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Brian's Bean: A Story of Love, Illness, and Overcoming
Brian's Bean: A Story of Love, Illness, and Overcoming
Brian's Bean: A Story of Love, Illness, and Overcoming
Ebook145 pages1 hour

Brian's Bean: A Story of Love, Illness, and Overcoming

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About this ebook

This is a story about Brian who suffered through a life-threatening illness. With pure determination, strength, and a donation from his wife, he overcame his illness. It tells the story of Brian's life, many struggles, and the various procedures to get him prepared for the big one he would need to live.

This is a love story about two people who were brought together by God, who revealed their true life's purpose at a time it was needed the most. The intent of this story is to inspire others to find their purpose, pray about it so it is revealed, and use it where it is needed. It tells a story of friendships, grace, mercy, giving to others, and love.

Brian was never really sick a day in his life. However, he did spend much of his young life in a hospital, watching his brother (Tim) get through a debilitating and paralyzing leg and hip disease. This may have prepared him for what he would go through much later in life. One has to wonder if that was the beginning lesson he would need to find his own strength and courage by learning and observing his young brother. His wife also spent much of her young life in a hospital, visiting her brother (Henry) who had severe asthma attacks. Was this setting her up to handle the challenges she would soon face when her husband developed a chronic and deadly illness?

There are signs all around us; some are just more aware of them than others. Sometimes, God opens our eyes to help us see clearly what we are facing and how to get through it. Prayers, encouragement, hope, and love are the most important factors when getting through a debilitating disease.

Release dateMay 14, 2024
Brian's Bean: A Story of Love, Illness, and Overcoming

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    Book preview

    Brian's Bean - Cristina E. Gault


    Brian's Bean

    A Story of Love, Illness, and Overcoming

    Cristina E. Gault

    Copyright © 2024 Cristina E. Gault

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    Conneaut Lake, PA

    First originally published by Page Publishing 2024

    ISBN 979-8-88793-511-9 (pbk)

    ISBN 979-8-88793-525-6 (digital)

    Some of the names in this book have been changed, but everything is based on a true story of the kidney transplant journey endured by Brian and his wife.

    For information contact:

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents


    God Knew




    God's Plan Brought Us Together

    Illness Hits

    Renal Failure

    Transplant in Our Future?

    Let the Fun Begin

    More Complications

    Triple Bypass Heart Surgery

    Healing for Next Surgery

    Excitement Then Disappointment

    Change of Plans

    Pandemic Crisis

    New Surgeon On Board

    Brian's Heart

    Will the Surgery Happen?

    Disappointments and Heartbreak

    Ultimatum for Transplant Center

    More Preparation for Surgery

    Fight or Flight, Another Letdown?

    Days before Surgery

    Surgery Day

    The Day After

    Road to Recovery

    Day 3 Recovery

    Comforts of Home

    Better than Fireworks

    Visit with Brian

    Texas Tornado

    Full Speed Ahead

    Small Setbacks

    Brian's Homecoming

    Recovery with Brian


    More Help


    Parade for Brian



    About the Author


    I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. I will be glad and exult in you; I will sing praise to your name, O Most High.

    —Psalm 9:1–2 (ESV)

    This book was written as a dedication to my strong and courageous husband, Brian. He has endured so many procedures, testing, an emotional roller coaster, and not feeling well for about half of our married life. In October 2022, we celebrated fifteen years. I'm sorry I made you so sick honey (a sad attempt at a joke). He has taught me how to be strong and to stand up for myself, has given me confidence, and has shown me what love really means. He always says, Love you more. He is a true blessing in my life and makes me want to become a better person. Thank you for your lessons, strength, humor, love, and positivity. You believed in me even when I didn't believe in myself. I can never repay you for all that you have taught me. Well, maybe I can by giving you a kidney.

    The scriptures, proverbs, prayers, and psalms I am placing in this book have their own special meaning to me and their own story. Thanks to my best friend Lisa who was always working through God to spread the good Word to me when I needed it most. Funny how God was working through her to get to me, and I didn't even know it at the time. A number of years ago, probably more than twenty, before I was married or even knew Brian, Lisa had sent me a little book called Pocket Prayers. This little book survived about five moves and many years of friendship. I never picked up this little book and read it until a couple of years ago. See, God works in very mysterious ways; he kept this little book with me and didn't have me read it until the timing was right. In fact, Lisa and I worked together on choosing scriptures and prayers from Pocket Prayers, which are placed at the beginning of each chapter in my book.

