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The Sensory Channel to the Spiritual World: How to unfold your mediumistic powers
The Sensory Channel to the Spiritual World: How to unfold your mediumistic powers
The Sensory Channel to the Spiritual World: How to unfold your mediumistic powers
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The Sensory Channel to the Spiritual World: How to unfold your mediumistic powers

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Mediumistically gifted people have been a source of creative action in various cultures from time immemorial—be it in the arts or as seers and advisors. When we feel the divine spark flowing into our being, a bridge is built between the material and the ethereal world, allowing essential information and decision-making aids to be imparted to us.

The capability for extrasensory perception is inherent in each of us; we only have to recognize it. In The Sensory Channel to the Spiritual World, the author's first major work, Linda Roethlisberger explores insights into knowledge she receives as a medium. She delves into our human mediumistic dispositions, how and why we would do well to actively develop them and, above all, the positive and meaningful value which continuous inner work has for us in our everyday life, including our working life, at a very practical level.

The clearly structured course book teaches you everything you need to know for building this bridge. The many tried-and-tested exercises enable you to unfold spiritually in dialogue with your spiritual companions and to expand the gates of your perception.
Release dateAug 30, 2022
The Sensory Channel to the Spiritual World: How to unfold your mediumistic powers

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    The Sensory Channel to the Spiritual World - Linda Vera Roethlisberger


    I thank my spiritual and earthly friends and helpers, my pupils and teachers whom I have met along the path of life and who have given me confidence and guided and taught me.

    Many of these people and beings have helped me to bring this book to fruition. My heartfelt thanks go out to all of them. I would especially like to mention Karin Vial, Angela Kuepper, Judith Salai and Françoise Zickler.


    The methodology presented in this book is given in good conscience and comes from years of practice, research and experience. However, the information provided is not intended as a substitute for medical advice and assistance. The author and the publisher do not assume any liability for damages that may result from the use or misuse of the methods presented in this work.


    And now here’s my secret. A very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.

    Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

    At all times and in all cultures, there have been people who have stood out thanks to their special gifts. They included composers, scientists, prophets, mystics, palmists and, last but not least, healers and mediums. All were mediators between the worlds of spirit and matter or mouthpieces for the Divine. They used their sixth and seventh senses and worked with the mediumistic abilities they were born or which they had consciously trained or developed. In ancient cultures, such training was only accessible to a few initiates.

    The importance of developing mediumistic powers

    Today, the development of our mediumistic, mental and spiritual powers has once again garnered our attention. Indeed, in a world that is becoming more and more complex, a holistic understanding of people, situations and events seems all the more necessary—and not only for a few initiates. Our behavioral patterns tend to become outdated quickly given the fast pace of today’s life alongside our inordinate emphasis on logic and rationality. This means that we can no longer look to the old patterns for orientation, yet new ones that we could latch onto do not yet exist.

    The awakening Trilogical mediumship will show us the way out of the impasse: The current of life is forging another riverbed—from chaos into a new era. Intuition adds an unforeseen dimension, a wealth of insight and understanding that not only benefits the individual who, regardless of their social standing, is experiencing this connection but also their environment. New forms of togetherness can already be observed. The Age of Aquarius will be characterized as an era of intuitive and mediumistic capabilities, as well as a readiness on the part of individuals to assume responsibility for their actions with respect to the collective good across all sectors of society. Our world can only be understood if we understand ourselves.

    Link between everyday life, science and mysticism

    Mediumistically-gifted people have always inspired others to become creative and will continue to do so in the future. Only work that has been inspired by sources of truth, goodness and beauty is imperishable, as the great masterpieces teach us time and again, and it is seeing with one’s heart that makes life worth living in the first place. Seeing with one’s heart means letting the divine spark flow consciously and holistically into one’s everyday life and working life, establishing links between everyday life, science and mysticism, and building a bridge between the physical and the ethereal worlds. Let us allow inspired information from invisible spiritual worlds to flow into the visible, and at a level that can be both experienced and validated.

    Mediumistic – psychological and spiritual – perception (sixth and seventh sense) helps us cope with everyday life in that it challenges us to find the root causes of problems rather than respond to symptoms only.

    Mediumistic perception strives for a balance in the self, allowing us to become our own doctor and spiritual guide, our own teacher and counselor – so that we may recognize and educate ourselves and take responsibility for ourselves and our actions. The basis for this is provided by our our innate ability to think, feel, believe and trust.

