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Genesis of so Long a Life
Genesis of so Long a Life
Genesis of so Long a Life
Ebook112 pages23 minutes

Genesis of so Long a Life

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

This collection points out with images hidden in words, some of the cruelties in the world, some of human beings’ wrong doings. We have inherited a wonderful world but we have only succeeded in transforming it into something that we barely recognize when we embrace our temporary lucidity. We now have a broken world that needs to be mended. Perspectives that weren’t supposed to bring sorrow in the world have now turned into sources of violence and pain: Each religion now believes that they are the right path that leads to heaven while all the other human beings are considered evil or lost. And that’s how we recreated the world inherited from God. There’s no more trust on this planet we all call home; no one to trust when we are all involved into lies and betrayals. Death as portrayed is a twisted creation that plays tricks with our mind and uses the loss of our beloved ones against us.
As a witness of such a broken world, the poet finds a source of great freedom in solitude. Even if Solitude itself can sometimes get boring with feelings of sorrow, fear and thoughts that come from the past where we are often trapped because of regrets and hauntings. Genesis of so Long a Life is an incredible account of questions about life and death, love, friendship and solitude, trust and lies, cultures and traditions in Africa, as well as religion and the world in its cruelty.

Release dateMar 27, 2020
Genesis of so Long a Life

Paterne Freeman Shadowriter

Né le 15 avril 1991 à Ouidah une ville historique De la république du Bénin, Paterne Freeman Shadowriter est titulaire d’un Master 1 et d’une Licence en Anglais option ‘’Etudes Américaines’’ et d’un Brevet d’Aptitude au Professorat de l’Enseignement Secondaire (BAPES) en anglais. Il enseigne la langue anglaise dans les établissements d’enseignement secondaires publics et privés du Bénin. Il est Coach et Traducteur indépendant ; un mordu de leadership et de développement personnel.Mais pour lui, rien n’a plus de prix que la littérature. Il a toujours eu du béguin pour l’écriture et depuis bien longtemps, il a décidé d’extérioriser son art en écrivant des poèmes chargés d’émotions sur des thèmes très variés et avec les mots les plus raffinés. C’est aussi un talentueux écrivain de romans dont l’imagination n’a de limite que l’infini. Polyglotte accompli, il écrit ses textes aussi bien en français qu’en anglais.Accroché au dos de sa plume, c’est aussi un bloggeur, un activiste et un bénévole dont l’engagement est indéfectible. Il est membre fondateur, cofondateur, responsable et membre actif de plusieurs organisations et associations à but non lucratif, dans lesquelles il met ses connaissances, ses expériences et sa sagesse au service des jeunes et du monde entier.Pour lui, l’écriture tout comme l’activisme ne rime qu’avec un seul but : Impacter le monde et le rendre meilleur. Un objectif qu’il exprime très bien dans sa devise de tous les jours : « We rise by lifting others ».Son nom de naissance ? Plutôt simpliste pour quelqu’un de son acabit : Paterne Hessou. Mais sous la casquette de Freeman Shadowriter, l’homme épris de liberté et d’intégrité, l’écrivain de l’ombre, c’est un tout autre homme que l’on découvre et redécouvre à chaque seconde à travers ses écrits.

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    Genesis of so Long a Life - Paterne Freeman Shadowriter

    The collection raises, with the most beautiful words, many questions about life and death, love, friendship and solitude, trust and lies, cultures and traditions in Africa, as well as religion and the world and all its cruelty.

    It presents death both as a source of pain, remorse and suffering and death as a source of freedom. Death is a source of great pain and suffering when it takes away a beloved one and makes one’s life seems nonsensical and meaningless, taking away with the beloved the smile and the joy of life. It depicts Death; as a source of remorse when it makes it difficult to say goodbye to a lover forever. But it also shows death as a source of great freedom, release, rescue and fulfilment when death seems to be the only way to again see a beloved one or the only way not to experience all the cruelty of the world anymore. It then asks the ultimate question about the legacy each of us will leave to the next generation after our departure. A legacy that will be the only thing fellow human beings will remember, when after all they’ll forget the bad acts, the mistakes, the sadness, pity and sorrow of their fellow’s lost.

    This collection points out with images hidden in words, some of the cruelties in the world, some of human beings’ wrong doings. We have inherited a wonderful world but we have also succeeded in transforming it into something that we barely recognize when we embrace our temporary lucidity. We now have a broken world that need to be mended. Subjects that weren’t supposed to bring sorrow in the world have now turned into sources of violence: Each religion now believes that they are the right path that leads to heaven while all the other human beings are considered to be evil or lost. And that’s how we recreated the world inherited from God. There’s no more trust in

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