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Intuition and Divine Whispers
Intuition and Divine Whispers
Intuition and Divine Whispers
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Intuition and Divine Whispers

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How often have you experienced a powerful urge to do something and fought against it, only later to discover that your intuition was correct? How do we learn to listen to the God within and block the chatter of outside noise? These divine whispers not only inform and guide us but also serve as reminders that the creator is ever present in our lives, not just during difficult times.

Intuition and Divine Whispers focuses on author LeNora Millen’s spiritual journey and personal relationship with God. Millen calls on us to listen to the inner voice of God, which some call intuition or divine guidance. She doesn’t seek to condemn or convert those who have not experienced miracles, the paranormal, or the gift of insight. Instead, she shares the path she traveled with a plethora of twists and turns, revealing aspects of her life previously only known to family and close friends. Most importantly, she explores what it means to pray and move out of your own way to allow your creator to work through you and for you.

Using biblical references throughout the book, this inspirational and personal narrative explores intuitive guidance, God’s divine spirit, and miracles materializing in our lives.

Release dateFeb 14, 2023
Intuition and Divine Whispers

LeNora Millen

LeNora Millen works to uplift, inspire, and enlighten others through her writing and speaking engagements. She is also the author of The Power of Self, as well as three other books. Millen has had a lifelong interest in arts and literature.

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    Intuition and Divine Whispers - LeNora Millen






    LeNora Millen

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    ISBN: 978-1-6657-3164-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6657-3165-2 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2022919031

    Archway Publishing rev. date: 02/14/2023




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    She believed that invisible wings were tucked away gently within her shoulder blades. One day while in prayer, she asked her creator to take her on a spiritual journey. Speaking through her spirit, God impressed upon her heart a series of life’s fleeting moments when birth from her mother’s womb into the cradle of mother earth. Within the stillness of the moment, she remembered. Images moved faster than light, and memories of times past tapped away at her spirit, giving life to every cell within her DNA. Déjà vu, as she understood it seemed more meaningful, especially when connecting the dots to past and present experiences, leaving her standing in awe while whispering to herself— I’ve done this before. In that contemplative moment of prayer, she realized many of the signs, miracles, and blessings throughout her life were nudges from her creator. In contrast, those familiar life whispers were roadmaps to the creator’s promise of hope and the evidence of things not seen, which was an unbreakable faith that sustained her. Yearning to understand why she felt innately and intimately connected to certain experiences, she realized the gift of life with all its uncertainties was far more precious than fleeting memories.

    Whether it was a scent, a phrase, someone’s tone, a gesture, or visiting a destination not yet traveled, sensations awakened with familiarity and a keen sense that she’d walked certain paths before. Empowered with an insight of being formed by her creator, discovering herself through images revealed during her journey from the darkness of a watery womb before being thrust into the light imparted by God—she reflected while thanking her creator for breathing life into her entire being. Self-reflection, defined as careful thought about one’s own beliefs and values, specifically when reflecting upon a major life-altering experience, may seem exceedingly onerous for some people. Engaging in such an arduous journey to later share experiences and unfathomable phenomena with others often set the stage for judgments and criticisms that cause some people to refrain from speaking their truth. What’s tangible is only black and white for some people, with no gray areas that refute beliefs on what is deemed plausible or factual. Viewing life in only black and white speaks to a skewed perspective whereby someone’s strong opinion is either right or wrong or good and bad.

    Defense mechanisms and thinking in extremes place this type of individual within a restrictive dichotomy that feeds into the all or nothing bubble of an ought to be world. Sticking to their convictions, the dichotomous thinker quickly says— If it hasn’t happened to me, it’s not possible. The takeaway from having dealt with narrow-minded judgments is—don’t expect anyone to understand your journey, especially when they have not walked your path. Discovering our true purpose provides us with the master key to unlocking the mind’s door we refuse to enter because certain memories are far too painful. Those memories buried deep within the attic of our psyche are often triggered by the words and actions of others. Refusing to acknowledge painful memories does not change the past, nor does it change who we are. The avoidance thus becomes a way to exist rather than evolve from past hurts. Though the past is not our final destination, it shapes who we are and how we navigate life. Integrating those aspects of our lives helps us to become more authentic not only with ourselves but with others as well. Life presents most people with gifts or talents to explore. It’s left up to each of us on the planet to discover God-given talents by unearthing and embracing our gifts rather than burying them deep within the walls and crevices of shame, denial, and self-doubt. Understanding how most experiences shape thoughts or trigger emotions is significant to certain life path decisions taken during the various life stages. Life’s most important aspect is learning and hopefully sharing something of value that could perhaps inspire and help others positively. Experience shapes our perception and is undoubtedly our best teacher but only when we’re willing to examine and study ourselves objectively. Some life lessons and prior experiences may be too painful or embarrassing to share with others. Moving past the shame by taking back one’s power begins with owning the whole of who we are, such as the poor choices made, especially when called to task about anything that brings into question authenticity or integrity.

