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Prophetic Insights from the Throne of God
Prophetic Insights from the Throne of God
Prophetic Insights from the Throne of God
Ebook290 pages2 hours

Prophetic Insights from the Throne of God

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About this ebook

My new book, Prophetic Insights, came about during our recent pandemic. Although I have experienced the supernatural presence of God since the age of three, the gift seemed to increase in intensity and revelation during this time of uncertainty.

Each morning, throughout the day and nights, my spirit was flooded with images and visions of people, events, and situations we were about to endure. With each dream vision from the Lord came the spirit of obedience to pray, intercede, share, and catalog each experienced.

During this time, I encountered the presence of the Holy Spirit of God in a way I did not know was possible. With revelation given to me, there was hope, peace, and restoration. This was not a time of doom and destruction but of restoration and hope for all the earth. Please take the time to experience the love of our Father as he walks us through our most difficult times in our lives.

Release dateMay 14, 2024
Prophetic Insights from the Throne of God

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    Prophetic Insights from the Throne of God - Terry Marr


    Prophetic Insights from the Throne of God

    Terry Marr

    Copyright © 2024 Terry Marr

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    Conneaut Lake, PA

    First originally published by Page Publishing 2024

    ISBN 979-8-89157-253-9 (pbk)

    ISBN 979-8-89157-277-5 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents



    Prophetic Insights

    Just Checking

    Agree with God

    Be Encouraged

    Chapter One

    Chapter One: Beams of Heaven

    Attack on America

    Prophetic Insights

    We Don't Know Everything

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Two: The Burning Bed

    A Close Encounter

    Prophetic Insights

    Be Fruitful and Multiply

    Don't Sweat It!

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Three: Who Are You, Holy Spirit?

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Four: The Vision of the Lamb

    Prophetic Insights

    I've Got This

    From Everlasting to Everlasting

    Can You Hear Me?

    Kingdom Training

    Second Glance

    A Word from God

    Look at You!

    What's Next?


    The Turnaround

    Kingdom Revelations

    God Is Not the Pandemic

    God's Got You

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Five: Lord, What Are You After?

    Prophetic Insights

    Be Still and Know

    Food for Thought

    Lord, You Make the Difference

    Thank You!

    Food for Thought

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Six: Purpose and Transformation


    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Seven: Assume Nothing

    Prophetic Insights

    Lord, It's Me

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Eight: Spiritual Insights

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Nine: Weighed in the Balance

    Prophetic Insights

    Throughout the Day

    So God Gave Some

    It Is God's Choice

    Pass the Tests

    Working in the Background

    Sons Obey

    It's What God Does Best

    It's Your Turn

    You Will Know the Truth

    Guess What?

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Ten: The Spirit Realm Is Not a Dark Place


    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Eleven: You Shall Receive Power

    Sign Ahead

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Twelve: It Had to Be You!

    Without Exception

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Thirteen: He's Just Your Size

    Kingdom Training

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fourteen: There's Nothing New Under the Sun

    Prophetic Insights

    It's Time

    Learn to Chill, God's Got This

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Fifteen: God Has a Way

    Prophetic Insights

    Come On Now

    We Call Him Savior for a Reason

    Love Notes from Jesus

    As Deeds Are Revealed

    Kingdom Training

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Sixteen: Dream Vision

    Stay Focused

    Prophetic Insights


    A Reminder for the Chosen

    Stay Focused

    As We Develop the Mind of Christ

    Don't Be Deceived

    By Faith Alone

    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Seventeen: Dream Vision—Looks Can Be Deceiving


    Prophetic Insights

    God's Expectations of Us

    Spiritual Battle

    Fruit That Remains

    God Is Only Good

    Good Morning, Lord

    Learning to Chill

    Look Up and Live

    Food for Thought

    Chapter Eighteen

    Chapter Eighteen: While I Was Sleeping

    Chapter Nineteen

    Chapter Nineteen: Submit to the Order of God's Kingdom

    Prophetic Insights

    News Flash

    You Can't Come with Me Now

    Sign Ahead

    Chapter Twenty

    Chapter Twenty: Dream Vision: The Gates of Heaven

    The Revelation

    The Greatest Gift of All

    Chapter Twenty-one

    Chapter Twenty-one: Our Roles as Sons of God

    We Are God's Idea

    Chapter Twenty-two

    Chapter Twenty-two: Whose Pattern Are You Following?

