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Mending Shattered Hearts
Mending Shattered Hearts
Mending Shattered Hearts
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Mending Shattered Hearts

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Tracie 'Beanie' Sullivan has a lot to make up for when it comes to her son, Carter. From being a teen mom who couldn't stop partying to become the mother he needed, to the years it took her to get sober and off drugs, the scars done by her are deep. When Carter asks Tracie to be the coach of his team to save the season, she speaks before thinking it over. Thinking it was football, she's floored to realize it's hockey. Too late to back out, and not wanting to prove everyone right about her giving up, she steps into a world of slap shots and chaos.


Cha Ridley Seung knows a thing or two about hockey, but he gave up a promising career to happily build his real estate empire. The icing on the cake was being able to be a full-time dad to his daughter once his wife passed. He's the team dad that all the moms, married and single, have been chasing relentlessly. Unable to turn a blind eye to Tracie's struggle at becoming her son's star, he offers to help her.


Wanting only a helping hand, Tracie refuses to allow herself to believe that Ridley is offering her more than just friendship, but the more time she spends with him, could there be more behind his smile, the mischief in his brown eyes, or his touch that seems to get her heart racing. Can Tracie really forgive herself for her past mistakes to experience real love? Is Ridley finally ready to let his late wife go?

Release dateMay 15, 2024
Mending Shattered Hearts

Christine Gray

Christine Gray is an author, publisher, and entrepreneur. Beginning her career under the pen name, Sapphire, her list of books include Don't Tell My Husband, One of a Kind Love, Sweet Obsessions, the paranormal series, Relentless; A Vampire King's Desire, and many more. Christine Gray is a very creative writer that's heating up the Interracial Romance scene with her talent for creating books that pull her readers into the story, allowing them to experience every emotion. Her gift for original story lines laced with mystery, humor and erotic moments combined with strong women, and devilishly handsome men, has brought her a large fan base since her start in fall 2014 with Royalty Publishing House. Now as a CEO of After Hours Publications, it's her desire to push the boundaries of the Lit world by offer stories in the Paranormal, Erotica, and Historical Fiction, even Sci-Fi genres which are areas that many African American characters aren't featured.

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    Book preview

    Mending Shattered Hearts - Christine Gray


    A Novel By, 


    ©2023 After Hours Publications

    All rights reserved.

    Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage without express

    permission by the publisher.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any

    resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Contains explicit language & adult themes suitable for ages 17+

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright Page

    Mending Shattered Hearts










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    People tell me I’m an old soul. More tell me that I’m too uptight for my age. The more I think about it, the more I think they are right. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I want to be like the other kids, but I’m not like them. I mean, yeah, a few of them only have one parent, a mom or just a dad, but a least they have that. Then there’s me; I have a dad that I’ve only seen once. I remember going to visit him. I wondered why we could only talk through the glass. My hands were too small to even hold the phone up to my ear to listen to him. Instead, my auntie balanced the thing so I could hear him preach to me about being a good boy. After we left, I told my aunt that I never wanted to go there...and we didn’t. 

    So, you see, I got no dad. I guess having me wasn’t enough for him to live his life right. There were times when he was out of jail and didn’t even bother to come see me. But his time of being on the outside didn’t last long. I guess I should be happy he didn’t. Who knows how I might have turned out? At least, that’s what grandma would tell me in hopes of making me feel better. 

    I think that’s another reason why my soul might be old...and getting older as each day goes by. I worry too much about my Granny Mae. She tells me that she’ll live forever, but I’m starting to realize that her words of faith might be failing her. The roles have reversed a little more each day. I always had chores, but this is different. Now, I rush home with dread in my chest that Granny Mae might be hurt. That she might have fallen. That she might even be de- No! I won’t say it, but you know. So, I do my best to do more for her in hopes of keeping her stronger, and longer. 

    I help with the lawn man to make a few dollars. When I get paid, I give Granny Mae my money and make sure to buy her a little something, too. Oh, she complains and tells me not to, but I’m addicted to the sparkle in her eyes when I put my gift in her lap. She’s given up so much for me. I know there were men that she was crushing on, but sent them packing because she was raising me. She chose me instead of love and happiness. She worked longer than she needed to, walking to work most days because she needed more than what she was getting from her check. 



    Your paper, please.

    Oh, yes Mrs. Mel.

    Are you alright? See me after class.

    Collective OHHHs from the other kids fill the room. I know I’m not in trouble. I haven’t done anything to be. Mrs. Mel is just doing her job by me. She’s going to ask me if everything is okay with me at home. I’ll smile and nod my head. There’s no way I’m giving this woman a crumb for her to take to the main office to cause me a problem. That’s when they’ll try sending me to counselors, parent meetings, and all the crap that alerts child services to break up my home. Granny Mae has too many medical problems. I’m not dumb. 

    Okay, I grin. 

    I half listen as Mrs. Mel talks to the class, then dismisses us to head to art class. 

    Carter, how’s it going?

    Trying for the friendly approach. 

    Great. I’m really happy.

    She narrows her blue eyes. 

    Good. You seem to be in your mind a lot lately.

    I’m just thinking about the season, I clarify. 

    Oh yeah? How is it going?

    Not too good. We lost our coach. I’m really down about that. I saved money to pay the fee and now I might not be able to play.

    You can’t switch to another team? she asks. 

    If I want to sit on the bench. All the other teams are already full.

    That’s a bummer. I hope it works out. You deserve some good luck and sunshine, Carter.

    I leave the classroom holding on to what Mrs. Mel said. I really do deserve it. I am a good kid. I’m smart. I cause no trouble. So, why not? I’m only 10, but I feel so old when all I want to be is a kid....just a silly kid. It’s a thought that ran free in my mind, conjuring imaginations of fun and laughter. By the time I get off the bus and walk down the street towards home, I’m a discontented fellow wishing I could have a different life. 

    Hey, who’s at your house? I blink in confusion. 

    That’s a nice car.

    I slow my steps as what my friends say walking with me penetrates my brain. I take in the all-black BMW parked in the yard along with my aunt’s SUV. Fear causes my chest to tighten. What if Mrs. Mel called somebody to check up on me? I pick up my steps to reach the house quicker. Taking a deep breath, I straighten my clothes, and put on a bright smile, before opening the door. 

    Shit, gurl you can miss us with all this bs. Shut up, Carrie. Hear her out, Granny snaps.

    I tip-toed through the hall. 

    Oh, mama, you can’t be falling for this. This ain’t your prayers. This is the devil in sheep’s clothing, I hear Auntie scoff. 

    If you can’t let her talk, you need to just leave, Granny says. 

    There’s a pause. 

    Now, start from the beginning, Granny demands. 

    I hold my breath as I wait to hear whoever is in the living room with them to speak. 

    Carter, baby?

    I freeze at the sound of Granny calling my name. Walking into the room, my eyes scan the space. Granny Mae is sitting in her recliner. Aunt Carrie is standing next to her with her arms crossing her chest. Then my gaze goes to the person sitting on the couch and my world stops. My feet are moving without my will to bring me next to Granny. I know my

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