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Decisions: Ruby & Nolan's Great Adventures in Space, #7
Decisions: Ruby & Nolan's Great Adventures in Space, #7
Decisions: Ruby & Nolan's Great Adventures in Space, #7
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Decisions: Ruby & Nolan's Great Adventures in Space, #7

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Our young friends are older now, even though Dr. Allen is the same kid in a grown-up body, and they have done it again!

Residents are anxiously waiting for packages and mail from home. Our youngsters plan the perfect getaway! Donzereli plans their new adventure on the continent across the ocean! He tried to get permission from the adults to explore but was told, "It's too dangerous!" He reasoned if it is too dangerous, why don't they have any information about this dangerous continent? It is just across the ocean!

Our adventurous youngsters decide to explore it with or without permission. Donzereli executes the perfect plan and pulls it off without a hitch! But the parents' plan, not so much

Mr. Hendricks demands a substantial ROI (return on investment) from the new government for establishing colonies on this uninhabited planet. He will not take no for an answer, nor will he negotiate! The newly formed government and Hendricks meeting reaches the boiling point! The Dragons and the Others council gives him and his crew a rocky demonstration of the power of their new weapon! Hendricks and his crew are given a one-way ticket back to Old Earth, and the wormhole closes upon Mr. Hendrick's departure. The new government demands a new representative who will negotiate a treaty and trade agreement, not an ROI!

The youngsters are having a great time filming their new continent! They discover a new race of people and an island volcano that is just too compelling not to discover if it is alive.

They have been busted! Can they stay and discover what was "Too Dangerous," or will they be scooted home for more punishment? It will be fun discovering what they find lurking in the trees, caves, and water.

This book will answer those questions and more. But you know our youngsters aren't going to rest on their laurels. They plan to explore this whole world and beyond!

Release dateMay 20, 2024
Decisions: Ruby & Nolan's Great Adventures in Space, #7

Brenda Colbath

Creating worlds and characters and wielding power like a madwoman makes my characters happy, sad, angry, and have no redeeming qualities. I laugh aloud when writing a scene, and I have been known to cry when one of my favorites dies. I am a left-handed Gemini; what do you expect?

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    Decisions - Brenda Colbath


    Ruby & Nolan's Great Adventures in Space, Volume 7

    Brenda Colbath

    Published by Shirl & Brenda Colbath, 2024.

    This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


    First edition. May 20, 2024.

    Copyright © 2024 Brenda Colbath.

    ISBN: 979-8224946891

    Written by Brenda Colbath.

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright Page

    Decisions (Ruby & Nolan's Great Adventures in Space, #7)

    Sign up for Brenda Colbath's Mailing List

    Further Reading: Merpeople

    About the Author

    About the Publisher

    Other books by Brenda Colbath

    Maye West Mysteries Book 1 Murder on Lake Haverly

    Maye West Mysteries Book 2 Options

    Immortal Enemies

    Spirited One Book 1 The Protector

    Spirited One Book 2 James

    The end of the Road

    Ruby & Nolan’s Great Adventures in Space Book: 1 The Science Project

    Ruby & Nolan’s Great Adventures in Space Book: 2 Dragon Flight

    Ruby & Nolan’s Great Adventures in Space Book: 3 The Keep

    Ruby & Nolan’s Great Adventures in Space Book: 4 The Others

    Ruby & Nolan’s Great Adventures in Space Book: 5 Wormhole

    Ruby & Nolan’s Great Adventures in Space Book: 6 Merpeople

    Ruby & Nolan’s Great Adventures in Space Book: 7 Decisions

    Sleep Travelers Book: 1 The Story of Ning, Dog, & Boss

    Sleep Travelers Book: 2 The Amusement Park


    The Weller family gave me permission to fling them into space to settle on an uninhabited planet. Since they arrived on this uninhabited planet, they have met the Dragon Clan, the Others, and the Merpeople!

