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A Chronicle Spiritual Journey Back to the Heart
A Chronicle Spiritual Journey Back to the Heart
A Chronicle Spiritual Journey Back to the Heart
Ebook243 pages3 hours

A Chronicle Spiritual Journey Back to the Heart

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The journey of life can be filled with obstacles and challenges as much as it can be filled with fulfilment, love, and joy. And while we can often navigate the daily obstacles, sometimes we are faced with something so difficult that we need a miracle to continue on the journey. So where do we turn when we need this miracle?

In A Chronicle Spiritual Journey Back to the Heart, author and internationally acclaimed medium clairvoyant psychic Harmony Grace shares how she was able to channel the divine to help her fight back from a terminal illness, even as all the traditional treatment options failed her. She became a miracle by defying the odds and following her calling to help others heal just as she was able, and her own healing journey has inspired a way for all of us to heal our own minds, hearts, and selvesour total way of being.

We must have faith that we can recover and return to the right path, right where we need to be to find love and fulfilment along the continuous path of life. If we can stay positive in the face of the chaos, then we too can embark on a journey filled with laughter, love, dreams, and adventure.

Release dateSep 27, 2017
A Chronicle Spiritual Journey Back to the Heart

Harmony Grace

Harmony Grace is an international acclaimed seventh generation medium clairvoyant psychic master energy healer, astrologer, numerologist, channel, human meridian. After being diagnosed with a terminal illness, Harmony Grace has been able to stay positive and help others follow their hearts by overcoming fears no matter the environment, circumstances with situations that present. Harmony Grace currently resides in Australia with her husband and son.

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    A Chronicle Spiritual Journey Back to the Heart - Harmony Grace






    Harmony Grace


    Copyright © 2017 Harmony Grace.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-1027-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-1028-4 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 09/21/2017


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Eighteen

    Chapter Nineteen

    Chapter Twenty

    Chapter Twenty-One

    Chapter Twenty-Two

    Chapter Twenty-Three

    Chapter One


    Standing naked in truth has nothing to do with removing the layers of one’s clothes.

    Standing naked in truth is removing the unwanted layers of untruth that no longer fit as they once did.

    Standing naked in truth is allowing for the light to cascade down the external of the subtle body being absorbed and lavished into every fiber and every cell of the naked truth of what is yet untold, what is yet unseen and what is yet unfelt with all the senses….

    It may be perceived as foolish to stand bare and fragile, vulnerable and open with intensity to give and passion to love, to heal the hearts of many and share in the beauty of humanity…

    An awaken soul can seek darkness and see light…. they feel the presence of truth and that of lie….

    An awaken soul has nowhere to hide, they love with depth and presence that ripples from heart so fiercely and unapologetically all that cross the path right now….in this moment of time, captured in light.

    The dance of truth is bare and full of richness and colour, it’s a dance of love, and a dance of life…

    The transparency and openness in embracing change empowers the awaken bared soul to adapt and see strength where once weakness was perceived.

    Standing naked in truth is bearing all. We often judge ourselves by our intensions, yet others by actions.

    Naked truth is acceptance of self…

    Every scar, every dimple, every sun kiss, every moment that could have been lived differently, every love not forgiven, every connection that ending sourly, every word unspoken, every intension that never came to fruition, every justification, every validation, every judgement, every expectation, every moment felt of despair, every inch of power handed over, every lesson of growth and every lesson that has brought about healing, every inch of truthful forgiveness and every last breath spoken

    Life will never be the same again once you stand in naked truth, as the light of life radiates the path forward….

    It comes with still untold mysteries and untold adventures, it comes with untold connections and untold love…

    It comes with untold new depths of growth and learnings with healing not only about standing naked in truth but about who the naked self is in each step taken forward…

    The untold truth is about learning to dance amongst the layers of life, allow the ebbs and flow of energy exchange to flow in and flow out whilst being immersed in continually removing the untold naked truths so the absolute purest form of truth can immerse in life delights…

    With every journey you encounter a wide variety of individuals who cross the path you are on. Some will teach you lessons; others you will be the teacher. Either way it is never one dimensional or limiting. When the lessons are learnt on whatever vibration or level of consciousness is required the connection naturally falls away.

    Life truly works in a cyclic manner, sometimes however as the human race is in constant competition with each other they forget to just stop and be still to see that its actually NOT our differences that divide us, it’s actually what binds us.

    What I love most about life is the wide variety of characters you encounter and that NO two people are ever the same, nor should they be. We are all born unique and individual and yet society strives so hard to make us conform to all being the same.

