12-14-5- A Quick Recovery: Beating Constipation in Just Two Days- Female

    12-14-6- From Desperation to Relief: A Tunisian Woman’s Journey with Hot Water Therapy"

    12-14-7- Overcoming the Impossible: Conquering Intestinal Obstruction with Haquapathy- Arab Female

    12-15- Emotional, Stress, Anxiety, Etc.

    12-15-1- Rising from Despair: Overcoming Depression with Haquapathy- Female

    12-16- High Blood Pressure

    12-16-1- A Renewed Lease on Health: Beating Urinary Tract Infection with Haquapathy at 50- Syrian Male

    12-16-2- Finding Relief: Returning to Haquapathy for a Urinary Tract Infection- Kuwaiti Female

    12-17- Vitamin D

    12-17-1- A Professor’s Journey to Wellness: Improving Vitamin D3 Levels, Weight Loss, and Hypertension with Haquapathy- Arab Female

    12-18- Weight Loss, Obesity

    12-18-1- Unexpected Weight Loss with Haquapathy: Shedding 5kg in Just One Month- Male

    12-18-2- Experiencing a 3kg Weight Loss in 3 Weeks and Unlocking Various Health Benefits with Haquapathy: A Testimony from Oman

    12-18-3- Remarkable Results: Lowered Blood Pressure and 10-Pound Weight Loss with Haquapathy- American Female

    12-18-4- From Extra-Large to Medium: Shedding Weight with Haquapathy- Arab Male

    12-18-5- Achieving Quick Results: An Algerian Woman’s Weight Loss Success with Haquapathy

    12-19- Women’s Health

    12-19-1- Improving Menstrual Pain and Stomach Discomfort with Haquapathy

    12-19-2- A Womb Disease Cured: A Testimonial of Healing with Haquapathy

    Chapter 13   Personal Advice & The BICADU Theory

    13-1- Personal Advice

    13-1-1- Doubts on the Therapeutic Effects

    13-1-2- Factors that may affect your ability to Reap the Haqua Revitalize® Therapeutic Benefits (HRTB)

    13-1-3- Step by Step

    13-1-4- Easy Come

    13-1-5- Meal before bed

    13-1-6- Late Dinner

    13-1-7- Exposure to Cold After a Hot Shower

    13-1-8- Shower After Exercise

    13-1-9- Gulp Haqua in 1-2 Minutes

    13-1-10- Mixing Warm and Boiled Water

    13-1-11- Vomiting after Gulping Haqua

    13-1-12- Tempered Transparent Glass Mug

    13-1-13- Detoxification Process

    13-1-14- Gulping a Glass of Haqua Before a Meal

    13-1-15- Embrace Haqua Revitalize® Therapeutic Modalities (HRTM)

    13-1-16- Embrace the Haqua Gulping Method (HGM)

    13-1-17- Maximum Time Between Haqua Consumption

    13-1-18- Maximum Haqua Intake in a Single Session

    13-1-19- Increased Appetite Control Following Haqua Consumption

    13-1-20- Resist Falling into the Traps of a Materialistic World

    13-1-21- Victims of Neglecting Natural Weather

    13-1-22- Covering Your Body While Sleeping

    13-1-23- Gulping a Glass of Haqua Before Bedtime

    13-1-24- Babies Exclusively Consume Hot Milk for the First Six Months - No Solid Foods

    13-1-25- Strategies for Replacing Food with Haqua Consumption

    13-1-26- Establishing a Balanced Routine for Health

    13-1-27- Practical Tips for Health and Comfort

    13-1-28- Finding Hope Amidst Hopelessness

    13-1-29- Traditional Medicine Versus Conventional Medicine

    13-1-30- Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) and Dealing with Illness

    13-1-31- Abundance of Water

    13-1-32- Temperature of Haqua and Mother’s Milk

    13-1-33- Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) for Symptoms of Health Complications

    13-1-34- Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) Differs from Medicines

    13-1-35- Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) for All Humanity

    13-1-36- Haqua Gulping Method (HGM) & Additives

    13-1-37- The Transformative Power of Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) in My Family

    13-1-38- Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART), Health, and Global Harmony

    13-1-39- The Soaring Popularity of Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART)

    13-2- The BICADU Theory: A Path to Optimal Health

    Chapter 14   Personal Story & The History Behind This Scientific Discovery

    14-1- My Childhood

    14-2- Navigating Educational Challenges: From Egypt to Oman

    14-3- My Father’s Life and Tragic Demise

    14-4- A Long and Painful Journey: My Mother’s Battle with Chronic Illness

    14-5- From Inferiority Complex to Workaholic

    14-6- Blurry Future & The Search for Uncertainties

    14-7- The Shock

    14-8- My Health Deterioration

    14-9- The Precognitive Dream: A Glimpse into the Unknown

    14-10- The Devastating Gonu Cyclone and the Trip to Walt Disney World

    14-11- The Discovery Phase & The Kitchen Experiment

    14-12- A Historic Shift from Health Tragedy to Asymptomatic

    14-13- A Paradigm Shift in My Professional Journey

    14-14- The Behavioral Transition Phase

    14-15- Unveiling The Haqua Revolution: A Profound Transformation Shaping Our Future

    14-15-1: The Campaign Phase (2007-2015, Oman, Middle East)

    14-15-2- The Strategic Phase (2015-2022- Virginia, USA)

    14-15-3- The Execution Phase (2022-Onwards - Oman, Middle East & Virginia, USA Combined)

    14-16- Public Responses

    14-17- The Mega Shift in My Financial Life

    14-18- The Pursuit of the American Dream

    14-19- About Faris AlHajri

    14-20- About Haqua Wellness

    Chapter 15    Challenges-Critics-Oppositions- Wars of nerves

    Chapter 16   Retrieved from Media Interviews & Press Releases – Partially Retrieved

    16-1- Hi Magazine (Oman-English) - April 16, 2010

    16-2- Muscat Daily Newspaper (Oman-English)-April 25, 2010

    16-3- Al Shabiba Newspaper (Oman-Arabic) - May 30, 2010.

