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The Journey To Your Self
The Journey To Your Self
The Journey To Your Self
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The Journey To Your Self

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Only a few people can tell you exactly how they got wealthy. Most of them will tell you to work hard and sleep less. While that could be a factor in being successful, it's far from being the real factor of success in this life. There's the unseen world: aura, instincts, gut-feeling, the sixth sense, as well as spirits - all of which operate in our world, albeit parallel to this world. If it weren't for the unseen world, no invention would have been possible. There would be no combustion engines, no aeroplanes, no telephone and cellular phones, no internet, the list goes on. 


Daniel Thomas gives you the real secrets of the top three percent of the world's population. These is the tiny group within a group of wealthy individuals. The Journey To Your Self is not about conspiracies or their theories. It's direct and to the point, delivering the message in a series of lessons in thirteen short chapters. The book itself is short because of its directness. The person who reads it may not even be aware of the gem in their hands. Take this gift and use it to your own benefit and that of mankind.  

PublisherDaniel Thomas
Release dateNov 16, 2021
The Journey To Your Self

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    The Journey To Your Self - Daniel Thomas


    One of the biggest cover-ups off all times is the cover-up of man’s history. – Bryce Cueller

    Understanding who you truly are is not as simple as it seems. To do so, first, you need to be aware of the different components of your core existence, as well as everything else that exists with you and how it affects you. Also, you need to understand that from the time you were born you are constantly connected to the source of your existence. Not only that, but you are also constantly connected to all creation. Science tells us that space and time merged together some 13 billion years ago.

    One atom split asunder in what is known as The Big Bang to bring into existence everything we know and see. This is the original connection of all creation. It is this original connection that suggests that everything we know and see has life. Yes, plants, animals, humans, air, water, soil, rocks, stars, the sun and the moon, galaxies, planets, basically; everything that exists in all the universes as we know, has life. It is appropriate to say universes because there are three universes referred to in this book: our universe, the universe of jinns and the astral universe. There is truth in the statement by Jeff that:

    Everyone and everything is interconnected in this universe. Stay pure of heart and you will see the signs. Follow the signs, and you will uncover your destiny. From the movie Jeff who lives at home.

    The beginning of everything we know is space and time. Space and time, both are intangible things that we all believe exist without a doubt, yet we cannot pin point or touch. From intangible space and time came into existence everything tangible. In other words, everything that we see and know about is related to each other through space and time, the origin. Through this original relation we are all connected by a form of energy whether we are aware or not. Not only are we just connected, all creation is constantly communicating with each other through this energy as well. 

    Creation is a product of space and time. From space and time came into existence our universe with all its creation connected to each other. This is a point of reference for understanding this book. It is to illustrate how human beings are originally connected to each other and everything, and how all of creation is naturally connected to each other. There is an unbreakable bond between human beings and other human beings of all races on earth. There is also an unbreakable bond connecting all humans with everything else in the universe be it earth, water, trees, air, the moon, the stars, the planets, everything in the universe.

    At the very core of our beings, as creation, we are conscious. Yes, plants, animals, humans, air, water, soil, rocks, stars, planets, galaxies and the universes are all conscious. In other words, the phenomenon we call ‘life’ is exactly the same thing as that which we refer to as ‘conscious’. It is this consciousness of all creation that enables creation to connect with each other. Human beings have a constant direct connection with everything else that resulted from The Big Bang. Meaning, whether we are aware or not, we are constantly sending signals to other human beings, animals, air, water, soil, rocks, stars, planets, galaxies and universes.

    There is a form of communication that is constantly going on between all things that exist. If we were aware of this communication and understood it, we would be happier and content with our lives, because we would deliberately send signals that would align possibilities that would benefit us. And we would discover and use the powers of our dominion over all other creation to our advantage. The dominion of human beings over all other creation is for the benefit of human beings, not for abusing other creation.

    Have you ever had a hair raising experience where you were alone and suddenly felt chills on your skin? This experience generally brings fear in your heart, giving you a sense of being in danger of some sort. At times this would happen out of the blue and all of a sudden you get nervous for no reason. This is a result of signals sent to you by something in your environment at that moment. You don’t hear any voice or see anything but the feeling of your body talks to your mind and heart and you respond by being nervous. Another example is the strong attraction you get when you talk to a person you like of the opposite gender. You can actually feel a strong warm feeling when you look into each other’s eyes even without uttering a word. This is the connection we are talking about.