    I was still a child when I discovered my ability to perceive energies and colors around people, often allowing me to see the invisible or the elements that existed behind the scenes. For example, when an individual was in need, I would feel a flow of healing energy pass from myself to that person. Or I became suddenly aware of exactly how a certain situation would evolve. Particularly in my youth, I felt alone and misunderstood, soon realizing that my perceptive ability was not shared by others. It was not until much later that I began to realize that I was, indeed, in the possession of psychic or extrasensory mediumistic abilities.

    However, each and every one of us can develop mediumistic abilities. In other words, we need not have consciously experienced this capability in early childhood, or have received it as a gift, in order to develop it. Indeed, each of us learns the importance of this capability in our own time. This is because every person has a potential to think, to feel, and to believe and trust. In the Trilogos PsyQ® Method, these potentials, or capabilities, are referred to as IQ, EQ and SQ respectively. Together—IQ + EQ +SQ—are called PsyQ, understood to be the integral, holistic human potential. Indeed, this formula comprises the foundation of the Trilogos®Method.

    With this textbook, you have the opportunity to develop and train your mediumistic skills and to reach your human potential (PsyQ). This will lead you toward inner maturity, or what is called human competence—PsyK—in the Trilogos®Method.

    Personality training is part of mediumistic development

    The first step in learning how to train your personality should begin with the purification of one’s personality— understood as the vessel, or psyche—for extrasensory perception. With the subsequent training of your innate mediumistic capabilities, you can train your intuition, gaining personal emotional security in the course of your development. As part of this process, your inner mediumistic compass needle will have to be continually adjusted. You’ll be honing your decisionmaking skills and learning how to be on the money, as they say. In this way, you’ll gain a greater consciousness of the new—which invariably arises, just as the sea washes up something new day and night. …

    This path offers a real opportunity to enter into symbolic communication with various planes of consciousness, starting with the mineral and plant kingdoms, continuing through the human and celestial realms and moving out into our solar system—and later, perhaps, beyond into the vastness of cosmic space:

    As outside, so inside—as above, so below. The path lays a solid foundation for evermore far-reaching communication and becomes the indispensable ABCs of the new foreign language of Trilogical mediumship. Once the barriers to symbolic communication have been overcome, by way of the demonstrability of mediumistic information, the mediumistically-received perceptions, information, images and impressions from the past are perceived and used as reliable decision-making aids for the present and the future. Let us first look at the instruments of perception: body, soul and spirit.

    Communication with different planes of consciousness

    Body – soul – spirit

    The small tip of an iceberg that protrudes from the depths of the ocean can be symbolically compared to our body: It symbolizes all mechanical, vegetative or partly unconscious processes that operate in a simple way. We live and function within a day-time consciousness and carry out our activities more or less routinely. Our body is a gift of nature or creation—it serves us as a medium, or vehicle, on our journey through life here on planet Earth.

    If we take a closer look at the network of blood vessels in our body, we discover a clear pattern that resembles those found in other bodies and that always has the same structure. We ascribe this to the work of a higher intelligence, which must have invented, created and realized the functioning of our physical body.

    The personal language of feelings and symbols

    Our physical body is tangible, controllable and measurable. In contrast, our ethereal or immaterial worlds (soul and spirit) are like the hidden parts of the iceberg. They are not fully accessible, be it to the physical senses nor for any precise exploration. They are abstract yet perceptible. For the normal human mind, the soul and spirit are difficult to imagine, not tangible and not yet explainable. Yet humans may find non-verbal access to them, through telepathy, namely by being mindful and perceptive. Here begins the exploration of the infinite plane of feelings and their symbolic language. According to Erich Fromm, this symbolic language is a foreign tongue that every one of us should learn. In my opinion, the most adventurous journey of our lives is the active confrontation with our personal language of feelings and thoughts or symbols—because, as Socrates taught us, self-knowledge is the most important knowledge of our earthly existence. Even if this language, which knows no national borders, is still difficult to explain scientifically, there is only one main prerequisite for understanding or learning it:

    We need courage—the courage to explore our own depths, to make necessary changes and to grow and develop.

    Developing oneself mentally and spiritually also means unfolding oneself mediumistically. Trilogical mediumistic development means to consciously train one’s own psychic and/or spiritual perception and to learn to distinguish between instinct, intuition and inspiration.

