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From Resentment to Reconnection: A Man’s Guide to Overcoming Personal and Marital Conflict
From Resentment to Reconnection: A Man’s Guide to Overcoming Personal and Marital Conflict
From Resentment to Reconnection: A Man’s Guide to Overcoming Personal and Marital Conflict
Ebook103 pages1 hour

From Resentment to Reconnection: A Man’s Guide to Overcoming Personal and Marital Conflict

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About this ebook

Are you feeling trapped in a cycle of resentment and disconnection within your marriage?

"From Resentment to Reconnection" offers a profound journey out of the shadows of discontent and into the light of an intimate, fulfilling partnership. Authored by experienced Men's Coach and Mentor Sven Masterson, a man who has walked the treacherous path from deep marital strife to vibrant, loving connection, this guide is rooted in real-life transformation. Sven shares not only his personal experiences but also the tangible steps that helped him rebuild his life and marriage and that have demonstrated success in the lives of hundreds of other men he's guided through overcoming resentment, disconnection, and broken intimacy and rekindling their love.

Imagine for a moment replacing nightly arguments, stonewalling, and silent treatments with conversations that end in laughter, hugs, and intimacy. It's possible to stop just coexisting with your spouse and move beyond feeling like just roommates and to begin truly connecting on emotional, spiritual, and physical levels.

This book will show you how to begin:

- Embracing the uncommon superpower of Unconditional High Regard and seeing your partner—and yourself—in a revitalizing, powerful new light.
- Taking Ownership of your feelings and actions, stepping away from blame and towards constructive self-reflection.
- Cultivating sexy Self-Reliance that empowers you to find happiness and contentment from within.
- Harnessing the untapped strength of Brotherhood to support your journey and amplify your growth.
Stop waiting for a miracle to transform your marriage—become the miracle. 

Grab your copy of "From Resentment to Reconnection" today and start forging a path to a more loving, fulfilling relationship. Your journey to reconnection starts here.


About Sven Masterson
Sven Masterson is one of the compassionate co-founders and principal mentors of Mentoring Men, a global, private men's community specializing in guiding men through transformative personal experiences of Renewal, Connection, Inspiration, and Empowerment. With a keen focus on unraveling the root causes of emotional pain and suffering, Sven dedicates himself to helping men navigate the intricate journey of transformation within their most intimate relationships.

Understanding the challenges faced by men contemplating the end of their marriages or grappling with deep frustration, anger, and resentment, Sven offers a beacon of hope and healing.

Through his writing, private men's community, and personalized one-on-one or small group sessions, Sven provides a safe haven for men ensnared in low-intimacy or sexless marriages and those grappling with wives who express the need for space, lovelessness, or ambivalence. With warmth, honesty, and accountability, he assists men in confronting self-loathing, low self-worth, and low self-esteem.

Drawing from personal experiences, Sven shares openly and authentically, offering affirmation for strengths and gentle guidance for growth. His approach nurtures deep connection and understanding, paving the way for renewed passion, profound connection, and empowered self-discovery.

As a dedicated Professional Men's Mentor and coach, Sven specializes in empowering men to revitalize their relationships and guide them toward a future brimming with fulfillment and purpose. Alongside his transformative work, Sven finds joy in traveling globally to connect with and encourage men on their journeys toward personal growth and fulfillment.

Outside of his transformative work, Sven finds joy in spending time with his wife and partner of thirty years, Zelda, and their six children on their 25-acre homestead in North Central Pennsylvania. There, they embrace a simple, rural life, cherishing moments of homesteading, gardening, and exploration in the great outdoors.

Release dateMay 13, 2024
From Resentment to Reconnection: A Man’s Guide to Overcoming Personal and Marital Conflict

Sven Masterson

About Sven Masterson Sven Masterson is one of the compassionate co-founders and principal mentors of Mentoring Men, a global, private men's community specializing in guiding men through transformative personal experiences of Renewal, Connection, Inspiration, and Empowerment. With a keen focus on unraveling the root causes of emotional pain and suffering, Sven dedicates himself to helping men navigate the intricate journey of transformation within their most intimate relationships. Understanding the challenges faced by men contemplating the end of their marriages or grappling with deep frustration, anger, and resentment, Sven offers a beacon of hope and healing. Through his writing, private men's community, and personalized one-on-one or small group sessions, Sven provides a safe haven for men ensnared in low-intimacy or sexless marriages and those grappling with wives who express the need for space, lovelessness, or ambivalence. With warmth, honesty, and accountability, he assists men in confronting self-loathing, low self-worth, and low self-esteem. Drawing from personal experiences, Sven shares openly and authentically, offering affirmation for strengths and gentle guidance for growth. His approach nurtures deep connection and understanding, paving the way for renewed passion, profound connection, and empowered self-discovery. As a dedicated Professional Men's Mentor and coach, Sven specializes in empowering men to revitalize their relationships and guide them toward a future brimming with fulfillment and purpose. Alongside his transformative work, Sven finds joy in traveling globally to connect with and encourage men on their journeys toward personal growth and fulfillment. Outside of his transformative work, Sven finds joy in spending time with his wife and partner of thirty years, Zelda, and their six children on their 25-acre homestead in North Central Pennsylvania. There, they embrace a simple, rural life, cherishing moments of homesteading, gardening, and exploration in the great outdoors.

