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Over the years, I have experienced beyond what any human being can fully document or record as the different dimensions of the realms of glory opened to me. It has been a lifetime journey that has altered my life to an extent I had to learn to interact with human beings again. The glory realm is vast and it is ever expanding because every time t

Release dateAug 21, 2020

John King Hill

Apostle (Dr.) John King Hill was ordained by the world-renowned servant of God, Rod Parsley, Pastor of World Harvest Church, Columbus, Ohio. Apostle John King Hill holds the following degrees: Bachelor's degree in Biblical Studies, Master's degree in Theology, Doctorate of Divinity, and PhD in Ministry from Canon Bible College and Seminary, Orlando, Florida, USA. Apostle John King Hill is the founder of World Harvesters Outreach Ministries Conferences & Crusades, Inc. Apostle John King Hill is the Host of the Power&Glory World television and radio broadcasts, and has appeared on many Christian Network Televisions around the world: WHT, WHNO 20, The Word Network, Oracle Television Network, The Miracle Channel, Sky Angel, TBN, The Church Channel, Impactv, BellTV, ShawDirect, TelusSatTV, SaskTel Max, TelusOptik TV, and several others. World Harvesters Outreach Ministries Conferences & Crusades, Inc. produces conferences and crusades dedicated to reaching the world with the Word by the power of the Spirit. The call upon this ministry is to reveal God to suffering humanity through the Word of God, and by radical demonstration of His glorious power, until people's heart-troubling questions and circumstances are laid to rest, and they find genuine confidence and good courage to overcome life's obstacles, difficulties, provocations, aggressions, challenges, confrontations, demons, and elements of God's creation.The goal of this ministry is to reach the world through providing education, leadership training, mentorship, media outreach programs, worldwide evangelistic conferences, and crusades; caring for the needy and less privileged; supporting other organizations of like faith; and showing an example of Christian life.

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    © Copyright 2020—John King Hill

    All rights reserved. This book is protected under the copyright laws. This book may not be copied or reprinted for commercial gain or profit. The use of short quotations or occasional page copying for personal or group study is permitted and encouraged. Permission will be granted upon request.

    Unless otherwise identified, Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version. All emphasis within Scriptures is the author’s own.

    Please note that Harvesters Publishers™ publishing style capitalizes certain pronouns in Scripture that refer to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and may differ from some Bible publishers’ styles. Take note that the name satan and related names are not capitalized. We choose not to acknowledge him, even to the point of violating grammatical rules.

    Due to the revelatory content of this material and because of the author’s commitment to preserve the integrity and personal reading experience, editorial license was taken to maintain the spiritual and physical impact of the underlining subjects revealed in this book.