    What you can learn with this book

    Opening a door to the spiritual

    First, with the material in this book you will learn to consciously open a door into the spiritual dimensions. For this, you will be guided to make your own experiences by the exercises in Part II. In the beginning it is irrelevant how you experience the spiritual spheres with all their helpers and guardian angels. What is important, rather, is your readiness to get in touch with the highest divine guidance, to then trustingly accept the envoys of the Creator, and to know that we are all children of the Creator who are on the path to Supreme Consciousness. All conventional world religions strive for the same goal, namely religio, meaning the reconnection to the origin, the Supreme Consciousness.

    Connecting the spiritual and the material.

    Secondly, through the course of this book, you will become aware that once you begin to correlate knowledge of spiritual connections with your own experiences, you more clearly recognize that the material world is only one of many planes that touch and penetrate one another.

    In the course of your mediumistic development, you will get to know the ethereal world: first, on the emotional plane, then on the mental and spiritual planes (astral and causal planes). In the beginning, the language of extrasensory perception (ESP), or symbolic communication, is still relatively incomprehensible and characterized by incoherent or inchoate visions. Indeed, it calls to mind the struggles of a newborn child who needs years to learn its mother tongue.

    Through daily practice, you will learn to creatively configure your experiences and make associations, allowing you to become more confident and proficient in your very most personal language of thoughts and feelings, namely by means of metaphors, parables and analogies. Such associations will allow you to decipher the messages of the spiritual world in a more differentiated way.

    Start with mental training

    Thirdly, it is important that you begin with the first rather than the fifth step. In other words, you should get to know the world of the spiritual helpers who exist on the mental plane, embracing this learning as an intensive and serious task, before blindly entrusting yourself to the higher and more-difficult-to-control visions of the spiritual leaders. Initially you won’t be able to prove the existence of your spiritual helper to anyone. Perhaps the helper won’t even show himor herself to you, considering that the time is not yet ripe for you, that you may become unnecessarily frightened, or that you still have to acquire patience, discipline and faith in the Creator.

    In perceptual or mediumistic mental training (Lesson 1, Part II), you wil practice your non-verbal symbolic communication, with the help of your spiritual helper (also called Higher Self) as an inner conversational partner.

    It is the spiritual helpers who telepathically teach you their thoughts and feelings (inspiration), and with time you will become better at sensing them (intuition). Take pleasure in this helper’s presence, as long as the helper provides a positive, protective feeling. In parallel to this spiritual, ethereal development, you should also not neglect to explore the psychological and depth-psychological backgrounds of your personality and your perception. You will discover that together with your mental development, you will also need to focus on your emotional body, and that you need both your femininity and your masculinity for your psycho-spiritual development. Through feelings (emotional intelligence = EQ) and/or thoughts (mental intelligence = IQ), you can discover a great deal about yourself. We all strive to liberate ourselves from issues plaguing our well-being and to make something within us whole again. Divisions that seem to lie outside of us (or inside of us, for that matter) serve to remind us how imperfect we still are. When the creative primordial power (spiritual intelligence = SQ) becomes accessible to us, we succeed in merging the masculine and feminine into one. Thus, it becomes increasingly easier to free ourselves from personal dramas—everything is symbolic, everything is part of the experience. In this process, our personality is formed (EQ + IQ + SQ = spiritual PsyQ).

    Trilogical mediumship aims at individuation—integration—cooperation. The awakening sensory channel to the spiritual world will accompany us on our path to our truth.

    The spiritual helper, too, can be your mirror image.

    Through continuous training, you can become more and more confident in your feelings and better able to control your emotions and thoughts. Accept your spiritual helper as a higher developed part of consciousness and let her or him guide you into new, higher layers of consciousness. The spiritual helper may be your mirror image, a projection, or even more: the essential predisposition, your being, that seeks to be expressed as a wise force.

    This helper also helps correlate collected experiences to personality, to build valuable bridges and to let important insights flow into the concrete, tangible and every day. Our environment constantly serves as our mirror, so that we may recognize ourselves ever more clearly. All wisdoms and truths—be they psychological or spiritual—are stored in and around us. We only have to understand, accept and integrate them. Moreover, the spiritual and mental impulses around us should be subject to our critical scrutiny as well, as this will allow us to consciously decide whether they may stimulate us, or not. In this way, we become self-responsible co-creators.

    After you have learned to distinguish between phantasies and messages and to better understand the fantastical realm of your world, you will learn to perceive your spiritual helpers through your psychic senses and to recognize and accurately describe the spiritual helpers of other people.

    In this way, your spiritual helper can connect you responsibly with the spiritual world.