    16-4- Times of Oman Weekly Magazine (Oman-English) - June 10, 2010

    16-5- Hi Weekly Magazine (Oman-English) - November 12, 2010.

    16-6- (Oman – Arabic/English) - The Healing Powers of Hot Water – March 25, 2011.

    16-7- H! Magazine (Oman, English)–April 16,,201

    16-8- Al-Raya-Qatar (Arabic)- December 17, 2011

    16-9- AlSahrq Newspaper- Qatar (Arabic)- 21 December 2011

    16-10- Al Isboua Weekly Magazine, Oman (Arabic) – June 23, 2012

    16-11- Asrar Magazine, Saudi Arabia – Sept. 1, 2014

    16-12- Observer Newspaper, Oman, (English) - May 21, 2011.

    16-13- (PRWEB), Oman- November 30, 2011

    16-14- Journal of Addictive Behaviors, Therapy & Rehabilitation- August 13-14, 2018 International Conference in San Diego, USA

    16-15- Good News - American Holistic Health Association (AHHA), October 31, 2018.

    16-16- Al Bayan – United Arab Emirates (UAE), (Arabic) – June 18, 2012

    16-17- AlBidaya AlJadida- Egypt (Arabic) – March 29, 2016

    16-18- AlRoeya, Dubai, UAE, (Arabic) – Hot Water Therapy – April 12, 2014

    16-19- AlSharq, Qatar (Arabic)- August 22, 2013

    16-20- AlSharq- Qatar (Arabic) - June 3, 2015

    16-21- AlSharq, Qatar (Arabic) -June 19, 2017

    16-22- BlogTalkRadio – The Coaching Lounge (English)- December 22, 2013

    16-23- BlogTalkRadio- Higher Science Research (English)- December 29, 2013

    16-24- Diet & Beauty Business, Saudi Arabia (Arabic) – September 24, 2014

    16-25- Faris in His Majesty the Sultan of Oman’s Facebook (Arabic) – September 24, 2013

    16-26- Holistic Living Annex (English)– April 05, 2013

    16-27- Holistic Living Annex (English) – January 30, 2012

    16-28- MBC.Net Dubai (Arabic) – April, 08, 2012

    16-29- Conference Series, Melbourne, Australia (English) - July 25, 2017

    16-30- Oman FM Radio -Hosted by Tariq AlBarwani (English) - March 25, 2013

    16-31- BlogTalkRadio-The Coaching Lounge- Hosted by Life Coach Rebecca Gordon (English) - June 08, 2014

    16-32- Money Matters Radio Network- Hosted by Stu Taylor (English) -October 21, 2011

    16-33- Thrive Global (English) - July 10, 2019

    16-34- Tri County Sentry (English) – October 10, 2013

    Chapter 17   Acknowledgments and Appreciation

    Chapter 18   Inscription

    Chapter 19   Preface


    Chapter 01


    "The doctor of the future will administer not medicine, but rather inspire their patients to focus on

    nurturing the human frame, maintaining a balanced diet, and understanding the root causes of disease."

    Thomas Edison Quotes. (n.d.). (n.d.). [1]

    "The body is a unit; the person is a unit of body, mind, and spirit. The body is

    capable of self-regulation, self-healing, and health maintenance."

    American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine. AACOM (n.d.) [2]

    "A living cell not only requires energy for all its functions but also relies on energy

    to sustain its structural integrity. Without energy, life would be extinguished

    instantaneously, and the cellular framework would collapse."

    Nobel Lecture (1937) [3]

    "The depletion of the Four Essential Elements of Life (FEELs) — water, oxygen, hydrogen,

    and energy — is the underlying cause of all dysfunctions in the human body."

    Faris AlHajri, PhD (AM)

    "Every living organism embodies a complex bio-intelligent system that relies entirely

    on its essential non-living components, the FEELs (Four Essential Elements of

    Life), as fundamental natural fuels to sustain its homeostatic balance."

    Faris AlHajri, PhD (AM)

    "The Four Essential Elements of Life (FEELs) are the exclusive wellspring of creation

    and growth for every human being and all living creatures on Earth."

    Faris AlHajri, PhD (AM)

    1-1: Humans’ Wars Against Diseases

    The Ongoing Battle Against Diseases

    From the dawn of the Stone Age, when humans faced the ebb and flow of various health challenges, be it seasonal ailments, persistent diseases, or other well-known maladies like obesity, the aging process, anxiety disorders, lethargy, and sleep disturbances, they embarked on a quest to combat these health conditions. Their journey began by harnessing the power of nature, experimenting with natural compounds, and delving into the world of herbs.

    These natural remedies originated in the eastern corners of the world, evolving over centuries. As humanity progressed into the modern age, characterized by scientific advancements and the blossoming of civilizations, the study of the human body’s inner workings took center stage.

    Research into diseases and foreign invaders such as bacteria, fungi, toxins, and environmental pollutants prompted a shift towards scientific inquiry. This pursuit transformed into advanced scientific research, ultimately giving rise to the field of medicine. It all began in the Western world, marked by scientific growth and clinical investigations.

    In the contemporary era, modern humans tirelessly sought ways to combat ever-evolving diseases and health issues. They came to realize that true health encompassed not only freedom from illness but also well-being on physical, emotional, mental, spiritual fronts, as acknowledged by the World Health Organization.

    Scientific and technological progress in diverse domains led to remarkable advancements in the invention of medical devices. These devices now play a crucial role in detecting abnormalities and dysfunctions within the human body.