    I'm Just Saying

    Entering In

    Not Yet!

    God Is Not Desperate

    As Deeds Are Revealed

    Discern the Times

    Fear Not

    Chapter Twenty-three

    Chapter Twenty-three: We Were Not Alone

    The Making of Another Vessel

    The Gift

    Chapter Twenty-four

    Chapter Twenty-four: Yield and Obey

    How Long, Lord?

    Their Viewpoint May Differ

    Chapter Twenty-five

    Chapter Twenty-five: Dream Vision

    The Whirlwind

    Chapter Twenty-six

    Chapter Twenty-six: Living in the Spirit—What Does That Look Like?

    The Father's Voice

    Chapter Twenty-seven

    Chapter Twenty-seven: Dream Vision

    The Glass Cathedral

    Chapter Twenty-eight

    Chapter Twenty-eighteen: Dream Vision

    The Classroom

    Chapter Twenty-nine

    Chapter Twenty-nine: Dream Vision

    Holy Spirit, What Is This Place?

    Chapter Thirty

    Chapter Thirty: God Really Does Know What He Is Doing

    Chapter Thirty-one

    Chapter Thirty-one: Spirit-Led Prayers

    My Family Must Live

    The Woman in the Prison

    Prayer in a Foreign Land

    The Search Party

    Chapter Thirty-two

    Chapter Thirty-two: Lean Not to Your Own Understanding

    Chapter Thirty-three

    Chapter Thirty-three: When the Invisible Suddenly Appears

    Chapter Thirty-four

    Chapter Thirty-four: Perception and Discernment in the Spirit Realm

    Pray with Me

    In Conclusion

    In Conclusion: My Heart's Desire

    About the Author


    The other day, I was dusting behind an old chair on our family deck and was reminded of the old lawn chair at my childhood home. To this five-year-old, this was Mama and Daddy's special chair, and none of us were allowed to sit in it. It was large and green as our backyard and just the right size for my parents to rock back and forth on a breezy day. I mentioned it because I would squeeze my way under that chair to catch the peanuts that would fall from my mother's lap. It felt good sitting there under that chair. There I felt like I had my mama all to myself. There I was the younger of none instead of the eleventh of twelve children. Although I was convinced she didn't know I was hiding there, I felt special and protected.

    One day, after I had crawled into my special place, I heard Mama talking to herself. She was crying and speaking as if conversing with one of her friends. I wasn't afraid because I had heard this tone in my mother's voice before late at night when I was sleeping. Mama was praying. It wasn't unusual to hear her praying for household provisions, for good health, and for the safety of the neighborhood, but this time, she was praying for me. My first thought was I was in trouble for being under the chair, so I began to cry. Then she stood up and asked me to get up from under the seat. Cautiously, I crawled from under the chair with tears in my eyes.

    Why are you crying? she asked.

    I told her I didn't know she knew I was there all this time. I thought I was so quiet she wouldn't notice. Then I asked her, Mama, am I going to get a spanking?

    No, she replied. I just wanted to let you know I was aware of you all this time. I know you were trying to be quiet, but a mother knows when her children are near. Then she gave me the biggest hug and a fresh bag of peanuts.

    What a wonderful memory. I mentioned it because I get that same warmth when I talk to my Jesus. No matter what day, time, or reason I call, he always knows it's me and answers. As you read these love messages from the throne of God, come join me under his throne or, if you like, under his mighty wings of love. Don't worry, you won't have to introduce yourself or even make a sound. He knows you are there because you haven't called this meeting to order. He has.

    In this book, I will share with you some of the most intimate conversations I have had with my Jesus. Many of them consist of prophetic insights and instructions for our kingdom growth. I also share of the numerous visions, dreams, and visitations I have been privy to. As many of you may know, I have been graced to hear the voice of God since I was three years old. I cherish this relationship and pray for opportunities to share his gift with everyone I meet.

    As you read and absorb these words and messages from God's throne, make it a practice to sharpen your relationship with the Father. Develop an ear to hear and heart to obey. Allow yourself to become hungry and thirsty for God's fullness. My prayer for you is to become as the deer panting for the water as our souls receive what only Jesus, through his Holy Spirit, can bestow.