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    Table of Contents



    Chapter One

    The Natural Realm and the Natural Man

    Educational Structured Systems of the Material Life

    Appearing and Operating Like God

    Melody and Harmony of Unification

    Power as Quantitative and Demonstrative can be Measured

    Law of Infusion


    Chapter Two

    Buying into Emd-Times Junk Bonds

    Fullness of Life

    Great Glory and Great Power

    God Planet of Heaven

    Mysteries of the Blood of Jesus

    Offices Versus Sonship


    Touching the Needs of People

    Chapter Three

    Cloak of Invisibility

    The Law of Paradigm

    Addressing Deep Issues of Life

    Great Risks of Material Pursuits

    Enemies You Do not Know

    Chapter Four

    Danger of Visualization

    Thoughts and Words

    Mysteries of Unknown Tongue

    Out of Body versus Translation

    Mysteries of Personification

    Law of Moment

    Understanding Glory Events and Scenes

    All can See the Glory at the Same Time

    Chapter Five

    The Glory is Declared

    Glory and Fame

    Glory and Rulership over all Things

    Glory and Worship

    Hidden Transformation of Worship

    Chapter Six

    Glory and Knowing Who He is

    Mysteries and wonders of Deeper Revelation

    Dimension of the Realm of Light

    Glory Deals with the Atmosphere

    Glory and Judgment

    Legislative and Judicial Prayers

    Glory brings Peace

    Satanic Apparition and the Danger of False Glory

    Chapter Seven

    Meeting with Departed Saints in Glory

    Weight or Heaviness of His Glory

    Lamb of Christ and Voices of Martyrs

    Degrees of the Glory of Elements

    Emanating Glory is Temporal

    Glory Transforms

    Glory and Rulership Over Elements

    Glory of the Son

    Glory of the Father

    Power and Glory

    Unification of Past, Present and Future

    Glory and Death

    Worship and Unusual Transparency


    Over the years, I have experienced beyond what any human being can fully document or record as the different dimensions of the realms of glory opened to me. It has been a lifetime journey that has altered my life to an extent I had to learn to interact with human beings again. The glory realm is vast and it is ever expanding because every time the Godhead speaks, eternity enlarges besides the infinite dimension where the LORD God welled before anything was ever created. Those who question the supernatural are babies in spiritual things even in the material life and material world. The origin of life and the created things are supernatural — and I am using the word supernatural in human terminology rather than in deeper spiritual connotations. No amount of vocabulary can explain the spiritual dimensions, which is why it takes the fullness of life and power to articulate to some degree. I encourage you to keep an open heart and mind as you read through every page of this divine encyclopedia of spiritual phenomena.

    The Bible said, He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing (Job‬ ‭26:7‬).

    Who layeth the beams of his chambers in the waters: who maketh the clouds his chariot: who walketh upon the wings of the wind (Psalms‬ ‭104:3‬).

    To him that stretched out the earth above the waters: for his mercy endureth for ever (Psalms‬ ‭136:6‬).

    I was taken in the Spirit to experience and witness the foundation of the Earth: I saw as the Earth is suspended upon the water! The bottom of the Earth has unimaginable size of water. Between the Earth and the water are chambers that allow for unusual air passages that creates tremendous pressures. The force of the power can accelerate beyond any known categories of hurricanes. The coolness of the water temperature mixed with the ferocious wind-gust easily leads to exceptional cold temperature that no life can survive while transitioning through these chambers. 

    When the LORD suddenly appeared, He took me for a brief distant walk to a hole that was secretly cut-out into the depth of the Earth. He spoke and said, we will go through here, immediately the great power of God overtook us and began to drive us through the hole like a pathway. We descended in extraordinary speed as we penetrated deeper into the bottom of the Earth. We came between the Earth and the water and skimmed above the water surface aerodynamically like guided missiles seeking for its target.

    Very abruptly the LORD spoke out and said, we cannot go through here, it’s too cold! I interjected and said, we can do it. The moment the LORD spoke, it was too late to reverse His word because His word cannot return without accomplishing the purpose. Immediately, the great power of God began to drive us through the chambers of the wind back to the Earth surface. We accelerated in obliterating speed until we came out of the wind tunnel and thrown to the Earth surface like cartoon characters.

    Although the LORD said it was too cold at the bottom of the Earth — between the water and the Earth, I was not feeling any cold at all. And the reason was perhaps because of the intensity of the great power of the LORD God. Nevertheless, no life can make it through these chambers of the wind. The power is too great besides the ice-cold conditions created by the mixtures of the water and the wind. The Earth serves as a barrier — by walling off all heat like insulations so the sun cannot reach beneath the depth of the Earth. Therefore, transiting through these pathways are more dangerous than crossing the arctic or the North Pole.

    I know this because the LORD had taken me to a race across the North Pole and the water was frigid even though I was given life jackets. The ice-cold temperature penetrated my layers of covering. My body was shivering as I laid on my bed through this experience. I made it across the North Pole to the other side and back to the side where I started, but I did not fully understand why we had to race across the North Pole. Later I was taken to the horn of North Africa — to yet another frigid point. These exhibitions were similar to rigid military drills and strategic rehearsals. I shared these phenomena with some men and women of God, who concluded that the trainings may have been to thicken my skin so I will be more hardened and enduring.

