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The Anatomy Of Monthly Prayer: How To Pray In A Year
The Anatomy Of Monthly Prayer: How To Pray In A Year
The Anatomy Of Monthly Prayer: How To Pray In A Year
Ebook304 pages5 hours

The Anatomy Of Monthly Prayer: How To Pray In A Year

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This book is structured as a monthly companion prayer book. It offers a comprehensive framework for prayer that is both accessible and enriching. Each month of the year presents a detail of the month and prayers that awakes the heart through various seasons, forms, techniques, and intentions. Whether through prayers, meditation, reflection, or gratitude, the book is an eye-opener to every individual seeking spiritual growth.
This book is not just a manual on prayer; it serves as a companion for personal growth to cultivate a deeper understanding of what Christians must do in connection with the divine. The book will empower you to embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual renewal. The book serves as a constant source of inspiration, offering solace in times of struggle, guidance in moments of doubt, and joy in moments of gratitude.
This book analyses the cultural values and history of each month of the year. You handle situation better when you understand its foundation and what surrounds it in the spirit. Much research is carried out to naked truth that brings detail understanding of each month of the year. This you need and it is important to know how you pray and receive answer.
This is a book of its kind that educate Christians what to do and how to go about it. Each month of the year is treated differently, one after the other. It starts from the month of January to the month of December. Each month is deeply treated and prayers are written to support at the end of the discourse. The secrets you hardly know are revealed in this book. The prayers you hardly think of are prayed. The battle you think cannot be won is a child play before God. The doors you think won’t open shall open after praying the prayers in this book. Power will change hand and enemy will flee.
There won’t be corridor for enemy to hide when you read this book and understand the mystery behind each month. The strangers shall fade away and be afraid out their close places. You will be a lord over your enemies. Chains are broken while barriers and obstacles are broken and pulled down. It is time to arise and command the month of the year and make good harvest at the end of the day.
There is much to gain when you use this book in the following areas:-

1. The book will give easy access to findings in the dark that troubles your promotion.

2. You will experience breakthroughs that promote life and silence the enemy.

3. Things will start to fall in place in a manner only God can explain.

4. You will give each month the commands it needs to obey you as if you create the months.

5. The book will empower you to speak the language of the month.

6. Evil carryover that causes setbacks from one month to the next will seize.

7. You shall be like a tree planted by streams of water which yields its fruits in season.

8. The Lord will command his angels to rise for your sake to guide and save you from the hands of the wicked.

9. The Lord will rebuke the enemy in his anger.

10. Every gate of death shall close and every health challenge shall seize

11. You will be glad and rejoice each month of the year when you count results of goodness of the Lord.

12. The Lord will heal your foundation and open the heavens to bless you.

It is time to look up to God for blessings and wonders that flow from his throne. Let’s give thanks to God who makes this book see the light of the day.
Pick this book and be gracious to God, our maker.


PublisherTella Olayeri
Release dateMay 5, 2024
The Anatomy Of Monthly Prayer: How To Pray In A Year

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    The Anatomy Of Monthly Prayer - Tella Olayeri


    The world is full of mystery. We need answers to navigate difficult situations that confront us. We provide tools and insights in prayer and counselling to see far and wide to fulfill your destiny.

    Our counselling is broad in prayer, dream interpretations, and other enquires. For detail, click the link to know when I will be available.


    We must not fold arms in the midst of battle. The life is battle itself. We need to pray and cancel decisions of darkness against us. We are born to win not to lose. Many times we lose out because we don’t know how to pray or go about challenges we face.

    Also, you must know how to claim and retain what God gives you, called destiny. You must not be robbed!

    Brethren, your case is not close until you decide to close it. Don’t give up, fight on in faith, you are born to win. Be violent in prayer. The degree of your violence in prayer determines the victory that awaits you. It is time you count spoils not loss, triumph not defeat.

    I have some free books for you to put fire to your prayer zeal. Pick them and inform others. Try and share your experience with five to ten people. You may be the one God sent. Don’t leave them outside prayer war room.

    Be your brother/sister keeper. Good-luck.

