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The life of a soldier is a marriage union with battlefield and weapons of war. Years of training and preparation are invested to familiarize or acquaint with mastering the art of warfare. There is no do-it-yourself concept of warfare so the commitment and dedication is beyond home remedial alternatives. The art of war takes great strategies and

Release dateApr 24, 2022


Prophetess Dr. Evette Young was born and raised in New Or-leans, Louisiana. She is a license and ordained Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel and Evelyn Young. The wife of Dr. John K. Hill, and Mother of Anointed Evelyn Divine. She is an upcoming and a New Strong voice in the Kingdom of God. The power of God is extremely evident in her life and Ministry. Countless lives have been changed and transformed through her work. Dr. Evette is a prolific preacher who is empowered to release the fire of God. God has truly placed on her life the prophetic mantle, the working of the miraculous, healing, teaching and preaching. She has an incredible deliverance power of God on her life to free people from addictions, sexual per-versions, abusive relationships, all forms of demonic bond-age, and satanic works, etc. There are numerous testimonies and praise reports of bodies being healed and set free in her ministry. Dr. Evette is a tremendous, dynamic Woman of Prayer. She has impeccable integrity, and live a holy life unto the Lord. She is dedicated and committed to her God-given ministry assignment for the Kingdom of God. She has the Spirit of Excellence. She is a woman of class, servitude, and with uncanny boldness, she powerfully declares the unadulterated Gospel of Jesus Christ. Dr. Evette is a Graduate of World Harvest Bible College, where the Honorable Rod Parsley is founder and Pastor, and Graduate of International Miracle Institute, where Apostle Christian and Robin Harfouche are the Founders. She holds her Associates, Bachelor, Masters and PH. D in Theology. She has appeared on 'WACTV' Live, TCT Network and World TV Network besides other Christian Networks.

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    © Copyright 2022—Evette Young All rights reserved. This book is protected under the copyright laws. This book may not be copied or reprinted for commercial gain or profit. The use of short quotations or occasional page copying for personal or group study is permitted and encouraged. Permission will be granted upon request. Unless otherwise identified, Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version. All emphasis within Scriptures is the author’s own.

    Please note that God's Royal Women publishing style capitalizes certain pronouns in Scripture that refer to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and may differ from some Bible publishers’ styles. Take note that the name satan and related names are not capitalized. We choose not to acknowledge him, even to the point of violating grammatical rules.

    Due to the revelatory content of this material and because of the author’s commitment to preserve the integrity and personal reading experience, editorial license was taken to maintain the spiritual and physical impact of the underlining subjects revealed in this book.



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    ISBN: 978-1-0879-5472-1

    For Worldwide Distribution, Printed in the U.S.A.

    Table of Contents




    Overcoming the World

    Symbolic Meanings

    One World

    Call to Arms

    Reason for the Use

    Important Key to Peace

    Biblical Warning

    Research and Discovery

    You can Use any Weapon in a War

    The Final Enemy



    How to Defeat Principalities

    The Fear of Death

    Abundance through Death


    Power to Heal and Cure

    How to Deal with Powers

    Spiritual Wickedness in High Places

    Subduing the Spirit of Rage

    Rulers of the Darkness of this World

    The Spiritual Answer

    Loosing Battles

    Understanding their Assignments

    Spirit of Jezebel


    Light of the World

    Light and Truth

    Discernment, Inspiration and Revelation

    Defeated but Alive

    Satan's Tail

    The King of the Amazon

    Head to Tail

    We have an Obligation

    You must Fight to Win


    Breatsplate of Righteousness

    Light and Darkness


    Shoes of the Gospel of Peace


    Base and Engine of Faith

    Sheild of Faith

    Stand and Fight

    Helmet of Salvation

    Word of God

    Praying in the Spirit

    Dedicating and Committing



    The life of a soldier is a marriage union with battlefield and weapons of war. Years of training and preparation are invested to familiarize or acquaint with mastering the art of warfare. There is no do-it-yourself concept of warfare so the commitment and dedication is beyond home remedial alternatives. The art of war takes great strategies and the requirements are not a matter of personal assessment, estimation and opinions. Warfare strategies, implementation and execution must align to perfect the whole battle plan. Every war present elements of surprise and the readiness to adapt momentarily can be a major challenge. Victory comes with sacrifices because warfare is unpredictable; therefore, preparation is more important than all anticipation or expectations. Always, high expectations do not equate to great confidence so every battlefield and battlefront have different plan that impact our plans.

    Until the operation is complete there is no way to count the cost! The emphasis placed upon the armor of God show important priority above any focus on celebration. A war is not celebrated but the war heroes who make history in the line of duty. War is one thing but to win a war is another! Spiritual warfare has a manual or codes of conduct and the Christian Soldier must be fully trained and equipped for warfare.

    A concept of warfare is only a module to simulate a possible eventuality or expected scenario that might occur in the battlefield and battlefront. This is to say that experts understand the risks of real battles and the challenges that might arise. Managing the shift is what takes away over-confidence to keep the soldiers aware of the inevitable unpredictability. Warfare is not playing in a campus and it’s the reason war drills are tailored to present a near or comparable battlefield experiences.