    However, one critical misstep was likening humans to machines, advocating for spare part replacements and routine maintenance. Unlike machines, humans do not require artificial fuels to sustain their function. Despite the awe-inspiring strides in science and civilization, the human body remains susceptible to diseases.

    Humans are inventors of machines, yet they themselves are unique creations beyond the scope of invention. They do not necessitate spare parts or regular replacements. Moreover, any artificial substances introduced into the human body are considered foreign entities, posing both short-term and long-term health risks. Consequently, prescription drugs, administered to individuals with specific health conditions, consist of chemical compounds that may offer benefits on one hand while potentially causing substantial harm to human health on the other.

    The relentless struggle against diseases endures in our modern era, despite astounding technological progress and innovative breakthroughs. Meanwhile, the conventional paradigm of health, coupled with human suffering from various ailments, persists, affecting countless millions, if not billions, who grapple with severe chronic illnesses throughout their lifetimes.

    1-2- Health versus Technology

    Why is there an asymmetry between the rapid advancements in science and technology and the state of comprehensive human health?

    Where can we find the synergy between scientific and technological progress and human well-being?

    While we are witnessing an unprecedented revolution in science and technology, the overall statistics on diseases and human health are moving in the opposite direction. Could this be because humans have become unwitting subjects in a laboratory, exposed to a barrage of toxic chemicals and waste?

    Isn’t it time, before it’s too late, to prioritize our health and well-being, especially after my 2012 interview with MBC TV Dubai, UAE, highlighted the potential of this affordable and easily accessible substance?

    Isn’t this natural substance the fundamental fuel that empowers the body to fulfill its potential for self-healing, self-protection, and self-maintenance, aligning with the principles of Osteopathy’s tenets?

    In the modern world, we are experiencing remarkable developments in technology, science, culture, and society. Paradoxically, human health seems to be declining. Despite the availability of more drugs and medical procedures than ever before, the prevalence of ailments and diseases continues to rise. People are increasingly turning to ancient traditions and natural treatments, which are gaining popularity at an astonishing rate.

    Some remedies are being rediscovered, while others require further scientific exploration, and some remain hidden in plain sight. Haqua is one such substance. This divine fluid holds profound secrets as the foundation of every human being’s creation and development. Its potential has reshaped the trajectory of human health across the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and social dimensions.

    Everything in the universe, including our planet and the human body, is composed of matter, and matter consists of atoms. Human life begins with a single cell, and at birth, it multiplies into seventy trillion cells. Each cell comprises one hundred trillion atoms, which are made up of electrons, protons, and neutrons. The health of these cells is the cornerstone of an individual’s physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and social well-being. With fifty to seventy billion cells dying in an adult every day, newly generated cells must replace them. The cell cycle is a marvel of life.

    The depletion of the Four Essential Elements of Life (FEELs) - water, oxygen, hydrogen, and energy - underlies all dysfunctions in the human body. Consequently, numerous research studies have independently explored the benefits of water, oxygen, hydrogen, and energy therapies. Recognizing that every cell in the human body depends on these distinctive elements, Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) stands out by seamlessly integrating all four therapies. This holistic approach transcends the constraints of individual therapies, unlocking a broader spectrum of health benefits.

    The complete form of the Four Essential Elements of Life (FEELs) is exclusively available through Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART). This holistic approach to health and well-being has also been referred to as:

    − Haquapathy

    − Haquapathic Medicine (HAM)

    Before proceeding with the registration of Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), several generic names were considered, including:

    − Hot Aqua Therapy (HAT)

    − Hydro-Thermal Therapy (HTT)

    − Aqua Calidum Therapy (ACT)

    − Aqua Thermal Therapy (ATT)

    − May Sakhin Therapy (MST)

    − Maji Moto Therapy (MMT)

    − Hot Water Therapy (HWT)

    − Aqua Thermal Therapy (ATT)

    This innovative holistic approach has the potential to revolutionize natural health and well-being while rejuvenating the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and social aspects of humanity.

    The Four Essential Elements of Life (FEELs) foster health through the BICADU Theory (Believe, Implement, Continue, Appreciate, and Understand), as detailed in Chapter 13-2 of Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART).

    These elements are the missing puzzle pieces in healthcare, crucial for performing two fundamental and essential functions: naturally eliminating pathogenic bacteria, toxins, and harmful by-products of organisms, while also aiding in the breakdown of deposits through enhanced enzymatic processes. These enzymes convert food into reusable resources, including amino acids from proteins, fatty acids from fats, and glucose from carbohydrates. Cells rely on both fatty acids and glucose as energy sources, and amino acids play a pivotal role in cellular energy production and the construction of muscle and body tissues.

    1-3- A Holistic Approach to Haquapathy

    Have you ever pondered the idea of running a vehicle without its essential fuels, such as engine oil, brake fluid, power steering fluid, and engine coolant? Or envision using a cellphone without access to a network or applications? Both the vehicle and the cellphone serve as analogies for the human body or, more precisely, a complex system. In contrast, the mentioned components symbolize the fuels necessary to sustain these intricately designed and manufactured entities.

    Now, pause for a moment, and consider yourself. Are you invented or manufactured in the same way as a vehicle or a cellphone, or any other human-made machine? Unlock your potential and delve into the innate power of your being and your creativity. Your body is an extraordinary super bio-complex system that relies solely on its natural fuels to maintain optimal health and function.

    This chapter holds profound significance as it sheds light on one of the most enigmatic aspects missing from the contemporary human healthcare system in the 21st century. We firmly believe that the discovery and establishment of Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART), alternatively known as Haquapathy or Haquapathic Medicine (HAM), represents the missing piece that might have hindered the complete integration of Osteopathic Medicine and Holistic Health into the Wellness Industry. Once these three principles coalesce, they can revolutionize the 21st-century healthcare system as part of the Global Wellness Industry’s holistic evolution.