    Peeling back layers of the onion to allow vulnerabilities to emerge—when presented with extremely challenging circumstances—some of the most difficult life events have caused me to occasionally question my faith and ability to relinquish fear and doubt. Centering thoughts on ways to move past doubt is similar to an internal flame of hope, helping those seeking God’s inward light to find their way out of darkness and despair. Whispering into the spirit, You’ve got this, don’t give up, the courage to keep going is reminiscent of unquestionable faith in one’s divine creator. Optimism has its place, especially when evaluating beliefs, actions, and apprehensions. It’s all in how a person views their circumstance. Arriving unannounced at our doorstep like an uninvited guest—when unprepared for life uncertainties and the whirlwinds of change—life happens. What a person does next determines their outcome. Reflecting upon my life, as I often do, faith in my creator is how I survived some of my darkest moments. On occasion, the doubter or inner critic would reveal itself in the most unlikely way with attempts to sway me into thinking that I was not worthy of my creator’s favor. I’d question my reasoning on whether faith and doubt could coexist.

    What could I learn about myself to dispel the notion of believing that doubt was the opposite of faith? Rather than viewing doubt as means of acknowledging feelings of uncertainty when faced with the mess in our lives that create concern and sleeplessness, I should have focused more on faith. In my spiritual walk, I discovered that God has more tolerance for doubters than those who would harshly judge others for being honest about their feelings. Doubt merely creates a space for faith to enter our hearts, whereby the opposite of doubt is certitude or certainty. Remaining silent by not expressing myself because of someone’s opinion or their measuring stick on faith is not how I choose to exist. Those who have read the holy writings with an understanding of the scripture know that the bible has many examples of doubters who had faith in God but professed fear and uncertainty when faced with difficulties. Elevating bible characters considered unfit at the time are examples of how God’s divine plan is not man’s plan and surely not based on man’s limited perceptions or judgments. Only God can fully examine our hearts and measure our faith. It is the heart of man that touches God. And yet, I’m never shocked when observing people belittle or attempt to dehumanize someone because opinions differ. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, I witnessed individuals on major television networks and social media platforms mock people who wore masks. Rather than respect a person’s choice to protect themselves and others, they ridiculed those wearing masks calling them sinners or brainwashed cowards. Debating about anyone who lacked faith because they wore masks, from my perspective, was wasted energy. I have faith in God but will not hasten death by making unwise decisions. The deadly COVID-19 virus’s mission was to infiltrate the body, infect it, and cause death. My mission is to protect my temple, which I honor and thank God for daily.

    Those opting to wear masks for whatever reason owed no one an explanation. Bottom line—I wasn’t giving homage to a deadly contagious virus by inviting it into my life without protecting myself, especially since the source of its origin and how it was spreading was unclear. In another chapter of this book, I will speak more in-depth about masks, particularly masks that some people hide behind. Back to faith and doubt and whether they can coexist. When faced with uncertainty, the most spiritually minded person would not be sincere when stating that doubt has not entered their thoughts at some point in their lives. Beliefs or opinions reflect the lens that each person peers from—whether foggy or clear—life’s blackboard and all its lessons shape our reality and morality. Being faithful doesn’t mean that doubt won’t enter our thoughts. It simply means that we’re often conflicted in our thoughts, which is an aspect of human nature. One minute we walk on faith; the other minute, doubt reduces faith to fear, especially when our lives seem to be falling apart and spiraling out of control.

