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The Road to Peak Meditation Experiences: My Story Exploring Consciousness and Transcending Reality
The Road to Peak Meditation Experiences: My Story Exploring Consciousness and Transcending Reality
The Road to Peak Meditation Experiences: My Story Exploring Consciousness and Transcending Reality
Ebook240 pages3 hours

The Road to Peak Meditation Experiences: My Story Exploring Consciousness and Transcending Reality

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When Frank Leonesio entered a great downturn of depression, alcoholism, marital separation, and a spiritual crisis, he believed his life had come to an end. But only after abandoning everything and going into self-exile would he find a path to a new reality based on consciousness research.

Leonesio has devoted decades to researching human consciousness, not only from his personal experiences but from the disciplines of science, philosophy, theology, and the wisdom traditions of India and China. This led to a new way of being, developed through his own creation of the Peak Mediation Experience (PME) system.

PMEs can show up in lucid dreams, daydreams, twilight sleep, mediation, and other manifestations of consciousness catching the experiencer off guard. Some of these result in spiritual epiphanies that may change the recipient's worldview or alter their beliefs. Many people are confused by what they may mean and lose the opportunity to open themselves up to wonderful new realities. This one-of-a-kind spiritual guide will reveal how to examine life and your higher authentic self.

Sharing many of Leonesio's own visions and analysis of his peak meditation experiences, this book provides guidance on not only how to have high level conscious experiences but how to evaluate them. "The Road to Peak Meditation Experiences" is a guide to elevating your consciousness and experiencing life at a level known only by a rare few.
Release dateNov 1, 2021
The Road to Peak Meditation Experiences: My Story Exploring Consciousness and Transcending Reality

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    The Road to Peak Meditation Experiences - Frank Leonesio


    © 2021 Frank Leonesio. All rights reserved.

    ISBN 978-1-66780-812-3 (Print)

    ISBN 978-1-66780-813-0 (eBook)

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    About the Author

    Frank Leonesio, Author of The Road to Peak Meditation Experiences and Journeys Beyond the Ordinary a Memoir is a successful entrepreneur that has founded 12 companies, a philanthropist that has raised tens of millions of dollars for charity and a lifelong experiencer of paranormal consciousness phenomenon including astral travel, remote viewing, telepathy, pre-cognition, out of body and healing experiences. Frank has devoted decades to researching consciousness not only from his personal experiences but from the disciplines of science, philosophy, theology, the wisdom traditions of India, China and more.

    With absolute candor he describes the biggest struggle of his life, he calls the great downturn, lasting for 5-years that drove him to depression, alcoholism, marital separation, physical, spiritual and financial crisis. After 40 years of unparalleled success, he lost his identity and purpose believing his life had come to an end. Abandoning everything he went into self-exile to find a path to a new reality based on his decades of consciousness research.

    He instructs the reader on the path he discovered, that led to his recovery and awakening to a new way of being. How to Have Peak Mediation Experiences will reveal to the reader how to examine life and the readers higher authentic self. The author teaches the reader how to have high level conscious experiences and evaluate them by sharing many of his own visions and analysis of his personal peak meditation experiences. Frank pulls no punches in sharing the highs and lows that brought him to peace, harmony, and bliss in his life. The Road to Peak Meditation Experiences is a guide to elevating your consciousness to experience and enjoy life at a level known to only a rare few.

    Table of Contents



    Peak Meditation Experiences:

    Our Connection to Existence Consciousness

    Mom Visits

    Greater Dimensions of Consciousness

    Highest Levels of Consciousness

    EC, MUOEC, PMEs, and You

    PART I: The Four Corners of My Life:

    Beginning, Becoming, Downfall, Transcendence

    Beginning: 1949 to 1967 (Young Frank’s Big Question)

