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Rescued By Love
Rescued By Love
Rescued By Love
Ebook250 pages3 hours

Rescued By Love

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Have they gone crazy...or are they just crazy in love?

Sparks fly when pretty Devon Gallagher opens a new pet store entirely too close to Lucas O’Shaunnessey’s successful Pet Paradise chain.

But their shared love of animals forms a bond too strong to be broken as they fight to stop animal hoarding, search Devon’s ancestral home for mysterious hidden rooms, race to discover who’s vandalizing Lucas’s beautiful stores...and fall headlong in love.

~~~~~ Excerpt ~~~~~

The whole thing had been a dream. That’s all it was, just a bizarre waking fantasy.

Lucas O’Shaunnessey had not grabbed her like some primitive caveman and kissed her half-senseless! It simply had not happened!

Too much work on too little sleep. And while you’re at it, throw in vivid hallucinations caused by several gallons of caffeine!

By the end of the day, she’d done such a good job of convincing herself that she very nearly believed it...

Except whenever other vendors caught her eye and smirked with open amusement. Then she could practically feel livid smoke curling around her head.

Ooooh, when he got back, the things she was going to say to him!

Devon’s face was stiff from feigning bogus smiles as one endless day stretched into two, and then into three. The story of how Lucas had grabbed her, suitably exaggerated with every lurid repetition, had spread like wildfire throughout the entire market. She could hardly wait to close up shop and head home!

Ironically, that weekend’s sales were the best she’d ever had. Normally she would have celebrated. But right now she couldn’t bring herself to care. Her mind was too full of sensations...the crisp linen of Lucas’s freshly starched shirt, the surprising softness of his thick black hair, the riotous ecstasy of his mouth taking firm possession of hers.

No one had ever kissed her like that before, as if he’d been trying to plunder her deepest secrets!

She’d dated some, of course, during high school and her brief stint in college. But not one of those boys had ever made her feel anything like this, so tingling and aching and helpless all at the same time. She didn’t like it one little bit!

Firmly she tried to banish the tantalizing memory. Visualize a heavy steel vault, push the sensations inside, and slam the door closed. Then spin the lock a few dozen extra times, just to make sure the door can’t swing back open at a bad moment.

It was a technique she’d used many times, with great success, to keep from obsessing over something disturbing.

The only problem was, this time it simply wasn’t working.

During the day, she was busy enough caring for her animals and remodeling her house to stay distracted. But at night...treacherous dreams kept taunting her with thrilling visions of what might be.

Lucas bending over her, his clever hands stroking and caressing. His deep seductive voice whispering in her ear. The half-imagined weight of his long body pressing her down...

Gasping, cursing Lucas O’Shaunnessey and her own vivid imagination, she would wake in a feverish sweat. Then it would take her ages to fall back asleep, only to drift into yet another restless, enthralling dream.

She hated him—and herself—for allowing him such absolute control over her wayward mind. Damn it, she was a Gallagher! And Gallaghers were strong! Too good for the likes of him with his long lanky frame, coal-black hair, and riveting dark blue eyes. Too strong to yield to the temptation in that husky low voice.

Yet despite her own fierce resolutions, she just had to wonder...

Release dateSep 14, 2019

C.J. Darling

C.J. Darling was raised on a remote farm in rural Indiana. Since she was an only child and neighbors were few, she developed a rich and colorful imagination that became her closest loyal friend. Together they roamed the hills of her home, 'finding tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, sermons in stones, and good in every thing.' Her literary tastes have been shaped by the inspired works of Anne McCaffrey, Robert Heinlein, and Nora Roberts—all of whom she hopes to become when she grows up. She has been publishing since 1994, and has written nearly 200 books and short stories under various pen names. Her love of animals has led to rescuing a wide variety of handicapped animals, including birds, ferrets, reptiles, and a semi-paralyzed cat named Phantom. She has been blessed with two sons who actually acknowledge her existence, and an incredibly tolerant husband who indulges her whimsical flights of fancy without calling for the guys with butterfly nets. Recently she was lucky enough to find her long-sought birth family, and was reunited with her older brother who was adopted out separately as a baby. Now they're making up for a lot of lost time, and every day is a joy of new discoveries. Though she has traveled extensively and seen many beautiful and wondrous things, the home of her heart will always be lovely Ireland. She dreams of emigrating to that glorious land of magic and mystery...and once there, shall nevermore stray.

