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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Personal and Spiritual Transformation
Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Personal and Spiritual Transformation
Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Personal and Spiritual Transformation
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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Personal and Spiritual Transformation

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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Personal and Spiritual Transformation is the ultimate self-help book. Each daily reading and affirmation, and monthly affirmation offers you wisdom, insight, and valuable techniques to reclaim your personal identity and power, let go of old and outmoded thought and behavior, release that which no longer serves your highest and greatest good, and reconnect with the Universal Source of All That Is. If are ready to bring about positive change in your life, then Seeds for Thought is an absolute must-read!
Release dateJan 13, 2021
Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Personal and Spiritual Transformation

Robin Milholland

Robin Milholland is a Lightworker with over forty years of metaphysical experience. She is a Reiki Master, healer, channeler, energy reader, psychic medium, teacher, writer, and lecturer. In her books, she shares her wisdom and insight to guide her readers on their personal and spiritual journeys. She is the author of Spirit Seeds: Meditations for Harmony, Healing, and Enlightenment and Light Seeds: Your Personal Introduction to the Angelic Realm. Coming soon—Soul Seeds: Channeled Messages from the Celestial Realm.

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    Seeds for Thought - Robin Milholland

    © 2021 Robin Milholland. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse  01/13/2021

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-1282-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-1281-7 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2021900146

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    Table of Contents














    Index of Topics


    For Granny

    Anne R. Milholland

    Whom I love and admire.

    Kind, gentle, generous, and sweet.

    Never a harsh word,

    Always ready to listen,

    To advise,

    To support,

    To say a prayer.

    Of great inner strength,






    And Love.



    Each of us is a Spiritual Warrior on our own path, on our own personal and spiritual journey, and regardless of our age, ethnicity, religious upbringing, or occupation, we are all looking for the same things. We are all looking for peace of mind, serenity, and balance. We are all looking for security, abundance, companionship, and comfort. We are all looking for happiness. We are all looking for a smoother flow from one life experience to the next. But most of all, before all else, what we really want is an answer to how to have those things more consistently so that we can move on from where we are to something better—to better physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health, to better circumstances, to a better relationship with ourselves and better relationships with others, to a better way to manage our lives.

    Shakespeare, my favorite author, and where I can always find an answer, said, The fault is not in our stars, but in ourselves, that we are underlings. Shakespeare recognized that there is nothing wrong with our fate or destiny. He knew that the problem lies within ourselves because we are human, and as such, we are subject to all human flaws, all human weakness, all human experiences, and that it is up to us, not to change our fate or destiny, but to change ourselves, to develop a deeper understanding of ourselves, so that we can move on from where we are now to who we can become, to reach our greatest potential by shedding what no longer serves our highest and greatest good.

    Seeds for Thought is not a magic elixir—read it and all your problems vanish into thin air. Seeds for Thought is a guide book with little bits of information, little bits of guidance, little bits of wisdom to help you get through the rough spots, to help you manage what may be unmanageable. It is a map to help you find your way with greater clarity toward self-awareness, higher consciousness, and personal and spiritual growth and enlightenment.

    As you read, take time to record your thoughts, either in the spaces available in this book or in your own special journal. This way, you will be able to look back and assess the progress that you have made. At the back of Seeds for Thought, there is an index in which all the entries are listed alphabetically, so if you are looking for a specific entry, or you want to go back and reread an entry, you can readily find it.

    Finally, I am so grateful that Universe has chosen me to share all what I have learned as a Lightworker, as a spiritual counselor, and as a Spiritual Warrior on my own personal and spiritual path.

    In Light and Love,

    Robin Milholland



    January 1

    Commitment vs. Resolution


    WELCOME TO THE NEW YEAR! You may have made a New Year’s resolution, something about yourself that you want to change; however, one of the biggest problems with resolutions is that the very word resolution implies something external like losing weight, quitting smoking, or exercising. When you resolve to change only what is external, you neglect to recognize the internal factors that may have created the external factors in the first place. Commit to your internal transformation— mental, emotional, and spiritual. By doing this, the transformation that begins to occur internally radiates outward into the physical. In this way, you also create a clear path for moving forward to more important things like living in the present and creating the life you want to live. Let this day be the day that you stop making those resolutions and begin making commitments. Let this day be your first day of personal and spiritual transformation.

    Today’s Affirmation

    Today, I shall commit to my personal transformation.