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    From Resentment to Reconnection - Sven Masterson

    Copyright © 2024 Sven Masterson

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    For permission requests, write to the publisher at:

    Sven Masterson, LLC

    320 Gold Ave. SW Ste. 620

    Albuquerque, NM 87102 USA

    First Edition

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Names: Sven Masterson, author.

    Title: From Resentment to Reconnection: A Man’s Guide to Overcoming Personal and Marital Conflict / Sven Masterson

    Description: First Edition. | Albuquerque:  Sven Masterson, LLC, 2024. | Includes bibliographical references and index.


    ISBN 979-8-89443-305-9 (ebook) | ISBN 978-1-304-37435-6 (ebook) | ISBN 9798325201196 (paperback)  ISBN:

    9798224571055 (paperback) | ISBN 978-1-304-36532-3 (paperback) | ISBN 978-1-304-36446-3 (hardcover)

    Subjects: LCSH: Marriage—psychological aspects. | Interpersonal relations. | Self-help. | BISAC: FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Marriage & Long-Term Relationships. | SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / Happiness.

    Classification: LCC HQXXXX .M37 2024 | DDC 306.8—dc23

    Cover design by Sven Masterson

    Manufactured in the United States of America

    First Printing, 2024

    To the silent warriors,

    This book is dedicated to every man who battles in the quiet shadows of doubt and despair. May these pages light your path to understanding and strength, breaking the chains of silence that bind you. You are not alone in your journey; may you find the courage to seek the connection and peace you deserve.


    Ialways like to review the Forward section in the books I read.

    I'm curious about who influenced the author and who their mentors were. I want to know what their relationship with the author was like...were they just professional acquaintances or truly good friends?  I never cared for people who introduced others as My good friend! when you know they are not really friends at all. 

    I also want the Forward section to reassure me that I'm in the right place and that this book will be enjoyable.

    I have now been asked to write one of those sections. So, I will tell you what I would want to know if I were in your shoes right now.

    Sven Masterson and I have been ACTUAL friends and colleagues for nearly six years at this writing.

    We've had endless phone calls, Zoom calls, and personal, face-to-face conversations over dinner, drinks, and fires.  We've covered topics I can only discuss with deep thinking, deep feeling and deeply trusting people.  We share a common set of values around the profession of Men's Coaching and how we can best serve men in the most positive, mature, and emotionally healthy ways.

    Yes, he was a client of mine in the early days.  Since then, I've witnessed him launch his thinking, his voice, and his passion for serving men into the world.  The Mentoring Men community he created is a treasure trove of free resources and higher-level personal growth opportunities.

    Every word, every idea, every pain, and every insight Sven shares in this book is directly from his own experience of life, love, and marriage.

    His views and lessons about self-reliance, dependency, ownership, and brotherhood come from a life lived out loud. His wisdom is guided by hard-earned lessons—both wild failures and amazing successes.

    Sven does not regurgitate the quotes and memes you'll find on social media. His expression and language are 100% authentic and curated from the same pain, struggle, doubt, uncertainty, and fears that may have brought you to this book. He clearly demonstrates why vulnerability is a superpower. And he will make you feel safe in taking your first steps to realizing your own superpower.

    In Chapter 10, he shares a story about his father and a lawn tractor incident that led him to a self-destructive conclusion that he could not ask for help and that he was his only reliable resource.  In his words, This belief followed me into adulthood and into my marriage, where it initially manifested as a refusal to seek support and ask others for help or to share my vulnerabilities genuinely.

    Sven masterfully explains the paradox of achieving a high level of self-reliance while becoming more powerfully open-hearted, emotionally connected, and spiritually generous in all of your relationships.

    He shares such specific and heart-breaking details about his life with his wife, Zelda, that you'll wonder if he's afraid she will read this book! (I know she has, and she's totally cool with it!)

    I recommend you read the entire book because there are golden nuggets everywhere.

    Sven's mission is clearly to serve men and the women who try to love us.  Make sure you get to Chapter 20 where he answers the most common Yeah, buts... we face in our client work all the time.  For example, you must read his answers to questions like this:

    Yeah, but if we are supposed to be emotionally self-reliant and self-source our emotional needs, what is the point of relationships?


    Yeah, but what if my partner doesn't notice or appreciate my efforts to change?

    Enjoy the book and enjoy your journey.  As you'll find in the book, it's a waste of time trying to figure this out on your own.  It takes courage to ask for help.  Hell, it took courage for you to read this Forward section!

    As Sven says at the end of the book, Here’s to a lifetime of learning, growth, and profound transformation!

    Warm wishes,

    Steve Horsmon

    Founder of GoodGuys2GreatMen


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