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Portraits: I Am My Truth
Portraits: I Am My Truth
Portraits: I Am My Truth
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Portraits: I Am My Truth

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About this ebook

Today is still much like yesterday, full of misconceptions about women and their place or roles in the church and society. There is so much inequality in life for women especially in leadership roles in the business world and pulpits. I am a woman that believes in breaking barriers and is not accustomed to living by man’s rules but by God’s rules.
In Portraits I am introducing women of the Old and New Testament comparing my life trials and adversities to women of the Old and New Testament. There is a prayer after each persona about the particular adversity for all who have been through a similar situation. There is a section called “It Is So” throughout the book on random topics that God placed on my mind to enlighten the readers.
Release dateApr 1, 2022
Portraits: I Am My Truth

Flora Jean

"I AM MY TRUTH", Scars of Rape, Being Kidnapped, Abuse, Divorce, Sibling Rivalry has strengthen me to be a Strong, Proud, Black American, Spiritual Tongue Speaking, Worshipping Woman of God. I am "CALLED" by the Most High, Being a Ordained Minister, Clergy of Memphis Police Dept, Bacherlor in Theology, Cert. in Chronic Illness, Cert, In Grief anf Loss. Responder for Disasters, etc

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    Portraits - Flora Jean





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    I am dedicating this book to Ashlee who is the mother of my four grandsons. She is a fantastic mother, daughter, and owner of two businesses. I am proud of all her accomplishments and many degrees. Jamaal my son who is a quiet storm with a heart full of compassion for life and a giving spirit. Who is there for me no matter what and a man that loves God? I am proud of his accomplishments, degrees, and certifications, and he is a business owner.

    My mother, Mamie, without her I would not have existed and inherited her strength. She was a godly woman, best friend, highly intelligent, a quiet storm who always looked for the good in people. Although my mother is no longer with me on this earth, she still resides within me, and her presence is felt daily. IT IS HER DNA AND THE DNA OF JESUS CHRIST THAT KEEPS ME.



    Be careful, for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving. Let my requests be made known unto God and the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep in my heart and mind through Christ Jesus.

    Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

    Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do and the God of peace shall be with me.

    But I rejoiced in the lord greatly, that now at the last your care of me hath flourished again; wherein ye were also careful, but ye lacked opportunity.

    Not that I speak in respect of want for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, to be content.

    I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound; everywhere and in all things, I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.

    I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.

    Philippians 4:6-13 King James version/paraphrased


    Persona 1 Eve (The First Woman)

    Persona 2 Tamar

    Tamar (2)

