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The Capture of the Earl of Glencrae
The Capture of the Earl of Glencrae
The Capture of the Earl of Glencrae
Audiobook47 minutes

The Capture of the Earl of Glencrae

Written by Stephanie Laurens

Narrated by Matthew Brenher

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this audiobook

Step into a world filled with glamour and adventure with the concluding novel in a dazzling new trilogy by Stephanie Laurens: the queen of historical romance.
'Sinfully sexy and deliciously irresistible' Booklist ANGELICA Cynster is certain she'll recognise the love of her life at first sight. When her eyes meet those of a mysterious nobleman across a candlelit ballroom, and her pulse begins to quicken, she knows beyond doubt that he's the one. But her heart is soon pounding for an entirely different reason, when this same man abducts her, whisking her out of London, into the wild and untamed Scottish highlands. Angelica had always considered herself an expert in the art of assessing gentlemen - could she have really been so wrong? the eighth Earl of Glencrae has no choice but to kidnap Angelica. But to save his castle and his clan, he must persuade her to assist him - and he's prepared to offer marriage to seal the deal ...Step into a world filled with glamour and adventure with the concluding novel in a dazzling new trilogy by Stephanie Laurens: the queen of historical romance.
Release dateSep 24, 2019
The Capture of the Earl of Glencrae

Stephanie Laurens

#1 New York Times bestselling author Stephanie Laurens began writing as an escape from the dry world of professional science, a hobby that quickly became a career. Her novels set in Regency England have captivated readers around the globe, making her one of the romance world's most beloved and popular authors.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The Capture of the Earl of Glencrae
    4 Stars

    Series note: This is the final installment in the Cynster Sisters Trilogy (which is part of the larger Cynster family series). The books should be read in order due to the ongoing story arc.

    Kudos to those who have made it this far despite SL's overwrought writing style!
    Putting aside her long-winded prose, Laurens has kept the best for last as Dominic and Angelica's story, both in terms of the pacing, the plot and the romance, is a significant improvement.

    To begin with, unlike the previous books, which were overly reperitious due to their focus on the abductions and escapes of the first two Cynster sisters, Heather and Eliza, this installment quickly moves on from the kidnapping to the goal of saving the hero's clan from a couple of very nasty villains.

    Speaking of the hero, Dominic Guisachan (pronounced You-sa-khen), is the most enigmatic of the three love interests. The suspense surrounding his character has been building since book #1, and he more than lives up to expectations. Readers are finally provided with his backstory and the motivation for his seemingly nefarious actions, which are compelling and make it easy to look past his prior behavior and sympathize with his predicament.

    Angelica is also the feistiest of the three sisters. She more than holds her own against the sometimes overbearing Dominic, and never allows his size or demeanor to intimidate her. Their chemistry sizzles from the moment they meet, and she ultimately turns the tables of him as he is captured and captivated by her.

