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The Life of the Shameless and Charming Seducer.
The Life of the Shameless and Charming Seducer.
The Life of the Shameless and Charming Seducer.
Ebook162 pages1 hour

The Life of the Shameless and Charming Seducer.

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The life of the shameless and charming seducer is for my taste the best of lives. A life free of ties, seducing and flowing at your own pace. In this book I tell you how this life is and how you can also carry it out, for this I explain seduction techniques that I use both to flirt, as to take the girls to bed. I analyze real interactions and give the keys to succeed with girls. It is a book to break with everything and become a real seducer.

PublisherJonh Danen
Release dateAug 4, 2022
The Life of the Shameless and Charming Seducer.

John Danen

Español. Soy un hombre vividor y divertido que busca el lado bueno de las cosas siempre.  Mi experiencia es el campo de las relaciones personales y de la seducción. Por eso tras dedicarme larguísimas décadas a ello, quiero trasmitir mis conocimientos. Para que las nuevas generaciones tengan unos conceptos que les den una ventaja competitiva sostenible y poderosa en el campo del amor. Quiero ayudarte a a conseguir tus metas. Portugués. Sou um homem animado, e divertido, que sempre procura o lado bom das coisas.  Minha experiência está no campo das relações pessoais e da sedução. É por isso que, após décadas de dedicação a ela, quero transmitir meus conhecimentos.  Quero ajudá-los a alcançar seus objetivos. Inglés I am a lively and fun man, who always looks for the good side of things.  My experience is in the field of personal relationships and seduction. That is why, after decades of dedicating myself to it, I want to pass on my knowledge. So that the new generations have concepts that give them a sustainable and powerful competitive advantage in the field of love. I want to help you achieve your goals Français Je suis un homme vif et drôle qui cherche toujours le bon côté des choses.  Mon expérience se situe dans le domaine des relations personnelles et de la séduction. C'est pourquoi, après m'y être consacré pendant des décennies, je veux transmettre mes connaissances. Pour que les nouvelles générations disposent de concepts qui leur donnent un avantage concurrentiel durable et puissant dans le domaine de l'amour. Je veux vous aider à atteindre vos objectifs.

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    The Life of the Shameless and Charming Seducer. - John Danen

    Foreword by Guadalupe.

    Ican't remember the day or the hour or the century since I've known John, but I can say that he has surprised me, and continues to do so, despite the years, despite the centuries. I met him at a late puberty and I thought that flirting was an age thing and that he would settle down, but he didn't settle down, he aggravated it. I saw him getting more and more into his lifestyle, that of the charming, shameless seducer he loved to be. He already had a group of girls looking for him. I told him to find a girlfriend, one that would bring him everything. But he paid no attention to me, he continued with his harem, which instead of decreasing, grew.

    One day he phoned me because he couldn't even get out of bed due to the crazy night he had spent. One of his wives had creamed him in bed. I was in shock, he had been injured by so much passion, he ended up in the emergency room and instead of putting a stop sign, he put it in sixth gear. I accepted that I had been born for this lifestyle, that one was too few and that a hundred were too few. I thought it was impossible and I had to resign myself to the fact that he was happy like this. If someone has passion for something and they follow him, it is John, may he continue this way through the centuries and centuries and centuries.


    This is an almost autobiographical book, because what I am putting here is my life, practically one hundred percent traced back to me. What you are about to read, if you are not of my way of thinking, may offend, annoy or displease you. I hope not, because I try to be nice and pleasant, but if so, it's very easy for you, don't read it.

    I don't know why I've always been very rebellious and I've always liked to go my own way, I've never been fully integrated in groups of friends, nor have I given myself one hundred percent in a relationship. I'm like a cat that sometimes lets itself be loved, but is really independent. This book is very easy for me to write because I don't have to create anything, just remember things. It will help you to get to know other ways of life. And if one day you feel like living a life similar to the one I am putting here, you will know how to do it. I respect everyone's way of life, so I ask that mine be respected as well.