    Click Here to Download



    Welcome to the month of January, the 1st month of the year according to Gregorian calendar. This is the 1st month of the year that starts the first quarter of the year. With assurance and re-assurance, we belief it shall be your month of hope, grace, favor and wonders. It shall be a month of progress and breakthrough with pillars of positive surprises from the throne of God. There is much to rejoice about and there is much to worry about as well. Barriers are bound to show up; obstacles to cross shall show up as well. Mountains to surmount shall show up while monitoring agents you must silence shall show up as well. It is a month loaded with negative and positive mix to address. It is a month we should know what leads to assets and liabilities as learning curves appears in the journey of life.

    In biblical interpretation and theology, January symbolizes new beginning, fresh start, and the passage of time. It marks the beginning of a New Year in many cultures, and similarly, it can be seen as a time for reflection, repentance, forgiveness, starting afresh and setting new goals which go with New Year and new month. It can be a time to seek God's guidance and direction of the future and to renew commitment to good living.

    In the spirit, the numeric value of number 1 is much. It is super and unique. It is a number only divisible by itself. It is independent of any other numeral yet composes them all. It represents Oneness, Unity, Priority, Primacy, First and Beginning. Though number 1 is independent, it is the number of unity, which combines all the other numbers within. It is the symbol of the supremacy, singleness, God’s unique and universal power. Number one symbolizes God, the bible and pure power. Number 1 is also associated with the connection of God and his Son Jesus, with his one-of-a-kind sacrifice and kindness. Number 1 is a symbol of godlike forgiveness of all the errors ever made by human.

    You are a seed of mercy you cannot be destroyed you will survive in every situation you find yourself this month. David needed one stone to kill Goliath, Hannah need one child to silence Peninnah. I pray that God grants you one testimony to silence your enemies today. I declare, the mercy of God will re-write your story this month. Mercy will prevail in your life and mercy will open new doors for you. Mercy will lift you up to the next level. Mercies have prevailed over every negative judgment against you. The mercy of God shall prevail over delay. The mercy of God shall prevail over setback troubling your growth. The mercy of God shall prevail over repeated battles and over mysterious event you don’t know how to explain. Hence, receive open door in your career, in your business and in your finance and ministry, in the name of Jesus.

    Mercy of God is good but at the same time; learns how to praise God. Praising God is imminent mostly this month being the first month of the year. Do you know some people died on the 31st of December and couldn’t witness the 1st day of this month of January? Some are right now in the hospital living on oxygen. Some are in jail. Some are loaded with drug in the brain. Some are crying because they are indebted above what they can settle, they are only looking at God’s face. No hope but pains and sorrow. Yours is not like that even if you experience one or two of it, praise God. When there is life there is hope.

    If you want to know how God is bigger than the biggest of all creatures have my book titled, SHAKE HEAVEN WITH PRAYER AND PRAISES: HOW TO PRAISE GOD WITH WORDS. It is a book every Christian must have. Learn the art of praising God. The food of God is praises. Give God his food!

    In this month be heavenly conscious and live a righteous life. Leave what depreciates life that Satan promotes before you. Let lust be a thing of the past, fornicating spirit must be buried, senseless debt profile must stop, pride is not needed, adultery must stop, so is anger, fear and doubt. These are weapons Satan uses to empty people. Therefore, no weapon fashion against you shall prosper.

    The concept of creation represents the ultimate new beginning, as described in the book of Genesis. The Bible also speaks of newness in Christ, where believers are considered new creatures. The creation story presents the beginning of the world and all living things. The concept of new beginning is deeply rooted in biblical teachings. This narrative sets the stage for the idea of newness and renewal.

    January often involves setting goals and priorities for the coming year. In a biblical context, Christians are encouraged to prioritize their relationship with God and to seek his will in all aspects of life. This may involve prayer, studying the scripture, and aligning one's goals and priorities with biblical principles.

    January is a time for expressing gratitude for blessings received in the past year. Gratitude and thankfulness are important things in the Bible, with believers encouraged to give thanks to God for his goodness and provision.

    We must know what sucks us or add up to life, learning from previous seasons of life. January the beginning of the year is not isolate of previous year. Do what you can't finish last year that may have result in your life this year. For this reason we must take spiritual strategic action. Last year may be threatening, yet God was in control. As nation plans and sail through muddy water so we should call Jesus attention to our journey this year. What I know is that the Lord Almighty will destroy strange powers around us to excel. We must be involved in this journey with interest. If you stop fighting this year, you start losing. Add fire to the temperature of your prayer. Pray without ceasing.

