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Spiritually Yours
Spiritually Yours
Spiritually Yours
Ebook180 pages2 hours

Spiritually Yours

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This book is an inspired book by the author but written by Spirit World. The words are as was sent. there are words used from time to time which in our world would be the other spelling than used but I have not changed any of Spirits words. The messages are profound and give messages in many ways to use what nature itself in revealing on how to live our lives. How to overcome negatives and the need to overcome angers, jealousies, bitterness, which will end lonesomeness, frustrations, feelings that no one cares or of not being loved. It could bring peace to our world and happiness in our lives.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJun 15, 2016
Spiritually Yours

Pauline E. Petsel

Born and raised in Cedar Rapids Iowa as Pauline Franks, after her marriage to Carl Petsel they moved to St. Petersburg Florida where she was a mother, private school, bus drive, hypnotherapist, first aid instructor, life guard and swim instructor. She started a class for teaching babies to swim for the city of St.Petersburg and wrote a book on the subject “Teach Your Tot to swim” with her three month old swimming toward the underwater camera. Unusual spiritual type things started mysteriously occurring with orbs etc. showing up in pictures I took and was also at this time I received automatic writings. After the children were grown and gone they retired to Greeneville Tn. where she took up her hobby of taking nature and scenic pictures. She sold many and also had a six week one person showing of 125 pictures at the Morgan Inn Gallery. Added to the mix she caught many strange unexplainable things in the sky by her house which are under investigation. The new phase of her life is writing stories of all her life’s experiences which reach many different realms. This book being one.

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    Spiritually Yours - Pauline E. Petsel

    Copyright © 2016 Pauline Petsel.

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-5735-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-5736-4 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016908978

    Balboa Press rev. date: 07/26/2016




    About the Author


    The Authors Notes About it All



    This book is dedicated to my husband Carl and to our children, Brian, Vincent and Kristie who have supported me in everything I have ever attempted to achieve. They have always allowed me the freedom to be my own person and consistently shown interest in my work over the years.

    My girlfriend Poppy is included in this dedication as it was she, who during the years I was receiving the writings, kept after me to write or channel.Without her prodding, some of the most significant material I received could have been lost.

    I wish to thank my friends and relatives for the interest they’ve shown in this endeavor, even the ones who were skeptical and at times thought I was a little weird as they helped me keep my perspective.

    I want to express my appreciation and gratitude to the clergy people with whom I consulted to make sure what was coming through,’ was trustworthy and directly related to Biblical truth plus for the encouragement they gave me to continue these writings.

    This dedication cannot leave out Spirit the One who inspired me with the messages, plus the Power, who protected me and allowed me safe space to do the work. They were the actual writers without whom this book would have no reason to exist.


    The ‘messages’ in this volume were received thirty years ago, yet it seems to me they fit perfectly with what is happening in our world today. The photographs that I took over the years, or as I like to say, Back in time, and up to today, now fit like pieces of a puzzle to complete the whole. I know that I was merely the messenger for both the messages and the photos in this book and that the Spirit World had a plan all along.

    The Bible says ‘everything has a season.’ I’ve begun to wonder if some things I know now as present reality were given to me with a ‘down the road’ destination in mind – a new season so to speak. After all, when do the ideas of what someone wants to do or be when they grow up gain momentum? The answer to that question lies in the years of growth and experience over time which help us arrive at the wanted goal.

    Many Biblical stories seem to know certain events generations before they occur, so who knows about the writings I was given. Perhaps ‘this’ is the time period it was laying ground for.

    So is this a paranormal book? After all it was written by Spirit! Or is it Religious? It does refer to God and the Bible. Perhaps it is a guidance book. It reveals how nature is speaking to us and our hearts, on how to find happiness, gain self- esteem, self- worth, and step into a life worth living. You decide.


    About the Author

    Born in Cedar Rapids Iowa as Pauline Franks, I was a normal ‘free range’ kid who grew up in a religious, law-abiding home in an era that placed value on loyalty and the kind of hard work that results in a strong sense of self-esteem. I was soon to learn that normal could mean almost anything, as life was all about change with a variety sprinkled in. What I could count on was things would go along nice and easy for a while and then change without warning.

    My grade school days were spent with good friends to play and learn things with that, build self -reliance and self -esteem. To make money I sold all kinds of greeting cards or my mother’s homemade things, mowed lawns and shoveled sidewalks. High school years switched to unusual, sad, or unfortunate situations for friends or acquaintances, causing me to grow in strength and feeling concern for other people. It also taught having to ‘accept things’ out of our control.