    As a mental medium (see Lesson 4, Part II), you may then learn to prove your confidence in your thoughts and feelings to yourself, allowing you to monitor yourself more easily. By means of self-reflection, you can increase self-knowledge and thereby adjust your selfassessment with regards to your health, to your relationships and to your work life.

    As a mental medium and spiritual teacher, I am pleased to be able to accompany you on your personal and psycho-spiritual path of development and, above all, to lay a serious foundation for your extrasensory and intra-sensory perception. Building on the psychological basis—liberation from inner bondage—we move to the spiritual and or depth-psychological basis and thus toward:

    1. an invitation to search for God, the spiritual in relation to philosophy and psychology; toward an understanding of new realities and other laws of nature;

    2. toward developing one’s own extrasensory perception (ESP) or mediumistic capabilities;

    3. toward the development of intuition into a mental medium.

    The spiritual basis

    Your personal experiences that develop with these exercises in practical philosophy and spiritual psychology will be the material from which your own system of thought will emerge.

    I advise that you remain critical and create your own model in this field of psycho-spiritual self-awareness. Are not all models, constructs and systems created by the human hand and therefore only parts of the whole?

    Personal experiences

    I, too, can only speak and recount from personal experience. I had telepathic experiences in various forms— such as verifiable earthly extrasensory perceptions and thought transmissions; and I communicated with minerals, plants and animals. Then I realized that I also had extraterrestrial telepathic perceptions, such as interesting conversations with various celestial beings, coming to me in visions, such as the Archangel Michael or the Prophet Ezekiel. In a dream, I was once a passenger on a UFO, allowing me to attend a spiritual teacher’s staff room on Venus, an experience I revisited a number of times. Moreover, in a waking state, I once saw a UFO ascend from a cornfield and, unfortunately, also saw it dissolve immediately. The imprint left on the cornfield was subsequently examined and documented by experts. Spiritual helpers, who manifest as deceased human beings, are eager to prove their psycho-spiritual survival after death or to tell of their new roles. Spiritual leaders remind of former incarnations or of traumatic, not yet processed experiences, all of which helps people along their path and provides solutions to their problems. I enjoy being with these various and sundry spiritual beings and their respective planes of existence and forms of expression.

    The main learning objectives of this textbook:

    1. Develop your own psycho-spiritual mediumistic capabilities;

    2. Recognize the great power and significance of the mind in relation to all material things, and enter into dialogue with your own spiritual companions by means of symbolic communication;

    3. Regularly train an existing mediumistic talent and follow through with steps in the learning process;

    4. Awaken the still sleeping psycho-spiritual, mediumistic capabilities, and train and cultivate them attentively;

    5. Merge intellectual knowledge with spiritual-mediumistic capabilities and apply what emerges in everyday life;

    6. Become, be and remain your own doctor, spiritual leader, teacher and advisor.

    Learning objectives of this book

    The focus is on continuing personal development, on refining character as well as on implementing what we learn in everyday life.

    The five mediumistic senses

    Our perception comprises the five physical and the five mediumistic (psychic and spiritual) senses. We are all familiar with the earthly emotional language, with which our physical body perceives the environment with its eyes, ears, nose, mouth and sense of touch. At the same time, each of us also makes use of the supernatural senses—even if we are unaware of doing so or of how often we do so. Indeed, it is the supernatural senses that allow us to visually conceptualize or conceive of the elements of fantasy. We perceive our inner voice and listen to our conscience and to the part of our subconscious that is connected with wisdom.

    There are times when we simply know, and know suddenly, what we have to do or when we feel exactly what is right and what is wrong for us. Or when we have a foreboding of an imminent surprise—ten miles against the wind. In these cases, it is our intuition that is at work.

    At this point, I would like to give you an initial overview of the five mediumistic senses. A detailed description of each individual sense then follows in the corresponding lessons in Part II.

    Clairsentient or mediumistic feeling

    Of all the mediumistic senses, clairsentience is most directly related to the physical. In the physical body, the solar plexus is the seat of most nerve connections. We all know the sudden discomfort, the lump in the stomach, nausea or other upsetting feelings in the abdomen. Such phenomena are often nothing other than the impulse of an ethereal vibration that we perceive in our psyche and which, depending on its intensity, may even be reflected in our physical body.

    Clairsentient or mediumistic smelling

    This is a special kind of clairsentience, a spiritual sense of smell. For example, when a student once asked her spiritual helper for the best way to treat her chronic inflammation of the nasal mucosa, she received an answer in the form of a strong smell of the sea and of saltwater. She accepted the message, inhaled saltwater, and recovered.