    Look for something to do. Learn how to sew, learn how to bake, learn how to make hair, learn IT, learn mason, learn carpentry, learn electrical or mechanic works. Ensure you learn and know a trade that brings money. There is dignity in labor when you use your hands to do something and it gives you money. Be a hard-worker. Don’t be lazy. One of the acts of great men is that they don’t waste time. When you don’t value time it is as if you apply for poverty. Don’t joke with time it is dangerous.

    The Lord is ready to walk with you, work with you, swim with you, dine with you, crown you and harvest good yields. Satan is always there looking for who to devour, you are not among slated for his wickedness. The Lord wants you to pray, wants you to command the day and command the night. Decree good things to your life and prophesy to dominate so that you may take over every situation on your way. Don’t fold your arms and think all is well. You can’t dribble Satan, so don’t involve in trial and error of a thing. You are welcome to the month of January.

    You must be a prayer machine. Pray for your family with interest on your children. Pray for youths who live careless life and believe in rituals to cut corners. We must not surrender them to Satan. Parents must hope to see them in flying colors. For their marriage they need the right spouse. Also, they need extra efforts to pray for good job or be an entrepreneur. This must be in there heart. They need liberation from financial captivity. I pray that good doors of greatness shall open to them.

    This is January, the first month of the year to take over and excel. I want you to look dangerous, act dangerous and walk dangerous in the spirit against dark powers and principalities. When champion prays, they are not lukewarm. Keep the altar of your prayer hot. Be wild in the spirit and be aggressive in the supernatural. Be someone that has the spirit of a wounded lion, fervent and dangerous in the spirit. It is fervent prayer that shakes kingdom of darkness. Lay good foundation of prayer. The ball is in your court.

    You must not joke with prayer that is why I will recommend my book FIRE FOR FIRE PRAYER BOOK to you as your first weapon of prayer book. It is a powerful prayer book that breaks mountains to pieces and scatter barriers against your destiny. This book will silence every spirit of Pharaoh that vow he will not let you go.

    Parents are not left out of financial difficulties. It is time your dreams comes through, what you lost last year must not be this year. Where you make mistake last year must not be repeated this year. This month is a new dawn. It is easy to claim miracles but you must pray, work for it and take action. Prayer without action must stop; hopelessness must stop, while promise and fail must stop as well. Really, you have prayed but the Lord says, Pray more I will answer you. His word doesn’t go back to him void; I know he will do it. Never give up; he is with you 24/7. You are not alone!

    There are numerical influences of one in the bible. This tells how important number 1 is in the spirit. Let’s look at a number of it.

    The Old Testament and the New Testament have an incredible unity of 1 between them. Prophecies in the book of Isaiah 53 would not be correctly understood as referring to the Messiah if the Gospels did not exist. Such examples are a testament to the unified nature of the Scriptures and proof of its direct inspiration by God.

    The books that have only one chapter can be seen in the book of 2nd John, Third John, Philemon, Jude and Obadiah. They are the shortest with only 1 chapter.

    In the King James Version translations of Scripture, one word showed up only 1 time in the following books:

    REVEREND: Psalms 111:9. Know God, serve God, and respect God sent among you.

    GRANDMOTHER: 2Timothy 1:5. As mother of glory, you will live to see your grandchildren.

    ETERNITY: Isaiah 57:15. There is life after death, it is called eternity

    FORGETFULNESS: Psalm 88:12. This is New Year don’t forget to study the Word, work hard, pursue good things of life and live a glorious life.

    LUKEWARM: Revelation 3:16. Don’t be lukewarm pinch your body and be awake to pray.

    SABBATH DAY: Genesis 2: 1 to 3. It is an injunction to keep the Sabbath day holy. This is first thing designated as Holy.

    PROPHET: Genesis 20:7. In the field of prophet hood, the first person called a prophet is Abraham: This is January; ensure you know your call in the spirit.