    Persona 3 Zipporah

    Persona 4 Hannah

    Persona 5 Peninnah

    IT IS SO When Jesus Says Come

    Persona 6 Cozbi

    Persona 7 Shelomith 1

    Shelomith 2

    Persona 8 Rachael or Rachel

    IT IS SO Thankful

    Persona 9 Leah

    Persona 10 Dinah

    Persona 11 Mary Magdalene

    Persona 12 Mary the Mother of Jesus

    Persona 13 Mary the Mother of James

    IT IS SO Prayer Warrior

    Persona 14 Martha

    Persona 15 Esther

    Persona 16 Elizabeth or Elisabeth

    Persona 17 Deborah

    IT IS SO Two Reals

    Persona 18 Hagar

    Persona 19 Delilah

    Persona 20 Naomi

    Persona 21 Sarah/Sarai

    IT IS SO Proverbs 31

    Persona 22 Miriam

    Persona 23 Bathshua

    Persona 24 Bathsheba

    Persona 25 Bernice

    IT IS SO Grace

    Persona 26 Damaris

    Persona 27 Dorcus/Tabitha

    Persona 28 Drusilla

    Persona 29 Eunice

    IT IS SO The Called

    Persona 30 Euodias/Euodia

    Persona 31 Bilhah

    Persona 32 Bithiah

    Persona 33 Candace

    Persona 34 Chloe

    Persona 35 Claudia

    Persona 36 Awan/Balbira

    IT IS SO The Third Heaven


    Persona 37 Abigail I

    Persona 38 Abigail II

    IT IS SO God

    Persona 39 Abijah I/Abiah

    Persona 40 Abijah II

    Persona 41 Abihail I

    Persona 42 Abihail II

    IT IS SO The Gospel

    Persona 43 Abishag

    Persona 44 Abital

    Persona 45 Achsah or Achsa

    Persona 46 Adah I

    Persona 47 Adah II

    Persona 48 Ahinoam I

    Persona 49 Ahinoam II

    IT IS SO God’s Love

    Persona 50 Aholibah

    Persona 51 Anna

    Persona 52 Apphia

    Persona 53 Asenath

    Persona 54 Atarah

    Persona 55 Athaliah

    Persona 56 Basmath

    Persona 57 Bashemath

    Persona 58 Bashemath II

    Persona 59 Eglah

    Persona 60 Elisheba

    Persona 61 Ephah

    Persona 62 Ephrath or Ephratah

    IT IS SO Justification

    Persona 63 Gomer

    Persona 64 Haggith

    Persona 65 Hamutal

    Persona 66 Hammoleketh

    Persona 67 Hazelelponi or Zelelponi

    Persona 68 Tzelphoni

    Persona 69 Helah

    IT IS SO Adamic Covenant

    Persona 70 Herodias

    Persona 71 Hodesh

    Persona 72 Hoglah

    Persona 73 Huldah

    Persona 74 Iscah

    Persona 75 Jael or Yael

    IT IS SO Noahic Covenant

    Persona 76 Jecholiah

    Persona 77 Jedidah

    Persona 78 Jehosheba or Jehoshabeath

    Persona 79 Jemimah or Jemima

    Persona 80 Jerioth/Azubuh/Azubah

    Persona 81 Jerushah/Jerusha

    IT IS SO Abrahamic Covenant

    Persona 82 Joanna/Johanna

    Persona 83 Judith

    Persona 84 Julia

    Persona 85 Keren-Happuch

    Persona 86 Keturah

    Persona 87 Keziah or Kezia

    IT IS SO Mosaic Covenant

    Persona 88 Lois

    Persona 89 Lo-Ruhamah

    Persona 90 Lydia

    Persona 91 Maacah

    Persona 92 Maacah II

    Persona 93 Maacah III

    Persona 94 Maacah IV

    Persona 95 Maacah V

    Persona 96 Mahalath I

    Persona 97 Mahalath II

    Persona 98 Mahlah or Mahalah

    Persona 99 Hammoleketh

    Persona 100 Baara



    Persona 101 Mary John Mark Mother

    Persona 102 Matred

    Persona 103 Mehetabel

    Persona 104 Merab

    Persona 105 Meshullemeth

    Persona 106 Michal

    Persona 107 Milcah I

    Persona 108 Milcah II

    Persona 109 Naamah

    Persona 110 Naamah II

    IT IS SO Psalms 31

    Persona 111 Naarah

    Persona 112 Nehushta

    Persona 113 Noadiah

    Persona 114 Noah

    Persona 115 Oholibamah/Aholiamah

    Persona 116 Orpah

    Persona 117 Persis

    Persona 118 Phoebe

    Persona 119 Priscilla/Prisca

    Persona 120 Puah

    Persona 121 Photine/Photini/Saint Photini

    IT IS SO Psalm 91 KJV

    Persona 122 Rahab

    Persona 123 Rebekah/Rebecca

    Persona 124 Reumah

    Persona 125 Rhoda

    Persona 126 Rizpah

    Persona 127 Ruth

    Persona 128 Salome

    Persona 129 Salome II

    Persona 130 Sapphira

    Persona 131 Serah

    Persona 132 Sheerah

    IT IS SO Psalms 103

    Persona 133 Shimeath

    Persona 134 Shimrith

    Persona 135 Shiphrah

    Persona 136 Susanna

    Persona 137 Shua

    Persona 138 Syntyche

    Persona 139 Tahpenes

    Persona 140 Tamar of Hanna

    Persona 141 Tamar III

    IT IS SO Fruits of the Spirits

    Persona 142 Taphath

    Persona 143 Timna

    Persona 144 Tirzah

    Persona 145 Tryphena/Tryphosa

    Persona 146 Vashti

    Persona 147 Zeresh

    Persona 148 Zeruah

    Persona 149 Zeruiah

    Persona 150 Zibiah

    Persona 151 Zillah

    Persona 152 Zilpah


    Welcome to PORTRAITS. Get comfortable and snuggle up on your favorite spot as I take you on a ride on clouds of the past comparing them as I cruise along in todays’ society. As you Venture along you will meet the women of the Old Testament and some of the women of the New Testament while I compare my life and my trials to theirs.

