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Psychic book for beginners
Psychic book for beginners
Psychic book for beginners
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Psychic book for beginners

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The unseen world exists and communicates to us regularly. Have you ever heard an obscure frequency sound or sensed a weird energy shift where the room suddenly becomes cold?
If this information is new to you, then please be patient and let me share my findings and experiences to help you connect the dots of the unseen world and our physical third dimensional world. So I will ask: Have you ever experienced tension building in your stomach known as a gut feeling?
What about seeing something out of the corner of your eye but when you turn to see clearly, it’s gone?
Is there a time when have had a strong emotion to wait and delay leaving? Or get going early? Felt a strong emotion to attend a gathering or avoid it? What about the feeling to call someone immediately for no reason?
Have you ever had bad feelings when meeting someone for the first time? Or had good feelings meeting someone for the first time, as if you have known them your whole life?
Do you ever hear a high pitch whistling sound when no one else can hear it? Or your name called when you are alone?
Have you ever felt something touch the hair on top of your head, when no one is near?
Do you ever feel something touch, tickle, stroke or irritate your skin like an insect walking over you but there’s nothing there? And it happens more commonly at night when you’re in bed.
Is there a time when you have walked into an old building and felt an unseen presence?
If so, then you are psychic and experiencing the unseen world that surrounds us.
Everyone has psychic abilities, as we are all dimensional beings but some of us are more aware of this phenomenon than others. Our world is designed to be fully interactive with life on earth and its surroundings.
Why do we feel calm and content when walking through a forest or a garden surrounded by flowers? It’s the life force coming from these living expressions that we are picking up as we experience a mood change.
This may sound unusual but all expressions of life on Earth has an energy life force, known as an aura and this is what we feel when close by.
Communication comes in many forms and other species have languages too. Anyone who has a domestic pet will understand an almost telepathic relationship one can have with a pet. They respond to our moods, which is an energy expression and our voice frequency which communicates our intentions.
Welcome to a new world of understanding. This book is created to assist those who are searching beyond the daily activities of life and seeking to know more about this world. Developing your psychic senses is about tapping into the world as we see it, but also into a world we cannot see, but we can feel and know it exists.
Release dateJan 5, 2020
Psychic book for beginners

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    Book preview

    Psychic book for beginners - Sussan Evermore


    Chapter One

    When to begin?

    An interesting question only you can answer.

    It starts with curiosity and desire for answers, for a world which is beyond the physical evidence of what is seen.

    We believe life on earth is solid, and everything that exists is defined and identified.

    Yet something taunts from deep within, and there has to be more. If the emotion is becoming stronger and psychic coincidences are starting to happen, then the time to start is now.

    Developing our psychic selves is a conscious choice and requires effort, it can't happen randomly, because the universe will not initiate the journey of discovery. It begins with our request, for greater understanding and connection.

    Upon the conscious request to develop our psychic abilities, we in turn, give permission for the universe to prompt, guide and interact with us, for greater success.

    The strongest indicator you will feel is an insatiable craving for psychic knowledge. This comes from deep within, and there is no right or wrong to when or how you begin. There is no deadline on when to start, or how long you may spend researching information. Psychic development is about being comfortable with the possibilities.

    We are all born with intuition, which is a knowing, and this is called Claircognizance. But also having a gut feeling is actually the description of the psychic sense Clairsentience.

    Psychics have one or more of these abilities which can be used separately or together, with the most common being Clairsentience. Nearly everyone can say, at some point in their lives, they have acknowledged their gut feeling. One to three psychic senses is common but having a full set of senses is obtainable through desire, practice and discipline.

    I have nurtured and worked on my psychic abilities for many years. On the other hand, people who are not sure whether or not they want to develop their abilities, or how to use them, tend to take much longer to accept communication with the universe.

    Individuals who commit to developing their skills often choose to help others by doing tarot readings, healing or teaching.

    Please make a note, impatience to have psychic knowledge quickly is one of the reasons people fail. Results will differ from one person to another, so it’s important not to compare yourself to another’s progress.

    It is well to remember, discussing your curiosity of all things spiritual and unseen with people who are not searching for the same knowledge, may be met with unwanted mocking or criticism.

    Your personal spiritual journey is personal. Be selective of who you discuss your progress with, and it may be better, to enter a class in the early stages of seeking knowledge, so help and support can be given while you build your, spiritual self-esteem.

