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Raise Your Vibration, Transform Your Life
Raise Your Vibration, Transform Your Life
Raise Your Vibration, Transform Your Life
Ebook155 pages2 hours

Raise Your Vibration, Transform Your Life

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How to Raise Your Personal Frequency

In the first book of the trilogy, Raise Your Vibration, Transform Your Life: A Practical Guide for Attaining Better Health, Vitality and Inner Peace, readers are introduced to the connection between higher consciousness, vibrational frequency, and health and well-being—complete with natural approaches and exercises to raise their personal frequency.


Discover and Master the Laws of Vibration

Are you feeling overcommitted? Run down? Dissatisfied with life?

Dawn James shares some simple and effective ways to reduce stress, remove toxicity, regain balance in your life and respond to life situations with grace and ease. We are vibrational beings designed to be healthy and happy—but many of us have fallen into a pattern of living that disconnects us from our personal Divine Wisdom and truth.


In Raise Your Vibration, Transform Your Life: A Practical Guide for Attaining Better Health, Vitality and Inner Peace, you will learn the laws of vibration and how to use them to counter-act stress, increase vitality and cultivate inner peace.


Change Your Frequency Change Your Life

By learning to raise your personal vibration, you will begin to encounter other people with higher vibrations, and attract positive and pleasant situations into your life. When you increase awareness of self, you can transform your life!"
The trilogy teaches others how to raise the vibrational frequencies within, around, and between them.

Book 2 - How to Raise the Vibration around You: Volume I: Working with the 4 Elements to Create Healthy and Harmonious Living Spaces

Book 3 - Raise the Vibration Between Us: Forgiveness, Karma, and Freedom (Hindi, Spanish, French, English)

Release dateMar 15, 2023
Raise Your Vibration, Transform Your Life

Dawn James

Dawn James is a bestselling and award-winning author for her unforgettable afterlife story, UNVEILED: Autobiography of an Awakened One (2022 Silver Award for Nonfiction/ Spirituality; Readers’ Favorite). In UNVEILED, Dawn shares her incredible life and spiritual journey and strengthens her connection to a higher power, which was partly inspired by the health challenges and physical phenomena she faced as a child, including deafness, blindness, and paralysis. Several spiritual concepts are explained in UNVEILED, including Kundalini awakening, Merkabah, Breatharians, Unity Consciousness, Soul Mates, and Harmonic Concordance, to name a few. Inspired to start writing by some encouraging words from the late Sylvia Browne, Dawn published the Raise Your Vibration trilogy, which teaches others to live mindfully and in harmony with each other and the planet. Read her Trilogy in this order: Book 1: Raise Your Vibration, Transform Your Life Book 2: How to Raise the Vibration around You Book 3: Raise the Vibration Between Us SHE LIVED, SHE DIED, SHE AWAKENED After a spiritual awakening and a series of spiritual events in 2003, Dawn became a writer and sound healer. Since her “wake-up” call, she has dedicated her life to teaching others how to raise their awareness and understand and improve their personal vibrational frequency for overall health and wellness. Today, she shares her knowledge of healthy living, healing, and spiritual growth through her transformational books and tropical retreats. CONNECT WITH DAWN Learn more about her heart work, soul work and sound work at

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    Raise Your Vibration, Transform Your Life - Dawn James

    The Vibration and Health Connection

    Everything in nature vibrates at specific frequencies, including our very cells. Scientists are rediscovering that certain frequencies can prevent disease, and certain frequencies can destroy disease. This is the fundamental basis of the connection between vibrational frequency and the state of our health.

    Furthermore, scientific research has shown that different parts of our body have their own sonic signature. In other words, the sound of the cells in a healthy heart is different from the sound of the cells in an unhealthy heart. When parts of the body become diseased, they no longer vibrate at their prime resonant frequency; in other words, they no longer produce the correct sound waves. If we can correct the body’s sonic signature—that is, change the vibration—then we can restore the body to a healthy state.

    Stresses in various forms (such as emotional, physical and environmental) contribute to poor health, unbalanced energy systems, suppression of the immune system and suppression of vibration levels.