    The reason for my writing this book is because God placed it on my heart to do so. Also, because today is still much like yesterday, full of misconceptions about women and their roles in the church and their inequality in life. I am a woman that believes in breaking barriers and not accustomed to living by man rules but by God’s rules led by Jehovah.

    As you Traverse along you will see that women of the past are very much like women of today; strong and have no problem taking charge, just as women are of today. Although now we are still overlooked professionally, and we are thought to be less than equal to the male gender, there has been a significant change in todays’ society and the thought process about women.

    At the end of each Persona there will be a prayer that is pertaining to the subject matter or as led by God. Also, there will be a section called IT IS SO occasionally where I speak on whatever is on my mind at the time from the directive of the Holy Spirit. There are so many facets of me as I transitioned, and GOD has placed this on my heart to share. I was like a broken window that displays so many distinct aspects or particles that made the whole person that I am today.


    The Transitional Prayer is a place of passage. Prayer is the heartbeat of every born- again believer and it brings us before the throne of Grace to experience the reality of God’s Love, Authority, Wisdom and Power in Communion with him.

    As I grow and my transition continues and matures, I find Worship is also a major player in this game of Christianity. Worship is the one thing that my GOD (Jehovah) ask for and is what he craves from me. It is important to Worship because in these last days the Father is seeking True Worshippers to worship him in Spirit and in Truth. WORSHIP IS MY BRAND!

    My life has been filled with miracles and wonders and a host of Divine Encounters. I would be amiss, if I did not recognize that because of my ability to pray in the Spirit for my edification and with worship and praise I would not have Gravitas and Favor. I am thankful for my continuous transition as I mature in comprehension and wisdom and the effect it has on my life and the future.

    Transitional Prayer and Worship is the bridge that connects one season to the next season. As my prayer and worship flows from my heart to the conductor, who is Jesus Christ, who distributes my supplication to angels who are assigned to me by GOD.

    The outcome of my prayer and worship is peaceful, powerful, and healing. God will always turn the wiles and tricks of the devil and my own flaws around for my good because he loves me, and my faith is based on the knowledge of how much he loves me. Jesus died and shed his blood for us and placed us under Grace (unmerited favor).


    When God placed the idea to write this trilogy about the women of times past, present, and future I had no idea of the women mentioned in the bible. As I begin to research and realized the magnitude of such a powerful influence that women have had during biblical times; but is not spoken of usually still in today’s churches and pulpits today.

    I begin to think about my past, and present aspect of me and how it aligned up with so many of these women. The struggles women fought then and in so many instances, we are still fighting for changes today.

    As you take off your shoes and put on your comfy clothing to settle up and take a ride on this journey with me look for snapshots of you. These are different aspects of me, but I am sure if you look and be honest with yourself; you will find visions and aspect of you also. The struggles are real and up close and personal.

    So, relax, enjoy, and know this is my Truth; good or bad.


    T he name Eve means " Life Giver " and we know she is The Mother of All the Human Race , with the exception of Adam. As I begin, my focus is with Eve, she is the first woman and the first person to sin. Eve was the first woman created and is the original ancestor of all people. Eve, formed from the rib of Adam in the image of God, just like man, or the male species. Eve’s original purpose was to be a helpmate, and companion comparable to Adam so that he would not be lonely. Eve had a relationship with God just as Adam. There is no conversation listed where Eve had a warning about the tree of knowledge and life, but we know she was aware of the forbidden tree because she told the serpent.

