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About this ebook

Autumn’s journey into the BDSM lifestyle was proving to be a very difficult one. Master Dante wasn’t an easy Master to serve even for an experienced submissive. She was finding it difficult to love a man who was so closed off as Master Dante. Yet, she was determined to find a way to get the man, whom she has only seen glimpses of, to love her like that all the time.
The whole community was shaken to its core by Liam’s Master suicide. Autumn needed to help Liam out of his despair, seeing him so broken was tearing her apart. Plus, watching her twin brother try to mend his heart and be strong for his submissives only added to everything. She wanted to be there for everyone she loved, but being pulled in so many directions was beginning to unravel everything.

PublisherJustus Roux
Release dateJul 18, 2020

Justus Roux

Justus Roux’s long running “Master Series”, which she affectionately calls her BDSM drama, has won the hearts of many readers. . Her “Dom/sub trilogy”, and “Master of My Heart Series”, plus several single titled books have earned her several outstanding reviews. She has dabbled in the paranormal and fantasy realm with her “Barbarians of Malka series”, “Demon hunter Series”, as well as several single titled novels. Justus’ loves to explore new things, adores music and art, and loves to play the occasional video game and enjoys a good poker game as well. You can check out her work at her websites, and . You can reach her at

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    Book preview

    Unravel - Justus Roux


    Written By Justus Roux

    Copyright © 2020 Justus Roux

    All rights reserved

    This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely a coincidence

    Chapter one

    I can’t breathe…the weight of my grief is crushing the life out of me, Liam said as he stared blankly out toward the ocean, tightly gripping the note Griffin had written to him.

    You can stay here as long as you need. I’m so sorry this happened to you, Liam. I don’t know what to say to ease the pain you are feeling, Rex said.

    I can’t stay here… Liam’s mind was numb. The funeral service was a blur. He knew the whole community was there, each of them telling him how sorry they were. All he could do was stare up at the coffin that held his Master and hold that damn note he wrote. He memorized every word of the note, replaying it over and over in his mind.

    My precious Liam, I know you will hate me for what I have to do. Yet, I must free you of me. I can’t change; the violence inside me will never quite. I wanted to be the man you needed, and I tried. Just know that I loved you so very much, and you made me feel loved beyond words. I destroyed Dimitri I will not watch my love destroy you. My life means nothing. Your life means everything to me, my beloved Liam. Please move on and find someone worthy of your precious love.

    I will see to whatever you need, Liam, Rex said.

    You have done so much for me already. Was it Master Mato who picked the suit Master was wearing?


    Please thank him for me and thank Master Lash for planning the service.

    I will.

    Liam, Lara said as she came out on the deck.

    I will give you a moment to decide what you want to do, Liam, Rex said as he headed back into the house.

    Lara… Liam didn’t know what to say. He didn’t know what to do as the tears filled his eyes again. He cried so much this last week that his eyes were swollen from it.

    You can stay with me at Master’s house.

    No, I can’t do that. Have you seen to my patients?

    Yes, Autumn and I will handle your caseload until you are ready to come back to work. Master Owen offered his services as well. I will look over the cases that he can help with.

    Don’t overburden Autumn. I don’t want her getting overwhelmed.

    Liam, you worry about you. I will handle everything else.

    I can’t get Master lying in that coffin out of my mind. Liam let his tears fall. He looked like he was just sleeping. I was praying that this was all a bad dream, and yet I can’t wake from it.

    Lara gently grabbed the note that was in Liam’s hand. You need to let this go, Liam.


    She let the battered note go.

    I am a fucking therapist, Lara. Why didn’t I see what he was planning?

    He didn’t want you to see, Liam.

    I knew he was having trouble with adjusting to being out of prison. Maybe I should have…

    Stop that, Liam. The would’ve should’ve will not help with anything.

    I’m going to go lie down. Liam went back into the house.

    Lara stayed out on the deck. She didn’t know how to help him. If her Master killed himself…she didn’t even want to think about it.

