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Soul Lessons to Soul Mate: Relationship Revolution
Soul Lessons to Soul Mate: Relationship Revolution
Soul Lessons to Soul Mate: Relationship Revolution
Ebook243 pages3 hours

Soul Lessons to Soul Mate: Relationship Revolution

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Has true love eluded you? Are you feeling overwhelmingly stuck in relationship hell? Good news! Soul Lessons to Soul Mate is here to set you free. Be ready for some heavy heart-lifting material to revive your love fatigued life and find your soul mate.

Julie Kay has spent many years helping thousands of people with relationship problems. Her Soul Mate School Workshops have helped thousands to fulfill their romantic potential. She has discovered a unique formula that confirms that relationship lessons and issues are not just coincidencethey are destiny! Set up in childhood and repeated through one relationship disaster after another, these lessons and issues will continue to affect your relationshipsuntil you release and heal them.

Soul Lessons to Soul Mate guides you in expanding your consciousness to help you go deeper into setting your heart free, so you can discover your soul mate and have the blissful love life of your dreams. If youve been waiting far too long for your true love, what are you waiting for? Its time for your happily ever after.

Release dateJan 10, 2013
Soul Lessons to Soul Mate: Relationship Revolution

Julie Kay

Julie Kay grew up in the beautiful Melbourne bayside suburb of Chelsea. After completing her schooling she became a dental nurse. As a young adult Julie travelled the world, living and working in London, Israel and Greece. At the end of her overseas travels she went to live in Alice Springs where she got a job working for the Royal Flying Doctors Service going out to the Aboriginal communities as a dental nurse.In her late twenties Julie came home to Melbourne where she worked as a school dental nurse during the day and studied at night. In 1992 she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts majoring in English Literature and Sociology. At this time she married Jon and had two children. Her next career move was to become an integration aid in a school. Encouraged by her work colleagues she went back to university and got her Diploma of Education which enabled her to become a primary school teacher. Julie loves her vocation as an educator and manages to work full time, running a busy household and writing on the weekends.In 2019 Julie wrote her first novel Not My Father which was loosely based on the life of her father during the Occupation of Japan. The Ties That Bind is her second novel with many more to come.

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    Soul Lessons to Soul Mate - Julie Kay

    Copyright © 2013 Julie Kay

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    Thank You


    Introduction—What Makes You Such an Expert?

    Section One: Awareness

    Chapter One—Why Are We Here?

    Chapter Two—Your Personal Relationship Blueprint and Profile

    Section Two: Change

    Chapter Three—Starting at the Beginning

    Chapter Four—Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places

    Chapter Five—Centred in Your Authentic Self

    Section Three: Direction

    Chapter Six— Know Thyself!

    Chapter Seven The Power of Unconditional Love

    Chapter Eight—Time for Love

    Conclusion—Let the Light Shine and the Love Begin


    The Author


    I dedicate this book to every soul who strives to Love. To every being that acknowledges their divine right to live the life of their dreams and finds the courage deep within to make those dreams happen.

    Thank You

    I wouldn’t be able to do what I do or to have learned what I’ve learned without the support and some button pushing from many truly amazing people.

    First, I would like to thank all of my relationship teachers. This book could never have existed without your help. You taught me what can only be learned through experience. Thank you to the greatest teacher of all, my sledge-hammer, Steve. It was you who awakened me to the realisation that I had to be somehow creating all of my relationship disasters because the one common denominator was Me!

    I want to thank my wonderful husband Ted and my beautiful children Kirby, Darryl and Jasmine. Thank you for allowing me to achieve my dreams even when it means I often have to travel away.

    My thanks also go to all of my many beautiful friends, who have supported me and helped me with not only this book but in all areas of my business and life.

    To Deb: You are a true soul sister. Without your complete and utter faith in my journey and your support with this book it would have taken much longer . . . thank you, thank you, thank you.

    To Carol: Thank you for being not only a very dear lifetime friend but the best graphic artist in the business.

    To the beautiful you, who is reading this book: Thank you for inviting me into your life and having faith in my ability to help you set your heart free and shine.


    I have spent many years helping thousands of people with relationships problems, and I have discovered a unique formula that confirms that relationship lessons and issues are not just coincidence—they are destiny!

    If your relationships keep ending in disaster and love continues to elude you, it’s a good indication that your relationship lessons are keeping love from finding you. Let me guess—you feel as if you must have an invisible sign tattooed on your forehead that screams to the world: Let me down! Cheat on me! Treat me like a doormat! Or maybe even Losers only! You know you’re a good person, right? So why haven’t you found love? Don’t be discouraged. You are a great person. Your soul lessons have just been getting in the way. So if you have kissed enough frogs, don’t risk another relationship letdown. Discover your relationship lessons and heal forever the issues they have been causing.