    Mother Tells Me About My Inheritance

    Becoming: 1967 to 2007

    Bridging and The Dream Technique

    Discovering the Power of Suggestion

    Fall (The Great Downturn): 2008 to 2013

    Transcendence, Part I: Vajrasattva Heals

    Transcendence, Part II: Astral Projection and the Great Reveal

    Frank’s PMEs: Volume 1, Fear Tests

    The Farmhouse Demon Lucid Dream

    Indians at the County Fair

    Cousin Jackie Crosses Over

    Frank’s PMEs: Volume 2, Larger Consciousness Experiences

    The Priest and the Pyramid

    Angel Frank & Light Body Healing

    Astral Travel & An Alien Encounter

    Shapeshifters Who Want to Help

    The Masters and the Test of the Orange Orb

    Deconstructing the PME:

    The Energy Body Is a Thing

    Frank’s PMEs: Volume 3,

    Connecting with Other MUOECs and EC

    Unfinished Business

    Connecting with Other MUOECs

    The Fall of the Centaur

    Animals and Other Consciousness

    Eye at the Beach

    The Subconscious, Self-inquiry, and Self-realization

    PART II: PME Basics and Advanced PME

    New Meditators and PME

    PME Basics: Overview

    Point Consciousness

    Being State




    PME Wisdom Terms

    PME Basics: Technique


    Meditation Prayer said after getting into the meditative state

    Some Common Early- and Mid-Stage Experiences

    Analyze, Interpret, and Journal

    Other Times and Ways to Meditate

    Advanced PME

    The Unit: Five Bodies that Make Us Complete

    Three States of Experience: Waking, Dream, Deep Sleep

    Karma in PME

    Perspectives and Tips

    Supporting Your Practice

    PART III: From Self-Realization to Your Spiritual Worldview

    Why Have a Worldview?

    Reincarnation and Other Points About My Worldview

    My Temporary Worldview Model: What Happens After We Die

    Physical Conscious Reality (PCR)

    Nonphysical Conscious Reality (NCR)

    Enlightened Existence Consciousness (EEC)

    Existence Consciousness (EC)



    Most everyone has seen Dancing with the Stars . (If you haven’t: Imagine ordinary people in a glitzy ballroom, partner-dancing with celebrities in a televised competition.) Now, close your eyes and visualize your favorite couple dancing in the cosmos—in deep space—and make them much larger than life. Position the stars and planets in the distant background. Feel the magic of the moment and the spaciousness of the celestial surroundings as the dancers pivot and swirl. Enjoy their every movement as they interact playfully with each other, the heavens, and the universe.

    Were you able to visualize it? Did the experience affect your sensations and fill you with wonder? If so, you have witnessed the power of your imagination—your mind’s eye—the window to your connection with a world that lies beyond the tactile reality of the here and now. If you were able to use your imagination to visualize the cosmic dancers, then you have the power to learn the techniques that will enable you to have Peak Meditation Experiences.

    You have also created a beautiful memory that will be stored forever in your Existence Consciousness. Existence Consciousness (EC) is the universal database for everything that has ever happened, an infinite field of pure awareness. According to ancient wisdom traditions like Hinduism and Taoism, EC is the first cause, or the primordial field from which we, and all things—including the universe itself—have emerged. Picture it as a pool of organic intelligence, of natural understanding (like the earth spontaneously regenerating itself)—the fertile crescent of all being.

    Through fields of study that speculate about the nature of conscious experience—like virtual reality and simulation theory—the scientific community has begun in recent decades to recognize what the ancients have known for millennia As noted by Erwin Schrödinger, Nobel Prize-winning Austrian-Irish physicist: Consciousness cannot be accounted for in physical terms. For consciousness is absolutely fundamental. It cannot be accounted for in terms of anything else.

    Everything that is conscious—all beings (whether animal, vegetable, mineral, or a combination of these)—is continuously making decisions and choices, having experiences, thoughts, emotions, actions, reactions, intentions, manifestations, and memories—which collectively comprise a state of being. And the quality of that state of being is recorded in the database of Existence Consciousness in real time, all the time.