    Jesus is called the firstborn of every creature. Colossians 1:15

    There are people in the bible that play the role of one person significance

    MOSES RECEIVED THE TEN COMMANDMENTS: He alone went to Mount Sinai to receive the 10 commandments. Stand out in your family to obey the ten laws of God. It will help you grow in life.

    ABRAHAM'S JOURNEY OF FAITH: Abraham (originally Abram) receives a divine call from God to leave his household and go to a land that God will show him. Abraham obeyed God's command and embarked on a journey of faith, becoming the patriarch of the nation of Israel. This month build faith in the Lord and be a champion in what you lay hands on.

    DAVID AND GOLIATH: David, a young shepherd boy, steps forward to confront the Philistine giant Goliath when no one else in Israel's army was willing to do so. With faith in God, David defeats Goliath with a sling and a stone, illustrating the power of courage and trust in the Lord. Be the David of your home and nation in the Lord. Rebuke the infidels and shine in the name of Jesus.

    ESTHER'S COURAGEOUS STAND: In the book of Esther, Queen Esther risks her life by approaching King Xerxes without being summoned, in order to plead for the salvation of her people, the Jews, from the evil schemes of Haman. Esther's bravery and willingness to intercede on behalf of her people demonstrate the power of individual courage and conviction. No one should plant seed of fear in you. Stand out no matter the circumstance.

    ELIJAH ON MOUNT CARMEL: Prophet Elijah stands alone against the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel. He challenged them to a showdown to prove the true God. Despite being outnumbered, Elijah demonstrates unwavering faith and trust in God, and ultimately, God vindicates him by sending fire from heaven. There is holy fire in you, build the fire.

    These examples highlight individuals who took significant action or played crucial roles in fulfilling God's purposes. You as a person has purpose in life why not take bold step today and make ends meet as you rely on God to put light on your path to glory. Act fast this January, the month of gateway to success.

    As we are in the month of January there are guiding rules we should take or notice to forge ahead in life.

    REFLECT ON THE PAST YEAR: Take time to reflect on the previous year. What were your successes, challenges, and areas for improvement? Reflecting on the past can help you identify patterns and lessons that you can carry forward into the New Year.

    HAVE A PLAN: As you say happy New Year with joy in your heart the Lord is ready to uplift you to forget sorrow and doubt. For this reason, you must have plan and goal to pursue. Have solid and define plan, written with guideline to achieve objective of glory. Those who fail to plan, plan to fail. Failure ends with people who fail to plan. At every junction or phase of plan you make amendments to achieve your plan. Set goal that will propel your faith. Prepare your mind to God’s plan for you, he knows better. Your plans are man-made, mortal and terrestrial; while God’s plan is immortal and celestial. The plan of God for you far outweighs yours. Pray, to align with God’s plan for you and God will do wonders in you. If you buy this wisdom, you will fly high and be great. As you march on don’t lose hope; you are too wonderful to be molested by Satan.

    SET CLEAR GOALS: Define your goals for the year ahead. Make sure your goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound (SMART). Whether they're related to personal growth, career advancement, relationships, health, or finance, having clear goals will give you direction and focus.

    CREATE AN ACTION PLAN: Break down your goals into actionable steps. Create a plan with deadlines and milestones to keep yourself accountable. Having a roadmap will help you stay organized and track your progress throughout the year.

    BUDGET FOR YOUR PLAN: You need budget to pursue and achieve your plan. Have foundational budget this month. As the year goes on ensure to make amendments to achieve good result. Don’t play yourself down with laziness.

    PRIORITIZE SELF-CARE: Make self-care a priority this month. Take care of your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. This could include getting enough sleep, eating healthy food, exercising regularly, practicing mindfulness or meditation and setting boundaries to manage stress.

    TAKE RESOLUTION: You need resolution of discipline. Resolution brings sanity, love, progress, breakthrough, and discipline in your act and doing. Resolution lets you pursue peace in daily activities. In the book of Daniel 1:8, it is said; Daniel proposed in his heart that he will not defile himself with food or drink. He holds himself to God. He won and became esteemed in a foreign land.

    So, this year have resolution to forge ahead. Have resolution to build. Have resolution to pray and fast. Have resolution to end quarrel with people, but don’t play to their hands. A leopard doesn’t change his spot. Be disciplined as you do this. Close to this, weed people you know won’t add value to your destiny. Have solution in resolution.