    Eve is blamed for this sinful world that we live in; but the blame should be placed on Adam also. I have not read anywhere stating Adam was forced to eat the apple. It was a choice they both made, a bad choice, but it was their choice and the blame belong to both parties. We can also assume God gave Eve and Adam the capacity to love and to communicate about issues of the garden. We know that God’s desire is for us to recognize that man, and woman identity is the same, which is humankind. God gave man dominion over the other creatures because he made man higher and more intelligence than other creations. Adam had to be intelligent to name all the creatures of this earth, God did not correct or change any of the names Adam gave to the creatures because they were given to Adam by God.

    The serpent (Satan) came on the scene and spoke to Eve planting a seed of doubt in her mind, and we know that doubt is one of his specialties to lure you in. Eve should have been a bit more concerned that a snake was speaking to her, I see no indication where any other animals spoke. The first sign that something was not quite right was to acknowledge that a snake is talking. The fact that a snake spoke that should have been enough to deter her. Secondly, she should have spoken to Adam or at least to God before eating the apple.

    Eve’s disobedience was listening to the snake (Satan); he tells her that she will surely not die. Eve to react so quickly without talking it over with God or Adams; tells me that she could have been like Lucifer seeking to be as God. When we are told no, it makes us want that thing more. The serpent told her that if she would eat of the tree she would not die, instead she would become like God, knowing good and evil. There is a possibility that Eve was not content with all she had; just like lucifer was not content with his status. The beauty of the fruit appealed to Eve and now the serpent tells her that she will have wisdom. Eve submitting to temptation was the beginning of her demise and she gave the apple also to Adam to eat. Adam chose to eat of the tree and the consequence was his demise. All actions have consequences.

    The consequences of Eve’s action changed her relationship with Adam and with God. She was disobedient to God and as a result came the First Sin. The sin gave her the ability to think and rationalize and to be more conscience of her surroundings. Eve was immediate ashamed because she realized she was naked; when God called out to her and Adam they hid because of their nakedness or shame. Eve sinfulness had a lasting impact on every woman and man from that day forward for generations after generations. The pain that women suffer at childbirth is one of the major consequences all women suffer because of her sin. Eve was banished from the garden, and life was hard, no longer comfortable living. I can imagine Eve longing for the days when she walked with God in the garden taking in the beauty of it all. A time when she did not have any cares or worries.

    The relationship she had with Adam had to change because now they had to feed themselves, struggle for their needs and now had a new concern which was clothing. Surely, this impacted their daily existence and loving relationship. Adam blamed Eve for their struggle because he told God that Eve gave him the apple and he ate. Adam did not take responsibility for his part. We can assume because of the banishment from the Garden of Eden life was a struggle and possibly they were competitive in ways that they were not before. I can assume that arguments and discord came between them, no longer a loving and peaceful environment.

    The first dysfunctional family was because of Adam and Eve. We know during their first generation, Cain killed Abel his brother. Envy and jealousy existed and still is a terrible thing among siblings to this day. Eve was the first woman to experience a death of a child; a lost caused by one son killing the other. I can only assume that for years, Eve probably carried an enormous amount of guilt because of her and Adam disobedience. We know that she was cursed because God told her that her pains of childbearing would be horrible. The physical consequences are obvious but what about the emotional consequences of this action.

    The psychological consequences must have been devastating because her relationship with Adam was probably estranged. There is a possibility that Adam resented her for the choice that she made in being disobedient. There was no indication of her strong arming him to make him eat of the apple.

    The social consequence was devastating because now their lifestyle would be hard. Prior to the sin, food and access to their need was provide for them in abundance. After the sin, they will have to learn how to hunt for food. Now they have a need to find shelter as well as a concern for clothing. Prior to their sin trivial matters were of no importance or necessity. Eve is the woman that will always be known for the First of so many of life circumstances that are both good and bad.


    In my comparison with Eve there are certain factors that I am aware of; God desires is that men, and women share the same identity which is humankind. God gave us dominion over all other creatures. I know that women are not subordinate to man but is equal. I understand that man should be the provider and the woman should be the nourisher or help mate.