    She looked out to the beach when she saw two people headed toward her. As they got closer, she saw it was Autumn and Garrett. Autumn assisted Master Lash with planning the funeral. Lara wanted to do this, but she needed to stay by Liam’s side, so she asked Autumn to take care of it. Garrett was with Autumn not wanting her to do this alone.

    How is Liam? Autumn said as she came upon the deck.

    I don’t know, to be honest.

    Is he staying here with Rex? Garrett said.

    I don’t think so.

    Autumn, I will go find out what Rex plans on doing, Garrett said as he went into the house.

    Autumn went over and grabbed Lara’s hand.

    Is Master staying at your condo? Lara asked.

    Yeah. He said he isn’t going home until you are ready to go with him.

    I tried to talk Liam into staying with Master, but he doesn’t want to.

    We will get him through this, Lara.

    Lara squeezed Autumn’s hand.


    Garrett wanted to talk to Rex, but Rex wanted to be left alone. Garrett headed into the main living room when he spotted Drake holding Liam in his arms. Liam was crying while Drake held him. Liam would only allow Rex or Drake to touch him. Garrett understood why Liam would want comfort from Rex; from everything he has heard, Rex helped Liam while Griffin was in prison. But why did Drake’s touch bring Liam comfort?

    This whole week has been stressful for everyone. Garrett didn’t allow his submissives to go to Griffin’s funereal. They didn’t know Griffin all that well, so why put them through it. Plus, Garrett needed to be there for Autumn. She was rattled to her core by this. All submissives were to one point or another; the mere thought that a Master would take his own life and leave his submissive alone to deal with it was difficult for any of them to comprehend. Shit, it was hard for Garrett to understand. What Griffin did was a selfish thing masked as loving gestured to his submissive. There were so many other paths Griffin could have taken to free Liam. No, Griffin wanted to free himself of the guilt he felt from what he did to Dimitri and what he was doing to Liam. And now Liam’s pain was causing Autumn pain because she loved Liam, no matter how much she tries to deny it. She has loved Liam since she was sixteen. Garrett thought her foolish for this. Just because she was Dante’s submissive now didn’t mean she had stopped loving Liam. He knew his sister, and he could see the love she still held for Liam. Surely, Dante sees it too.

    Garrett couldn’t think about any of this right now. His thoughts were on his submissives, yet he needed to make sure his sister was going to be okay. He could feel her pain, as she could feel his.

    He walked up to Drake. He watched Liam calm down in Drake’s arms.

    Drake gestured to Blake to come to him. Garrett didn’t notice that his uncle was in the room.

    Please take Liam to rest, Drake said as he released Liam.

    Yes, Sir. Blake gently took Liam’s hand and led him out of the room.

    Are you alright, Garrett? Drake said.

    Yeah, but Autumn’s a mess.

    Where are your submissives?

    At home.

    You should be with them, son.

    Where are your submissives?

    At your parent’s home.

    All of them?

    They need to be near me now.

    I need to make sure Autumn will be okay. Kane and Bree didn’t know Griffin that well, and both of them have talked to Liam as a therapist; they don’t need to see him like this.

    They still need to be near you, especially your female.

    I don’t tell you how to run your house, don’t tell me how to run mine, Garrett said harsher than he intended. Of course, he knew he needed to be with his submissives, but his sister needed him too. Dante was at her condo but wasn’t here with her. Bree became very quiet after he told her about what Griffin had done. She remains very quiet. Brutus was staying in Oahu; he sent for his other submissives to join him. Bree has not asked to be with Brutus. Garrett didn’t want her to be anyways. He had to get her to rely on him, yet she will not talk to him.

    What is wrong, Son?

    Other than Griffin being a selfish asshole…

    Please don’t let Liam hear you say that. Calm yourself. I can feel you getting all wound up. Now talk to me, and perhaps I can help you.

    Garrett sighed and went over the sofa and sat. Drake came over and sat next to him.