    Please be aware the information I am sharing with you has been given to me by the Holy Spirit of God. Please read these postings slowly and deliberately to comprehend the hidden things of the Spirit for these times. Much of what I will share will be received by our spirits rather than our flesh. I will share specific situations in which the gifts of discerning of spirits, words of knowledge, and words of wisdom have been manifested in my life. I will not share things I have read in other people's books or even what I have been told by others but things I have experienced personally. By no means do I declare myself an expert on this subject, but I would like to invite you into my life as a lover of God.


    Prophetic Insights from the Throne of God is a collection of visions, dreams, and spiritual anecdotes given to me by God throughout my walk with him. In the beginning, these spiritual gifts from God manifested through me most often during meditation and prayer times but recently have become more prominent during my waking hours and everyday activity. Each experience is unique in that I am at times a participant in the works of ministry and other times an observer. The only constant is the presence and the person of the Holy Spirit who remains with me throughout each encounter. The Bible speaks of times when God's prophets, apostles, and teachers would prophesy, see visions, and dream dreams depicting times of struggle and change, giving credence to the return of Jesus the Christ and the establishment of the kingdom of God. I believe we are living in these times.

    Prophetic Insights

    Just Checking

    This morning, in the wee hours, I found myself unable to speak or move as this demonic apparition hovered above me. In past times, when I was awakened by similar attacks, I would be struggling and beating the air. But with eyes wide open and totally at peace, I stared this evil apparition in the face, rolled over, and went back to sleep. With a smile on my face, I asked the Holy Spirit, What was that all about?

    Drifting off to sleep, I heard Jesus say, They just stopped by for a weapon's check. Don't worry, you passed.

    Agree with God

    Our words can be creative, protective, living, and constructive when we agree with God's purposes and plans for the earth and his people. Stop complaining about the inclement weather and changes to our comfort zones. Let us trust and agree with God because he is in heaven, and we are on the earth. God has already declared how all this works out for our good. Therefore, let our words be few.

    Be Encouraged

    We have experienced so much over the last few years; however, look how far we've come. We have experienced pain, death, and isolation, but we have also experienced God's loving kindness and spiritual mercies. We have learned not to judge others but to love and pray for their situations and recovery. We now understand the power of what we say and how we must speak in agreement with God's will. Now our prayer is to walk in the love of God as this next phase is revealed. Remember, we are not fighting flesh and blood but spiritual wickedness in high places. We don't fight God's people either in word or in deed, but we fight the evil, darkness, and ignorance that comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Our weapons are love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, meekness, and faith. We speak the Father's words and know the Father's mind and will for his kingdom. Don't forget God has already finalized our journey, and all roads lead to him.

    Chapter One

    Chapter One: Beams of Heaven

    September 11, 2001

    Attack on America

    As I watched the tragedy that unfolded before our eyes that fateful day in September, I realized how important it was for us to be ready and prepared for the task that had been set before us. I knew that the only ones who were surprised by what was happening were sitting in front of their television sets or on-site as the tragedy was unfolding for I was certain God was already in place that fateful day and had already dispatched his angels and ministering guardians. I could not help but ask the Lord what part I was to play in this gut-wrenching, sobering hour, and the answer I received was one that surprised me.

    The Lord instructed me to write this book to the body of Christ for such a time as this. He impressed upon me to stress the importance of being able to hear the voice of God and act upon what we had heard for it is the voice of God that will lead us into all truths and march us into a victorious end. He also urged me to share with you some of the dream visions and manifestations of the Holy Spirit, which he had allowed to be demonstrated in my life for our learning and edification. I believe we are about to come into the understanding of many things that have baffled the body of Christ for years.

    In the book of Numbers in the Old Testament, the Lord told Aaron and Miriam how he spoke to the prophets of old in dark speeches. In the New Testament, he spoke to us through dark speeches. But I believe now our vision is about to become crystal clear. We need answers to our questions, so brace yourselves. We are about to receive them. We need interpretation of our tongues or heavenly language, so hang on because the interpretation is on the way.

    The revelations and visions I'm about to share with you appeared to me over my lifetime. I did not ask to become a visionary. As a matter of fact, I did not know God still communicated in such a way. But when his gifts began to be manifested through me by the power of the Holy Spirit, I found myself truly humbled by each experience. I began wondering why in the world would such a holy God take such precious time to share his mysteries with me. The answer came as I continued to watch that newscast on September 9, 2001, and heard the Lord Jesus whisper to me, Write the visions and make them plain, and they will speak.

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