    After marriage and two children, we moved to St. Petersburg Florida where life was the typical activities of any normal American family. Then, unusual and funny activities with animals set in. Later it seemed I was having to give first-aid everywhere we went. That changed but then things began showing up in my photos which weren’t there when I took them; Orbs, ghosts etc. Soon I began receiving automatic writings. That focused on complex spiritual things connected with creator and creation. I did nothing to make any of that happen. Later UFO pictures entered the topic for life. I’m now in the writing books phase using all of life’s encounters and experiences for the source.



    This book has words easy to read yet unusual with the depths of the messages. Each message stands alone so ‘can’ be read by opening the book anywhere, but the flow of the messages from the deep crevices within ones soul is better if read as you would read any book…from beginning to end.

    This book is written by the world of ‘Spirit’ and merely inspired by me. The messages are profound and reveal how to get the most out of your life while on earth. They tell how to possibly help yourself find answers you need for your life to be happier, more productive, feel self- esteem and being loved. You may find how to overcome frustrations and negatives in your life.

    If you read the messages just as ‘words’ it may be hard for some to really ‘get into’ the flow and experience the revealing messages. Think of yourself being in a darkened movie theater of your mind with messages playing out in color on the movie screen of your mind. As you read the message, picture, see, sense or think about the nature scene being referenced. That will get you ‘into’ the scene itself and link you easier with the message.

    I have put marks ‘ ’ on each side of a word that you need to pay attention to. It doesn’t mean you need to emphasize it but are ‘key words’ to bring to your attention to. A few words which ‘do need’ to be emphasized, will be in italics. I cannot change even one word, because SPIRIT wrote it and to take or add a word can totally change the message. You don’t do that with the spirit world. There will be a long sentence every once in a while with no place to put a period, and again no ‘words’ can be changed so can’t make two sentences of it. That’s why reading it as a book from front to back helps one get into ‘spirits’ flow of things and you pick the messages up easier.

    There are some words which are not ‘normal’ words we use so I will give a few here to help as you read. ‘Ones’ means you, or in some cases you people. The word ‘oneself’ is speaking of doing things for yourself only without thinking of others. Spelling at times will use the wrong one… skys/skies/… themselves/ themselfs, babys/babies as examples. I presented it as it came.

    There were a couple sentences I even had trouble deciphering and there seemed to have had an extra word not needed, or even making sense. However I couldn’t change the words. I must have read the sentence fifteen times to try seeing where the difference was with where the word would go. (The writings have no dotting of I’s or crossing of t’s or periods.) All of a sudden I read the sentence just right and sure enough, the word did belong there. Taking it out would have changed what was being said. In trying to make it easier for you the reader I may have made a few punctuation errors but is needed to make spirits message clear.

    This book was written ‘Spiritually’, yet has a lot of religious ties. There are messages giving examples of how nature is teaching people to get past life’s negatives to gain self–esteem, productivity, feel loved and cared for. Is the book ‘paranormal, religious or a guide to help people better their lives? You decide!

    What is ‘Automatic Writing’ you ask? That was my question when a neighbor woman who was psychic told me I should be good at doing it. Actually she told me never to do a séance. She and friends had just done one that week with it not being a good one. She stated she would never do one again. I thought to myself I’d never do a séance anyway. I had four psychic friends but even though they all did ‘readings’ I, a skeptic, never had one done.

    When she mentioned automatic writings I said Huh? What the heck is that? She told me I should merely sit quietly, loosely holding a pencil on a paper and allow it to write by itself. I could ask questions or just allow it free reign. That sounded weird. As a kid, we used to play with a Ouija board as a game. With that, it gave you a funny feeling when the plastic piece started moving around the board seemingly by itself. We merely felt the other person playing with us was moving the thing, but they accused us of doing the same thing. With ‘automatic writing’, if the pencil started moving, you would be the only one to blame.

    I went into the house, and although thinking she was nuts, I had to try it. Just like I figured, nothing happened! I tried it several more times during the following months with the same results. I was right. That isn’t possible.

    Well I wouldn’t say it isn’t entirely not possible because I soon found out the books I enjoyed reading by an author of spiritual/paranormal subject was written by ‘automatic typing’. Say what? First I never hear about this stuff and then found out the books I was enjoying so much was from that source?

    I said to myself, "Well I can do that! I went to the typewriter, clearing all the junk on it, got my hands lightly on the keys and got quiet. Then I thought, If this sucker starts typing I’m going to freak out….I don’t type! (At least with all my fingers and then not much.) Thankfully nothing happened leaving me relieved. I couldn’t ‘leave it’ at that. No! I had to pick up a

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