    In our society today and my life specifically, I was responsible for all roles. In looking back over my life and my actions; like Eve I had unfavorable consequences. Consequences that I still have scars from today. I can recall as a small child my grandmother loved apples and my mother would buy them especially for granny. I would sit with granny, and she would tell me tales of our ancestors and things about her Indian heritage. I knew for me to eat the apple was forbidden by my mother, although granny would give or tell me to get one, it was taboo for me. I would bite off the apple and put it back and allow my brother to get in trouble about the apple. I allowed my brother to be punished for two reasons; the first because he was very cruel and mean to me. Secondly, I liked apples and did not want my mother to realize I was being disobedient.

    I can recall a time as a teenage that my action led to consequences that were not favorable for me or those around me. Just like Eve consequences hurt those around her, mine also spoiled over to the next generation, but I chose to make sure it ended there and not continue to the future. While I was in high school, I found out that my boyfriend was dating my teacher. The real truth is that I really did like him in the beginning; he was extremely popular, and we made a cute couple. My teacher and I were kool, so I felt betrayed. Betrayal has an ugly face and will cause you to do things you would not do ordinarily. My teacher would allow me to drive her car and I would spend time together at her house on weekends and just chill. The red flags are always present whether we choose to acknowledge them or not, and that was a red flag.

    I started to notice that he would call me from her house or always had a reason for stopping over to her home. The students at school began telling me that I was being used, and what was really going on with my instructor. My crew asked me, what was I going to do about it? When I found out about it originally, I felt betrayed and relieved. I was relieved because she was giving him what I was not giving up, sex. Once the devil got involved, to save face because of all the talk around school, I retaliated by reporting her to the school officials.

    The consequence that took place because of this action hurt so many other students. Was she wrong? Yes! She was not behaving in an appropriate manner. She was a great teacher and she helped so many students pass, who would not have otherwise. I was always an A and B student and school was always easy for me. If I had thought the situation through and weighed my options; my actions, I feel now would be quite different. When you are young, many times we do not think or rationalize circumstances before we take an action. In my case it was more of a pride thing, more than anything else. My thought process with the help of the adversary, directed my mind and action to focus on my appearance and saving face.

    I was raised in a dysfunctional family. I was a child from the second marriage, and I felt never accepted by my siblings. They were mean and cruel to me while growing up. Especially, my Cain who was one of my brothers. One of my siblings were more hurtful, and evil than the other three. I recall on several occasions, if my mother had not walked in or intervened, I will already be with the father in heaven.

    Sibling rivalry is "no joke" and as a society we need to really step up and be mindful of the damage this can cause not only physically but mentally as well. Although, I have a wonderful life and live with a peace that is indescribable, there are many who are suffering today and have no one to turn to for help. I love my siblings and will do anything for them because I am a different person now and I realized accepting them for who they were, and are, reminds me who I am today. As a parent we need to be more watchful and take an active role in our children lives to be able to see the signs.

    The consequences of Eve taught us many lessons about life. Eve taught us that relationships between men, and women can be difficult and misleading. Women should be respected more and held at a higher-standards and taken more seriously. Communication is truly a necessity in having a successful relationship. A relationship takes work and commitment which involves spending quality time with each other. Eve teaches us that we are going to sin and make unwise decision. How you resolve your choices leads to an action (good or bad) and consequences will follow (good or bad). It is important to accept responsibility of our action; not like Adam placing the blame on Eve. Eve teaches us that as parents we need to learn to forgive our children and set good examples. It is our responsibility to teach our children right and wrong. It is important that we enforce honor and respect in our children. Children should be respectful and taught to obey their parents this is God’s commandment and there should not be any wavering. It is a parent responsibility to love their children and show them respect and teach them moral and teach them about love, because God is love.

    I can only assume that at some point Eve had to forgive herself so that she could move forward and be productive. I know in order to move forward forgiveness is a necessity. It does not necessarily mean you have to forget, but you do have to forgive to get past that mountain, hill, or valley that causes you to sin. There is no one without sin, therefore we all have and will fall short of the Glory of God. What is important: knowing that if you are a believer and have accept Jesus Christ as Lord your sins are forgiven when he died and shed his blood on the cross.