    After I told Bree what Griffin did…she became still and quiet. I thought she was just in shock at first. I think Brutus felt the same way. It’s been a week, and she remains quiet and still.


    She is a very energetic and fidgety kind of person, and she talks a mile a minute sometimes. Yet now, she sits there still and hasn’t said two words to me. She helps Kane with things around the condo, but that’s about it. I don’t want to ask Brutus about this. I want to handle this myself.

    Jet and Ecstasy are acting similar, Jet more so. My other submissives are saddened by this and feel for Liam. They know I would never do what Griffin has done. Ecstasy needed extra reassurance, and he has Leon to bring him comfort. Jet is still having trouble. Drake gestured to the right corner of the room.

    Garrett looked over and saw Jet kneeling quietly in the corner.

    I didn’t even notice he was here. Why is he here?

    He needs to be where I am; this is how he is dealing with all of this. Seeing Liam so upset is hard on him, but not being with me is harder.

    Before Drake could say anything more, Garrett got up and hurried out of the room. He left the house, got into his car, and sped off to his condo. He quickly unlocked the door and went inside. He saw Kane in the kitchen, making lunch.

    Master? Kane said.

    Before Garrett could ask where Bree was, she hurried over and hugged him. Garrett held her tightly to him.

    I’m sorry, Bree…I should have been with you the whole time.

    Master, what is going on? Kane said as he walked over to him.

    Just me fucking up again. I’m sorry to you as well, Kane. I just assumed you would be alright…and…

    Master, I’m fine. You are worried about your sister. I understand this. Bree will come to understand the bond you and your sister have.

    I should have been here for you, girl, Garret said as he looked into her beautiful eyes.

    She smiled warmly at him then laid her head on his chest.

    Garrett reached over and stroked Kane’s cheek.

    She will be alright, Master. Don’t worry.

    Garrett could feel Autumn’s pain, and it was tearing him up. He felt Bree’s arms tighten around him, and he could see the look of relief on Kane’s face that he was here.

    Let’s go lie down. I want to hold my submissives.

    They went to the bedroom, and Garrett lay between them, holding both of them to him. He could feel both of them relax as they laid there with their heads on his chest. He watched Kane reach over and put his hand on Bree’s shoulder. Garrett closed his eyes and tried to center himself. Yet, he could still feel Autumn’s pain.

    Chapter Two

    Every time Autumn saw Liam, it broke her heart. He sat there quietly, staring out into the distance. The pain etched on his face was almost too much for her to bear. She did her best to make things easier for him. She took on as many of his cases as she could handle. Lara took on the more difficult ones, and Master Owen took the cases that Lara thought would benefit from his perspective. Lara was so strong. Autumn wished she could be more like her. She wanted to help Liam through this. Right now, she was just sitting on the Master Rex’s deck with Liam, just watching the waves roll in. Lara was busy rescheduling and arranging Liam’s practice. Even though Liam was immense pain right now, he wanted to make sure his patients were helped.

    Autumn wasn’t sure if she should try and talk to Liam, or should she just sit here quietly. She felt the weight of his gaze upon her. She glanced over at him, and he was just sitting there staring at her.

    Is there something you need, Liam?

    Where is Master Dante? he said softly.

    Do you need to speak with my Master?


    She turned her gaze from his and fixated to one of the wooden planks on the deck floor.

    He should be here for you, Autumn.

    Master is at my condo. I think Master Rex doesn’t want a parade of people bothering you.

    Master Rex wouldn’t care if Master Dante wanted to be near you and Lara.

    I don’t know what you want me to say, Liam. She had no idea why Master wasn’t here. He was staying at her condo so that he would be close if they needed him.

    My Master would have never allowed me to be in this kind of situation by myself.

    She glanced back up and him and saw the tears running down his face. Her heart ached with every tear that rolled down his cheek. She stood and moved closer to him. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close to him. He laid his head on her chest and cried. She ran her fingers through his unruly dark wavy hair.