    I feel blessed to have had such a contrast of people share my journey with me, not all of it has been pretty let alone daisy chains and singing Kumbaya my Lord but in truth I wouldn’t want any of it to be any other way. Finally, at age 36 I am more comfortable in my own skin than I ever thought possible.

    I have loved hard

    I have fallen hard

    I let my EGO get in the way more than I’d like to admit

    I have lost myself

    I have found myself, the real authentic me, I have begun remembering who I am…. all of who I am at core.


    I couldn’t be more at peace with myself and the amazing path I am on…It truly is an evolutionary journey in changing one’s mind, heart, self and total way of being!

    I have finally stepped into my truth and my Divine gifts of God, I will continue to help heal others not limited to the human existence yet all of mother earth as I heal myself for the greater good of our beautiful universe.

    Every journey has a start and really what makes the journey so very special is that it’s never about the destination, even for some just like me the destination doesn’t even equate. What does make the journey so significant and exceptionally moving to core is the unlearning of the pre-conditioning, adopted beliefs and limiting self-sabotage patterns to embark on an evolutionary journey of changing one’s mind, heart, self and total way of being from a heart centred unconditional space into infinite freedom.

    This is my journey, a journey that I know many can relate to on so many significant and poignant levels when life changes so dramatically that it not only rocks you to your core- you actually are re-birthed as your true self. Unapologetically and organically 100% you without any false facades or projected expectations of what you think others are expecting from you.

    Change brings about many thing’s, one I connect with so deeply is that change is not by chance it’s always a choice. No one ever has to live life on life’s terms, NO we all get to be our own destiny writers and live life on our own terms. No magic pills or potions, just the desire to not remain the same is enough for anyone to create change no matter how big or small it is. For every step in a forward motion even the tiny one’s are changing the way you think, feel, act, see and hear in all that you are in all that you do.

    This journey hasn’t always been easy, but really easy is easy……

    Who wants an easy life? NOT me, I want a life just like I am living full of unconditional love, passion, inner-peace, immense gratitude and copious amounts of new adventures with loads of experiences making me be the absolute stellar version of myself I could ever ask for.

    I am wanting to create a living legacy that can be payed forward to every man, women, child and living fibre across this expanse existence we call life.

    The space between now and then is where I want to be, in fact it is where I am in the now…. making change happen. Inspiring others to know that no matter how hard you think life can get, life is never happening to you, it’s happening around you. The challenge is to honour that and consciously choose to rise above the noise, drama and toxic or even negative behaviour around you by never giving up, never giving in and know that you are always loved and are very much needed in this life.

    We were all born with gifts, some wake early in life and acknowledge the uniqueness that is them and celebrate who they are with the world. Some sadly allow fear to take over and never really live a full life filled with uncapped potential and adventure with immense gratitude with peace and love.

    When I am stretched and at times have found myself feeling exceptionally anxious or even overwhelmed I know that’s because I am stepping into new territory that is so unfamiliar to me, this space is where I grow the most and where I learn to love the most- even more than I thought I possibly could, not just for others yet actually myself.

    This journey has been one hell of a ride, that doesn’t appear to be slowing down or holding up and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

    A letter to my Son.

    I can only begin with I am honoured daily that you chose me to be your earth mother. You make me laugh even when I want to cry. You make me want to be a better mother and human being each and every day. Part of the healing journey we have been able to share together has seen our already beautiful bond strengthen and deepen immensely.

    No amount of words actually could be ever expressed for the unconditional love I have for you. Even in my darkest days when my life in those early days hung in the balance, it was you each and every time that made me want to fight harder to watch you grow into a man. You have seen me at my worst, and in fairness what you have seen with those beautiful brown eyes you have, NO child should ever experience. You have been my protector, and very much been my rock.

    My sweet boy, always remember that you truly are a gift from God and that you will bring immense change to this life and the people of earth in your lifetime. I couldn’t be more honoured to be your mum and to call you my son. Never lose or dull the spunk and swag that is you. You truly just light up the room in the presence of others and I am humbled that I get to be a part of continuing to nourish you, champion you and love you unconditionally as you grow and learn being simply you- imperfectly perfect. I love that we laugh so much together and that this new phase is so much more than I could have ever asked for and I am glad you are with me all the way.

    Love always, Mum x

    Chapter Two


    Baby Steps….

    You don’t ever need to impress anyone in life other than yourself for yourself. You, the very essence of who you are and the effect you have on others is the upmost valuable currency you have. Always spend it wisely and share it abundantly.