    LORD, my God Jehovah, help us to anchor our convictions based on your word. Give us discernment preventing us from falling for the traps the devil is laying for us. Satan focus is to prevent us from doing your work and hindering us from our destiny. Therefore, I rebuke and bind the devil and all of his trickery. Help us to face problematic decisions through worship, praise, and prayer. No matter the trial or circumstance that takes place in our lives, or any problems or dilemmas we may have to face give us the discernment we need because of my/our worship. Let us have a familiarity of your voice so we will listen, then speak your word as needed, so we will overcome the adversary. Direct our steps as true worshippers and we will always give you praise in advance during our trials. Help us to be honest and true to your word so that we may be the light in the dark situations.

    Teach us to pray in all things and in all things put you first. Teach us in doing what is right, in many situations, we will be standing with only you. We know that being right is never going to have a majority following. We must learn to step out and be a leader knowing that we are following your lead. The adversary already knows who is leading this battle and realizes that because of our faith we know that our sins are eradicated through the grace of God. We are aware that the victory was complete through Jesus. We thank you for the spirit of discernment because of our personal relationship with you. Thank you for all that you have done and all that you will do for us in the future. We thank you in advance for forgiving us of our sins and loving us enough that you gave your only son so that we may live. Father thank you for your continued love and forgiveness in JESUS name I pray. Amen


    T he name Tamar equates to a palm tree. We know that she is in the book of Second Samuel around the thirteenth chapter. We know that Tamar is in the line of David. Tamar was a victim of raped by her half-brother. Tamar was the daughter of David and the sister of Absalom and the half- sister of Amnon. She is described as a woman of great beauty, and that is why she was raped by her half- brother. Amnon fell in love with Tamar and could not stop lusting about his sister. Amnon tricked her to coming to his room pretending to be sick. She entered his room bringing him food and Amnon began making improper advances toward her. Tamar pleaded and tried to reason with him to no avail. When Tamar rejected his advances for the third time, Amnon, over- powered her, and raped her.

    Tamar left Amnon’s room in tears, hurt, in shock and ashamed. Her older brother discovered what took place, rather than trying to comfort her or help her; he asked her to conceal it and not to take it to heart. First, how dare her brother ask her to not take it to heart; this was a very personal and horrible experience.

    Secondly, this is a prime example of how women were under appreciated, during this time. Women were thought of as a possession rather than a human being made in the likeness of God. The story tells how she tried to reason with her brother before he raped her to no avail. It appears that he was oblivious of her feelings, for he was overcome with a sexual desire directed, and led by Satan. Her brother did not care that it was his sister and no thought as to what it would do to the relationship between her and the family. She was in shock when he approached her in this manner. Now after having suffered through such a mortifying ordeal; she was told to keep it quiet and not to make a big deal out of it.

    Now these are just my thoughts:

    What is horrible about this situation is that she lost her virtue to her brother. She lost the love and respect she had for not one brother, but both of her brothers. The place where she called home, that once felt safe, now was probably more like a prison of sorts physically and mentally. She probably lived in fear not sure if he would rape her again. Amnon love for her turned to hatred which was stronger than the love he had for her. Absalom saw how his sister was suffering and her shame after this horrible incident took place. Two years later, her brother had Amnon murdered, and he fled to the country. This was his way of helping, not realizing how gargantuan her wounds were, and more than physical; but she was a prisoner due to the mental prostitution which is another aspect of this incident.


    Rape is a horrible, shameful, demoralizing, time consuming, hush taboo, physical hurt, and a mental hurt with lasting effects. I can identify with Tamar because being raped is not something that can be resolved quickly or easily. Rape is a horror that follows you for years to come that can place you in a prison of sorts. You constantly looking over your shoulder praying that it does not happen again. To be raped, is so disheartening causing you to think it could be your fault. When you are raped by someone, in my case several despicable men, took away from me by force that which was most precious to me. Like Tamar I was a virgin when I was raped also and was a teenager.

    As I am sitting here thinking of what happened and how it happened; I can smell the stench or the repugnant odor of the men. The odor is a foul smell and is as today just as the day that this horrific incident took place. I cannot and will never forget this ordeal, but I rejoice how God brought me through it. Now as I am sitting here typing I can visualize the horror of this ordeal. Like Tamar years went by and I was still in this horror film with me being the leading character. But God, brought me out of the funk that I was in slowly and continuously. God’s word was the only thing that gave me peace and help me to find myself. The Word of God helped me to realize it was not my fault and the guilt that I was feeling was unjust. I learned to forgive the demons who attacked me so that I could move forward and live my life.