    She knew what to say to a patient who was in pain, yet the words she needed to say to him wouldn’t form. She was holding back her tears. His pain was tearing her up inside.

    She felt his arms go around her tighter.

    I’m sorry…I shouldn’t be… he said between sobs.

    Don’t say sorry, it is okay…or it will be okay…Lara and I will do whatever you need.

    She heard the French doors open, and she knew who it was. She could feel his presence; she glanced up and saw Garrett standing by the opened doors. She saw Bree and Kane standing in the kitchen. She mouthed the words, Everything is okay.

    Garrett nodded, then headed back into the house.

    I got to get out of here, Autumn. Master Rex is so kind…everyone is, but I need to get off this island.

    You can stay at my house in Seattle.

    I couldn’t, that is you and your Master’s retreat…I don’t want to taint it with my grief.

    Please say yes, Liam. I think it would be the perfect place for you to try and heal.

    Your Master won’t like it.

    He would want you to heal, Liam. He won’t be angry.

    Liam held her tight for a few more moments; he let her go and stood. Thank you, Autumn.

    Is that a yes?

    Yes. I’m going to go out onto the beach. I need to be alone for a moment.

    Of course. Autumn stepped aside. She watched him head out onto the beach as she sat on the chair.

    Your brother is pacing in the kitchen, Lara said as she sat on a chair next to Autumn.

    Holy crap, you scared the hell out of me. I didn’t hear you come out here.

    You were too busy watching Liam. Has he decided where he is going? Your dad offered for him to stay on his island. I think that is a good idea.

    Liam is staying at my house in Seattle.

    Master isn’t going to like that.

    Why wouldn’t he?

    Master would prefer Liam to stay with us in the desert house. I tried to convince Liam to do so, but he is adamant about not doing so.

    I already offered up my house in Seattle, and he likes the idea.

    You shouldn’t have done that without asking Master first.

    Autumn took out her cellphone and dialed.

    Master, I have something to ask you.

    What would that be?

    I offered our house in Seattle for Liam to stay while he deals with this. I hope this is okay with you.

    Did he accept?


    And if I say no, then what?

    Master, please, I think it’s a perfect solution.

    Will this make you happy?

    Very much so, Master.

    Then, it is fine.

    Lara gestured for Autumn to give her the phone. Autumn reluctantly did so.

    Master, I don’t know if this is a good idea. Autumn shouldn’t have offered for Liam to stay at the Seattle house.

    Autumn just glared at her.

    Girl, what’s done is done.

    You said that house was for you and Autumn…

    You may stay with Liam there if you wish. I know you need to make sure he is okay.

    Thank you, Master.

    I’m sure Autumn is pissed at you right now, so smooth it over before I come to pick you two up.

    Yes, Master.

    Lara handed Autumn the phone back.

    Look, I know you are kind of pissed off at me, but we can’t bicker amongst ourselves right now. We need to keep our cool for Liam.

    Easy for you to say. I’m not going out of my way to piss you off.

    You think I’m going out of my way to make you angry. Look, right now, I don’t give a crap about your feelings. It’s taking everything I have to keep my shit together for Liam.

    I’m trying to help you take care of him.

    I don’t need you to help me take care of him. I need you to help me make sure his patients are taken care of, and I need you to make sure Master is okay. You need to see the big picture here.

    Do I? Autumn said harshly.

    Master knows our feelings for Liam.

    What does that have to do with anything? This whole Griffin thing is hard on everyone. It was probably inconvincible to all the submissives in this community that a Master would take his own life and leave his submissive to deal with it. Yes, we both care for Liam, hell we both loved him at one time or another, Master knows this, but he also knows we love him.

    He knows I love him. You seem to spend most of your time with Bazil.

    Autumn stood. Master has been spending a lot of time with you…

    The French doors opened, and Garrett came out onto the deck.

    Hey, both of you might want to keep it down, Garrett said. Especially you, Lara.

    Lara stood. "I’m not going to be tagged teamed by the both of you. We

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