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To Simply Inspire
To Simply Inspire
To Simply Inspire
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To Simply Inspire

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To Simply Inspire is a story of two ladies with different circumstances that ended with the same outcome—heaven. For one, her life ended after a long battle with lupus and COPD just months before her eldest son was to marry. For the other, her life ended as a single mom after a short and fierce battle with cancer. Both stories have one thing in common, the presence of God. To Simply Inspire also includes a chapter specifically designed to inspire our youth.

Release dateMar 7, 2018
To Simply Inspire

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    To Simply Inspire - Dennis Brown


    To Simply Inspire

    Dennis Brown

    Copyright © 2018 Dennis Brown
    All rights reserved
    First Edition
    Fulton Books, Inc
    New York, NY
    First originally published by Fulton Books, Inc 2018
    ISBN 978-1-63338-746-1 (Paperback)
    ISBN 978-1-63338-747-8 (Digital)
    Printed in the United States of America


    Iwant to dedicate this book to anyone who has lost a loved one due to an illness or a disease. I would also like to dedicate this book to anyone associated with the CHS family who lost a loved one during the 2016–2017 school year. Even though it was a year of triumphs, it was also a year of too many heartaches.

    With this, I would like to refer to a quote that Aaron posted on his Facebook page during the spring of his senior year: For one to be able to move forward in life, one must live every day to the fullest, forget the past, and have no regrets or remorse to what they have done or what they are about to do. Live every day like it is your last, because tomorrow is never promised. Great advice to live by.

    I would also like to share a quote stated by Meghan several days before she passed away: I told you the entire time that God’s got this and just because I am going to die doesn’t mean that God doesn’t got this. True inspiration to believe in.

    God is always in control, whether we realize it or not.

    I hope this book will help or inspire in some way, possibly in more than one way. I also look forward to speaking to youth, FCA, and church groups, etc. Any feedback, comments, or requests can be sent to the following e-mail address:


    When I wrote my first book, Tomorrow Is Never Promised: Aaron’s Story , it was my hope that people would read a story of hope and inspiration. It was my hope that people would realize what will get them through the truly difficult times in life. Four and a half years later, from the one event that shook my world like nothing before it, my life’s path has been redirected again. This time, the event is the passing of my wife.

    Even though there is a very special story here in itself, I was also looking for another story of inspiration to go along with this one. I was looking for a story outside of my family. I was looking for another story that had evidences of God at work in it. They say that timing is everything. I found that other story with Meghan Fusaro.

    After you read both of these stories, it is still my wish that you be inspired and have hope. Mix in a good dose of faith, and something special can happen.


    Once again, in the times of tragedy, the best of people will shine through. My only wish is that these qualities of people would shine more often in people daily. This would make this world a much better place to live in!

    The kindness and sympathy of others have helped my family tremendously over the past four and a half years. This has happened not once, but now twice. To all that have had a hand in this, I thank you.

    I also want to thank Meghan Fusaro and her family for allowing me to share her special story. I also want to thank Grey Ramsey for allowing me to share some of his late father’s wisdom.

    May God bless us all!


    Life is a constantly changing journey. We never know what each day will bring from one moment to the next. Things can change in an instant with no warning at all. When you run into those brick walls that are as high as mountains, how will you react? How will you handle those events? How will you move forward?

    In reading these stories, I want you to keep these definitions in mind. The first definition is for the word hero, a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. The second definition is for the word inspiration, the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something. The third definition is for the word faith, complete trust or confidence in someone or something.

    You will see evidences of all these things in the stories that follow. The blend of all three of these makes for a heartfelt and moving piece of inspiration.

    A Rough Road

    Let’s just say that our journey together had been an adventuresome one at times. Some moments had been good, yet some moments had not been so good. But through it all, Sherri and I had always been there for each other. She always had my back, and I always had hers.

    I could have lost her quite some time ago. I remember that Thanksgiving Day just like it was yesterday. There are some days that you just can’t forget. That Thanksgiving Day in 2003 was when Sherri’s health turned for the worse. At that time, she was only thirty-nine years old. We had been to my mother-in-law’s for the annual Thanksgiving Day meal. We normally ate that meal at lunchtime. Sherri began to complain about not feeling well. She began complaining about having pain in her lower back. As the afternoon went on, this pain became more and more severe. Over-the-counter pain medication was not doing any good at all. Because of the area of the pain and the severity of it, we thought she might have kidney stones. Sherri had never had one of these before, but I had. The pain that she was describing took me back to that time. Regardless, it was

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