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    Book preview

    Rescued By Love - C.J. Darling


    It was going to work.

    She was going to make it work!

    Devon Gallagher stared around the pristine little store she’d created and hugged herself in delight. The waiting was almost over. It was her store, her very own business. Her dream come true.

    She’d hoped to set up shop on the local flea market’s main aisle where traffic was heaviest. But every center space had already been full—so she’d jumped at the next best thing, an enclosed unit on the busiest side aisle.

    Despite her disappointment, she had to admit her location offered several distinct advantages. This booth had locking doors, so her animals would be safe all weekend long. The sturdy glass would also buffer customers from the often-annoying blare of loudspeaker advertisements. And even though the immense building had recently been renovated from the ground up and was totally climate-controlled, it still got hot when several thousand people were milling around inside. So she could offer customers the delightful comfort of frosty air conditioning during the blazing summer months.

    The ever-popular Dollar Store, just a few spaces down, drew tons of people. They’d have to pass her store to shop for their kitschy little trinkets. And how fitting, she mused with an ironic grin, that she was nestled right between the market’s resident psychic and the 60s-psychedelic pipe shop. Could there possibly be a better spot for an exotics pet store?

    Her business licenses were neatly tucked into a brand-new picture frame for safekeeping. Tomorrow her telephone would be installed. And she’d applied for her merchant account just that morning.

    Devon turned in a slow, thoughtful circle, considering her handiwork. The store was lovely. Even she, her own worst critic, was pleased.

    One of the other vendors had generously given her two lovely maple display racks as a welcoming present. The long tables beneath them were draped with colorful fabrics. Vivid green and white trim edged her display hutches. Professionally computer-printed signs labeled every sparkling-clean tank. Fragrant pine-scented oil steamed in a pretty ceramic potpourri burner. Nature music, complete with babbling brooks and exotic tropical birdcalls, played softly in the background.

    Colorful aquarium decorations were artfully scattered across the intersecting corners to encourage impulse sales. And there was just enough room behind the counter to sit and ring up sales.

    The Amazon Jungle was a brilliant oasis of light and color on the otherwise-bland aisle.

    It didn’t matter to Devon that she’d never owned a business before. She was twenty-three years old, and she had a dream. She’d simply have to learn everything she needed to know. She’d make it work.

    Someday she’d make enough money to open a real pet store, in a mall or maybe even her own private building. But for now, she’d made a very impressive start.

    Lucas was livid!

    Didn’t it just figure that he’d taken two months off for a well-deserved vacation, and an interloper had seized the chance to move in on his territory.

    Never mind that his flea market store was tiny compared to his extremely successful pet supply chain. It was his first store, and that meant something—even if he rarely visited these days, leaving the actual running to his capable niece.

    I left messages on your voicemail, and I even tried to text and e-mail you when I heard the news, Janice protested when he stormed into the shop with fire sizzling in his coal-black eyes. "It’s not my fault you decided to rusticate in the boondocks all summer!"

    Knowing she was right didn’t improve his churning temper. I’ll take it up with the office, he threatened with a dire scowl. Marcy promised me an exclusive.

    I already checked with her myself. Janice shook her head so vigorously that her long ebony ponytail swung back and forth. "You have an exclusive on normal pet supplies. She doesn't feel that an exotics pet store, especially one that sells mostly animals, directly competes with your supplies-only store."

    Lucas scowled. He'd been dealing with this particular property manager for most of his adult life—and if there was one thing he'd learned over the past two decades, it was that she was stubborn to a fault.

    Well, his hands might be tied on that front, but he wasn't giving up without a fight. An unholy light began to gleam in his dark eyes. Tell me about the owner. Everything you know, everything you’ve heard. What’s her store like?

    Janice settled onto her high stool with a gusty sigh of exasperation. She’s only one aisle away. Why don’t you just go look for yourself?