    Later I read the Book of Ana Mendez and there was a man in South America who mentioned that the North Pole is the mouth or entrance gate into the abyss.

    I have seen too many things including the chambers of lightning and thunder. The lighting and thunders are mild compare to how we see the light and hear the sounds in this life. I was able to come very close and literally examined the bases. Lightning and thunder are inseparable — they are interconnected like a choreographed concert. They give ways to each other as they collaborate in achieving their phenomenal tasks.

    I have been to the valley of the shadow of death.

    I have passed through the bands of darkness like in the Book of Jude, where thick darkness collapse like chains to restrain so you will never come out of the hold.

    I have ascended to the mountains of God with different depictions of the great revelation of the glory of the LORD God.

    I have traveled across many terrains of Heaven to explore the landmarks including where special transportation systems carry you around because these places are not easily accessible. Some of these journeys took me whole nights!

    I have accessed different planets where extraordinary powerful angels protect these planetary domains.

    I have watched the Heavens come down on Earth and sat in front of me at the voice of the LORD God and the stars were shinning ever brighter and bigger I could touch them with my finger.

    I have entered the realm of light and moved in the tunnel of light with the LORD: the light that travels with you everywhere and hides you inside. You can see the enemies outside the light no matter how dark it is, but they cannot see you inside the light.

    I have walked on the narrow path and came to the gates that separate people from this life at death. I saw how the souls of sinners are gutted out—arrested, detained and released to the Kingdom of satan. I saw how they are bound and carried away into bondage like slaves!

    I have been to the throne room of the Living God many times.

    I saw, walked and talked with the Godhead: the Father of Glory, the LORD of Glory and King of Glory and the Spirit  of Glory in their many forms and appearances including the majestic glory or the GOD of Glory.

    I have been to the realms of angels, transported in many occasions, escorted to different assignments and moved together with groups of angels that cannot be counted. I have also seen many unique or distinctive angels including Michael the Archangel, the super warrior angels and other angels of different sizes and ranks. Some angels are able to reduce their sizes and grow back up again in a moment.

    I have driven on the streets of gold and saw the structural landmarks and entered into the Kingdom of Heaven to see what the LORD has prepared for those who will enter into His Kingdom.

    I have been to the tree of life.

    The living water and the river of life.

    I have entered the crystal sea and reached the based to see the few that work with the Father in the deepest depth of the glory dimensions.

    I have been with the twenty four elders.

    Worshiped with the four beast.

    I have come extremely close to the edge of eternity and infinity where every created thing can loose their memories like when a computer hard drive is erased or restored to the original factory default settings.

    Eternity and the physical temporary realms of life are where God gave life and abilities but when you come close to the infinite realm of God, everything will be taken away. This is the revelation of First and Last, Beginning and End, Alpha and Omega and the Resurrection and the Life! Lifespan begins with creation and birth and ends with death and begins again with resurrection into life!

    If I continue further, the list can go on and on and on.

    I cannot write everything in this one book. I have outlined these things to help your Christian walk as part of the testimony of the resurrected Christ. Please prayerful indulge is this heavenly material and ask the LORD God to revealed Himself to you. The end-times is all about the revelation of His glory beyond the manifestation of Him as a man or Son of Man. He is raised up from the dead, exalted above all, given all authority and power and seated in majesty forever.

    What I want you to remember is that fullness must deal with wholeness -- the completeness to achieve absolute perfection. In other words, fullness must cover artificial intelligence, secret knowledge of the demonic kingdom, and the perfect knowledge of God. Wherever there is the artificial and the false, there must also be the true or the truth as the cure. In the end-times, there will be those who will know so much about artificial intelligence, there will be those who will know the hidden secrets of the demonic kingdom to the extent that even some people of God might think or suspect they are part of that evil kingdom. There will be people that will have the extraordinary revelatory knowledge of the glory of the LORD God: The Kingdom, the power, and the glory. All these are parts of the great glory that will be revealed to deal with the world, the Church, and the demonic kingdom by the Kingdom rulership of Heaven!

