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Rescued By Love
Rescued By Love
Rescued By Love
Audiobook6 hours

Rescued By Love

Written by C.J. Darling

Narrated by Aiden Black

Rating: 0 out of 5 stars


About this audiobook

Have they gone crazy…or are they just crazy in love?
Sparks fly when pretty Devon Gallagher opens a new pet store entirely too close to Lucas O’Shaunnessey’s successful Pet Paradise chain.
But their shared love of animals forms a bond too strong to be broken as they fight to stop animal hoarding, search Devon’s ancestral home for mysterious hidden rooms, race to discover who’s vandalizing Lucas’s beautiful stores…and fall headlong in love.
Release dateJul 25, 2020

C.J. Darling

C.J. Darling was raised on a remote farm in rural Indiana. Since she was an only child and neighbors were few, she developed a rich and colorful imagination that became her closest loyal friend. Together they roamed the hills of her home, 'finding tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, sermons in stones, and good in every thing.' Her literary tastes have been shaped by the inspired works of Anne McCaffrey, Robert Heinlein, and Nora Roberts—all of whom she hopes to become when she grows up. She has been publishing since 1994, and has written nearly 200 books and short stories under various pen names. Her love of animals has led to rescuing a wide variety of handicapped animals, including birds, ferrets, reptiles, and a semi-paralyzed cat named Phantom. She has been blessed with two sons who actually acknowledge her existence, and an incredibly tolerant husband who indulges her whimsical flights of fancy without calling for the guys with butterfly nets. Recently she was lucky enough to find her long-sought birth family, and was reunited with her older brother who was adopted out separately as a baby. Now they're making up for a lot of lost time, and every day is a joy of new discoveries. Though she has traveled extensively and seen many beautiful and wondrous things, the home of her heart will always be lovely Ireland. She dreams of emigrating to that glorious land of magic and mystery...and once there, shall nevermore stray.

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