    I want to be fully armed before I do. If this interloper wanted war, he decided with a grim mental nod, then war was what she’d get.

    When Lucas Michael O’Shaunnessey got that look in his eye, the devil himself took cover. Janice felt a moment’s sympathy for Devon Gallagher. It would take sterner stuff than she possessed to defy Lucas in a cold temper!

    I only know what I’ve seen for myself. Impatiently she waved away his frustrated glare. "Come on, Uncle Luke, how often do I get out of here? I had to close the shop for fifteen minutes and pretend to be a tourist so she wouldn’t realize that I was casing her place.

    She does run a tight store. That praise was offered grudgingly. The tanks are clean and tidy, and she’s done a really nice job of displaying things.

    Lucas began to pace back and forth along the narrow aisles, absently picking up items and then replacing them. Reptiles, right? She must be a real weirdo. Let me guess, hideous Goth makeup and gargoyle tattoos?

    Janice couldn’t quite suppress a bubbling laugh at his jaundiced description. Uncle Luke, I think you’re in for quite a surprise!

    With only that meager information in his arsenal, Lucas hesitated a moment before turning onto D Row and stalking toward the Amazon Jungle’s open doors.

    Tomorrow this Devon-person would be expecting customers, and she’d have everything all prettied up. But today was setup day, and everyone’s booths were disorganized. If he was going to catch her off-guard, this was the perfect time.

    Cheerful music greeted him halfway down the aisle. Given her bizarre livestock, he’d expected rap or something psychedelic. Instead, she was listening to the BeeGees warbling about staying alive, staying alive!

    Well, he’d expected weird. But this was weird in an unexpected direction! He couldn’t help wondering what other surprises he was about to encounter.

    Light and color spilled out into the long aisle. He hated admitting it was a welcoming sight. His own shop might have been recently remodeled, but it was done up in more somber colors. This store felt fresh and alive!

    A slender teenager was precariously balanced on a tall stepladder just inside the sliding double doors. That explained the energetic music, anyway.

    He poked his head inside, and looked around for the owner. There were a few choice things he wanted to tell her

    The girl caught sight of him from the corner of her eye, and spun around on her high perch. Whoever this guy was, he was cute! A warm welcoming smile curved her lips.

    Then her foot slipped, and she nearly toppled into the nearest row of glass tanks. Gasping, she caught her balance, and carefully stepped down to the floor. Not even a gorgeous hunk was worth nearly sprawling on her butt!

    She was dressed in tattered cutoff shorts that showed off incredibly shapely legs, and a vivid green T-shirt that proudly claimed she was 100% Irish. Worn flip-flops protected her small feet and made a soft slapping sound on the clean white tile. Vivid blue eyes peered up at Lucas from an oval pixie face that made his heart stutter, then jolt back into action with a painful thud.

    She was a dead ringer, minus ten years, for Samantha Brooks, the gorgeous lead actress from his all-time favorite movie, The Final Dark.

    Lucas’s jaw dropped. Sam?

    Her friendly smile vanished, and was replaced by an irate scowl. Oh, not you, too, she groaned, raking exasperated hands through her short bobbed hair. "I swear, I am never cutting my hair again!

    My name is Devon Gallagher, thank you very much. And by the way, she added in the sarcastic tone of someone who’d been harassed just one too many times, "I’m not a redhead. I’m a blonde!"

    It took a rare event to render Lucas Michael O’Shaunnessey speechless. Right now he felt like a blithering idiot, because there was no denying she was right. Her short pageboy hair was an intriguing shimmery gold several shades lighter than Sam’s famous sun-streaked auburn locks.

    But in every other way, she was nearly identical to the sexy actress he’d fantasized about for years.

    This perky, fresh-faced kid was his dreaded new competition? Lucas felt like someone had blindsided him with a freight train.

    "You own this shop?" No wonder Janice had laughed at him…she was nothing like he’d expected!

    Every inch of it. Devon was annoyed, and not afraid to show it. Who are you?

    Lucas O’Shaunnessey.

