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A Broken Cross
A Broken Cross
A Broken Cross
Ebook73 pages51 minutes

A Broken Cross

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Who do you declare yourself to be when your identity is fractured and you’re left in your wilderness as you navigate between two altars? The issues of life come upon us in various ways and varying stages, and knowing who we are at those times is vital.

The Broken Cross seeks to speak to those issues from a personal and spiritual perspective. Written by a soul that has seen both victories and failures in life, this study offers insight on personal identity and the ways in which God has prepared us mentally and spiritually to survive during our own self-imposed failures and our sense of feeling lost between callings. When we fail to know our identity beyond our name, we face a constant struggle with our life’s assignment. Only when we embrace our God-given identity can we return to destiny’s path.

Encompassing both personal narrative and biblical study, this guide explores self-awareness in relation to mental and spiritual conditions and consider the question of our God-given identity.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateAug 19, 2022
A Broken Cross

Timothy W. Hill Sr.

Timothy W. Hill Sr. holds a degree in psychology and has been in ministry for thirty-five years, having served as minister, elder, and pastor. He is also an experienced marriage counselor and has dedicated many years of his life to the service of others. He and his wife of thirty-seven years raised three children.

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    A Broken Cross - Timothy W. Hill Sr.






    Copyright © 2022 Timothy W. Hill Sr..

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    Scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-7522-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-7521-8 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-7523-2 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2022914969

    WestBow Press rev. date: 08/19/2022

    Who do you declare to be when your identity

    is fractured, and you’re left in your wilderness

    as you navigate between two altars?







    Chapter 1   Purpose And Identity

    Chapter 2   My Truth

    Chapter 3   Lost Between Two Altars

    Chapter 4   After The Brazen Altar

    Chapter 5   Wilderness Experiences

    Chapter 6   When I Released My Change

    Chapter 7   Thy Rod And Thy Staff

    Chapter 8   Lost Gold

    About The Author


    To Him who is the Source of my strength, the Passion of my life, and the Lifter of my head, I say, Bless your name, oh God. Without you, dear Lord, my life would be nothing, and my purpose would have no rudder to guide my way, nor wind to power my sail. No words can ever relay the true depth of my love for You. For You have proven to be a positive voice when all others are silent and a keeper of all my secrets. You are my Friend when I deserve loneliness, my Healer when my soul has been fractured, and my Anchor when my will desires to be contrary.

    To my wife, Yvonne Rivers-Hill, I yield my eternal love and devotion. You have been, and will always be, a driving force that propels me into a better place of strength and courage. Your unwavering love compels the best of heaven’s gifts, and your matchless beauty bewilders the array of heaven. Through our storms and our wilderness experiences, you’ve continued to display strength, poise, and elegance.

    To my seed, my children, Michael, Carmen, and Tim Jr., I count it an honor and a blessing to have been chosen by our Creator to be your father. Each of you have a God-given quality that is far more precious than gold. You are my living treasures—the wealth of my soul.

    To my grandkids, Malachi, Heleina, and Zaylen; you are the posterity of my soul. The power that lies within each of you will propel your presence to the audience of kings and rulers alike. Royalty is your station in this life, and excellence is your voice.

    In honor of the memory of my parents, James, and Ruby Hill. The value of your love grows exponentially as the days of your absence increase. Dad, you taught me to value timeliness. To this very day I hear your voice encouraging me to always be on time for whatever I’ve committed myself to. Mom, I know God because you introduced Him to me. You were my rock when I needed someone to lean on and my pillow when my weary head needed a place to rest. Heaven is much more comforting having you numbered in glory.

    To the memory my late brothers, Willie E. Hill and Melvin C. Hill, although it feels as if you left us far too early, I know, and tearfully submit, to the will of God regarding your times of departure. May you rest in the peace of our God. To my remaining siblings,

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