    You might say that consciousness, at its core, is really just information—and you would be right, but EC is a bit more complex. As a repository of all experience, EC is deceptive in its simplicity—simultaneously one thing and all things ever experienced. EC is information compounded by awareness, ultimately equaling knowledge. We will find that this consciousness is vast and varied, subtle and many splendored. And if we can achieve a state sufficiently unguarded and quiet to experience it, our awareness of and connection to EC will lay the foundation for the evolution of our own personal consciousness.

    EC exists for our individual benefit as well as for the benefit of the universe as a whole. We each have our own database derived from our connection to EC: a Micro Unit of Existence Consciousness (MUOEC), which contains our own discrete experiential information—the qualities of our states of being—intermingled with the universal consciousness of which we are a part. Our MUOEC resides in the larger EC, and it comprises our share of the communal stock in the universal commodity that is EC. EC wants you to invest in your MUOEC and use it as a resource, both to develop the bank of potentiality of the larger EC as well as to expand your own reality—to reap the rewards of your contributions. EC’s organic intelligence can teach you how to develop the skills to gain mastery over your MUOEC and form a practice that will lay the foundation for the evolution of your consciousness.

    Think of a person from the Stone Age making marks on the wall of their cave representing every night they have slept there. When they get to a certain number, they see the marks as a grouping or a set, and cross them off the wall by drawing a diagonal line through them. Our ancestors began to learn the language of mathematics from simple activities like these. Although primitive in its inception in the consciousness of humanity, mathematics is and always has been sophisticated, elegant, and precise—and is now one of the most advanced ways human beings communicate—thanks to the connection of humanity’s MUOEC to EC.

    We have evolved to the point where EC wants us to use the language of consciousness, a means of communication far more conceptual than our present language. Often conveyed via metaphor, this language enables us to expand our awareness and understand a world that is normally beyond our comprehension.

    The language of consciousness takes many forms, some of which reside in the domain of the paranormal—phenomena such as telekinesis or clairvoyance—that are typically beyond the scope of our fact-based understanding. That does not mean they will not one day become normal; however, what it does mean is that the scientific community cannot yet provide empirical evidence to explain them. But that day may soon arrive!

    Let’s return to our cave person for a moment: As their day came to a close in their fire-warmed cavern, they had no idea that those lines on the wall—chronicling the sun’s rising and falling and its perfect embodiment of math—would one day become E = mc². Einstein’s famous equation opened up a completely new dimension of theoretical physics. So much knowledge was conveyed with one little formula. His discovery—the theory of special relativity—became a metaphor for a whole new way of thinking. It is also the perfect example of learning the language of EC—our entrée to the evolution of our consciousness and our reality.

    You might be asking: If Einstein was able to access EC, why can’t I? The good news is that you most certainly can. EC can be reached through the Peak Meditation Experience (PME). I have developed a system of achieving PMEs that will guide you to your personal relationship with EC, the holy grail of consciousness. You will find that EC is benevolent and accessible; it wants to help you. When you begin to ask the big questions of life, like Who am I? What is my purpose? What is the meaning of all of this? What happens after I die?, you will draw greater attention from EC, for these musings demonstrate a desire to expand your consciousness. EC will recognize your willingness and assist you in finding your path, creating a connection that will allow you to learn in line with your present ability, or being level—your MUOEC.

    EC guided Einstein to his equation, and it will give each of us an equation suited to our personal evolution, if only we open ourselves to it. In searching the cosmos for abstract answers to abstract questions, Einstein asked EC for help every day of his life—and look what it did for the world! Can you imagine what he knew at his deepest level of being through his lifelong communication with EC? Can you fathom what the world would be like with millions more of us possessing our own personal E = mc² metaphors that reveal a whole new reality—that will in turn help others to discover a path to their own metaphors?

    EC will evolve if you evolve. You are a creator, and you are creating both your reality and your experiences within that reality. You are also part of EC’s comprehensive reality: If you develop and enhance the quality of your consciousness, EC grows in proportion to your expansion; if you devolve through fear and negative behavior in this life or others, EC will be diminished as well.

