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Audiobook6 hours


Written by Alan Berkshire

Narrated by Jeremy Bartelt

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About this audiobook

To think, Adam used to love camping.
The black Dust fell for over a week. Adam Blake, a seasoned survival expert, was trapped in his first floor flat in a small suburb of southeast London--no food, no cell service, and no communication with the outside world. Then the dust stopped falling,
As the residents of Buckingham Avenue were left bewildered, there was no sign of help, no emergency services, no police. Just Adam and his confused neighbours.
The storm was just as sudden--violent, coming out of nowhere. It was as if the town was cursed. Then came the vines.
They overran every piece of grassland, park, wood, and forest. With the vines came small ape-like creatures. Now, surrounded by silent yet proficient killers, Adam may be the small neighbourhood's only hope of survival. He needs to escape the mysterious growth with the diverse and eccentric members of his community, desperate for answers. Then the true horror begins.
Can Adam lead his neighbors to safety in their new, strange, and hostile world?
Release dateJun 5, 2023

Alan Berkshire

Originally from London, United Kingdom, now settled in Texas, U.S.A. A wanderer, writer, artist, Pagan. A child that never grew up, (and never will)My two mainstays in life that keep me sane and supposedly grounded are my son, Nick, and my wife, Maria Elena. They make life worthwhile.My other great loves are the outdoors, reading, movies and superheroes.Forever young.

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