    The fundamentals of Soul Lessons to Soul Mate is covered over three sections to empower you to achieve awareness, change, and direction so that you too can have a soul mate relationship. The first section takes you through my unique formula that will help you discover your relationship blueprint and profile—how it was set up in childhood, and how it has been affecting your relationships to this very day. The second section is about healing and releasing these lessons so they no longer affect current and future relationships. The third section provides you with the tools you need to help you move forward and find your soul mate partner. For those who already have a partner, this section will help you heal and evolve your current relationship.

    You’ve been waiting too long for your soul mate, so don’t waste any more time. Read on! It’s time for your happily ever after . . .


    "What Makes You Such

    an Expert?"

    An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes

    that can be made in a very narrow field.

    —Niels Bohr, physicist

    Sometimes it’s through our pain and torture that we find the most beautiful gifts. My life has seen its fair share of pain, and my relationship partners have certainly been my greatest teachers. If it hadn’t been for these relationships and their teachings, I would never have been able to write this book. So I thank every one of my relationship partners for empowering me to self-discovery and giving me the formula to heal my own relationship issues and teach others to do the same.

    From my very first kiss at the tender age of six it was quite evident to me that relationships were not going to be easy for me. The boy was Aaron, and his name is forever etched into my mind along with the painful memory of his rejection that took place in 1972 at Tonsley Park Primary School. Aaron and I were classmates. We liked to hang out, always sat next to each other, and I considered him my boyfriend. One lunchtime we decided it was time for our first kiss. Encouraged by the other kids, we climbed to the top of the jungle gym to do the deed. As we faced each other, my heart was racing; we shut our eyes and pressed our closed lips tightly together. My first kiss felt as if it lasted forever. I can still remember that exact moment as if it’s forever suspended in time. As our lips parted we smiled shyly at each other and proceeded to climb back down. We were met at the bottom with taunts and teasing from the group of kids that had gathered to watch and supposedly support us. They were brutally relentless with their teasing and, like vultures, they picked our carcasses bare of every ounce of dignity and self-worth. Aaron was so embarrassed he pushed me over, ran off, and never spoke to me again.

    Boys frightened me after that painful rejection, and so I kept my distance. At the age of nine I was given another reason to fear boys when our male babysitter sexually molested me. I was terrified and so full of shame and guilt. Because of my emotional immaturity, I had no concept of how to approach this situation with my parents. I feared they wouldn’t believe me so I kept it a secret, buried deep inside. It wasn’t until I was in my early thirties that I finally told my mother.

    I had no luck with boys in my teens either. They would show interest and then all of a sudden abandon me or find someone better. By the time I met my first husband in 1982 I was desperate for love and affection. I was only sixteen, and I already had a vision of my Prince Charming. He would race me down the aisle. We’d have a lovely home with a little white picket fence, and our kids and dog would run free in the backyard. I was head over heels in love with my first real boyfriend.

    We built our first home together in 1984 and married in 1987. I got my wish—I had my home and a dog, and then the first of our three beautiful children arrived in 1989. But my life was far from the fairy tale I had imagined. It was a very turbulent marriage, as my husband and I discovered we were two very different people. This was made worse by an unsettling feeling on my part that something was missing. My need to find out what was missing made it impossible for me to be happy. My husband and I started to lead very separate lives, and after many ups and downs we separated in 1997 just prior to our ten-year wedding anniversary.

    The next six years of my life can only be described as relationship hell. I went through cycle after cycle of falling in love only to be cheated on, abandoned, or financially ripped off. With each new devastation, my insecurity grew deeper and deeper. In between these relationship disasters there were a few relationships that I chose to end when the unsettled feeling of something missing returned.

    In 2005 I finally got my wake-up call in the form of a sledgehammer called Steve. By the time I met Steve, I’d had enough of relationships and I didn’t trust any man. I was quite happy and content to be on my own—well that’s what I told myself anyway. I was on holiday in Bali with my family when my sisters and my aunt discovered this great-looking guy whom they decided was my perfect match—so much so that they proceeded to try and set me up with him. Of course I wasn’t having anything to do with any of it. If your family thinks he is the one, then obviously there must be something wrong with him. I made sure that I wasn’t going to be accommodating to my family or available to this man called Steve.

