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Causes and Remedies of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: The Key to Escape from self-made Prison (Workbook for Overcoming OCD)
Causes and Remedies of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: The Key to Escape from self-made Prison (Workbook for Overcoming OCD)
Causes and Remedies of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: The Key to Escape from self-made Prison (Workbook for Overcoming OCD)
Ebook241 pages3 hours

Causes and Remedies of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: The Key to Escape from self-made Prison (Workbook for Overcoming OCD)

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About this ebook

\"Unique Perspective and The Treatment Methodology\"
\"Revolutionary Analytical Technique that can Effectively Relieve OCD Symptoms\"
I am writing this book to help people suffering from OCD.
There are many people who lost their hope of recovery, struggling to find the cause of their disorders.
I would like to lift their burden.
By introducing my analysis to the world, I know that I will be able to help people suffering from OCD.
I hope that this book sows seeds of hope in the barren minds of OCD patients.
I am sure that this will help you to understand the causes of your OCD and the ways to solve it.
You will be able to manage some parts of your anxiety.
If you repeatedly read this book and fully absorb the method introduced. Just by doing so, you will achieve a certain level of symptom alleviation.
this book is analytically meaningful, primarily because it provides OCD patients the chances to ease their obsessive symptoms.
It is meaningful also because it will be the final destination - the lighthouse of hope - of OCD patients who are living in pain.

Release dateJul 20, 2020
Causes and Remedies of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: The Key to Escape from self-made Prison (Workbook for Overcoming OCD)

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    Causes and Remedies of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder - Humble Star

    Causes and Remedies of

    Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

    The Key to Escape from self-made Prison (Workbook for Overcoming OCD)

    Table of contents

    Foreword_ The path to OCD(Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) recovery

    1. Lost in the maze of OCD 

    2. Pain of OCD 

    3. Understanding mental structure

    4. Starting point for recovery

    5. Finding the root cause

    6. Focusing on emotions 

    7. Tools cannot fix everything

    8. Parasitic OCD 

    9. Grim truth

    10. The ways a human mind change

    11. The moment a subconscious mind changes 

    12. OCD recovery process

    13. Taking care of your own mind 

    14. Getting on the right track 

    15. Overflowing lies and truths

    Case 1. Obsessive Thinking

    Case 2. Health Anxiety (Hypochondria)

    Case 3. Checking Obsession

    Case 4. Contamination Obsession

    Case 5. Aggressive Obsession

    Case 6. Physical Compulsion & Multiple  Obsessions 

    16. There is no such thing as magic

    17. Causes of OCD: shocking incidents, maybe?

    18. Post-OCD emotional diversification

    19. Breaking the vicious circle 

    20. Facing pain

    21. Cause-effect trap 

    22. Self-made prison 

    Closing remarks_ Acknowledgement

    Additional remarks_Recommendation

    The ways to overcome OCD

    I am writing this book to help people suffering from OCD. There are many people who lost their hope of recovery, struggling to find the cause of their disorders. I would like to lift their burden. There is one meaningful phenomenon I observed after posting articles and videos on OCD on web for a long time. Many people with OCD responded that their symptoms were eased just by reading my articles and watching my videos. 

    Here is one example of such response: There was a compulsive behavior that I had for more than 20 years. I started to watch your video casually, but it somehow caught my attention. After watching it till the end, I suddenly felt cured.Now I don’t have to fear the remaining feelings of anxiety, I just have to look at it as an emotional passage that I have to walk through. I am doubly grateful.

    I found comments like this really interesting. It wasn’t just about the number of people that contacted me, it was about how strongly people who had been suffering from OCD could relate to my articles and videos. They told me that my insights on OCD are different from the conventional ones. This distinction, according to them, gave them special stimuli. Counseling OCD patients, I also found face to face that when people can deeply relate to what are being said about their OCD, they could relieve their symptoms much faster. So, I decided to disseminate my analysis more widely to help people suffering from OCD, to provide them with the treatments they need. Some people out there will relate to the causes and treatments of OCD that I will introduce in this book. My methods will work for those who I sincerely wish to help. That’s the reason why I decided to write this book. By introducing my analysis to the world, I know that I will be able to help people suffering from OCD. 

    The field of OCD is still highly unexplored. It is hard to lift OCD symptoms with drug treatments but there aren’t any alternative treatments OCD patients can resort to. They suffer immense pain. To make things worse, ordinary people who never experienced OCD have hard time understanding OCD patients’ pain. People with OCD tend to keep their problems to themselves in fear of being treated as a freak. But when symptoms are hidden, they tend to get worse. A lot of people come to me discouraged after experiencing various unsuccessful conventional treatments. I think they were trying to clutch at straws. It was their courage to face their problems that encouraged me to write this book. 