    A Christian soldier is a real soldier trained and equipped to fight real enemies, which is to say that spiritual warfare is not a figment of imagination. A real battle present real casualty of war and safety comes with preparedness and readiness to fight and win. There is no middle-ground between winning and losing in a battle. The end result will determine our success and failure.

    When the Bible commanded us to put on the whole armour of God, it is evident that there is war brewing in the horizon. The warning is more than any expert opinions because spiritual revelation is a cure for life’s blind spot. Entering a dimension that is not known is like venturing into the abyss and the disorientation can lead to disorganization. The moral of a soldier is equivalent to a compass or GPS that connect a purpose and destiny. When we mistake a battle for play, we carelessly expose our lives to greater danger.

    Preparation is part of salvation because it is adjusting to whatever is necessary or required to be awarded or accorded the benefit of salvation. Warfare is a great part of the Christian breakthrough. Resistance takes re-enforcement and without breakthrough there is no breaking forth. Many Christians lose their lives because they are not prepared to deal with everything necessary to win in life.

    In Spiritual Armor for End Times Warriors, we will dive into the intricate mysteries of spiritual warfare to show the different stages of progression as well as present the explanation of the use of spiritual weapons of warfare. Our main focus is to train and equip the Christian soldier for the battlefield and battlefront. I want us to understand that the plan of salvation also has the plan of warfare and until we realize the inseparable concert of salvation and spiritual warfare, we will continue to omit the important aspect of the roadmap to our total deliverance — freedom and liberty.

    In His Service,

    Prophetess (Dr.) Evette Young.

    Chapter One


    There is no perfect goodness in any human after the fall of Adam. God wants us to be good, not partly good and partly evil. The goodness of Man was corrupted with the knowledge of evil – or the knowledge to do evil. (See Genesis 3:1-5; Matthew 7:17- 19; 12:33). Jesus Christ, the Second Adam, demonstrated how to overcome evil with good by refusing to yield to satan’s evil temptation or its enticing offer. In John 16:33, He declared His victorious triumph over the ruined world. We have to see that life is not only about spiritual strength, but also how strong we are mentally and physically when we battle satan and his demons or human agents. The Spirit of the Overcomer is not only spiritual stability, but also mental and physical capacity. In Genesis 2:1, the Bible says, Thus the heavens and the earth were finished. In verse 31 of the first Chapter of the book of Genesis, God examined His works and said, Behold, it was good. Everything was good, including the Earth.

    Satan rules the world by blinding the people’s eyes of understanding -- to keep them from exposing to the light of the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ. The gospel is the power of God unto salvation to them that believe (Romans 1:16; 2 Corinthians 4:4). The gospel is the key to the restoration of humanity with God and into the presence of glory. God moves us from levels and measures of authority and power until He re-establishes us in dominion in the glory. (See Ephesians 5:13-14). The way that satan will remain ruling over the world is to keep the people in ignorance of the truth of the word of God and personal experience with the person of God. With the believers, satan must also endeavor to keep them away from the word of God and experiencing the person of God as well as operating with the authority and power of God.

    The truth awakens the people's curiosity and drives them to search for way out. Freedom is a breakaway that satan does not want to see happen in the lives of the people everywhere. Jesus Christ revealed that the only way to freedom is the truth. (See John 8:32). The truth is not only knowing and understanding the scriptures, but experiencing the LORD God as a person. God is the Truth and as the Truth, it is impossible for God to lie.

    After a person is free from captivity and bondage, h/ she will seek for explanation to his or her suffering. Restitution and damages are parts of the enforcement of the law, including the recovery of the victim of abuse. The law is one of satan’s greatest fears. This is why he inserts his plan into the laws of nations or Kingdoms. When a nation or Kingdom enacts different laws, she becomes responsible and liable for the consequences. The anointing is given to the believers for vengeance or to fight back against the enemy so, they will recover what has been taken away from them. (See Judges 16:28; Isaiah 61:2). The devil does not want the believers to have the anointing or enter the glory because they will involve the Spirit of God or engage the LORD God.

    The Bible says, Vengeance belongs unto God (Deuteronomy 32:35; Psalms 94:1; Hebrews 10:30).

    When God comes to save and deliver, there is vengeance. There is recoverable punitive damages and restitution that the enemy must pay under the enforcement of God’s judgment decrees. We have to know that the LORD God made Adam in His image after His likeness. (See Genesis 1:26). If you expose a man to the truth about his enemy, h/she will jump for joy. If you identify the person behind his or her mischief, h/she will come back for revenge. If God had not instructed the people of God to leave vengeance for Him, blood would be shed, even on the altar of the House of the LORD. When God instigates revenge and gives the believers the authority and power to act, it is to bring a joyful expectation.

    Jesus Christ is the Savior of world. As the Anointed Savior, He saves and delivers, and gives the people true freedom. As the Truth,

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