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Wage War on Your Mind & Fight for Your Life!
Wage War on Your Mind & Fight for Your Life!
Wage War on Your Mind & Fight for Your Life!
Ebook112 pages1 hour

Wage War on Your Mind & Fight for Your Life!

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About this ebook

After years of struggling with depression, feeling unsatisfied, and battling negative thoughts, I reached a breaking point. I knew there had to be a better way to live but I wasn't sure what it was. After getting over the initial shock of my breakdown, I desperately set out on a journey to discover how to live a fulfilling life. I realized that my biggest hurdle was my negative thoughts. So I decided to wage war on my mind and find a way to overcome them.
In this book, I detail the 10 practices I incorporated into my life as a result of waging war on my mind. These practices were implemented out of the sheer desperation to live and not just survive my life. I discovered them by evaluating my thought patterns, habits, and perspective and doing the opposite of everything I'd been doing up until that point. This book details a 2-year process broken down into 10 key strategies I implemented to reroute my default negative train of thought. I teach you how I went from constantly complaining, focusing on the problems, and not believing in myself to being thankful to be alive, focusing on solutions, and not just believing in myself but daring to dream again (and chase those dreams)!

My story is shared in a way that those who struggle with depression, anxiety, negative thoughts, self-doubt, or comparison, can see their own experience reflected. You won't get caught up in the details of my life but you'll feel the connection if you have that struggle in common. I challenge readers who are desperate for a change to do the inner work to create it. This isn't for the faint of heart. While it's written in a loving and encouraging way, it's written specifically for those who know they have to make the change because people can't want it for you or love it out of you.

This isn't for everyone. In fact, it took me having a breakdown to get to the place I could discover and accept this for myself. You have to be at a point in your life where you not only want the change but are willing to put the effort and energy into creating it. I will challenge you to take responsibility and accountability. I'm not going to lie, it doesn't always feel good. There will be times that I probably make you feel uncomfortable. I know because I felt that same discomfort. The thing is, it's by facing those uncomfortable truths that I was able to start winning battles.

If you want to learn how to stop thinking so negatively, stop constantly comparing yourself, or just cultivate a more positive mindset, I lay out my blueprint in this book. The methods are as powerful as they are simple in principle yet they take consistent practice to yield results. After reflecting on the journey years later, I was able to identify the key strategies I incorporated as practices in my life. This is my life experience combined with my training as a life coach to help you in reroute your default train of thought. By learning how to incorporate these practices into your life you can discover the ones you need to implement to start winning the battles you fight.

Either way, I'm sending you lots of love and wishing you all that you need to support you to wage war on your mind and fight for your life!
-Niki Meadows

PublisherNiki Meadows
Release dateApr 29, 2017
Wage War on Your Mind & Fight for Your Life!

Niki Meadows

Niki Meadows is a women's life coach who specializes in empowering women to cultivate their self-love and self-worth. After struggling with her own issues of not feeling she was worth love, she realized just how big of a part that plays in our lives. The choices we make on a daily basis that ultimately shape our lives are determined by our self-love and what we believe we are deserving of. During the climb out of rock bottom, Niki promised herself she'd never forget about the people who were still there. Having known how isolated, alone, and misunderstood she felt, she decided to support others who felt the same way. After getting out of rock bottom she spent years cultivating her self-love and went back to school to become a certified life coach. As a life coach, she helps women on their journey of self-love and self-worth. She now works with women who are overwhelmed, have lost their sense of self, or who lack a sense of purpose in their lives. She supports and empowers them on their journey to reconnect with themselves on a soul-level so they can build the fulfilling lives they're worthy of living. She also believes in the importance of sisterhood and brings women together to support one another in sharing the experience of their journeys. Niki is a wife and mother of two daughters. She enjoys living a life of intention. She realizes that she's always been a bit different never quite fit in. She celebrates finally being able to accept who she is and have the freedom to express it. Niki identifies as an old soul and trusts her intuition as her most steady compass in her journey of life. She believes in progress over perfection and that love and kindness should be practiced regularly.

