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Vanishings in National Parks and Elsewhere. An Inside Look.
Vanishings in National Parks and Elsewhere. An Inside Look.
Vanishings in National Parks and Elsewhere. An Inside Look.
Ebook135 pages43 minutes

Vanishings in National Parks and Elsewhere. An Inside Look.

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How do people simply vanish in National Parks and elsewhere? These missing persons cases are quite mysterious. This book explores many prominent ones that will grab your attention. If you like unsolved mysteries you will relate to this book.

Release dateApr 18, 2024
Vanishings in National Parks and Elsewhere. An Inside Look.

Pat Dwyer

The author, Pat Dwyer is a free-lance writer and photographer. His homepage is

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    Book preview

    Vanishings in National Parks and Elsewhere. An Inside Look. - Pat Dwyer

    Missing People in America’s National Parks and Elsewhere. An Inside Look.

    Chapter 1.    Introduction.

    Chapter 2.    Missing person cases.

    Chapter 3.    What are possibilities?  Other cases also including

                            foreign cases.

    Chapter 4.    What might be  happening to these missing?


    (Copyright. 2021,Pat Dwyer)

    (How can people simply vanish?)

    (Picture provided by


    Chapter 1.

    National Parks opened in the year 1916 and since that time have provided a means for recreation for millions.  Touring and camping have become pastimes in these locations but they seem to have a ‘’dark side’’ also. Over one thousand people have gone missing in these parks since they have opened with little or no information as to what exactly happened to them. Searchers have come up empty hundreds of times and even with help from the military and federal assistance the missing person cases remain ‘’unsolved.’’  The ones that are solved seem to successfully mask what may have really taken place and the cases become additionally confusing. Modern forensic just do not provide the answers that most would expect.  Are answers going to be forthcoming as technology advances?  No one can say for sure but the issue of missing people in national parks needs to be looked into and explored from a logical and professional perspective. In the meantime the issue continues to be quite ‘’confounding.’’

    (National parks can be large with cliffs, thick forest and even extensive wildlife.  Yet this does not seem to explain the disappearances of people.)


    (A casual excursion to a national park can have an ominous aura to it as people simply seem to go missing after being seen seconds ago by several people. What is causing this is mysterious and unknown.)

    Chapter 2.

          A prominent example of a missing person case is that of Alvie Webb. In October of the year 2019 he went missing  while hunting with two other people in The San Juan National Forest in Colorado. Webb was a former teacher, school principal and  experienced hunter when he went missing while elk hunting.  He had gone hunting in that area previously and even knew that particular location quite well.  When he failed to show up at a specified rondeau point with fellow hunters a search was done. However, he was not found nor were any of his belongings. He had a cell phone but unfortunately the battery was worn down and a signal could not be picked up. He had on a bright orange vest which would make him easy to spot but this did not help either.  Drones were even used in the search as well as helicopters  but to no avail. Webb was eighty six years old and had trouble walking which would limit his ability to abscond out of the search area which made the fact that he was not located even more peculiar to authorities.    Several other hunters have also disappeared in the wilderness throughout the country under the same bizarre circumstances. Was his disappearance connected to them?  It is indeed possible.  What really did happen to Alvie Webb? To date he is still missing and unaccounted for.

    (Authorities used all their efforts in the search for Alvie Webb including helicopters but he could not be found.)

        Some other hunters went hunting one month later at the exact location where Webb disappeared (San Juan National Forest in Colorado) and experienced some unusual phenomenon.  Does their hunting excursion perhaps offer clues as to what may have potentially happened to the veteran hunter Alvie Webb?  While they were camping they were shadowed by a helicopter that strangely had  no markings or lights that seem to hover around them.  It flew quite low and not having lights or identification markings on it made it seem unusual. It returned the second day of their hike as well again with no lights or identifying markings.  Why was the helicopter being so clandestine and where did it originate from? Did it come from a nearby military base or was it connected to law enforcement in some capacity?  Its genesis was unknown.  Also trees close to the hikers had scratches that seem go up much higher than regular wildlife such as a bear would have done such. The scratches were deep and had momentum

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