    The issue of bringing a union of the spirit and flesh is not a matter of surgical transplant, but an infusion of life. Life is not transferable because it’s given and received. It’s lost and found! It’s a gift that comes with great responsibility because life is a living experience rather than a written text. Many people on Earth have never touched the history of life -- created according to eternal Book of Life. The Book of Life is a historical archive of the order of life in Heaven, which often differs on the Earth because people fail to reconnect by the Spirit in the glory! Only few people have been able to operate as it is in Heaven so also in the Earth or came in the volume of the Book that it is written of them. The graduates of the written will, who passed on -- ascended into the realm of Heaven to break the seal of the secret will or purpose of God will see their lives unlocked supernaturally in this physical realm for the end-times.

    A real Kingdom must operate based upon specialties and specialists: this is to say that oneness does not mean that all are the same and equal -- and I am speaking about qualification wise! We can easily miss the focus to think that in a Kingdom, although all are citizens and one people or origin and perhaps, speak one common language, share the same position in life. There are both similarity and distinction, which is why the work is more than administrative. Governmental structure is not the same with individual’s way of life!

    To bring the body to function together in unity or unified as one takes the law of the Spirit. The law of the Spirit is the law of life, which is to say that without the life of the Spirit -- the Spirit of life, the body cannot live and the same applies to the power of the Spirit! Power flows from the Head but life flows from the Spirit. Therefore, authority and power are not enough without having the Life!

    The reason Christ lives after death is because God raised Him up from the dead. To come to a place where we can actually bring forth the revelation of the mysteries of Christ, the experience of His resurrected life beyond His manifested life or who He was as a man -- anointed as the Messiah must be fully realized in the Spirit. Experience is greater than any lecture. A dead body cannot live without life! This is to mean that the higher laws of unity and unification must be fully engaged by the life and power of the Spirit. For two to become one is not a matter of talking with each other to come into an agreement. It is a spiritual work of God beyond any human input, advisory, or counsel.

    When we leave the Spirit, we are saying that we don’t want to know Christ, who He really is -- from both the natural and spiritual perspectives. We are undermining the depths necessary to expose the true hidden identity of Christ. (See Matthew 16:13-19). Christ in you (by His Spirit) is the hope of glory because the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Glory (1 Peter 4:14). He is the one that leads you into the glory to experience the fullness of the LORD God. This is the hidden secret -- without the revelation of the glory, the mysteries of the glorified Christ will be lost to external religious setups and religious rituals. The Holy Spirit as the Spirit of Glory has come to reveal the glorified Christ, so the Church must be ready to move in the glory realms of God in this hour!

    In the glory the voice of the LORD God is the seal because let there be is a revelation of what is hidden: what is in the past, what is in the present, and what is to come or the future. This is how the secret will of God is experienced in the glory. I AM He that was, and is, and is to come. It is also how to visualize the unfolding revelation of the mysteries of the Beginning and the End!  Material and immaterial (the ways that things come to being out of nothing) are part of revelation. Revelation is expressing, transmitting, and communicating without substance materials. When dealing with immaterial world and immaterial life, we must be careful to understand that everything come and go extremely quickly: old things pass away and new things suddenly come to light or revealed! The framework and operating windows of events can also shift momentarily! Always, the glory deals with moments -- the moments of His appearing and revelation of His rulership decrees!

    In His Love,


    Chapter One


    And when he was come into the temple, the chief priests and the elders of the people came unto him as he was teaching, and said, By what authority doest thou these things? and who gave thee this authority? And Jesus answered and said unto them, I also will ask you one thing, which if ye tell me, I in like wise will tell you by what authority I do these things.

    And they answered Jesus, and said, We cannot tell. And he said unto them, Neither tell I you by what authority I do these things (Matthew 21:23, 24, 27).