    1-4- A Basic Concept of Osteopathy

    In 1874, Andrew Taylor Still, a medical doctor from Kansas, founded osteopathic medicine. Driven by personal tragedies, having lost three of his children from his first wife to spinal meningitis and one child of his second wife to pneumonia, Still began to question the prevailing medical practices of his era. His extensive studies focused on anatomy and the body’s inherent ability to heal itself without the reliance on pharmaceutical drugs. Rejecting conventional medicine, Still delved into various healing methods, including magnetic healing, bone setting, Grahamism, hydropathy, homeopathy, and eclecticism. However, osteopathy faced staunch resistance from the medical community, especially within Still’s own family. (Kansapedia, n.d.) [4]

    The principles known as the Tenets of Osteopathic Medicine encapsulate the fundamental philosophy of osteopathic medicine and have received official approval from the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) House of Delegates as governing principles. These tenets include:

    1. The body is a unified entity; an individual represents a harmonious combination of body, mind, and spirit.

    2. The body possesses the innate capacity for self-regulation, self-healing, and the maintenance of good health.

    3. Structure and function within the body are intricately interconnected and mutually influential.

    4. Rational medical treatment is grounded in an understanding of the fundamental principles of bodily unity, self-regulation, and the interdependence of structure and function. (American Osteopathic Association, n.d.) [5]

    These principles underscore the core beliefs and approach of osteopathic medicine, emphasizing a holistic perspective on health and well-being.

    1-5- A Basic Concept of Holistic Health

    Holistic medicine encompasses a healing approach that considers the entire individual – body, mind, spirit, and emotions – as integral elements in the pursuit of optimum health and well-being. Practitioners of holistic medicine firmly believe that a person’s well-being relies on the harmonious interplay of these components. If any facet is out of balance, it can adversely affect the overall health. (Marks M., 2022.) [6]

    Holistic medicine underscores the significance of healing the complete person rather than focusing solely on specific illnesses, body parts, or symptoms. Hippocrates, often regarded as the father of medicine in the 4th century B.C., was the pioneer in advocating self-healing of the body. (Mc.Cann, V., 2018.) [7]

    The Distinction Between the Effects of Haquapathy on Osteopathic Medicine and Holistic Health

    In the realm of human-made machines, two vital factors dictate performance and longevity: regular maintenance and the quality of fuels used. Consider, for example, a fuel-engine vehicle. When the vehicle undergoes routine maintenance and receives the prescribed fuels according to the manufacturer’s instructions, it operates at peak efficiency. We categorize all essential components of the vehicle under a single term – fuel, encompassing engine oil, engine coolant, transmission oil, brake oil, and more. A deficiency in any of these fuels can render the vehicle inoperable, leading to severe damage upon operation. We thus liken the vehicle to a system.

    However, when we shift our focus to the human body, a similar principle applies but with distinct differences. Unlike a vehicle, the human body is a creation of nature, and its fuels are entirely natural. It operates at its peak when infused with its exclusive natural fuels – water, oxygen, hydrogen, and energy. All these natural fuels originate from a single source: Haqua. This book strongly supports this concept, aligning with scientific, biological, genetic, and psychological research. In contrast, drugs (medicines) consumed by humans represent artificial, human-made fuels that address only the symptoms of diseases or bodily dysfunctions. The immune system identifies these substances as foreign invaders, with the liver being a primary defender, leading to a compromised immune system’s inability to protect against pathogens, toxins, bacteria, viruses, and more.

    Both osteopathic medicine and holistic health represent the system within the human body, adhering to the Tenets of Osteopathy and the interconnectivity within the Five Aspects of Health (FAH). Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART)/ Haquapathy, or Haquapathic Medicine (HAM), serves as the embodiment of the natural fuels vital to sustaining the system’s performance. Consequently, the human body would gradually deteriorate in the absence of these FEELs (the Four Essential Elements of Life). These FEELs are the exclusive wellspring of life for every human being on this planet, with the sole exception of the first human family. Moreover, they stand as the singular source of vitality for every living organism inhabiting the Earth. The existence and survival of every living being hinge upon these fundamental elements, underscoring their indispensable role in the grand tapestry of life.

    As industries evolve, we are actively pursuing academic collaboration with Osteopathic Medicine and holistic health to revolutionize 21st-century healthcare. In the coming years, before this decade concludes, the world will witness a profound shift toward these three emerging industries under the umbrella of the Wellness Industry. The use of pharmaceutical drugs will diminish, driven by factors such as the rapid dissemination of information, technological advancements across all fields, including research and development, the ubiquity of the internet, and instant access to information at our fingertips. Legal actions against pharmaceutical companies will surge, and pharmaceuticals will be reserved exclusively for critical conditions, accidents, and emergencies. It’s essential to note that our intent is not to diminish the remarkable contributions of pharmaceutical industries to modern medicine’s evolution.

    The world is poised to forge mutual alliances in the quest to eradicate poverty. The rise of super-intelligent humans will usher in an era where wars and human strife become relics of the past. Our present and future generations will experience a life of enduring peace, harmony, and prosperity. Our world possesses abundant resources to feed every inhabitant and provide access to the most basic necessities, including shelter, food, transportation, and essential needs. A profound exploration of the planet’s wealth will occur at an unprecedented pace. Large pharmaceutical industries will have the opportunity to redirect their substantial investments from pharmaceuticals to the wellness industry, creating a network of wellness projects spanning continents, encompassing wellness centers, lodging, spas, resorts, and cities. The excessive desire for wealth and profit, characterized by greediness, will finally recede to a point of no return. Wellness will become readily accessible, positively impacting every individual on the planet.