    The passing of my precious parents, my grandmother, my youngest brother Robbi, my beautiful sister Joyce, and the news of my grandfather’s passing, among many other chapters in life that vexed my spirit, left me distressed. At the height of despair, I fell to my knees with tears flowing while asking, Why is this happening dear Lord? Wiping tears from my swollen eyes while hanging my head in grief, ‘faith’ eluded me. The physical mind seemed to take over the spiritual mind. Struggling with events transpiring in my life, I thought to myself—Perhaps I didn’t sit in prayer and meditation long enough to hear the inner voice of reason, such as God’s divine whisper that some refer to as discernment or intuition. In hindsight, fear and self-pity would have me believe that God must have turned a deaf ear because of my past indiscretions or sins. Yet, the faith of a mustard seed evolving within my spirit was foundational to my daily walk. Such an unbreakable faith sustained and inspired me to keep going even when believing at times that I couldn’t. Knowing that it rains on the just and unjust according to the teachings of my creator, I approach life prayerfully with realistic expectations that help to keep me grounded but not without empathy for others while continually examining my thoughts and actions. One’s chosen path is a constant reminder of how an individual’s life journey impacts thinking and reality. We are not only a product of our genetics but also our environment. What’s not conducive to one’s mental, spiritual, and physical well-being requires change. Our past is not our final destination, nor is it written in stone as the only path one should consistently focus on. We should examine the past as a catalyst for positive change in the "here and now" while centering thoughts on personal growth with expectations for a brighter future. As a child with loving parents who were strong disciplinarians, faith and works were stressed in our home with the understanding that one must remain prayerful, meditate upon their vision, and refrain from selfish desires in reaching certain goals in life. Applying many of my parent’s teaching to life—walking in the light of knowing when to sit still long enough to hear God’s whispers can be both complex and multi-layered.

    Stilling the mind through prayer and meditation also helps to shape thinking toward more succinct or concise ways of letting my life speak while creating a sacred place to honor my creator. In the quiet of the moment, upon asking God why certain events testing my faith have transpired, some form of clarity presented itself, though not always with definitive answers or within a time or space that I believed was expedient enough. The realization that My time was not God’s time and knowing that I should not lean unto my understanding but rather seek answers through prayer and meditation inspired and empowered me. Learning when to quiet the mind to hear the still voice of my creator speak while rejoicing in God’s nudges, igniting my spirit with joy, makes facing each day one of hope despite many of life’s uncertainties.


    When God Whispers

    How often have you experienced a powerful urge to do something and fought against it, only later to discover that your intuition was correct? What is it about human nature that makes some of us question our instincts and brush them aside as mere happenstance? Perhaps the barrier that separates the spiritual mind from the physical mind is fear of one’s discernment or ability to tap into higher consciousness. Is it reasonable to think that the physical man relies on a narrative that speaks only to experiences construed as normal or acceptable according to society’s rulebook? It may be reasonable for some people to believe that anything outside the normal possibilities is beyond logic. Begging the question, What is normal sets the stage for feedback that generates discussion on why some people are apprehensive or standoffish about certain topics. Their religion or beliefs often factors into their reasoning as well. Some people are comfortable living vicariously through someone else’s life experience. Rather than experience the event for themselves, this personality type immerses itself into the lives of others, often making someone else’s achievements and setbacks their own. Detaching from their own experiences and emotions and living vicariously through others allows the individual to experience rewards without the risk of failure.

    There are no rewards in life when fearful of taking risks to achieve those things that positively contribute to your overall well-being. If honest with themselves, most; have risked something at one point in their lives to achieve something. In authoring this book, I risked having my sanity and integrity questioned, knowing that some people are closed-minded and judgmental when the subject matter goes against the grain of what they perceive as credible or normal. Their normal is to relegate the rule book in life by dispelling the real-life experiences of what other individuals have endured. Dismissing someone else’s experience based on a definition of normal does not invalidate the occurrence. It is still that person’s truth and emotion attached to the experience. Because a person has not experienced a phenomenon or some spiritual awakening—does this make the other person who has undergone the experience abnormal, strange, or not credible? Words and closed minds often get in the way. They can become a detriment, especially when believing that the ability to change one’s condition is rationed to a few insightful individuals on the planet. In any event, such limits function as a crutch to excuse why life has been unfair for some people.

    The concept of normal may factor into why some people may experience life with limitations, whereas other individuals follow their intuition greeting life with a more objective and expansive outlook. What is intuition? Is there something more viable that we can explore to determine when and how to listen to our inner voice? Intuition is understanding or acquiring knowledge void of conscious reasoning, evidence, or proof. Often referred to as "The language of the soul" with pure and unfiltered energy spanning

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