    January 2



    ALTHOUGH JANUARY IS THE BEGINNING of the yearly cycle, it does not necessarily mean that you are at the beginning of new cycle. You may, in fact, still be in the middle or even at the end of a cycle. Examine the issues and events at hand. If you determine that you are at the beginning of a new cycle, then lay the groundwork and work toward fulfilling every step. If you are in the middle of a cycle, evaluate whether or not you have taken all the necessary steps needed for success. If so, then continue on. If not, then step back and assess what needs to be amended and then do it. If you are at the end of a cycle, waiting for an outcome, tie up loose ends and let it play out. By doing this, you will be in a much better position to decide your next course of action. Invest time now, at the beginning of this new year to contemplate your cycles and work on completing them.

    Today’s Affirmation

    "Today I shall examine where I am in the cycle

    and take the appropriate action."

    January 3

    Are You Ready?


    ARE YOU READY FOR CHANGE, or are you only ready to be ready for change? The difference is that if you truly are ready, then you are willing to do, right now, what it takes to bring positive change into your life. If, however, you are only ready to be ready, then you are waiting to be ready, but you are not ready at all. If you decide that you are, indeed, ready, then Universe will see to it that what you want begins to manifest. You may see change occurring, and events may happen very quickly. These events may involve new opportunities arising, having to make important choices or decisions, or the sudden influx of resources needed to bring your desire into fruition. Trust Universe to guide you through your changes and all will be well. So, are you ready?

    Today’s Affirmation

    Today, I shall be ready.

    January 4

    The Spiritual Warrior


    A SPIRITUAL WARRIOR IS EQUIPPED with all he/she needs to journey toward self-discovery and enlightenment. A Spiritual Warrior reads the signs so he/she knows which way to go. A Spiritual Warrior recognizes each challenge as a test that marks his/her progress and reveals his/her own strengths and limitations. A Spiritual Warrior knows that what is at stake is no less than true partnership with him/herself and reunion with his/her Divine essence. You are now at the Calling Place where you are called to take up your journey as a Spiritual Warrior and travel the path with purpose and commitment, accept the challenge of overcoming your lower aspects of self, gain knowledge, wisdom, and skill, and move closer to your true purpose. How will you choose?

    Today’s Affirmation

    Today, I shall choose the way of the Spiritual Warrior.

    January 5

    Back into the Light


    A DROWNING MAN CANNOT BE rescued from dark and turbulent water if he does not reach out to the helping hand that is extended toward him. When you feel you are drowning in darkness, feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and alone, reach out and grasp the safe hand of Universe. Say, Help me. Bring me out of darkness. Bring me back into the Light. Universe will bring you out of darkness; Universe will bring you back into the Light. And when you finally emerge from darkness and into Light, you may see that you have gained a greater sense of clarity, strength, and wisdom. You may understand that darkness is always only temporary, and Light always endures. Universe endures, and is only a hand-grasp away.

    Today’s Affirmation

    "Today, I shall remind myself that darkness

    is temporary, but Light endures."

    January 6

    Flow Around the Rocks


    RIVERS ALWAYS FLOW ACCORDING THE path of least resistance. Recognize those things over which you have no control and chart a course of least resistance, flow with the current and around the rocks instead of pushing against the current and against the rocks. Doing this allows you to practice and gain greater flexibility, adaptability, and capability at managing the interruptions and obstacles in your daily patterns. When rocks show up in your path, ask yourself, Are these rocks immoveable? Is it far better for me to flow around them than try to move them? If you answer, Yes, then take the path of least resistance, flow like the river around the rocks.

    Today’s Affirmation

    Today, I shall flow like a river around the rocks.

    January 7



    YOU CANNOT FIX OR CHANGE others. No amount of threatening, screaming, door-slamming, or crying is going to force someone to change if he/she either does not want to change or is not ready to change. He/She is the only one who can fix himself/herself. Instead of expending so much energy on such a futile task, focus to the one person you can change—yourself. Look inward, examine your patterns of thought and behavior. Then, work on shifting your thought processes and modifying your own behaviors. This is what a Spiritual Warrior does, works on him/herself, and leaves others to work on themselves if they choose.

    Today’s Affirmation

    Today, I shall work on myself.

    January 8



    UNIVERSE IS UNLIMITED IN ITS love for you and wants to bestow its many blessings upon you; however, you may be subconsciously denying Universe the opportunity to bless you by limiting what you think you deserve. Why is it that you are so ready to settle for less than you deserve, so ready to settle for less than what Universe wants to give you? You are deserving of all the bounty, all the blessing that Universe wants to bestow upon you because regardless of all else—who you are, where you’ve been, what you’ve done—you are an earthly being created from the Divine Source. You are Divine, and thus, you ARE deserving of all help and blessings from the Source from which you come.