    Overall, it is worth slogging through books 1 and 2 to get to Dominic and Angelica's delightful romance.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I thoroughly enjoyed this book and thought it was a great end to the series. I really liked how this was not the regular structure of other romance novels I have read, but rather established the characters as partners straight away.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Angelica Cynster knew that she was going to have to get to know a man she sees across a crowded room, the necklace from the Lady says that he's for her, little does she think that he's going to kidnap her and bring her to Scotland, little does he know that she's partially good with this plan and is going to help. I kept thinking of the phrase about a man chasing a woman until she caught him.Thankfully not a Stockholm syndrome story (not quite, she is a bit more enthusiastic because of the necklace before it all starts and she just gets caught up with it. I really enjoyed it. The couple worked for me.But please, can we have fewer hulking brutes as heroes?
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Finally, after 2 aborted kidnappings, the Earl of Glencrae has his "victim". He has been forced to ruin the reputation of one of Cecelia Cynster's daughters because his mother holds a grudge against her. Angelica has been abducted by he Earl himself and after explaining his reasons, she agrees to go with him willingly and help him thwart his mother. Of course, they fall in love but the storytelling was Laurens at her best.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Definitely the best of the trilogy! Even though the whole "I'll know my hero the second I see him" bit was a tad much, the rest of the book more than made up for it. Angelica's story didn't have any of the ridiculousness of her sisters'--the "I love him but he'll never be able to love me back, so even though the sex is great a Cynster has to marry for love, oh well, woe is me" drawn out drama that just felt like it was there to make the book longer. This one had none of that feeling of wasted space. Instead, the drama is kept drawn to a nice edge throughout, and the romance--in spite of Angelica's sixth-sense--is well-written and believable. And now I'm back to working my way through the original series--Spencer's (Vane's) book just became available at the library!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Really enjoyed this book, it brought the a nice conclusion to the three Cynster sister and wrapped it all up. The story was very good and kept me interested from the very beginning and it was nice to have the Cynster Men come to the rescue! It was also nice to have the Elder Cynsters and wives all make an appearance as well. The one negative that I have to say is I find Stephanie Laurens technique of over describing every event and situation, repeatedly, over and over, reiterating, again and again, and then again, drives me beyond distraction to the point . OMG enough already!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I liked this book much better than the second in the series. There was much more action and less pondering of every event and thought. It was an excellent ending to the series about the Celia and Martin Cynster's three daughters. Although it's tough to believe that Martin would be that weak of a character being, born a Cynster. The ending created a lead-in for the next book in the Cynster series. It was good the see the Bar Cynster together again.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I adored the first two books in this series which I was happy for after reading the disaster of the Cobra Quartet series. The conclusion to the series did not disappoint. Angelica is the most adventurous and headstrong of the three Cynster sisters and when this was alluded to in the previous books I was prepared to find her irritating as often times the headstrong heroines let their stubbornness override their sense of reason. Surprisingly she was so well portrayed as both adventurous, strong willed and very intelligent but not one to shoot herself in the foot for the sake of stubbornness. I really came to admire her character, strength and heart. Glencrae also was amazingly likeable despite having orchestrated the kidnapping of three women. We learn the reason behind his mother’s crazy ultimatum to “ruin” one of the Cynster girls and I was impressed with the extent Glencrae went to try and retain his honor while trying to carry out her despicable order for the sake of his entire clan.The adventure of making it back to Glencrae’s home, fooling his mother into thinking she has gotten her revenge and seeing Angelica and Glencrae fall in love was fun filled and I especially enjoyed seeing all of the previous Cynsters involved in the action. The Cynster books are truly where Stephanie Laurens shines and both the heroes and the heroines are unforgettable.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is the third book in Stephanie Laurens’ trilogy of three Cynster sisters who are targeted by a mysterious Scotsman. Angelica Cynster is the last and youngest of the sisters, all of whom had sworn not to marry until they find the “one”. The first two sisters found their heroes while trying to get away from the minions hired to kidnap them and bring them to Scotland. Angelica spots her man across a crowded ball room in London. Tall and darkly handsome, she finds out he is the Viscount Debenham, a man who has been away from the ton for several years. During the ball, they take a stroll out onto the patio and the next thing she knows, Angelica is in a coach and off to an unknown estate.At last, we find out who the mysterious Laird is from the previous books. The Cynsters thought he had died in the previous book, so they had relaxed their vigilance with Angelica. Angelica remains convinced that Debenham or Dominic Guisachan the Earl of Glencrae as she discovers, is her hero and resolves to give him a chance to redeem himself. Hints of the reasons behind his fixation with the Cynster women have been in the previous books, but this latest book gives us the full explanation. His family has a long ago history with the Cynsters and he is being forced to carry out this kidnapping or there will be dire consequences for his clan folk.Angelica is a typical Cynster, brash and fearless, willing to jump in and help her man. She sets some conditions of her own and he is forced to agree to get her to go to Scotland with him. Thus begins Angelica’s chance to have a lifelong love match that all Cynsters aspire to. Dominic is a sympathetic character, doing something that is obviously opposite to his own morals. There is lots of chemistry between Angelica and Dominic but they also have big areas of disagreement that keeps the relationship from getting boring. Like all Cynster novels, there is a villain to be vanquished and lots of Cynsters to keep things interesting. All in all a very satisfying end to an excellent trilogy. I couldn’t wait to read this book and it was so worth the wait!