    Intuitive, mediumistic knowing

    Of all five mediumistic senses, so-called prophetic knowledge is the one that works the fastest and is the most refined. It is an inner consciousness that creates this sense. One simply knows intuitively. These kinds of thoughts or mind flashes strike us through our crown chakra, which connects directly to the limbic system.


    Our visual consciousness shifts to our inner eye, called the third eye, the imagination or our imaginings and phantasies. Clairvoyance often takes place with closed eyes, when we look inwardly with our mental eye.

    There are two types of clairvoyance: aura reading and the inner reception of images or symbols. In aura reading, a person’s energy field is seen clairvoyantly, with x-ray vision, in which the person’s various planes of consciousness or ethereal bodies are viewed, captured and, in accordance with the seer’s degree of development, analyzed, interpreted and correlated. This method can complement diagnoses made by physicians or help to identify psycho-spiritual behavior patterns for psychologists, psychiatrists and those who work in other healing professions. Finally, this x-ray vision could also be an important aid for all kinds of other situations in everyday life; for example, such vision could be used as the lie detector.

    When we receive images or symbols on the inside, we experience different visual impressions just like in a dream—from the simplest geometric forms to common symbols, to entire sequences of images, just like in a film. With this form of intuition (inspiration), we may also witness the emergence of diverse non-incarnated beings. In the lessons of the practical part, you will learn to interpret what you perceive, to incorporate it meaningfully into real life and to transform it into a coherent message.

    Clairaudient or mediumistic hearing Clairaudience means nothing more than hearing inwardly, hearing, for example, a tone, words or idioms. Beyond the dialogue with the voices of our psyche— the inner child, the parents—we hear clear messages that go beyond our subpersonalities. Their value often only becomes clear to us when we’ve overheard them. At the level of inspiration, clairaudience is related to claircognizance.

    The immaterial world

    Perception through these these five extrasensory senses takes place in our world of thoughts and emotions. The ethereal senses are at home in an immaterial, ethereal world—in an invisible world that can be neither smelled, seen, felt nor heard with the normal senses. It is the spiritual world, which comprises the realms of the inner voice, the Higher Self and the spiritual helpers and leaders.

    Through inner dialogue with these realms, and by means of sensory channeling, we learn to understand the spiritual world and its language.

    Perceiving with the five mediumistic senses is similar to perceiving with the five physical senses. First, we focus on or perceive something, and then our mind, our intellect, the given everyday context as well as life experience help us to analyze and understand these sensations. Yet, as a rule, we make use of our five physical senses in an automatic way, in other words, we are rarely even aware what we are actually engaged in and what is taking place at a more concrete level.

    Extra- and/or intra-sensory perception

    In extra- and/or intra-sensory perception—both of which are considered to be one and the same ESP—the previously unconscious suddenly becomes conscious. In the truest sense of the word, we look behind the scenes of everyday perception, whereby inner-sensory perception of the outer world takes on new significance, both inside as well as outside, and seeks and finds a new balance. Just how exactly ESP messages are processed is still being researched; yet, we are nonetheless able to receive these messages every day and apply them in everyday life. However, for this to happen we need to notice, realize and be aware that this is happening. Every spiritual impulse is to be regarded as a key to new experiences.

    Often, people don’t know what to unlock with this key: secrets? illusions? longings? wishes? deceptions? Still, the serious seeker, who learns to open the door to new insights by himor herself, will generally be rewarded by finding the right hole, eventually.

    Mediumship as a key to your own psyche

    With the help of Trilogical mediumship, we can decipher the subconscious/superconscious and obtain information about extrasensory perception or non-verbal communication. By means of the sensory channel to the spiritual world, we connect our earthly polarity with the supernatural Great Spirit.

    We can consciously decide to get to know the language of our emotions and dreams with our five mediumistic senses. Through holistic perception and personal development, we learn to recognize crises as a possibility for psycho-spiritual growth. We chisel, so to speak, our work of art—our personality—and liberate our true self by means of the awakening sensory channel to the spiritual world. This self will be capable of acting and having an influence ever more easily and powerfully through its connection with the Higher Self and in connection with the Great Spirit. In addition, this self will be in a better position to resolve everyday issues, thanks to increased emotional security, a greater readiness to make decisions and an enhanced ability to differentiate. Once the self has attained this first stage of development, it is ready to become a psychic medium.