    So I wrote this with a sense of duty to introduce a new point of view looking at OCD. I hope that this book sows seeds of hope in the barren minds of OCD patients. I am also glad to know that in some people’s minds, bright flowers of hope are already blossomed. 

    When we are working machines or even working our own bodies, we rarely think about operating mechanisms. We don’t know how cars run, how televisions are designed or how biochemistry in our body works. But we don't experience any inconvenience. 

    However, it becomes a totally different story when these mechanisms start to malfunction. For the first time, we are obliged to analyze the interior structures of these ‘machines’. We tend to get discouraged when we find them too difficult to understand. Especially, when you are experiencing these malfunctions for the first time, the difficulty in understanding gets combined with the uncertainty of finding solutions. This combination brings about even worse anxiety. That’s the reason why people turn to specifications or specialists. However, there seem to be no specifications or specialists that we can turn to when we are dealing with OCD. When we stay anxious for a long time, we tend to look ourselves as the cause of our problems. We are feeding ourselves with lies when we are doing this. Lies keep us stuck in the mud, making it ever harder for us to escape. After all, we need to look for the truth. That’s the only way we can get rid of our uncertainty. We need to find exact solutions to do away with our anxiety. 

    I want this book to be an easy-to-read specification to you, the reader of this book. Please be patient and read this book from cover to cover. I am sure that this will help you to understand the causes of your OCD and the ways to solve it. You will be able to manage some parts of your anxiety. But there is one promise you have to make before you open this book. You need to accept that you have been wrong. 

    People with ordinary hysteria tend to think that other people have answers to their problems. That is the reason why they tend to be dependent and resentful at the same time. They are in a situation where they lock themselves in other people. On the contrary, OCD starts when people delude themselves that they have answers. When these delusions harden, they get locked inside their own delusions. People develop OCD when their self-righteous egos grow too strong. Instead of breaking, their egos become the hideouts they use to evade their problems. 

    This is the reason why you, the reader, have to accept that you may have been completely wrong. To make a start, you must accept this. Everyone can be wrong. That’s how everybody grows up. It is okay to be wrong. You will have to start from that point. The life of a person who can never be wrong would be hell on earth. Your mind that refuses to acknowledge might be one of the causes of your pain.

    Let me introduce you a definite truth. Even if you keep your obsessive behaviors that you think will solve your problems for next ten to twenty years, your anxiety will not go away. You are just deluding yourself. This is why you have to acknowledge that there is a chance that the things you have been believing up to now may be completely wrong. In general, when two people disagree, we tend to pacify the situation with the saying ‘not wrong, just different’. However, our case is not about differences in minds, it is about being right and wrong. Reading this book would be futile if you cannot acknowledge this. Let everything go. Let go of your old ways and go back to a child without OCD that you once were. Stop feeding your OCD. You have to think that you are unlearning everything and starting from the beginning. You have to accept deep down in your heart that what I am going to tell you from now on may be the analyses closest to the truth. You have to ‘emotionally’ experience this acceptance as strongly as you can. You will have to read this book repeatedly and imprint its contents to your mind. I am sure that your symptoms will be relieved once you do.

    Last but not least, please take time and carefully think over the contents of this book. I only included the contents that were proved to be effective, the ones that combine knowledge with real life cases. The book is composed in a way to guide you to understand minor points little by little at the beginning. Gradually, you will get to understand key points. That’s the reason why you have to read every chapter from start to finish. Everyone will get stimuli for their recovery from different parts of this book. I will be more than pleased if you can relieve your symptoms by understanding and acknowledging what I am trying to say through this book. 

    Now I will begin. 



    Lost in the maze of OCD

    I am writing this to help numerous people suffering from OCD. I am going to write as if I am talking to a patient in front of me. 

    First of all, I wish you to be unashamed of your OCD. You may feel embarrassed about the fact that you have OCD. You may feel even more hopeless because you already know that other people will not understand you. There even are some who are worried about their OCD escalating to mental illness. 

    Some people imagine horrible and mean things like hurting their loved ones. At times, they are scared of themselves imagining things like that. They worry about other people eyeing them strangely.