    INVEST IN LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT: Identify the areas you want to grow and improve. Invest in learning opportunities such as courses, workshops, seminars or books that align with your goals. Continuously expanding your knowledge and skills will enhance your personal and professional development.

    CULTIVATE POSITIVE HABITS: Identify habits that will support your goals and well-being. Whether it's establishing a morning routine, practicing gratitude daily, staying organized, or cultivating a growth mindset, focus on developing habits that will contribute to your success over time.

    APPLY RIGHT SPEED: Speed is important in the journey of life. I pray you journey well with God and speed well to achieve glorious destiny. The grace for speed is important. A wrong race takes you nowhere. This year it shall be well with you. The unit of destiny is time. One way enemy abort glorious destiny is to corrupt the potential of achieving much with respect. Your life span is a measure of your birth to the day you are separated from your body. One of the strategies to abort great destiny is that Satan creates obstruction and impediments on your way so that you don’t do much in time.

    There are two major systems of advantage deployed by the intelligence of God to remedy the constraints. They are restoration and speed. When these two work in the life of a man, he gains time. Restoration bring back time, speed accelerates you to do much within a short time. Speed is a very powerful advantage that much can be done fast and accurate. I speak grace of speed upon you. I decree you receive the grace now. This year is your year.

    HAVE FOCUS: In everything you do, when you see people who are not focus, they carry everything, look everywhere and do everything. It is a sign that they will not go far. There was a research. Somebody organize a race between Tortoise and Rat. The Rat can run ten times faster than Tortoise. They put them in a race. The Rat will run to the left, right, front and back again and again, but the tortoise move quietly and steadily; focus the point they should go and claimed the crown. The rat was restless not running the race but the Tortoise move steadily and finish the race, asking, Where is Mr. Rat? They waited for minutes before Mr. Rat could make it! What a loss! What is this telling us? It means your speed is useless if you don’t have focus. Your speed is relevant to the degree of your focus. That means your anointing is useless if you are not focused. Your talent is useless if you are not focused. Have change of mind this month and this year. Have focus and win.

    BUILD A SUPPORT SYSTEM: Surround yourself with people who will encourage and motivate you. Seek out mentors, coaches, or partners who can provide guidance, feedback, and support as you pursue your goal.

    STAY FLEXIBLE AND ADAPT: While it's important to have a plan, be open to adjustments along the way. Life is unpredictable, and circumstances may change. Stay flexible and adaptable in your approach, and be willing to pivot or modify your goals as needed.

    CELEBRATE PROGRESS AND MILESTONES: Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. Celebrating milestones along the way will boost your motivation and confidence.

    PRACTICE GRATITUDE AND POSITIVITY: Cultivate a mindset of gratitude and positivity. Focus on the things you're grateful for and maintain a positive outlook, even in challenging times. Your attitude can greatly impact your overall well-being and success.

    SPEAK TO YOUR MOUNTAIN: Speak to your mountain with aggressiveness. Let your mountain be a stepping stone to your glory. Don’t be scared of mountain. Mountain appears in the journey of life. Jesus saw mountains and overcame them all.

    PRAYERFUL LIPS: Be addicted to prayer. Declare this month and this year a year of prayer. When you pray, have focus; mention your needs one by one. Learn the attitude of thanksgiving. Be gratitude of what God did in your life and what he will do in future. Thanksgiving is a powerful tool that makes God feel happy to do more. You bring God into the situation when you thank him of what he did in the past, what he is presently doing and what he will do in future.

    Before you win battles in life, you must be addicted to prayer. Let prayer be the liquid you drink; the food you eat, the air you breathe, the cream you rub and the garment you wear. Be happy when you hear, ‘Let’s go to the house of God"!

    It is important for Christians to take cognizance of environment he/she lives. There are lessons to learn, ideas to hold and wonders to behold. Brethren, I want you all to understand life as spelt out here:

    1.       To occupy every Promised Land, giants are there. To possess your possession you must contend for it. Devil won’t allow you take what is yours without a fight. Receive the fire and power to silence the enemy and enjoy life to the glory of God.

    2.      Enemy doesn’t want you to finish what you start. Now I pray

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