    1-6- Haqua Revitalize® Therapeutic Modalities-HRTM

    Incorporating Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART), we classify it into two main therapeutic modalities: internal and external. These encompass sub-therapies tailored to target a range of specific health concerns, with the most commonly known ones listed below.

    1-6-1- Internum Therapeutic Method-ITM

    1-6-1-1- Therapeutic Methods of Haqua Gulping-TMHG

    1-6-1-2- Therapeutic Gargling Method-HGM

    1-6-1-3- Haqua Mouth Bleaching-HMB

    1-6-1-4- Haqua Teeth Bleaching-HTB

    1-6-1-5- Haqua Nose Spa-HNS

    1-6-1-6- Haqua Ear Spa-HEaS

    1-6-1-7- Haqua Eye Spa Therapy-HEST

    1-6-1-8- Haqua Diet Therapy-HDT

    1-6-1-9- Haqua Veggie Diet Therapy-HVDT

    1-6-2- Externum Therapeutic Methods-ETM

    1-6-2-1- Haqua Compress Therapy-HCT

    1-6-2-2- Haqua Massage Therapy-HMT

    1-6-2-3- Haqua Steam Therapy-HST

    1-6-2-4- Haqua Spa Facial-HSF

    1-6-2-5- Haqua Pello Therapy-HPT

    1-6-2-6- Haqua Marculus Therapy- HMT

    1-6-2-7- Haqua Necto Therapy- HNT

    1-6-2-8- Haqua Flex Therapy- HFT

    1-6-2-9- Haqua Aer Therapy-HAeT

    1-6-2-10- Haqua Stretch Therapy-HST

    1-6-2-11- Haqua Neck Stretching Method-HNSM

    1-6-2-12- Kata Fat Burning Method-KFBM

    1-7- Haqua Revitalize® Therapeutic Benefits

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) is a natural, toxic-free dietary supplement with enormous benefits for people of all ages and races, capable of revitalizing and energizing the biological, genetic, and psychological structures that maintain their initial homeostatic balance [a self-regulating process by which biological systems tend to maintain stability while adapting to conditions optimal for survival (Encyclopedia Britannica) [8]]. The therapeutic benefits arising from this therapy are truly remarkable.

    Through extensive personal studies since our first discovery of Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) in 2007, we have found it to be at the core of human life in all its aspects—biological, genetic, and psychological, even extending to the fundamentals of science, such as physics, chemistry, and biology.

    The Therapeutic Methods of Haqua Gulping (TMHG) plays a pivotal role in maintaining overall optimal health. However, other Internum Therapeutic Methods (ITM), including the Externum Therapeutic Methods (ETM), offer various health benefits. We strongly recommend acquainting yourself with and implementing these methods as guided.

    The following Haqua Revitalize® Therapeutic Benefits are highlighted:

    1. Promotes Optimal Physical Well-Being

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) actively promotes and supports optimal physical well-being. This comprehensive approach helps individuals maintain a state of health that encompasses physical fitness, vitality, and overall physical excellence.

    2. Fosters Emotional Well-Being

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) actively fosters emotional well-being, nurturing a state of emotional balance and resilience. This holistic approach aids individuals in cultivating healthy emotional lives, promoting inner harmony and emotional vitality.

    3. Nurtures Mental Well-Being

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) actively nurtures cognitive well-being, promoting mental clarity and sharpness. This comprehensive approach supports individuals in maintaining a healthy mental life, enhancing cognitive function, and fostering intellectual vitality.

    4. Cultivates Spiritual Well-Being

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) actively cultivates spiritual well-being, fostering a sense of inner peace and connection. This holistic approach helps individuals in nurturing their spiritual lives, promoting a deeper sense of purpose and inner fulfillment.

    5. Enhances Social Well-Being

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) actively enhances social well-being, strengthening interpersonal connections and relationships. This comprehensive approach supports individuals in maintaining a healthy social life, fostering positive interactions, and contributing to a harmonious social environment.

    6. Facilitates Biological Balance

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) actively facilitates the maintenance of bodily homeostasis, the innate self-regulating process by which biological systems ensure stability while adapting to optimal conditions for survival (Encyclopedia Britannica) [8]. This comprehensive approach helps individuals achieve and sustain a harmonious internal environment, essential for overall health.

    7. Cellular Hydration Through Haquation

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) efficiently infuses the body’s cells, tissues, and organs through a process known as Haquation. This systematic approach ensures that the body remains adequately ‘Haquated’, promoting cellular health and overall well-being.

    8. Optimal Oxygenation via Haquation

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) delivers the purest and most optimal oxygen to cells, tissues, and organs through Haquation. This meticulous approach enhances the oxygen supply within the body, supporting vital functions and contributing to overall health and vitality.

    9. Hydrogen Enrichment via Haquation

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) enriches cells, tissues, and organs with hydrogen through the process of Haquation. This meticulous approach ensures optimal hydrogen levels, which are essential for overall cellular health and well-being.

    10. Cellular Vitality Through Haquation

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) invigorates cells, tissues, and organs, providing them with essential energy through Haquation. This systematic approach fosters cellular vitality and enhances overall physiological functions.

    11. Natural Vitamin D Synthesis

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) stimulates the natural production of Vitamin D under the skin. This holistic approach harnesses the sun’s natural energy to support the body in synthesizing this crucial vitamin, essential for various physiological processes.

    12. Fortification of the Immune System

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) actively strengthens the immune system. This comprehensive approach enhances the body’s natural defense mechanisms, promoting robust immunity and overall health.

    13. Empowerment of the Central Nervous System

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) empowers the central nervous system. This holistic approach supports the central nervous system’s function, contributing to mental clarity, stability, and overall neurological well-being.