    And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many (Matthew 24:3-5).

    Humanity has been crushed by great deception and the compounding injuries and wounds of life have left the human race in despair! It's this despair that has led to victimization and sabotage of people's purposes and destinies. They are cheated out in many fronts through falsehood that promise to end their suffering and pain, ease their discomfort, cure their sicknesses and diseases, bring them to wealth and fame, or change and transform their status quo. This is why it’s extremely important to verify people's identity, authority, and source of power whether spiritual or physical. There must be a background check to determine people's authenticity and collaborate their sincerity, honesty, integrity and credibility. The position of authority and power is a very easy sale, so people are often vulnerable to being taken advantage of. The world has balances and checks systems to verify people's identity and work positions. They can know people's expertise and other important information. Real authority and power can bring real change, and this is the advantage of those who have real authority and power or who claim to have real authority and power. To claim the authority of Jesus Christ or assume His person would mean a total devastation because it could turn the people away from God to follow after a lost human or perhaps demonic agents or agencies operating under disguises. The craft is highly potent that many people would lose their lives through deception. Depending on where people are in life -- whether positionally, conditionally, or personally, they can become part of the world's great blessing or curse. Nothing appeals to Kingdoms or attract nations more than people of specialty -- those who are specialists in certain areas of academics and achievements. The same applies to having certain status! They can become objects of worship that people bow down to, and pay their homages.

    It's important to question authority and power, but you must also be a person of authority and power or you will lack the legitimacy to subject other authority and power to respond. And depending on their ranks, your quest may be deadlocked or stonewalled! Authority and power have certain diplomatic immunity that afford them the reluctance to speak even to other authority and power. This is why some situations in people's lives can suffer great setbacks until the issues are dealt with militarily, diplomatically, legislatively, and judicially. Every situation or circumstance cannot be addressed militarily because the military has a different code of conduct. Likewise, different warfare cannot be won militarily -- some will take diplomatic approach and others may take legislative and judicial processes.

    We must understand the separation of individual delegated authority and power versus Kingdom authority and power. This is how we can distinguish between personal engagement and Kingdom intervention. When you are dealing with a Kingdom system, you must consult and collaborate with departmental bodies or engage the Kingdom rulership authority and power! Therefore, a personal delegated authority and power may not be sufficient to deal with a Kingdom, so we must know to keep climbing in the ranking of authority and power to be fully positioned according to Kingdom rulership orders.

    Kingdom intervention is always superior to all personal engagements! It's not simple to bring Kingdom authority and power to individual subjection without rulership authority and power! Some Kingdoms will not allow you the passage as an individual to deal with certain authority figures or to have accessibility to certain powers or persons of interests within their Kingdoms! When people are speaking of breakthrough, these are the areas, they do not often examine because they are following after the miraculous or signs and wonders! Miracles, signs, and wonders do not substitute for the processes of rising through the ranking of authority and power to be fully established in a Kingdom. Another important factor is that people can be fooled by influence or attraction to those who assume certain positions in life!

    The Natural Realm and the Natural Man

    The revelation of the glory is not a matter of coincidence: it's the heavenly order of events! The uncommon life of the first man -- made/created by God was the extraordinary spiritual transparency and clarity. He was able to see beyond the flesh and into the vast spiritual dimensions of God and Angels. We see the LORD God coming to Adam and speaking to Him with His voice instead of Adam praying to experience the glory or see the LORD God. The glory allowed for God to pursue after the glorified man for intimacy: The Bible says, "for such my Father seekers after to worship Him" (John 4:24). This is why the LORD God creates unusual hunger and thirst in the lives of those seeking after Him -- to draw them into accelerated pursuit after Him. The glory is where He reveals His Spirit person so we may know Him by who He is, which is coming into the depth or foundation of true spiritual worship. Adam was able to see and talk to Him because he was living and moving in the spiritual dimensions of the glory. He did not have to ask the LORD God who are you and the LORD God did not have to say, I AM the LORD thy God! Adam did not have to ask too many questions concerning the created works because of the power of revelation. Revelations were also parts of exposing the hidden mysteries of the orders of creation and the secrets of their lives and identities. In the spirit realms, life is transparent so we can see beyond the physical aspect to know what is in the heart or what is attached to people's lives and elements.