    His name meant nothing to her, so Devon irritably turned back to her unfinished tanks. Damn it, she was sick and tired of yet another idiotic person mistaking her for a famous Hollywood superstar! She didn’t see the uncanny likeness, never had. And she couldn’t wait for her hair to grow out again so this foolishness would stop!

    I’m guessing you’re a vendor, she said over her shoulder, "since you’re here on a setup day. Feel free to look around if you want. Just don’t reach into any of the tanks. Nothing will bite me—but I can’t guarantee they’ll like you."

    Her subtle inference that he was subhuman slid right by him. That was a rare event, too, because Lucas O’Shaunnessey was no man’s fool.

    In any case, cozying up to a snake or lizard was absolutely the last thing he wanted to do. Even looking at their secure little habitats was raising the hair on his arms.

    I own the Pet Paradise store on the next row, he said instead, and had the satisfaction of watching her stiffen in surprise.

    Devon slowly turned around and looked him over from head to toe. Handsome was obviously an understatement, she decided as her pulse began to leap again.

    Then she blinked, and looked a little closer. Now that he’d planted the image in her mind, damned if he didn’t look just a bit like Samantha Brooks’ sexy co-star, Conor Fitzpatrick, who’d played the rugged coal miner Lex Ryan in The Final Dark.

    More than just a little, with all that thick black hair and those piercing dark blue eyes! Despite his faded jeans and casual polo shirt, he looked more like a movie star himself than a successful businessman!

    Her agile brain stuttered into neutral. Why on earth was a muscular perfect-10 hunk like him running a flea market store?

    I expected someone a lot older! she blurted, and instantly felt stupid. Was that the best insult she could think up?

    So did I. Lucas subjected her to the same raking stare, and was absurdly pleased that she didn’t flush or turn away. Shouldn’t you be in high school or something?

    That broke the growing tension, and made her laugh. The bright sound enveloped him like a warm summer breeze, churning up needs and emotions he normally kept safely buried.

    Okay, that was a dangerous warning sign.

    At twenty-three? I wasn’t exactly a model student, but that’s pushing things, even for me!

    Despite himself, he was intrigued. That meant he needed to know more.

    He considered propping a hip on the nearest table and simply watching her. That was bound to unnerve her, which would give him the advantage. But the nearest table was crowded with tanks. Just the thought of sitting so close to a bunch of creepy-crawlies gave him the shivers.

    Instead, he leaned against the sturdy metal door frame. It gave him a killer view of her sexy legs as she climbed up the stepladder again, then leaned forward to lay fresh turnip greens inside a tank filled with spiny-looking lizards.

    Her faded shorts were frayed around the edges. Now why on earth did he find that so intensely arousing?

    Devon could feel the heat of his rapt gaze, and her nerves began to churn as she puttered in one tank, then reached into another. What was it about men and legs, anyway? They were nice enough, she supposed, as legs went…but as long as they got her from Point A to Point B, did it really matter how they looked?

    That’s a baby iguana, she remarked over one shoulder as she freshened a shallow water bowl. Talking about her animals was familiar and comforting, and helped put her back in control of the situation. It’s native to the Amazon Basin. And this brown one here, with the spiky prehistoric tail, is called a Uromastyx. It comes from Somalia or Nigeria.

    That seemed a long way to ship an ugly little lizard, and Lucas said so.

    Despite her wildly thudding heart, Devon managed a wry chuckle. The Uris won’t get very big, but you’ve obviously never seen a full-grown iguana. They can get up to six feet long.

    He was six foot three. Was it possible for a lizard to stand on end and look him in the eye?

    Would he ever be able to sleep again, with that disturbing mental image burned into his brain?

    Wait until you meet Oscar.

    Who’s that, your boyfriend? The impulsive question escaped before Lucas could strangle it back. Like he even cared if she had a boyfriend!

    Her soft laughter wrapped around him again, and made his head spin. Who has time for dating? No, Oscar is my iguana, she grinned. He’s only five feet long, but he’s bright orange and gorgeous! Come back sometime when the store’s open, and you’ll see him.

    No boyfriend. Her candid admission touched off a slow fire somewhere deep inside.