    14. Metabolic Enhancement for Vitality

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) enhances metabolism, promoting energy production, muscle and tissue building, and effective waste excretion. This comprehensive approach supports a vibrant and balanced metabolic system, contributing to overall vitality.

    15. Musculoskeletal Fortification

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) increases bone density, boosts muscle mass, enhances collagen production, reinforces cartilage, and strengthens ligaments. This holistic approach promotes a resilient musculoskeletal system, crucial for physical strength and mobility.

    16. Skin Radiance and Smoothness

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) improves skin brightness and smoothness. This meticulous approach rejuvenates the skin’s appearance, promoting a radiant and supple complexion.

    17. Enhanced Visual Clarity and Eye Whiteness

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) improves visual acuity and promotes eye whiteness. This comprehensive approach supports optimal eye health, contributing to clear vision and bright, healthy eyes.

    18. Voice Enhancement

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) enhances the speaking voice. This holistic approach fosters vocal clarity and strength, promoting effective communication and a confident speaking voice.

    19. Hair Strengthening and Growth

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) strengthens hair and stimulates hair growth by boosting the endocrine system. This meticulous approach supports healthy and vibrant hair, contributing to overall appearance and well-being.

    20. Dental Strength and Whitening

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) strengthens and whitens teeth. This comprehensive approach promotes dental health, ensuring strong teeth and a bright smile.

    21. Nasal Mucus Clearance

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) effectively clears nasal mucus, removing dust particles, pollen, bacteria, and other substances. This meticulous approach supports clear and healthy nasal passages, promoting respiratory well-being.

    22. Cardiovascular System Strengthening

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) actively strengthens the cardiovascular system. This comprehensive approach enhances the heart and circulatory functions, contributing to overall cardiovascular health.

    23. Lung Fortification

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) fortifies the lungs against factors such as cigarette smoking and alcohol by boosting the immune system. This holistic approach supports lung health, protecting against harmful influences and promoting respiratory vitality.

    24. Kidney Function Improvement

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) improves kidney function and prevents artery plaque buildup, reducing the risk of kidney failure by enhancing the urinary system. This meticulous approach supports kidney health and overall renal well-being.

    25. Liver Function Enhancement

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) enhances liver function and assists in removing coronary artery plaques in the liver by boosting the metabolic system. This comprehensive approach supports liver health, promoting efficient metabolic processes and overall liver function.

    26. Enhances Overall Physical Strength

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) increases overall body strength by providing essential support to the skeletal system. This comprehensive approach promotes physical robustness and strength.

    27. Effortless Calorie Burning

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) facilitates the effortless burning of calories. This meticulous approach supports a natural and efficient calorie-burning process, contributing to weight management and overall fitness.

    28. Obesity Elimination and Weight Loss Support

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) effectively eliminates obesity and aids in weight loss by promoting calorie burning. This holistic approach assists individuals in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight, supporting their fitness goals.

    29. Libido Enhancement

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) boosts libido by enhancing the endocrine system. This comprehensive approach supports hormonal balance, contributing to a healthy and active libido.

    30. Antibacterial Defense

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) actively destroys harmful bacteria by boosting the immune system. This meticulous approach fortifies the body’s natural defense mechanisms, promoting protection against bacterial threats.

    31. Immune System Strength

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) eliminates foreign toxins, viruses, and pathogens by enhancing the immune system. This holistic approach supports robust immunity, guarding against various harmful invaders and promoting overall health.

    32. Metabolic System Improvement

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) enhances the metabolic system by providing essential elements to saturate the stomach. This comprehensive approach aids in breaking down foods for energy production, muscle growth, and cellular development, supporting metabolic efficiency and overall well-being.

    33. Overcoming Substance Abuse

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) aids in overcoming substance abuse, including smoking, drugs, and alcohol, by boosting the immune system. This comprehensive approach supports individuals in their journey to recovery by strengthening their natural defenses and promoting overall well-being.

    34. Relief from Constipation

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) relieves constipation by enhancing the metabolic system. This meticulous approach supports regular and comfortable bowel movements, promoting digestive health and overall well-being.

    35. Enhanced Amino Acid Production

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) increases amino acid production, crucial for muscle and cell building. This holistic approach supports the body in optimizing protein synthesis, contributing to muscle growth and cellular development.

    36. Elimination of Body Odor

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) eliminates body odor by improving the endocrine system. This comprehensive approach promotes hormonal balance, contributing to a fresh and odor-free body.

    37. Stress and Anxiety Reduction

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) actively reduces stress and anxiety. This meticulous approach supports emotional balance, fostering inner tranquility and mental well-being.

    38. Enhanced Sleep Quality and Reduced Insomnia

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) enhances sleep quality and reduces insomnia by improving the endocrine system. This holistic approach supports a restful and rejuvenating sleep experience, contributing to overall physical and mental health.

    39. Significance of Human Creation and Growth

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) signifies the source of every human being’s creation and growth. This comprehensive approach acknowledges the profound connection between humans and their origins, emphasizing the essence of life and development.

    40. Source of Life for All Organisms

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) embodies the source of life for every living organism on Earth. This holistic approach recognizes the fundamental role of life-sustaining elements in nurturing all forms of life, promoting ecological awareness and interconnectedness.

    41. Wrinkle Reduction and Youthful Skin

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) reduces wrinkles and maintains youthful skin by supplying essential body fuels by Haquation. This meticulous approach nourishes the skin from within, promoting a youthful complexion and overall skin health.

    42. Prolongs Life Expectancy and Supports Cellular Health

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) extends life expectancy by maintaining the proper cell cycle. It achieves this by carefully balancing cell death through apoptosis, a process in which between 50 billion and 70 billion cells naturally undergo programmed cell death each day in the average human adult (National Human Genome Research Institute) [103]. Simultaneously, HART promotes healthy cell growth to replace dead cells, effectively eliminating free-radical damage. This meticulous cellular maintenance is key to promoting overall health and longevity.