    You may look down on yourself for not being able to overcome things like this with reason. It is because at times, you keep doing unnecessary and meaningless things again and again. A lot of people show a tendency to explain their pain caused by their OCD. I understand. Even you yourself know that your problems may look insignificant from the outside. This is why you need a counselor, to talk about the things you feel embarrassed to discuss with other people. Rationally, you know that it is okay to talk about your OCD, but you suffer because you just can’t make your mind and body to do so. If you continuously keep your heavy heart to yourself, your OCD becomes a secret of your own, the source of your pain only you know. This is all because of your shame. 

    This will pull you further down. OCD often starts with a secret, from not being able to reveal something. Pain is aggravated because you have to hide both the causes and effects of your OCD. You cannot share everything about you with your closest family. This is the reason why I think the expression ‘living dead’ describes the state of a person with OCD accurately. 

    This is a vicious circle that makes you to lie to yourself and to others. There are features of OCD that ordinary people can never understand. You get more oppressed because you know that you will look weak and little in social situations when you reveal your symptoms. Your OCD worsens because you actually do find yourself weak. As a result, you gradually lose your power to overcome. That’s how you get caught and imprisoned by your OCD. 

    Hiding will not solve any of your problems. You have to accept this first. You have to fully understand that hiding will only make your problems grow worse, instead of fixing them. If you have scars, you have to reveal them. If you keep your scars to yourself, they will fester. To fix them, you have to get them out. When you apply a salve on a fresh wound, it is going to sting without doubt. But it is that sting you need to solve your problems and get better. 

    Symbolically described, developing OCD is like losing a key of a prison that you locked yourself in. One time when I was counseling a patient with a serious case of OCD, we talked about a symbolic image of a pig being locked behind bars. It was an image of a drooling pig struggling to get out. I think that this image represents OCD patients’ situations as they are. It is identical to the desperate image of people trying to break out but failing because they do not have the keys. 

    The most important thing is that the symptoms of OCD is created by the patients themselves. Instead of facing the parts of them that they truly do not want to reveal, they have created the symptoms as their way out to protect themselves. The keys lie in the clear understanding of this. Everyone with OCD have made their own prison this way. To help each of them to find their own keys, I will give explanation on many things. 

    To escape from OCD, you need to clearly understand the way your mind works. I often felt that OCD was like a maze without an exit when I was counseling patients. Let’s think of an OCD patient as a person lost in a maze. Without proper information, it will be really hard for him/her to escape the maze. But what if that person knows the structures and principles of the maze? By clearly understanding the structures and principles, he/she will be able to escape the maze.

    This book will assist you to understand the structures and principles of the maze of OCD you are in. Obviously, it is not an easy path to follow. Even though every maze have different shapes, by clearly understanding the structures and principles, everyone will eventually find their way out. Already, a lot of people are redeeming their agency from their OCD. I think those who made recovery just by reading my articles were able to do so because they found emotional insights on the states they are in. They understood their situation as close to the truth as possible. 

    I hope this book to be a gift to those who are suffering, hopelessly wandering the barren field of OCD. I will now reveal the aforementioned structures’ principles one by one. 



    Pain of OCD

    You have to approach OCD from a point of view completely different from the conventional ones. From the view point of psychological narrative analysis, OCD is a collection of symptoms revealed, not the causes. The same goes for other neuroses. You have to understand the causes of your OCD symptoms. If you just look at your symptoms and try to fix them, you will only succeed in curing them temporarily. However, the root causes that triggered those symptoms will still be with you. This is the reason why people experience a relapse of symptoms. To be completely free from your symptoms, you have to find the root causes and fix it. 

    I think that this is one of the reasons why drug treatments and cognitive therapies can only be partially beneficial to OCD patients. Those treatments do relieve symptoms and at times attain full recovery, but the fact that the root causes that triggered those symptoms are still there does not change. Due to this, a relapse tends to occur in the form of old symptoms with immunity to previous treatments or in the form of completely new symptoms. Thus, we must find the root causes, analyze the way they were created and fix them.

    However, when you have severe symptoms that hinder your everyday life, you need to get other treatments, including drug treatments. Combining drug treatments and counseling therapies may be the best option for the patients with sever symptoms. It should be noted that such combination resulted in the highest clinical recovery rate.

    In this chapter, I want to explain the differences between OCD symptoms and the symptoms of other neuroses. You have to approach OCD from a point of view completely different from the conventional ones that you approach other neuroses. This is because the treatment of OCD symptoms is a prerequisite to the detection and elimination of the root causes of OCD. The vicious circle of OCD is that its symptoms become the part of its causes. You need to understand this. 

    You had hard time dealing with your OCD because it wasn’t easy for you to stop your obsessive behaviors. You couldn’t accept external stimuli because you were too engaged with your symptoms. To relieve your symptoms, you need a certain level of

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