    If we continue to serve the spiritual world and live according to the principles of the expression THY WILL BE DONE, we become a spiritual medium. Our spiritual helper or guide helps us bring our life onto its ideal path, according to the will of our Higher Self or the divine will.

    In this way, we learn to create our paradise on Earth with a sense of responsibility for ourselves, for other people and for all of nature. We perceive extrasensorily not only according to what we want but also in accordance with what the spiritual world wants to show us. Our perception is no longer only intuitive but inspired. We become a mediator, a tool of the spiritual world. In this context, responsibility, danger and protection are of utmost importance, a topic that is discussed in Chapter 5 of Part I.

    Structure of the book

    Part I provides a theoretical overview and familiarizes you with the path of consciousness expansion through contact with the spiritual world.

    Part II contains six lessons that are the result of my many years of work as a founder, director and course instructor of the Trilogos Institute. These lessons lead, step by step, to your own mediumship. Readers begin training by examining their personality and learning their very own symbolic language. In this process, you will train your five mediumistic senses and test and critical examination thereof in everyday life. Throughout the exercises in this section, you will gain more and more emotional security.

    You will tap into your individual talents and perhaps develop them further. Activating energy sources always uncovers new mental powers!

    You can work on Parts I and II in parallel. However, be sure to read Chapter 5 of Part I before starting the exercises, and when starting Part II, begin with Lesson 1 (to comply with the course structure).

    You should allow several weeks to pass between the exercises of the individual lessons, even if you find them easy. This serves to give your psyche time to adapt to the new, higher, more refined energies and above all to actively implement and integrate the new spiritual insights into your physical everyday life. It is only in this way that they may come alive.

    Part III

    Part III offers an outlook on the future of applied Trilogical mediumship.

    I hope you enjoy reading the lessons and doing the exercises—and I am certain that your spiritual helpers and guides are ready and eager to support you on your path.

    Overall, the book is the result of my own experiences. It is a privilege to be able to pass these on to you, to be used as a guide and as inspiration for creating your own experiences. The book will, hopefully, create the space for you to pursue your own personal development, so that you not only believe that everything in our life has an inherent meaning but that you also learn to recognize, through spiritual guidance, why you may be experiencing a given situation.

    Küsnacht, December 1994

    Linda Roethlisberger

    PART I

    The Basics of Trilogical Mediumship: Its Meaning as a Connection/Channel between the Spiritual and the Material World

    The more I discover, the more I wonder.

    The more I wonder, the more I bow.

    The more I bow, the more I discover.

    Albert Einstein


    The exchange between the ethereal and the material world: an overview

    The real journey of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.

    Marcel Proust

    Who am I?

    You have probably asked yourself this question at some time in the past. Now, please take the time to let the following thoughts sink in:

    If we want to explore who we are and who we are not, we must begin to discover our self and our Higher Self, to discover our basic disposition and thereby our calling.

    Do you believe that you’ve expressed more than a tiny fraction of your whole self in your present earthly life? Do you believe that your present consciousness is more than just a tiny part of the larger, total consciousness, of which your ego is just one expression? How may you scrape away to your own thoughts, conceptions or imaginations? And what may be attributed to the influence or guidance coming from your Higher Self or from higher worlds, whom you are serving as a tool?

    The spirit is the true self.

    We should try to see everything in the right proportions and recognize that we are spiritual beings whose form of expression is our psyche (in other words, our capability to think, feel and believe/trust) as well as our physical body.

    The spirit is the higher, the body the lower I; the spirit is the Lord and the body his servant. The Spirit is that part of ourselves—the Higher Self connected to the Great Spirit—that is immortal.

    Isn’t this the same spirit that conceived, created and shaped the whole universe—and is still shaping it? Do we not possess even in the smallest sense, in the microcosm of the self, all the unlimited capabilities or qualities of the Great Spirit, whom we call God? When we allow this divine power to reach the surface of our consciousness and lead our lives, we realize that nothing can happen in our world that we cannot cope with. All worries, fears, doubts and torments are banished. We must learn to trust.

    Life is spirit.

    The same force that created the world is the source of life. Life is not physical or material—life is spirit, and where there is spirit, there is life. The power that dwells in every individual is the power of the spirit that expresses itself through one’s soul—and is itself a part of the Great Spirit that enables the self to participate in the endless process of creation.

    You can at any time draw from this tremendous power of the spirit and let it come to the fore to sustain you.