    FATHER in heaven I am thankful and grateful that you brought me out of such a horrific situation. There are so many negatives that could have been attached to this ordeal, but you are faithful to us who love you and you are true to your word that you will bring the darkness from us as we step into your light. I am thankful because your Grace (unmerited favor) and Mercy given to me because of your son and my Savior who died on the cross is ever present. I am thankful that I have the Holy Spirit and the gift of tongues for my edification.

    Father the kind of horror that I was subjected to, many women, boys and girls are still facing this kind of abuse and horror today on a daily basis. I pray that they will begin to seek your counsel and receive your Word. I pray LORD if they know their perpetrators give them the strength to speak out and tell someone. I pray Father that every demon who is responsible for this type of abuse is wiped from the face of this earth and sent to the pit of hell forever. I pray that every unbeliever that reads this prayer will accept you as LORD and begin to seek your face and acknowledge that with you all things are possible. I pray that they will begin to receive a peace and love that surpasses all understanding.

    Father and I pray that all the believers that read this prayer speak it aloud and let it begin to manifest in their lives and those around them. I pray LORD that we begin to be bold in our thinking as, we walk out in your Word to let our destinies manifest in a mighty way expediently. I confess with my mouth that you are LORD of Lord and KING of kings. I declare that based on your word that by your stripes we are healed of all sickness and disease. I declare that based on Psalms Ninety-one that every calamity, mountain, hill, or valley that comes our way, we are covered by your blood and that battle is already one in the mighty name of Jesus. It is so, and it is done, in JESUS name I pray. Amen.

    TAMAR (2)

    T here was another woman name Tamar who was the wife of Er. Er was the son of Judah. Er was so cruel and evil that God quickly had him killed. She was given to the next brother Oran who also died leaving her childless because he would not release or ejaculate in her. Oran made sure he would not have a child because he did not want to share his fortune. It was the custom to give the widow to the brother of the deceased. (Gen. 38:6-30)

    Then Judah told Tamar to remain with the family and when the third brother, Shelay, becomes of age he would marry her. Judah did not keep his promise when the boy became of age. The problem with this is the brother had no interest in Tamar.

    So finally, Tamar took off her widow clothing and devised a plan. Tamar disguised herself as a prostitute and lingered around a road that Judah traveled regularly. Finally, Judah came down this road where Tamar had disguised herself as a prostitute to lay with Judah to conceive a son. Judah, assuming she was a harlot had sex with her and left his signet and staff with her as a pledge for her to keep until he could pay her asking price.

    Tamar returned to Judah’s camp with his possessions. Tamar discovered she was pregnant, Judah condemned her to death. Before the sentence could be carried out, she produced the possessions he left with the harlot, and Judah had to admit his wrong doings. He stated Tamar had been more righteous than he. She bore twin sons for Judah whose names were Perez and Zerah; but they never had sex again. In the end Judah was an honorable man by acknowledging his wrongdoing and accepting her boys as his sons.


    Tamar of Judah and I have several things in common; although they are not a physical connection, we do have a mental connection. When I think of Tamar, she was a woman who had lost her husband and because of the custom during this time she would be passed along to the brother. The father-in-law who lied to her causing her to plot and plan away for her to save face and her survival. She realized that the brother did not want to marry her, and the father was stringing her alone. He was playing with her emotions.

    I was in a relationship with a royal of another country. Their customs were vastly different from customs here in the United States. When I met the family the brothers and I immediately did not get alone with because I refuse to take a back seat to the men. I refuse to wear their attire as a woman of their culture and abide by many of the outdated customs. Although he was okay with me, his family did not approve of me, and I knew I could not live in a culture where women had no meaningful place in society and still were invisible.