    The universe works in mysterious ways, and through a series of unexplained and unplanned events I ended up meeting Steve by chance. It was like sending a lamb to the slaughter; I didn’t stand a chance. I was gone at first sight. His beautiful blue eyes had my heart the minute they looked into mine. Have you ever felt an electric shock run through your body the instant your eyes and energy connected with someone? I’d never experienced this before, and it was so intense that we both physically stepped backwards.

    The attraction was definitely mutual; we caught up a few hours later and ended up spending the last few days of my holiday together in the most romantic and wonderful few days of my life. I was already in the process of moving interstate from New South Wales to the Gold Coast Queensland, and Steve just happened to live on the Gold Coast. This must be meant to be, I told myself. He promised to call as soon as he arrived back to Australia, and true to his word he did.

    We started seeing each other, but it wasn’t long before the telltale signs of doom and gloom started to appear. His mother wasn’t happy that he was seeing me, and his ex-partner—who was also the mother of his beautiful little girl—also started to become an issue. He confessed that they had talked about reconciling before we met in Bali, and he assured me that it wasn’t what he wanted. He became more and more distant, and it became increasingly obvious to me they were spending time together. Staying true to my history, Steve ended up abandoning me in a very slow and cruel way by just ignoring me until I went away. He didn’t even have the courtesy to tell me it was over, and I can’t even begin to tell you how devastated I was. I still have no doubt in my mind that this was meant to happen and we were destined to meet. The circumstances and the intensity of the attraction certainly convinced me of that.

    At the time, however, I thought that the universe and God had it in for me. I felt God was purposely setting me up just to let me down. The pain was by far the worst I had ever experienced, and I completely lost any shred of self-worth or self-esteem I had left. This was the relationship that broke my heart and changed my life forever. This time I finally woke up and discovered that I had to be somehow attracting or creating these situations, as the disastrous cycle just kept repeating itself over and over again. I knew in my heart that I was a good person and that I deserved to be loved, so I spent the next few years healing myself and discovering the formula that I share with you in this book.

    Today I am in a beautiful relationship with my wonderful husband. Unlike all my previous relationships, this one is free from the struggles I suffered in all of my relationship lessons. Life is good, free, and easy at last. Oh—and I no longer have that terrible feeling that something is missing because I actually discovered what it was! Take the journey and see if you can find it too. I won’t tell you right now what it is, but it’s covered in almost every chapter of this book. If you know what it is when you get to the end of the book, then you have found the key to attracting your soul-mate relationship—and don’t worry . . . you can’t miss it!

    Section One:



    Chapter One

    Why Are We Here?

    We are one, after all, you and I. Together we suffer,

    together exist and forever will recreate each other.

    —Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, philosopher

    There is a much bigger plan for you and me, and one that is sometimes difficult to comprehend. Metaphysicians have known about this philosophy since ancient times—in Egypt nearly three millennia BC and in Greece where philosophers like Socrates and Pythagoras taught half a millennium BC. It doesn’t matter whether you follow a religion or not, there is an eternal vibration and purpose to your existence, and to the experiences you are having right now. Scientists are slowly catching up to philosophy, and every year more credibility and truth is revealed, and more people are discovering this as their own truth through their own experiences.

    Since childhood I have had the ability to see the spirits of those who have passed. As a child I was told it was my imagination. As an adult I have been helping people reconnect to their lost loved ones for over eighteen years. While many sceptics don’t believe the soul exists after death, more and more people are starting to experience and witness this phenomenon for themselves and so it’s no longer just a few psychics who can tune in and communicate with the souls of the deceased.

    I believe that each soul has a plan—a pathway and direction—that it has come here to experience in this lifetime. I believe we have a destiny, although I also believe there are many different pathways to this destiny. That is where choice comes in. Why am I so sure about my belief? It has come to me through a knowing—a knowing that is continually expanded and validated through the work that I do. Through my work it became quite apparent to me that, on a subconscious or higher level of awareness, we know what our plan and direction is for this lifetime, including when it’s our destiny to depart the earth plane. We are not consciously aware of our time to depart, which is probably a good thing considering most people’s fear of death. Communication between spirits and their loved ones who have been left on this side strongly suggests we do know. I’ve lost count of the number of spirits who, before they passed, did things that were unusual or out of character. It was only after they had passed and when the circumstances were examined, could these actions be interpreted as a subconscious setting of things in order in readiness for their passing.

    I will give you a few examples of my client’s experiences that have confirmed this idea.

    A young lad was killed in an accident. Several months before his passing, he quit his apprenticeship and told everyone, I’m too young to be tied down. Life is too short, and I want to enjoy it! He travelled and visited all his relatives and spent quality time with them. After his death, his father said, It’s as if he must have known.

    One of my clients had a husband who didn’t believe in

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