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    Book preview

    Wage War on Your Mind & Fight for Your Life! - Niki Meadows

    Niki Meadows is a Worthiness Coach and Ambassador who helps women discover they're more than enough and empowers them to find their identity, voice, and purpose. Prior to becoming a Worthiness Ambassador, Niki struggled with her own insecurities and feelings of not being enough. She fought a daily battle with depression that many around her didn’t know she was fighting.

    Nearly four years since Niki waged war on a 17-year battle with depression, she was inspired to share this victory with the world. After receiving the initial inspiration to write this book, she had to overcome her self-doubt to publicly share this process. Niki wrestled with thoughts that she wasn’t qualified to write a book of this nature; after all she isn’t a medical or health professional. Those thoughts were short-lived as she realized this was the story of her life and no one was more qualified than her to share it.

    Knowing millions of people around the world continue to fight the internal battle, she decided sharing the process she used to win her battle was more important than the fear of judgment, rejection, or criticism. Niki published her first book with the intention of you taking what you need from it to follow, adapt, or customize it to meet your needs and wage war on your mind to fight for your life!

    There is life after depression, and I'd love for you to be able to experience it for yourself. May this book lead you to the path that takes you there.

    -Niki Meadows

    Visit this page to download your bonus content to support you in your journey.

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    Connect with Niki on social media for updates and encouragement.

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    Blueprint Details

    This blueprint details the process that was a 2-year journey of self-discovery, self-awareness, and healing in my life. Each phase is listed in the chronological order of my experience. Some phases were done simultaneously while others were stopped to implement the next one.

    I encourage you to take this at your own pace. It might not take you two years like it took me, but this isn’t intended for you to read through in a weekend either. You might read a phase and implement it into your life using the exercises and questions over a one-month period, for example. As you go through the book, you’ll get a better sense of when it’s time to move on to the next phase, either in conjunction with the one you’re on or discontinuing the current one to begin the next phase.

    This book is about recognizing where you are and taking steps to get to where you want to be. Every phase may not apply to you specifically, please take what you need from the blueprint in this book to build upon and create the custom blueprint of your life.


    You’re worthless, destructive, toxic. You’re going to ruin her, damage her, break her. What if she turns out to be like you? How can you live with yourself? You have nothing to show for your life, you’re nothing. The thoughts in my head were relentless today. No, not just today. They’d been getting nastier, angrier, and more merciless over the past six months. I couldn’t take it anymore. Even when the thoughts were momentarily dormant, their impact still lingered within.

    I drove with eyes glazed over and mechanical motions on autopilot in rush hour traffic. As I drove my husband’s monstrous diesel truck on the freeway, it suddenly cut off and slowed down. I reacted quickly, guiding it to the far side of the lane, getting it as far out of the way as possible before it came to a complete stop. To top it off, I was stopped in the bend of a curve with the tail end of my vehicle slightly obstructing traffic that couldn’t see me. Typical, I thought. At least rush hour was almost over.

    I popped the hood trying to figure out what happened. As I stood over the engine I was overwhelmed with a feeling of defeat; I’d never determine what was wrong with my vehicle (or my life). This was just another inconvenience nestled in between the string of ones that came before and those yet to come. Suddenly the thoughts began to echo in my head again.

    The heat that bounced off the asphalt burnt my skin. The thoughts in my head broke my spirit. The timing of the vehicle breakdown drained my endurance.

    I got into the truck and called my mom to explain what had happened and to ask her to come pick me up. Yes, I was going to call a tow truck, yes right now. I hung up and rolled the windows down attempting to create a cross breeze to lessen the suffocating feeling of the 110-degree desert heat. I opened a water bottle that was rolling around on the floor and placed it in my daughter’s car seat cup holder. I asked her if she remembered how to dial 911 and told her to call if Grandma didn’t arrive soon or it got too hot. I planted a kiss

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