    To counteract various stresses and reestablish the prime resonant frequency of our cells, organs and physical body as a whole, we need to apply the laws of vibrational mechanics. The first law states that a lower vibrational frequency must yield to a higher vibrational frequency. For example, when our energy flow is impeded by stress or toxins, our vibrational frequency begins to decrease, and this causes us to lose energy by reducing our ability to access universal life force, or prana. As our energy becomes stagnant, our health declines. Prolonged states of low vibrational frequency cause our cells to mutate and organs to degenerate, ultimately resulting in disease. By applying a higher vibrational frequency to a lower vibration, the lower vibration naturally tries to resonate at a higher frequency—and it is in the process of resonation that energy flow is restored, stresses are released and health improves.

    The second law of vibration states that the identity structure and energy pattern of an object are affected by changes in vibrational frequency. If we take a pot of water, for example, and place it on a heated stove, the identity structure of the water molecules will change from water to steam and eventually moisture/humidity as the vibrational frequency increases with higher temperatures. Another example of the second law of vibration is depicted in Dr. Emoto’s book The Miracle of Water,¹ where we can see how words that are spoken or written on labels affixed to a glass of water have an effect on the structure of water crystals as the water beings to freeze. When positive words are used, the water crystals form beautiful symmetrical hexagonal patterns; however, when negative words are used, the water crystals that form are asymmetrical, incongruent—they make no recognizable geometric form—and sometimes look like lopsided balloons. The same effect holds true for our body, which is composed of 70 to 75% water. Our cell structure is directly impacted—positively or negatively—by changes in vibrational frequency.

    As energetic sentient beings, our emotions are also encoded in our cell formation through bioelectric impulses we experience every minute of the day. Our cells respond to our emotions by generating a quality of energy that reflects those emotions. If emotions are positive, then the energy created will be light, refined and ethereal in nature. Similarly, if emotions are negative, then the energy created will be heavy, sluggish, constricted. Our emotional health is therefore vital to our physical health. This brings us to the third law of vibration.

    I am certain you have heard the old adage what goes around, comes around. Well, this captures the essence of the third and final vibrational law: Changes in mental attitude and thoughts can affect the vibrational frequency of yourself, others you interact with and your experiences. For instance, if my mental attitude is negative, despondent or depressed, and I see the world from a place of lack or from the belief that I am a victim of circumstances, then my entire being will vibrate in a perfect state to receive dull, heavy, depressing vibrations from myself and others (i.e., like attracts like). However, if my mental attitude is positive, alert and optimistic, then my entire being will vibrate in a perfect state to receive light, uplifting and higher vibrations. An energy field that vibrates at a high level of frequency draws positive, healthy, happy experiences, whereas an energy that is low in vibration draws experiences that we consider negative or unhealthy. Herein lies the direct correlation between raising your personal vibration, improving health, increasing vitality and experiencing inner peace.


    Your body is physiologically tied to your thoughts, beliefs and attitudes. To be healthy, you have to recognize the connection that exists between your mind, body and spirit. Positive thinking is a first step in raising your personal vibration. Scientific studies, and now scientific instruments, are being used to measure the effect of positive and negative thinking with respect to disease. Negative thoughts have just as much power as positive ones. They slowly chip away at you, resulting in poor self-esteem, depression and even illness. How can one person succumb to a particular circumstance, while another person can thrive in the same situation? It simply boils down to mental attitude!

    When you choose a thought, your brain cells are affected. These cells vibrate and send off electromagnetic waves. The more you concentrate on those thoughts, the greater the amplitude of vibration of those cells, and the electric waves, in turn, become stronger.

    Positive thinking can raise your vibration up to 10 hertz (Hz), whereas negative thinking can lower your vibration by as much as 15 Hz. These measurements come from Bruce Tainio of Tainio Technology in Cheney, Washington. His company developed new equipment to measure the biofrequency of humans and foods. The number one way to start feeling better is to start thinking positively. Strive to maintain the positive attitude that you will be triumphant in the end, no matter what the

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