    Later in life I also was in a relationship with a man here in the states where his family did not approve of me and my religion. He never told me what his religious preference was and had no problem attending church with me. Although I would inquire about his church and family, he always had answer that never quite sit right. When I finally met his family and found out he had a prearranged engagement and they told me directly that they could never accept me; I was terribly angry. I felt like Tamar with a feeling of being duped or misled by my boyfriend and disrespected by his family. Although he chose to go against his family and fight for me, it was too late because I had a bitter taste in my mouth. The bitter taste was his lying basically throughout the relationship. The red flags were there, and I chose not to acknowledge them.

    When I look back over my life and think about my past relationships, I see where God always had my back and would give me signs. The problems were there, and I was not paying attention. I was young and was not putting God first. I was not allowing God to direct my steps and following the path he had for me. I am so thankful, now, that I know his voice when he speaks to me. There is nothing that I do without my taking it to God first. I pray in all things and just before prayer I worship. I am thankful because he gave me the gift of tongues so that I can edify myself in the spirit. Praying in the spirit is a gift that surpassing all things when it comes to me and the manifestation of my prayer life.


    To Eloah the God who is mighty and strong, to Elohim the God who is my creator, to El Shaddai the God almighty, to Adonai who is Lord, to Jehovah Rapha the Lord who heals, and Jehovah Jireh the Lord provides, I bring this supplication for all the Tamar’s in this world. I am asking that you would rebuke and bind the enemy and send your angels to take charge and free them from the prisons that have them bound.

    Touch their hearts and free them of this horror that haunts them. Helped them to move forward and placed their trust in you. Let them begin to seek your face and build a relationship with you. Open their eyes to worship you Lord, true worship as they study your word and begin to walk into their destinies.

    Remove all guilt and shame from their minds and hearts so that they can begin to walk anew, free of all the old baggage and step into their destiny. Please allow women to pay attention to the red flags and put more time into really knowing who they are and how precious they are. We are the queens and should only be evenly yoked with a king. We are royalty and descendants of the most, High God. I claim this to be so and go forth on this day forward, in JESUS name I pray. Amen


    T he name Zipporah means bird. In early Hebrew ’ayit/bird means to tear or scratch away. Zipporah was the daughter of Jethro the Priest or Prince of the Midianites. The Midianites were one of the clans that raided Israel. Moses fled from Pharaoh in Egypt after killing and Egyptian. Midian is where Moses fled from Pharoah. Moses attached himself to this family he met at a well rescuing them from shepherds who were harassing them and fill their jugs with water. In gratitude Reuel/Jethro gave him hospitality eventually giving him his daughter Zipporah. Moses eventually married Zipporah. There is not much information about her except we know that she had two sons by Moses. Moses took Gershom and Eliezer his sons with him when he went to Egypt after he was called by God. We know that she left Moses, and rejoined Moses, when her father brought her and her sons back to him.

    You can read about this amazing story in the book of Exodus chapter two and eighteen. If Zipporah had not reacted quickly God would have killed Moses. We know that on the journey back as they camped for the night God appeared to Moses and was going to kill Moses. This information appears in the book of Exodus chapter four and verses twenty-four through twenty-six. God had groomed Moses for this mission due to sin. Moses did not have his house in order spiritually based on Hebrew law of circumcision. How could he lead the people and he had not obeyed the sacred rite of circumcision which was an act that symbolized the almighty covenant of God’s chosen people.

    Zipporah immediate grab a flint knife and cut off her son’s foreskin circumcised and tossed it to Moses’ feet with the circumcised member landing on him. So, the Lord God did not kill him but instead met Moses at his mountain and kissed him. We know that bridegroom of blood means circumcision.

    Amazing how her name fit her action. We know that she was not in favor of the circumcision custom. Zipporah reacted and did what was necessary and in doing so, we know Moses was not killed by God. After this courageous act you do not hear anything else about her. I feel without her reacting quickly and if Moses were killed life could be quite different. I could not speak about women in the bible and not mention her.

    Zipporah like many wives of Christian leaders and female Christian leaders of today are criticized. Aaron who was Moses’ brother along with his wife Miriam were not kind to Zipporah. God intervened on Zipporah behalf in the book of Numbers and Miriam became leprous as white as snow. We must realize God will fight our battles for us just as he did for Zipporah.


    I can identify with Zipporah in this aspect of her life How would I compare myself to Zipporah? I think of Zipporah as a strong woman that took control

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