    There are a number of different methods to commence gaining a spiritual connection, and I am a big advocate for meditation. If you are wishing to become more connected, to your natural spiritual ability, meditation is the key to opening your channels. This method of relaxing the mind has been used for centuries, by seers and wisdom teachers.

    Meditation will enable you to settle your conscious mind, in order to shift your vibration to connect with spirit. Practice is required, as your mind has been busy for a long time, and may resist the notion to settle. Do not worry about your internal chatter at first, with practice, and a basic mantra or candle gazing technique, you will settle your thoughts, and begin getting desired results.

    An alternate method of relaxation is to listen to guided meditation which may help initially, and there are excellent recordings of music which also helps, to place you in the right frame of mind. Enrolling in a small class with an experienced meditation teacher, can accelerate your technique, while being surrounded by like- minded people.

    It's important to feel safe, comfortable and supported while exploring spiritual learning. Remember everything worthwhile takes time and practice. If you don't get the results you want at first, keep trying, because it’s a journey, and the results will be worth it.


    Chapter Two

    Do spiritual realms exist?

    This is one of the most challenging subjects of all time, as atheists declare, there are no tomorrows after we die, while Hindus cremate the dead to hasten their journey to the afterlife, and Christians bury the deceased to return them to the earth. The burning question, Is there an afterlife or spiritual existence, beyond our physical understanding, of life on earth?

    Paranormal activity is one sure sign that something does exist, and we often read or hear stories of people's unexplained experiences in our physical world. Normally, we hear a splattering of details from someone trying hard to give details, of unseen intruders or supernatural interference, from the other side. Yet, this part of an overall existence is rarely discussed, as we go about our daily life.

    All of us know, the physical world exists, so why can't a non-physical world exist too? Most people will say, If I can't see it, then it doesn't exist. Well, we cannot see the air, but we feel the breeze as it passes across our face, and we see the impact of wind, when it moves the branches of a tree. We know it exists because we experience it. We fill our lungs with oxygen, even though we don’t see it, and without it, we die. This is an undisputed fact, and overall acceptance in our world.

    This is no different to discovering your psychic ability, simply said, it's all about acceptance, that it exists. I will use personal experience and narratives, to help you understand, a number of simplistic levels in spiritual contact. This publication is designed, to assist with your interaction, and gaining of wisdom, beyond the physical world. The non-physical world will present itself, just like the unseen wind, which is an expression of the air that exists.

    Acceptance, of the spiritual realms, is the first step and basis of this book, to realize we are all psychic in one form or many. Once the evidence presents itself, a whole new world opens, to your psychic experiences and possibilities.

    I will offer explanations, and naturally encourage you, to personally develop your chosen and strongest psychic ability. Or, you can explore, a myriad of options, and allow the gaining of this knowledge, to begin a lifetime journey.

    The physical realm or plane is where we knowingly exist. Life on earth is referred to as, dense, due to our solid composition. The core elements, which make up the basis of our world is fire, water, earth and air. From these base elements, our world is formed, and we live in, what we call the physical plane.

    There are many life forms, colonies and groupings, living on planet earth which are unseen by the human eye, such as bacteria, micro-organisms and even intestinal flora, which if we don't get the balance right, we become very ill.

    Our planet is populated by over 8 million species, and these are the ones, we can see. Sitting at the top of the pecking order, are human beings. We take the position of the higher species, due to our intellect, over other life forms on earth.

    One aspect of the physical realm is our bodies will deteriorate, and finally perish. So this is seen as a major restriction, as we do not last forever. But what if it wasn't, that way at all? This will be, a critical probing question, as you discover your psychic abilities, and begin to understand spiritual realms.

    The spiritual plane or realm is where unanswered questions are answered. The journey of exploration, through the methods of channeling, psychometry, tarot, reiki and other wonderful psychic methods, introduce you to the other side, without leaving your physical world.

    Spirit exists beyond physical matter, with many special purpose entities supporting us. They're known as angels, guides, guardians, ascended masters and spiritual council. The spiritual energies are able to connect with us, as we are a combination of the physical body, third dimension, and spiritual soul, fifth dimension, enabling us to co-exist in both realms.

    There are many explanations, of how the Universe was created, and how our physical selves fit into the broad scheme, of the grand plan, but to accept we are firstly soul energy and this energy travels beyond time, when we leave the physical body, is all we need to accept, to move forward with confidence, and explore our world's dimensions with support in this book.

    As mentioned, there is a circle of spiritual entities, known as angels, guides and guardians which exist to assist us, communicate, prompt, and guide us on our journey. The more spiritually aware we become, the more attention we will receive, from our

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