    When you understand your relationship with the rest of creation you will set aside the idea that you live within the universe. You will see yourself as part of the universe. In turn, you will be aware of the signals you emit to the universe and you will be aware of the signals coming your way from your environment. You will also understand and interpret these signals in a way that benefits you. This way, you will be able to harness all your energy towards good; feeling good, wishing good, acting well. And that is how you will attract abundant goodness into your life, including all material things that you desire.

    There are two other live and conscious beings that exist with humans in the universe. These two exist in their universes that are intertwined with ours, in another dimension. Although they see us, we don’t see them because they are invisible to human beings. The first are the angels. We all have some kind of knowledge regarding angels so we will not talk about them. The second type of beings are called jinns. These controversial beings have different names around the world. Nonetheless, these beings coexist with humans on this here earth. They have families and procreate like humans. Although they live ridiculously long lives of hundreds or thousands of years, they eventually die, like humans.

    You’ve heard about evil spirits, demons and Satan at some point in your life. You’ve also heard about ghosts, spirits of the dead, the genie, haunted houses, flying saucers, extra-terrestrial beings and aliens. They are called different names in different parts of the world. But all these references are pointing at one and the same species living in their universe that is intertwined with ours. There’s no English word for them, nor is there coherent information about these invisible beings in Western literature. Most people refer to them as spirits, but as we will discuss later, spirits are something else. The only comprehensive information about these beings is by Arabic scholars who call them jinns. We have included a topic on jinns because they have a significant impact on our lives yet very little is known about them.

    Then there is the spirit, also known as the soul, which is often confused for the jinn, as mentioned earlier. It is understandable why the two are mixed up. It’s because they exist in dimensions that are outside our physical, human experiences. They both exist as live shadows. The difference is that jinns exist as independent individuals while spirits are connected to humans. Another difference is that spirits live in an astral universe separate from that of jinns. So, there’s the universe of human beings, that of jinns, as well as that of the spirits.

    The source of your existence is pure. Therefore, for you to feel the connection with your source you must be pure in mind and body. With a pure mind and body you will be able to do things in total awareness.  You will live in peace of mind and contentment of the heart. You will be able to attract all your material desires and good people in your life. Most importantly, you will reach your self, and everything happening in the world and around you will make sense.

    What Went Wrong?

    Five hundred years ago, each human habitation around the world was a simple village consisting of a cluster of homesteads. Each homestead was headed by a single paterfamilias, one or two basic units, in a sense, a microcosm of the entire village. The village was but a multiplication of minor families thrown off from a common ancestral source, represented in the person of the village leader. As each village slowly grew, according to the exogamous marriages taking place from time to time, it cast off new homesteads of the married couples.

    In most societies around the world, the father retained supreme control with the prerogative of elder sons to be always consulted by him in matters of general home management. This natural order of things was understood by one and all members of the village. Customary traditions and norms governed not only the day-to-day affairs of the communities, but also, the social behaviour of community members. However, this did not limit individual creativity in assisting personal talents and skills, as exhibited in the baskets, pots, beads, wooden spoons, as well as tools for cultivating that were battered in the market place. Cultural mannerisms identified and differentiated a person from one community with one from another.

    These communities lived peacefully in groups according to the same culture and language. They were subsistence communities whose paramount goals were to improve the well-being of their members. Among such communities were farmers, blacksmiths, traders, as well as individuals of other specialized talents and skills who took pride in their workmanship. Community members had few material possessions save only a select few, usually the leaders. But they shared whatever they had with their subjects through a communal welfare system. Using presents and tributes from community members to take care of widows and orphans.

    Then industrialization happened. New locations were formed whose inhabitants were people from different communities who had nothing in common. Eventually new cultures were formed, mixtures of various cultures. This period also saw the advent of worker’s unions and political parties. The print media made its debut and succeeded in swaying the gullible masses with its sensationalism. Before long television was introduced and proved to be even more effective than the printing press. Advertising brought lucrative profits for media owners and gave advertisers an unequalled powerful position of using the media for propaganda. The consequence of advertising was the rapid rise of competition on material possessions among the general population.