    How did I become a seducer?

    Of course I wasn't always like that, I remember some remote times where I was another me. In the beginning I was a nice guy who aspired to nothing more than having a girlfriend and had never thought about seduction at all. Yes, I liked girls a lot, and I wanted to pick them up, but I never thought about being a seducer, I just wanted to pick up the girls I liked. I was good at flirting. Although I didn't have any knowledge, I was pretty good at it, because I was very handsome. The thing is that I was a little bit dumbed down with all the mental programming of formality that was instilled in me. I think that because of my personality, being a seducer was going to come out sooner or later, because I was really funny, handsome and I had a mental spark that made girls laugh and they liked me. Plus I was really attracted to girls.

    What happened was that a super nice girl appeared, beautiful, nice, charming, the love of my life. As soft as I was at that time and that she felt like a loving and good mother, but with tits, I let myself go and fell in love, and deeply. Being with this girlfriend my life was not heading at all towards being a seducer.

    Life is all about decisions. We make decisions because we feel something inside that impels us to act. In the end emotions override rationalization and we make emotional decisions. Emotion drives our lives.

    For some years I was with this girl, my first girlfriend, very formal and very much in love. I never thought of leaving her, I had to be with her at all costs and that was the end of my whole world. I made an effort to be a useful person, a little bit in opposition to my natural self, who was a party animal and had a tendency to flirt. I started to study hard and tried to beat records of how much I had studied every day. Everything to become a good man and someday be able to form a family with her. I stopped going out, I became a totally formal guy, dedicated to his girlfriend and to the study of the career.

    I made an emotional decision, to have that girlfriend, and it was great at first, but the excitement and the sparks went away. Then I wanted to hold on to that love that was extinguishing, I pulled reason, it would be formal, it would be anti my own essence for her, because she was a super nice girl. Even though I was starting to get bored with her because she became half depressive, I kept on by her side looking to feel that emotion again. But no matter how formal I tried to be and how much effort I made, she didn't change and the feeling didn't come back. When this happened, this rational decision to remain her boyfriend started to fall apart.

    This effort in an excessive formalization, it must be said that it was quite artificial, because it was not my natural impulse to be so formal and this took its toll on me. My studies, despite studying so much, did not progress much, and, what is much worse, the relationship with this girl, instead of becoming more and more satisfactory, became more monotonous, more boring and sometimes even depressing. I kept holding on trying to get closer to those moments in the beginning with her where everything was love and happiness. As she became quiet and studious I did the same, to be with her, to keep the love.

    There came a moment when reality hit hard, as I realized that I was not happy with her. After several years of trying hard, I literally couldn't take it anymore. I got tired of not going out, I got tired of studying so much, and above all, I got tired of my girlfriend, who was the love of my life, but who ended up boring me terribly, to such a degree that I was never attracted to another good girl. I began to detest them.

    Unintentionally, little by little, I began to realize that there were girls whose character and personality attracted me much more than my girlfriend. I longed to have a girl like that, more partying, outgoing and cheerful and not the sad and languid good girl I was with.

    This thing of looking at other girls happened as early as 1991. That year I was in transition from formal to hooligan. I started hanging out with a super fun gang of girls and guys. The girls in this gang were cheerful, partying and attractive. I started to like one of them, then I noticed another one and another one, it was a different world. And so without doing anything yet, I was transforming myself without realizing it.

    I also met other friends who told me that they slept with girls around. This was a shock for me, I was amazed, because I thought that no girl would sleep with anyone who was not her boyfriend. I was already having a hard enough time convincing my girlfriend to sleep with her, so that there were people out there who slept with girls without being boyfriends or anything. I couldn't stand that. I felt like a fool. It was a revelation.

    In 1991 I studied very little, I didn't go to class much and I dedicated myself to drinking wine and laughing during class hours with this little gang. On top of that, I passed almost two courses together and I had a great time.

    One afternoon in 1992, it must have been April, I arrived home after drinking wine with these people. I turned

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