    And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air (Genesis 2:19-20a).

    Revelation is greater than the counterfeits of telepathy and mind-reading or using other inferior demonic and human means to substitute for spiritual depth of knowledge, understanding, wisdom, counsel, might, and judgment. This is the reason the glory is the establishment of the great fear of the LORD God! Revelation is the power to see beyond the fabrics of the flesh and spirit, which is how Adam knew his wife. "The flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone" was a spiritual diagnosis! When the LORD God said, it was not good for man to be alone (Genesis 2:18), and caused Adam to fall into deep sleep or die (Genesis 2:21) because of the weight of the glory, the resounding echoes of these words were revealed to Him. Therefore, when the LORD God brought the woman to him, he did not question, who is this stranger? He had the articulation of divine revelation to unearth the hidden identity and role of this spiritually qualified woman.

    And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man (Genesis 2:21-23).

    Spiritual eyes are darkened when we come out of the spirit realms because it's like turning off the light switch or closing the doors and curtains. This is the secret of the light nature of God or the light of life! The enclosure was removed when the curtain was teared up after Jesus died on the cross. When Adam came out of the Garden of Eden -- or the atmosphere of the glory, the spiritual eyes were lost to take away his vision, just like Samson when the enemy plucked out his eyes. The Bible said, where there is no vision the people perish (Proverbs 29:18). Adam was able to see through the flesh, the bone, and the spirit realm. And if he had the ability to see and hear the LORD God including the Angels, he was also in the spiritual position to see fallen angels and to make a distinction. This was one of the greatest fears of satan besides dominion that led him to devise a way to bring the glorified man out of the realm of glory.

    The Heaven is higher than the Earth so the lower Earth platform is a campus -- a learning architecture to help the natural man make sense out of life and the surroundings! The impediment however are the institutional tools that we use to measure our successes. They are spiritually incompetent and therefore, unfit to investigate the spirit realm of life. This leaves the human race blind-sided because the material success is not what certifies life with eternal values. The distance of the natural world from the spirit world causes life to shorten the progress and instead of adding extension, deterioration and corruption begins to take a toll like the rich fool (See Luke 12:13-21)! Closeness with the Life is what opens the different stages or dimensions of life, but the distance away from the Life is what closes the next appointment with life! Seasons, time, days, weeks, months, years and ages are all countdowns and often people do not see the dangers of getting counted out in life. The finish line is not the end of the physical existence, so we may mistake our material gains for a great bargain until the beginning of the next life opens up. The natural man needs a natural world and like sensors and radars they can navigate through their destinations in the earth platform. Nevertheless, the deep void of life takes more than having the eyes to see the daylight. The reason is that the void is infused into our lives and although, we may see the light of the day, we can stumble through life -- seeking for the concealed spiritual pathway.

    The beginning of life is not the same with the end. Often, people begin without prior knowledge of the existence of this world and likewise, they enter the spiritual life without the notion of its existence. Therefore, it's a repeat of unpreparedness and this is why life comes with great cost because of great surprises and responsibilities! To show that the material things does not really help prepare people for the spiritual, we must look at how everything is taken or stripped away when death comes. Like fiber-optics, the human senses are short of eternal capacity, so our frequencies are very limited. The spirit realm can operate in a code of silence -- leaving us without the taste of what life has to offer in that dimensions! Withdrawing the amenities which help the human life to thrive will destabilize the human growth! Visions and dreams are parts of spiritual orientation to open the people's blind eyes to refocus the trajectory of their lives! The eyes are part of vision correction to expose the natural man to his surroundings -- the environment and the atmosphere! Likewise, when we cannot see in the spirit realm or when every material thing is removed, the

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