    43. Anti-Aging and Brain Health Enhancement

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) actively reduces various factors associated with the aging process. These benefits encompass heightened body energy levels and a reduced risk of neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinsonism. By enhancing vitality and supporting cognitive well-being, HART contributes to a more vibrant and mentally sharp life, promoting sustained brain health and overall quality of life.

    44. Fats Regulation

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) regulates the body’s utilization of soluble fats while avoiding insoluble fats. This meticulous approach supports a balanced approach to dietary fats, promoting overall metabolic health.

    45. Initiating Biological, Genetic, and Psychological Changes

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) initiates biological, genetic, and psychological changes within the body. This comprehensive approach acknowledges the profound impact of HART on various aspects of human existence, fostering holistic transformation and well-being.

    46. Comfort in Hot Weather

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) provides comfort during hot weather conditions by promoting vasodilation, a process that widens blood vessels, and encouraging the release of sweat hormones to cool down the body. This natural response helps individuals cope more effectively with hot weather, allowing them to regulate their body temperature and maintain a sense of comfort even in high temperatures.

    47. Easing Coping with Extreme Cold Weather

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) makes coping with extreme cold weather conditions more comfortable by efficiently shifting energy to generate heat within the body. This process helps prevent vasoconstriction, the narrowing of blood vessels, allowing for the efficient transport of heat to the body’s cells. By doing so, HART enhances the body’s ability to adapt to freezing temperatures, ensuring warmth and comfort even in the most extreme cold weather conditions.

    48. Enhancing Social Well-Being

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) enhances social well-being in family life, the environment, and society as a whole by positively influencing the endocrine system. This improvement in the endocrine system fosters emotional and mental balance, which in turn strengthens interpersonal relationships, promotes a healthier environment, and contributes to the overall well-being of the community.

    49. Poverty Reduction

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) contributes to poverty reduction by promoting lower food consumption and improved health in all five aspects of well-being. This comprehensive approach empowers individuals to lead healthier lives, which can lead to economic stability and poverty alleviation.

    50. Strengthening World Peace and Stability

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) actively supports world peace and stability by fostering inner balance and promoting overall well-being. This holistic approach acknowledges the interconnectedness of individual well-being and global harmony.

    51. Menstrual Cycle Regulation

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) regulates the menstrual cycle in women between puberty and menopause by boosting the reproductive system. This meticulous approach supports hormonal balance and menstrual regularity, promoting gynecological health.

    52. Fetal Development Support

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) supports fetal development by enriching the fetus with essential elements. This comprehensive approach contributes to the healthy growth and development of the unborn child.

    53. Pain-Free Childbirth

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) eases contractions during childbirth, leading to a pain-free delivery. This holistic approach promotes a comfortable and positive birthing experience for mothers, contributing to maternal well-being and the health of the newborn.

    The implementation of the BICADU Theory (Believe, Implement, Continue, Appreciate, and Understand) [Chapter 13-2- The BICADU Theory] plays a fundamental and integral role in realizing the vital benefits described above.

    Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) serves as the bridge that connects and harmonizes various elements within the framework of the Cosmogenic Systems Laws of Nature (CSLN). These elements encompass:

    1. The Four Classical Elements of the Universe (FCEU), as originally postulated by the ancient Greek Pre-Socratic philosopher Empedocles [212] [Chapter 5-1- The Human Cosmic Cycle-HCC].

    2. The Hydrological Cycle (HC), a fundamental component of Earth’s natural processes [Chapter 5-3].

    3. The Four Essential Elements of Life (FEELs), representing the core elements necessary for sustaining life [Chapter 01-Introduction].

    4. The Human Cosmic Cycle (HCC) or the Human Life Cycle (HLC), the intricate and interconnected stages of human existence [Chapter 5-1.].

    This enigma holds profound potential for addressing and resolving numerous complex global challenges. These challenges encompass a wide range of human issues, including diseases, anxiety disorders, cognitive disorders across all aspects of well-being (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and social), pandemics, conflicts, famines, disputes, and cultural controversies [Chapter 05- Cosmogenic Systems Laws of Nature (CSLN)]. Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) represents a holistic approach that seeks to harness the inherent balance and harmony within these natural systems to benefit humanity in myriad ways.

    Researchers from Zhejiang University in China, led by Hong Y et al. in 2010, suggest that molecular hydrogen (H2) exhibits selective antioxidant properties and can exert antiapoptotic effects, which means it has the potential to prevent programmed cell death (apoptosis) [Source:]. Additionally, H2 demonstrates anti-inflammatory and antiallergy effects. Recent research findings have shed light on the therapeutic potential of H2, underscoring its significance in maintaining and improving health [9].

    Hydrogen pools are present in most human organs, including the liver, heart, lungs, kidneys, and spleen. The regulation of hydrogen within the body is crucial for optimal health. Hydrogen, being the lightest and smallest element known to science, holds the distinction of being the ultimate antioxidant and an essential life-sustaining element. Notable scientists and researchers, such as Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, the Hungarian-born American Biochemist and Nobel Prize laureate for his discovery of vitamin C, have recognized the vital role of hydrogen in maintaining well-being [10].

    The rapid advancement of modern life, characterized by technological growth, globalization, international integration, advanced transportation, the internet, mobile phones, and industrialization, has undoubtedly brought convenience and progress. However, this progress has also introduced new challenges. Increased pollution, radiation primarily from wireless internet connected to mobile phones, the use of food preservatives containing toxic chemicals, unhealthy dietary choices, sedentary lifestyles, pesticide exposure, tobacco use, and exposure to magnetic fields from power lines are among the factors contributing to a growing global health crisis.