    The school of life

    Every person on this Earth has a task, a mission. Thanks to the school of life, we acquire a great variety of knowledge and apply what we’ve learned to helping others. In this way, each of us become better at using the gifts of the Spirit and shine as a light for those who still walk in darkness. Everything depends on our free will. When we are ready in spirit, the doors will open all by themselves so that we can fulfill our task. No one can promise us that life will remain free of difficulties, confusion or pain. But what is certain is that when the time is right, we will find within ourselves the means to overcome all obstacles and barriers, to redeem ourselves. Transformation and several lives within this one defined lifetime become possible.

    Aren’t you excited to begin? To develop the highest, deepest or greatest within yourself? Are you ready to work on your personality to achieve this? Are you willing to ask for help from divine energies or beings who love you and wish to help you develop?

    Reaching spiritual maturity isn’t easy—as history shows. Truth and falsehood are constantly at war, until spiritual perfection is achieved.

    Develop your own spiritual capabilities. Become independent and self-sufficient and discover your personal truth.

    The way to spiritual maturity is invariably a rather narrow, lonely path, along which we encounter fewer and fewer people. The more we veer off the trodden path, the more we have to turn to trusting ourselves. But if it were easy to climb all the way to a mountain top, what would we have achieved once we arrived? Something that is rare is difficult.

    Become aware that your true self is a part of the spirit, the Divine, the eternal.

    Humans are spirit with body.

    Become aware that the belief that you are a body with spirit is an illusion. You are spirit with body. Indeed, this realization marks the beginning of the development of your spiritual being and brings you closer to the fundamental meaning of earthly existence. Individuals who do not unearth and develop their psycho-spiritual capabilities, according to their individual possibilities, are like individuals, robbed of their senses.

    Life in the material world

    The physical body is nothing other than materialized— or slowly oscillating—energy that has condensed. The earthly body is designed to serve the purpose set out for it, to live on Earth, and then to expire. Are you aware that your body in its present form has only a limited existence?

    Once it has completed its mission, it will disintegrate, or be consumed as part of other matter, and only the soul and spirit which have incarnated into this body at birth (lat. incarnatus: become flesh; incarnatio: incarnation, becoming human) are of lasting value. Our earthly bodies serve as temples for our spirits and serve us—as timeless and imperishable beings—as companions during our lifetimes. As soon as we recognize and accept this, the divine can awaken within us, and the eternal light dwelling within us can become stronger, until it no longer needs a psycho-spiritual light body or a physical body for its development. Just as the flower seed embedded in dark soil strives toward the light, our psycho-spiritual consciousness develops once it is allowed to unfold. Like the flower, consciousness too grows in silence toward awareness; patience and constant care bring the petals of a flower to full bloom. Everything that exists is connected, has a common goal, a common breath. Plants, animals, rocks and humans breathe. Mother Earth, nature, is the visible breath of the Creator, someone from the Cheyenne-Arapho Nation once said.

    The spiritual light is always there.

    It is difficult for us to clearly recognize the true relationships between soul, spirit and body. Since we live in the material, physically-limited world, we may well ask ourselves where exactly the soul and spirit are located? While we may suspect the sun to be behind the clouds on an overcast day, the sun’s rays don’t necessarily reach us equally visibly and perceptibly at all times. We are easily discouraged and forget—symbolically speaking—the light and the love that are nevertheless leading us infallibly and in keeping with the divine plan.

    But the spiritual light continues its work, just as the sun continues to shine, even at night. This spiritual light prevents us from stumbling along our path of development. We will be led back to the path, should we veer from it, so that we can continue on one of the many paths leading to the Great Spirit … until we experience mercy, redeem ourselves and become fully reunited with the divine spirit.

    The spiritual within us

    When your spiritual nature, the Divine, awakens inside, you are ready to harvest from life not only the parts that rest on the surface but all the riches that can be found only in the spiritual, invisible inner world. Spiritual jewels are far more beautiful and brilliant than earthly ones. And they will continue to exist even when the treasures of this world have lost their brilliance and have become worthless.

    Soul and personality

    Only when the soul becomes aware of itself does it recognize its strength and continually create awareness, which can become the most powerful force in the universe! This part of consciousness—the immortal core of life with its predestined partial formations—is, after all, what constitutes personality. Soul must not be confused with personality.

    A personality is the product of consciousness work at the core of being and the result of a steady psycho-spiritual development.