    An individual’s intelligence never ever stops being beautiful, for beautiful hearts, beautiful minds and beautiful souls don’t just happen they are in fact divinely purely inspired.

    Do not let certain emotions colour your actions especially those of insecurity or anxiousness which can feed depression, self-sabotage and lack of self-worth. Do whatever it takes to remain positive, by surrounding yourself with positive people that aspire to live a life of truth, happiness, harmony, equality with unity that consciously choose to love life and make the most of each and every day in the present moment. Seek people out that nourish you, champion you and unconditionally love you in all that you choose to be right now as you continue to learn, grow and expand into being the absolute best version of yourself for tomorrow.

    In order to love others one must connect and fall back in love with themselves first, in order to serve others unconditionally one must speak truth and come from a place of love with trust and never fear.

    In order to give without condition or expectation one must have inner-peace in knowing, in order to receive in abundance one must give unconditionally in abundance. This and only this is how we heal as individuals and collectively as an existence in this life. This is how courage, self-love, vulnerability, peace, unity, compassion with equality is not only born it is a way of existence, our collective existence.

    2015 taught me: Scrap that, what I taught myself in 2015

    # Always follow the heart

    # Always trust my intuition, my divine gifts of GOD

    # I am far braver than I ever give myself credit for

    # My disease and Illness regardless of its prognosis is NOT who I am, it is only ever a small part of me that I will never allow to define me.

    # My love for all thing’s creative and expressive full of life and colour

    # My ability to unconditionally give to others and inspire others to create change

    # That I don’t need to follow others to be successful, listening and following my own Divine guidance has seen me go from strength to strength

    # Meeting and making new friends has opened and expanded my consciousness for new life lessons

    # Walking away from toxic and negative people, environments, situations with behaviour that no longer serves my highest intension

    # Falling back deeper in love with myself as I continue to evolve and heal

    # My pillar people who always hold the space for me to just unapologetically be me

    # Opinions are just that, opinions. They hold NO merit until I say so.

    # Nothing ever has meaning in life; except the meaning I assign to it.

    # When all may look lost, always seek the new. There’s always a way forward when we allow ourselves permission to change our beliefs around what we truly want and deserve.

    # Simplicity truly is best (Less is more) certainly couldn’t be better explained.

    # Time in nature, by the sea connecting to Mother Earth enriches the soul more profoundly than any other singular task.

    # Gratitude, never forget where you came from by appreciating what you have right now for it too was once a dream that you made a reality.

    # I am never alone; the universe is always working with me for its within me allowing me to be the absolute best version of myself daily.

    # That FEAR is false illusions appearing real, that the EGO creates

    # That miracles happen, I am living proof of this each and every day.

    # Believe in yourself, and anything is possible. I am living proof

    # I am beautiful, inside and out…. I always have been- I just forgot how much

    The coming year ahead will not only be my best year yet, it’s a fresh opportunity for new love, new travel, new connections, new adventures with creating new memories whilst building new creative projects and expanding my divine connection to others.

    As I sit here on the balcony of my apartment listening to the kids below play in the pool, observing the child like wonder and immense laughter with joy being shared I am reminded again of how simple life can be…

    It’s taken me a long time to come to this realisation that humans insist on making life so bloody complicated when in truth the complications only bring fear, regret, sadness and guilt. This is NOT a life I can relate to anymore on any level…. too much has happened since November of 2012 that the idea of going backwards to a life that isn’t me is far more of a daily motivator than anything that lies before me.

    Whilst I have great confidence in many things that are yet to play out in the coming twelve months and beyond, I know that so much is hidden in simple wonders I am yet to fully comprehend and for that I am delighted and humbled.

    This year is about handing over more of my material worldly possessions to the divine whilst trusting more in my divine timing knowing that all will be provided as I need. Clearing and letting go of ways of the past that no longer serve my highest intensions further aiding me in healing collectively so I can on guide, mentor and best serve those of this place we all call home.

    Learning to hand over any fears and doubts I may have had in times of old will be replaced with new opportunities and experiences limited only by my very own imagination.

    Manifesting new has been such an integral part of my evolutionary journey in healing one’s mind, heart, self and way of being that drilling down to specifically what I want and how I want to experience it couldn’t be any clearer.

    2016 will be the year of many things…. above all it will be a new chapter in my life’s book that will read so exceptionally different than any other chapter before it.

    # My holistic endeavour’s will take new directions and expand to new countries offering more, giving more and educating more.

    # I travel more both locally and internationally

    # I develop my

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