    Oh, he planned to come back, all right.

    Frolicking with a giant orange lizard wasn’t exactly high on his list of priorities, though. So how long have you been in business? he asked instead.

    Devon tossed her head in a rueful shrug, and silky golden hair bobbed around her neck. Just a couple of months. But I love it! I’m thinking of expanding soon, maybe opening a real store in the mall or something.

    Then it clicked, and she spun around to stare at him in blank disbelief. "Pet Paradise. You own the Pet Paradise stores? The big chain? Good God!"

    Her shocked reaction was rather gratifying. My booth on C Row was our very first store. Obviously you never made the connection, he grinned.

    Heat flamed in her cheeks. To think she’d been secretly daydreaming about competing with his big, beautiful stores! Yeah, well, why should I? she shot back with a scowl. They don’t look a bit alike!

    Lucas should have felt smug, because he’d worked long and hard to inspire just such a reaction. Instead, his pride and satisfaction were laced with sympathy. He knew how it felt to slave like a demon, only to have someone else’s successes rubbed in your face.

    You’ve made a nice start here. It was an indirect apology—but he felt better for saying it because it was true. Vibrant color delighted the eye. Her displays were clever and creative. All the animals looked bizarre to his untrained eyes, but they were obviously healthy and energetic.

    In comparison, his huge chain stores looked cold, sterile. His little booth on the next row was downright boring.

    Devon shot him a bitter glare, then deliberately turned her back on him. I have work to do, she informed him in a cool, brittle voice. Go hobnob with Donald Trump.

    Lucas chuckled. Damned if he didn’t like this saucy kid!

    There wasn’t one logical reason why he should. She was a competitor. Worse, she was an intruder when he’d had an exclusive on pet supplies in this location for so many years.

    She was also sexy as hell. Petite, and that didn’t normally appeal to him. He generally liked his women to have lush curves. This one looked like a strong breeze would blow her away.

    There was muscle inside that slender body, though, if she could haul around heavy glass tanks and bags of aquarium gravel without breaking a sweat.

    Add her uncanny likeness to his favorite late-night fantasy…

    All in all, she was unbearably arousing!

    Hey, Sam?

    Devon gritted her teeth in frustration. My name is not Sam.

    Sure thing. Lucas’s navy eyes gleamed with laughter. See ya around, Sam. Then he took a hasty step back before she could whirl around and throw something at him.

    She didn’t just want to hit him, she wanted to clobber him!

    Well, fine! If that’s how he wanted it, two could play that game! See ya around, Ryan!

    No question about it, she was quick! That’s O’Shaunnessey, he corrected with an appreciative grin.

    "Sure thing…Ryan." She glanced over her shoulder long enough to smirk at him, then purposely turned back and ignored him. And that was damned difficult to do, when he looked like a Grecian god come to life!

    Lucas laughed again, and lifted two fingers to his forehead in an admiring salute.

    Then a slow smile curved his lips. Good luck this weekend.

    Devon spun around on her perch, and watched him disappear down the shadowy hallway. Part of her yearned to sneer after him and have the last word—even if it was only directed at his broad back.

    But she couldn’t do it…because his last words had been sincere.


    She wasn’t going to think about him again. Lucas O’Shaunnessey was a jerk. A complete knee-biter. He wasn’t worth a moment of her time.

    So why couldn’t she forget a single word he’d said? Why could she vividly remember every expression that had flowed across his gorgeous face? And why, every time she closed her eyes, could she still feel the blistering heat of his intense gaze ranging up and down her bare legs?

    That first day, he’d caught her looking just awful! Of course she’d been wearing her oldest raggedy clothes. And she hadn’t shaved her legs, and her nails had been chipped, and her hair hadn't been curled, and…

    And on top of that, he’d made a fool of her.

    It wasn’t her fault that she hadn’t recognized him right away. Who could have expected the founder and CEO of Pet Paradise, one of the country’s largest pet supply chains, to ‘slum it’ in a rustic flea market? She’d naively figured the Pet Paradise on Row C was simply cashing in

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