    In particular thanks to life experiences, which accumulate emotionally and as thought imprints in the depths of the soul and in the form of stored experiences or memories, we create our own truth and certainty. It is therefore important that we listen to our inner voice, that we trust it and remain faithful to it at all times. Our inner voice speaks about our dreams, our intuition and our symbolic imaginings. On the other hand, on any given day, the mindful person will be offered signs along the path, with impulses for new ways of recognizing and naming what is encountered. By decoding and applying the consciously-perceived language of thoughts and feelings, whose messages we must learn to integrate, we will progress faster in our personal development.

    This new language—Trilogical mediumship or symbolic communication—is not bound to any belief system. Indeed, it is the language that has guided you through all your experiences in the past, and that is doing so presently and will continue to do so in the future. Your mediumship is, essentially, your human spirit in connection with the Great Spirit in action.

    Spiritual mediumship

    In developing your psycho-spiritual, mediumistic skills, you begin a path along which you receive help, guidance, input, support and wisdom from the spiritual world—inspired by unincarnated consciousness, also referred to as spiritual mediumship.

    Overall, you will be enabled to accept help not only from those who love you and are related to you but also from beings who have no physical ties to you. That said, these beings are nonetheless related to you on the spiritual plane, insofar as you both share a similar consciousness. Indeed, this is of much greater importance than is being physically connected. Richard Bach once remarked that true families rarely live under one roof.

    The divine power

    In truth, there is no death—the dead have only changed their form of being. These unincarnated subpersonalities or parts of our consciousness live on and serve, in accordance with their state of development or present tasks, as a channel for the divine power. In the vernacular, we speak of one’s guardian angel, an umbrella term for the various spiritual helpers and celestial beings (for more details, see Chapter 3) we may encounter.

    You have the free will to decide whether or not you want to accept the help of divine providence.

    As this power affects and strengthens, you slowly but surely come into possession of something that the material world can never give or take from you: A gain in confidence, trust, inner peace and determination. It is at that point that you will realize that there is nothing in the whole world that can harm your actual self, that you are one with the great divine power, responsible for the fullness of life. The Great Spirit will not let us down. But we must also not forget this spirit!

    All life unfolds along predetermined paths. The Earth rotates around its axis; the stars and planets draw their fixed orbits in the sky and the seasons come and go as part of an eternal cycle. Plants bloom and wither; everywhere life obeys the natural laws that govern its formation. We cannot live outside the divine order; we are a part of it. We ought to remind ourselves that at all times, we are sheathed in the mantle of infinite love, that we are eternally connected to the Great Spirit, the divine power and love; that we receive guidance and protection from it and that it is present everywherebecause we are a part of it.

    The divine order

    A soul who has complete, indestructible trust in this infinite power of the Higher Self and in the connection between the Higher Self and the Supreme Being has no worries. Those who worry may be driven by fear. Fear is a part of darkness, fear or ignorance—but not of light.

    You can bring light into this darkness by becoming aware of your ignorance and by trying to live in the light of spiritual understanding.



    Mediumistic development, which can also be regarded as soul hygiene, offers a valuable opportunity for this. With it begins the expansion of consciousness, of our psycho-spiritual unfolding. Understanding and perfect love banish the fear that paralyzes the life force, impedes expansion and prevents the spirit from transforming and creating new forms of expression.

    When we let love rule the universe, there is no place for fear.

    The connection between the two worlds

    The world of matter is only one part of our earthly life. We and our guardian angels, or spiritual helpers and guides, also known as the power and wisdom of our Higher Self, live in the same cosmos. The cosmos is created as earthly and spiritual worlds harmonize and merge. A natural phenomenon—the ability of water to transform into its aggregate states of ice, liquid and steam—may serve as an example. In death, we only express another side of our consciousness, while ceasing to exist within our physical body—meaning that we merely change into another form of existence. After death, we automatically enter a spiritual world as bodiless beings with our consciousness. We become invisible to physical eyes yet continue to exist within our ethereal soul-spirit-body, or our developed part of consciousness or the astral body.

    It is only our developed personality that we take with us into the spiritual world.

    The latter is as well made of matter, albeit of a much finer one: a different condensation, one might say, of a different form of being. Indeed, we may point to new forms of photography that can capture such astral or soul bodies, demonstrating that our soul and spirit, being material in some way, also have physical weight. Between the psycho-spiritual plane on the one hand and the more mental experience on the other there is always an exchange, a relationship. By means of symbolic communication or Trilogical mediumship, signs on our path become directional.

    On both sides, on the material side and on the spiritual side, consciousness attempts advancement, and the spiritual helpers and leaders

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