    Today’s Affirmation

    "Today, I shall accept that I am deserving

    of Universe’s gifts and blessings."

    January 9

    Sustainable Joy


    EXPERIENCE SUSTAINABLE JOY BY WAKING each morning with gratitude, and going to sleep each night with gratitude. Be grateful for a soft bed to sleep in, a pillow for your head, and blankets to keep you warm. Be thankful for the food that sustains you and makes you strong and capable. Be grateful for the work you do that allows you to pay your bills, to feed yourself, and feed your family. Be grateful for all those who love you and support you. Be thankful for those you love and have loved. Be thankful for all of the experiences that have brought you wisdom, insight, and understanding. Let your heart overflow with gratitude for this day and every day. Maintain a daily mindset of constant gratitude, and you can reside in, and sustain, a joyous life.

    Today’s Affirmation

    Today, I shall be grateful for all things.

    January 10

    Strive for Peace


    STRIVE FOR PEACE IN YOUR life. Work toward removing those influences—outmoded thought processes and behaviors, relationships, issues—that are a blockage to peace. The more you let go, the greater the sense of peace you will have. Your heart and mind will no longer be burdened. They will be free to focus on more important things like building and strengthening your relationship with yourself. Reach out to Universe and say, Universe, in the most peaceful way possible, remove old and outworn thoughts, behaviors, and relationships, and issues. Fill my heart, mind, and spirit with peace and serenity. If you ask Universe to show you the way to peace, Universe will point the way. It is then up to you to follow the road Universe shows you.

    Today’s Affirmation

    Today, I shall bring peace and serenity into my life.

    January 11

    Give Universe Permission


    UNIVERSE KNOWS YOUR DEEPEST DESIRES, your greatest wants, your greatest needs. Universe knows what you need more than you do yourself. Trust the Universe to provide you with the blessings that are available to you. Give Universe the opportunity to give freely to you. Say: I freely give Universe permission to fulfill my deepest desires, wants, and needs, all that is best for me. I accept all of Universe’s gifts without limitations and with a glad and thankful heart, in the name of all that is good and true and pure in the universe, for my highest good and the highest good of all concerned. Say this every day. Before you know it, things will begin to happen that will amaze you.

    Today’s Affirmation

    "Today, I shall give Universe permission to

    fulfill my desire, wants, and needs."

    January 12

    Process Not Outcome


    THE PROCESS OF WORKING TOWARD a goal is just as important as achieving the goal itself. Remember, in order for you to reach C you must first achieve A and B. As you focus on each individual step, take satisfaction from the work that you do. Then move on to the next step and then the next. Keep in mind that everything that you do is a process, and the process takes time. If you do the work for the sake of the work, then then a positive outcome is sure to be guaranteed. So, for now, breathe, be patient, complete each step, and welcome the final outcome when it arrives!

    Today’s Affirmation

    Today I shall focus on the process not the outcome.

    January 13

    Sixth Sense


    JUST THE WAY YOU RELY on sight, smell, sound, taste, and touch to guide you, you also need to rely on your intuition—your sixth sense. When you ignore the gift of intuition, you deny that which is part of you—the part that is best at discerning reality from illusion, truth from deception. For example, a person may appear charming, but how can you really tell? Their words may sound sincere, but how can you be sure? Don’t find yourself in a situation in which you say, Against my better judgment, I…. or I knew it! I should have listened to myself when… Your intuition will never fail you, so don’t fail to use it.

    Today’s Affirmation

    Today, I shall listen to and follow my intuition.

    January 14

    Why Meditate


    BY MEDITATING REGULARLY, YOU CAN improve your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. The deep breathing circulates more oxygen throughout your body, particularly in the frontal area of the brain that affects attention span, judgment, higher level thinking, planning, and decision-making. It also decreases stress, lowers blood pressure, and positively impacts the immune system. Meditating also helps to release negative thoughts and feelings and brings you back into balance. Additionally, through meditation, you can forge new pathways in your consciousness which allow you to access higher knowledge, wisdom, develop a stronger spiritual connection, and bring greater peace, happiness, and serenity into your life. Overall, meditating regularly has so many positive benefits that you owe it to yourself to try it.

    Today’s Affirmation

    "Today, I shall meditate.

    January 15

    Meditative Breathing


    WHETHER YOU ARE A REGULAR meditator or just a beginner, the following meditation will help you toward physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health by teaching you the basic breathing and relaxation technique.

    Let’s begin: Sit comfortably. Feet flat on the floor. Hands in your lap palms up, one inside the other. Close your eyes. Take deep breaths, in through you nose, and out through your mouth. Concentrate

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