    You can think of EC as the algorithm calculating all elements of the universe in real time, like a simulation or a virtual reality. It instantly responds to the thoughts, desires, intentions, and needs of every conscious thing, in the very moment in which they transpire. EC logs all events, and through its algorithm, it programs all outcomes for each and every MUOEC. It will give each of us what we appear to want based on our actions, respecting our free will and making no judgments. When it cannot give us what we want because we are not ready or receptive, EC will provide a lesson to further prepare us and help us along the path toward higher consciousness.

    EC is love and creativity at its core, and these are the attributes it most wants us to develop. It makes no difference if you believe in God, are affiliated with a religion, are an atheist or an agnostic—beliefs are subordinate to the development of your consciousness and will likely improve, strengthen, or perhaps even change as you evolve. Any path to the mastery of your MUOEC is okay with EC, but you must suspend judgment and be open to considering other paths, ideas, and perspectives.

    Our primary goal in practicing the PME system is overcoming fear and discovering ourselves and our relationship to EC. Fear exists in us because we live in a world motivated by the need to survive, and humans have become really good at surviving. As a result, we are almost continuously in a heightened state of alert, and this opens the floodgates to fear and fearful behaviors—causing stress, anger, depression, and anxiety—all courtesy of our finely tuned fight-or-flight circuitry. The PME system will dial down this activity and reduce the deleterious symptoms of fear in your everyday life. Once we acknowledge and dissolve fear, the only thing left is love, our true state of being.

    As I was writing the first draft of this book, I learned that the twentieth century American psychologist Abraham Maslow coined the term peak experience in 1964 in connection with his theory on the Hierarchy of Needs.¹ An admirer of his early research, I was familiar with Maslow’s theory and keen to learn that he defined the peak experience as an altered state of consciousness characterized by euphoria. While I was unaware the term originated with Maslow, my own Peak Meditation Experiences and the system offered in this book are characterized by the same qualities. According to Maslow, peak experiences were achieved most often by those who had realized self-actualization—the category at the pinnacle of Maslow’s hierarchy-of-needs pyramid and one of the most important goals on the path to a life fully realized. He found that these peak experiences were an essential component of identity, causing the individual to view himself and his relationship to the world in an entirely new and meaningful way, with a strong desire to repeat the experience.

    The quality of your life depends on the quality of the decisions you make, and the basis for making decisions lies mainly in the quality and quantity of data available to you. The vast majority of people make decisions from their waking-state consciousness based on memories of previous experiences. Far better decisions might be made if we had access to subconscious memories (which have been suppressed and—while not readily accessible—can cause disruption in our lives), for within those memories lies valuable information and, potentially, lessons to be learned. But we can gain access to this information.

    Your MUOEC is a repository for all the experiences and memories of every life you have lived. There may be dozens of lives’ worth of data you have access to. What if you could weigh this information in your decision-making process? What would the quality of your decisions look like then? Add to that your access to EC—the repository of everything that has ever happened since the beginning of time—and imagine how you would benefit from such fulsome knowledge.

    Your experiences are your personal truth. When we struggle with understanding our experiences, our truth is not clearly defined. Our lack of knowledge and access to information prevents us from capturing the meaning behind certain events that befall us, and we find ourselves feeling disconnected from our truth, wondering how we can fully realize the import of our lives’ events. PMEs will enable you to surpass the limitations of your surface intellect and open a gateway to all the information in the universe—they connect the highest aspects of the intellect with the data in our subconscious, creating clarity through the language of consciousness. When all of these elements coalesce, we become unstoppable, fully realized beings: we evolve and become enlightened.

    I welcome you to embrace the practice of meditation offered in these pages as you explore peak meditation experiences on your journey to self-actualization.

    Namaste—the spirit in me honors the spirit in you.

    1 Maslow, A.H. Religions, Values, and Peak Experiences. London: Penguin Books Limited, 1964.


    If you’re reading this book, it’s likely you’ve heard these words (or ones like them) from the French idealist philosopher, Jesuit Catholic priest,

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