    The Dragons are not the fire-breathing scaley beasts of Old Earth's fantasy stories. These dragons are intelligent, friendly, and artistic beings. You will remember that Ruby and Nolan helped Donzereli, the son of Rainbow and Sunset, hatch from his shell, and they became best friends.

    The Others are a race of people who looked like fierce ‘Yetis’ wearing their white fur suits with face masks and eye protection glasses that protected them from the frigid south. The Others netted and hauled the kids and Dr. Allen up into their flying car. The Merpeople probably do not need an explanation! They are not like the Merpeople of Old Earth’s fantasy with fishtails and can’t live out of water, and they are amphibian humans. Ruby and Nolan’s latest adventure resulted in the Merpeople becoming members of the alliance and Nolan and Ruby becoming amphibians! Nolan is thrilled that he can’t drown, but Ruby not so much! What young woman wouldn’t want gills on her neck? Remember, in the last book, our adventurers plan on accepting their punishment with no misgivings. They have become tired of hearing about adult problems. Let's not forget that teens will be teens!

    Things start heating up between the new Alliance Council and the dreaded Mr. Hendricks! He is his usual combatant self and is front and center of the group of visitors arriving to preview the accomplishments of the colonists. Hopefully, all parties can come to an understanding before it reaches the boiling point, and the Dragons close the wormhole forever!

    The colonist's future will be up in the air!

    Pun intended!

    The youngsters decide to ignore the adult problems and focus on exploring the Continent across the ocean. Donzereli asks for permission to explore the continent as a summer project and gets enthusiastic support from Councilor Klethand one day, but the next, he is told, It’s too dangerous!

    Donzereli reported to his fellow explorers, and they decided they were not going to let anything or anyone stop them from a fun exploration trip this summer! Donzereli plans the entire trip, and his perfect plan goes off without a hitch! He and his gang of teenage humans, dragons, and Merpeople embark on a trip across the ocean to discover what Too Dangerous! is for them to explore. They and their adult kid, Dr. Allen, sneak away while the parents are greeting the representative from the Consortium, who has arrived right on time!

    Hang on; this is going to be a bumpy ride!

    Chapter 1 The meeting before the meeting.


    How are we going to fit the representatives from Old Earth and New Earth into our meeting house? There isn’t enough time to expand or build new accommodations before they arrive! They will be here in less than two weeks! Ty said, running his fingers through his hair.

    Layers of maps, surveys, and inventory lists haphazardly covered Weller's kitchen table. Occasionally, a page or two would slip from the pile, making retrieval from the floor necessary. 

    We don’t know how many are arriving! And even if we did, there isn’t enough time to expand the meeting house and construct new housing, said an angry Ty.

    I have re-arranged the sleeping arrangements until I am blue in the face! We are going to have to make do with what we have, said an equally exasperated Robin.

    A Meeting in our small meeting hall will almost guarantee that tempers will rise to the boiling point! If they had given us more time, we could have expanded the meeting room and maybe arranged adequate sleeping arrangements for the representatives! And if we could only do one, which one is the most important? Ty said.

    It appears that we will be giving up our bedroom and will be camping out with the teens in their play fort or pitch a tent! Robin said.

    With no solution in sight, they silently sat back in their chairs, looking at each other with sad, semi-angry eyes. Once again, New Earth came to their rescue! It is well known that every permanent resident of New Earth eventually becomes telepathic and can read other people's thoughts to some degree, although reading thoughts is considered rude.

    Sunset and Rainbow heard their friend's exasperation and decided to offer to help.

    Hello, friends. How are the preparations coming?

    Hi, Sunset and Rainbow; good to hear from you.

    Ty related an edited version of what they had already heard telepathically.

    Our workers are fabricating tents to house our attendees. Would it be okay with you if we added a temporary expansion to your meeting house? Sunset asked. Before Ty could answer, Councilor Damon of the Others spoke to them. We would like to contribute a 4-bedroom house to accommodate the visitors from Old Earth if you don’t mind.

    "Thank you, my friends! Your help is a lifesaver! We were talking about

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