    These modern challenges expose our bodies to a higher level of dangerous toxins than ever before, infiltrating our homes, cars, and workplaces, and affecting the air we breathe and the food we consume. While the human body possesses natural defense mechanisms to eliminate these harmful elements, these defenses are constantly under strain. The organs and systems responsible for filtering and eliminating waste and contaminants, including the lungs, liver, lymphatic system, kidneys, skin, blood, and colon, have become overwhelmed by the increasingly toxic nature of our modern world.

    This cumulative impact has led to a significant decline in the overall health and well-being of millions of people worldwide, affecting every aspect of their lives, including physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and social dimensions (PEMSS). Recognizing and addressing these complex challenges is imperative for the health and vitality of individuals and societies alike.

    The impact of technological growth on human health has revealed several critical insights:

    Overwhelmed Natural Defenses: While the human body is equipped with systems to combat and eliminate harmful substances, the increasing toxicity of our environment has caused these natural defense mechanisms to weaken and break down.

    Total Health with FEELs: Achieving holistic health in all aspects of life is possible through the proper supply of the Four Essential Elements of Life (FEELs) offered by Haqua Revitalize Therapy (HART).

    Resolution of Controversies: The research surrounding the elements provided through this therapy holds the potential to resolve controversies related to nutrition, dieting, exercise, detoxification, sun exposure, and more.

    Reduced Dependence on Conventional Medicine: As individuals become more informed about their health needs and natural ways to enhance them, there will be reduced reliance on conventional medications and medical procedures. This shift may prompt pharmaceutical companies to invest more in wellness-related projects. Healthcare professionals, such as doctors and nurses, may transition to serving in wellness centers, resorts, and cities, emphasizing prevention rather than treatment. This shift addresses not only physical health but also emotional, mental, spiritual, and social well-being.

    Integration with Osteopathy and Holistic Health: Haqua Revitalize Therapy (HART) complements the principles of osteopathy and holistic health by providing the essential elements for the body’s well-being, known as the Four Essential Elements of Life (FEELs): water, oxygen, hydrogen, and energy (WOHE).

    The System and Its Fuels: Osteopathic Medicine and Holistic Health both serve as representations of the human body, which we refer to as the system. In contrast, Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) takes on the role of providing the essential natural fuels for this system. It’s important to recognize that no system, whether it symbolizes a living organism or any other living entity, can effectively fulfill its duty of maintaining homeostatic balance—a self-regulating process that ensures stability while adapting to conditions optimal for survival [8]—without having its fuels supplied at their peak capacity. When these fuels are depleted, it results in a gradual deterioration, malfunction, and eventual collapse of the system. In simpler terms, while a system represents the living entity, the fuels represent the non-living elements that sustain it. Understanding and maintaining the optimal supply of these fuels is essential for the system’s health and overall well-being.

    Natural Gifts for Creation and Growth: The Body’s Essential Fuels (BEFs) are exquisite natural gifts, essential for human creation and growth, from fetal development to birth. Recognizing these gifts and harnessing the potential of Haqua Revitalize Therapy (HART) is vital for maintaining PEMSS Health (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and social).

    Impact of Nutrition: The efficacy of nutritional foods relies on the presence of the Body’s Essential Fuels (BEFs) in the body. Depleting these fuels can cause foods consumed to become sludge, leading to various bodily malfunctions. This hypothesis suggests that more than ninety percent of human diseases may be linked to dietary factors.

    Haqua Diet Therapy (HDT): To address the reduction of toxic substances from metabolic waste in foods, we’ve introduced an alternative, natural, and safer approach known as Haqua Diet Therapy (HDT). The implementation of Haqua Diet Therapy involves reducing daily food intake by volume, typically between 50-70%. On certain days, this reduction can even extend to as much as 90% of the usual intake. To simplify life and maintain a harmonious biological connection between the body and the soul, one or two days per week are designated for indulgence, allowing individuals to consume whatever their body craves. Importantly, there are no strict limits or specific quantities of food to adhere to; instead, it’s guided by the body’s own capacity and signals. This concept is referred to as Fraudantes Diem, derived from the Latin term for a cheating day. Haqua Diet Therapy (HDT) thus offers a flexible and balanced approach to nutrition, emphasizing both health-conscious choices and moments of enjoyment and satisfaction.

    HDT Categories: Haqua Diet Therapy (HDT) is categorized into three segments, each offering specific benefits. These categories are elaborated on in a separate part [Chapter 07-The Concept of Haqua Diet Therapy (HDT)].

    Recognizing these insights is crucial for individuals and society to address the complex challenges impacting human health in the modern world.

    Haqua Revitalize® is the official brand registered under the United States Trademark & Patent Office (USPTO). [210]

    In this unique conceptual framework, the term ‘disease’ is not used. Instead, it is described as a temporary state of homeostatic imbalance, which refers to a disruption of the body’s natural equilibrium caused by various factors such as environmental influences, genetics, lifestyles, toxins, and more [92]. The underlying cause of this imbalance is attributed to the depletion of one or more essential body fuels known as the FEELs (the Four Essential Elements of Life): water, oxygen, hydrogen, and energy (WOHE). These essential elements are exclusively replenished through the implementation of Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) at the designated temperature.

    The core philosophy of Haqua Revitalize® Therapy (HART) is a departure from the conventional approach to treating and alleviating diseases. In this perspective, the human body is viewed as a self-regulating and self-maintaining system with inherent biological, genetic, and psychological functions. Consequently, the concept of treatment or alleviation is not deemed necessary.

    In the context of PEMSS (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and social health), a disease is defined as a temporary dysfunction of the body. This dysfunction occurs when the body’s essential fuels, known as the FEELs (Four Essential Elements of Life), namely water, oxygen, hydrogen, and energy (WOHE), become depleted. Such depletion

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