    God Knew

    You show me the path of life. In your presence there is fullness of joy; in your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

    —Psalm 16:11 (AB)

    God knew what I needed and delivered you to me so that I could experience and grow in life. I honestly believe God spoke this truth through my kitty, Casey. Let me explain.

    When Brian and I first met, I had my beloved cat named Casey. I got Casey and her brother Zip when they were kittens from the same litter. Casey had been through every boyfriend I had since I had moved out of my parents' house and was living on my own. She was a very good judge of character. Yes, I chose some people because Casey warmed up to them and didn't choose to stay with others because she didn't.

    By the time Brian came along, Casey was about fourteen years old. She had some health problems but nothing too serious. She was one of my best friends, always greeted me when I came home and made sure I was warm in bed at night. When I was sad, she comforted me. When I was happy, she played and purred. I lost Casey's brother Zip when they were about four years old because I had let him outside. Sadly, he never came back. I decided then and there that Casey would never go outside.

    When I met Brian, one of my first questions was How do you feel about cats? He said he had never been around them much and was allergic. He found this out at his best friend Dave's house who had two cats. Whenever he stayed overnight at Dave's, one of the cats would always curl up on Brian's chest, and he would have a runny nose and watery eyes for the next day or two.

    Brian and Casey got to bond a little as I had a trip planned; he was going to kitty sit for me. Actually, if I remember correctly, this trip was to go see my BFF Lisa in Texas. Brian came and stayed with Casey. He said she would allow him to pet her; I took this as a good sign.

    Brian and I had been hanging out together for about three months when Casey started acting strange. She was no longer greeting me at the door when I came home. She had an obvious stagger when she walked. I took her to the vet, but they said it was probably just old age; they couldn't find anything wrong, and she didn't act like she was in pain. One terrible night, Casey got outside. My thought was she was going out to die, and I would never see her again or get to say goodbye to her. I wasn't going to let that happen; she would die in my house, with me right by her side.

    Brian came over, and we called and searched for her most of the night. I even had neighbors keeping their eyes out for her. At about three in the morning, we found her underneath the neighbor's car in their carport. We started beating on the carport wall until she came out, and I caught her. I took her back inside, crying tears of joy, and lay down and slept with her for what seemed like an eternity. Brian left and told me he would call me later. I cuddled and spoiled her the next day, fed her canned tuna and treats, and she was starting to get back to normal. I told her that she can never go outside again. We cuddled and loved on each other; she purred so loud that day.

    About a week later, I came home from work and couldn't find her. I was frantic. I knew she couldn't have gotten out of the house. I called Brian and told him I was really worried because she hadn't come out to greet me. He came over and found her curled up by the hot water heater. She was gone. I honestly believe that she was waiting for me to meet the right person and be assured that someone would be there to take care of me if she left. I think she saw that in Brian. She wasn't super close to him; they didn't have much time to get to know each other, but I think it was enough for her.

    My sweet Casey, my best friend was gone. I was lost. Brian was there for me and comforted me. I don't know what I would have done without him or my friends that helped me through this very rough time. Brian was a new blessing, and God knew I was going to need someone to lean on. He was my blessing.


    I in them and you in me, that they may become completely one, so that the world may know that you have sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.

    —John 17:23 (ESV)

    Brian's parents (Ann and Bud) deserve kudos for raising such a strong, determined, and kind person. Ann and Bud raised four kids, and they are all equally wonderful, welcoming, and caring. You did good, Ann and Bud. I will do my best to love and care for your son until the day I die. No matter how difficult he is being…yeah, I know, you know.

    I also have to give thanks to the lady who brought me into this world, my mom, Marilyn. She taught me some valuable lessons in life—faithfulness, stubbornness, perseverance, and commitment. In watching my mom throughout the years, her faith has always carried her through. She introduced me to St. Anthony whenever a lost item needed to be found. It made me start researching other saints and their causes, and I have prayed many prayers to God and his faithful saints. Always trust in God, and he will get you through.

    As far as the stubborn and perseverance genes go, that is probably what got me through many doctor visits as well as all the procedures Brian had to go

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