    Industrialization ignited an era in which mankind became more concerned about having than being. The pride of workmanship was superseded by the quest for high incomes. In this new era, mankind was caught in tentacles of lust for power and money. At the end, people were converted to the philosophy of accumulating as much material possessions as possible. The quest for material possessions has resulted to an insatiable, unwise and unjoyful population. A dissatisfied people are pawns in world conspiracies and are always seeking but never able to find satisfaction. The very moment you seek happiness outside yourself, you become a willing slave. 

    Society has been systematically castrated its power through fear of being judged for being different. People’s thoughts are no longer towards their physical and emotional well-being, but about satiating what other people expect of them. As a result, today we have an unthinking majority, and unthinking it will remain as long as its escape from the pressures of the workplace is entertainment through television and social media. The media industry cunningly furnishes an unnecessary temporary distraction with its carefully designed programming that appeals to sensuous emotions, never to the logical thinking mind. Because of this, the majority has been programmed to respond according to media dictates, not according to their reasoning. People will dress, behave, walk and talk according to trends.

    The enemy is not coming. It is already here and it’s faceless; a deception of the truth that speaks within you. Camouflaged in the Information Age, the enemy conceals its true face by presenting itself in a simple, uncomplicated, yet necessary manner. The aim is not to physically harm you, but to kidnap your mind so that you become psychologically weak and ready to be told what to do at any given time. So, if your freedom is worth standing for, living for and dying for, commence the Journey to Your Self now. The Journey to Your Self will help you find, take back and keep your true nature. The time to exercise your freedom is now while you still have the freedom to do so.

    Stand up for yourself as an individual and study how things work in life. Understanding how things work in life will change your perception of everything you know. You’ll see things differently and be surprised at the gigantic, heinous plot against righteousness of humanity as it rapidly unfolds. At first, you may be tempted to brush things off by saying 'what difference does it make, why should I care?' Well, a massive difference can be made in your life. But it is one thing to put a man in possession of the truth, to get him to understand it is another. It’s yet another thing to get him to act upon it. Basically, truth by itself has no value unless used or applied in one way or another. Remember this, just because you are not looking at something does not mean that it’s not there.


    Those who withhold information seek to be masters over those whom they keep the information from. - The Globalist

    You were born perfect, but you entered a system that did and still does everything possible to make you imperfect by playing with your perception of yourself. Information is the weapon used and the media, the battlefield. The aim is to make you set aside your individuality and assimilate to an artificial, global, make-believe reality. Your genetic knowledge is constantly undermined, ridiculed and rejected. That’s the challenge you are facing. Mainstream is rejecting individuality and promoting collective behavior.

    How you see and treat yourself is largely influenced by your perception of the world and all things in general. The way you were raised and the environment in which you grew up are crucial in how you view and understand things. Part of growing up includes going to schools where a majority of your understanding of things is shaped. School is where the foundation of your perception of the world is influenced the most.  During this stage of your life, your young mind can’t stop absorbing as much information as possible. Whether good or bad, this information will either be perceived as correct and accurate or wrong, depending on how it is presented to us.

    The current way of things in the world is such that people have become blissful in their own ignorance. Ignorance is the new excellence, if you attempt to use your own mind you are quickly labelled as crazy or different in a bad way. Exaggerated news of your craziness is spread as fast and wide as possible so that other people may see that using your own mind, like you, is a crazy idea. This is to ensure that people are put under duress to follow what they are told, that is, trends and the news. If you are up-to-date with latest trends and news, you are seen as exemplary, an epitome of a good, modern human being.

    Seemingly, the less you know, the more you gain. With the truth twisted and hidden in plain sight, people are made blind. The truth lingers in public but for a twinkle of an eye so that it’s easy to forget and miss. Out of sight, out of mind. What you don’t see even if it’s in plain sight, you don’t know. What you don’t know, you don’t care about. That’s just the way things are. In this current affair of things in the world, not to care is deemed as smart. Look at how people are addicted to cell phones. People prefer sending each other texts than seeing each other face-to-face. When you remove love from any situation, the result will always be pain, heartaches, blood-pressure problems, as well as a host of other lifestyle disorders.

    The late world’s most intelligent human being Kim Peek once said; You don’t have to be handicapped to be different. Everybody’s different. This book brings nothing new except an awakening of your genetic knowledge, which you may have forgotten. It’s designed to ignite your passions that will assist you attain the riches that were given to you at birth. The sky

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