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Release dateFeb 27, 2022

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    Book preview

    Overcomer - Tiffany Michelle Brown

    Chapter One

    Forgetting Those Things

    One of the hardest things to do is to forget about the past. Unfortunately, our past has a way of defining us in ways that we have a hard time breaking free from. The past is one of those things that can hold us captive, if we would allow it to. Generational curses are found in the past and show up in the present to steer our lives in the future. These include things that have happened to us and the decisions that we made. Bad decisions and even indecision can affect who and what we will be in the future because of our past. We have all been that someone. I am not exempt.

    All of my life, I've been someone. Yes, I've been someone. Been as in past tense of the word be. I've been someone who has come through being abused physically, verbally, emotionally and financially. I've been raped by people who were supposed to care about me. I've been on social programs. Yes, I've been that someone who needed a handout. I've been so low, so trodden down with the cares of life and taking care of a family, that I couldn't see how to make ends meet. I've been someone who couldn't look at herself in the mirror and see beauty. I was ashamed of my smile, so much so that I never would smile. Even in pictures, my mouth would always be closed with a piercing stare that only others who knew the hurt and pain that I had experienced would understand. I've been that someone. The one who felt she could never live up to the standard of others. I have been the loner. The one who was left out or not included. Yes, I know it may be hard to believe judging from the outside but, I've been that person most of my life.

    I've also been a victor. I've had to be a mother, a woman who was brave and strong enough to stand up to an abuser in order to show my children a better way. I've been the someone who felt the manifested love of God, through another human being when I was at my lowest point. I've been the someone who claimed my way out of a life of poverty. I've been the someone who started their life over after divorce. I've been the one who took ownership of my flaws. I've been strong, tenacious, empowering and most often, I've been an inspiration to other women as well as men that it’s never too late to start over and have the life that you dream of. I've been that someone for other people and myself.

    One day, while I was at the radio station after recording an ad drop, the station manager and I began talking. He asked one poignant and I'm sure it was meant to be rhetorical, but he asked, How are you ok? At that moment, I thought to myself. I'm not. I'm not ok. It was then that I realized that my past circumstances weren't empowering who I was becoming, but they were steering the course for my life. I was allowing the past hurt to guide every aspect of my life. Even through achievement, old feelings of rejection and abandonment would set in and cause me to do things that I may never have done and tolerate things that were beneath who I am as a child of God.

    Every situation and experience I've been in, from the abuse to betrayal, to being a teenage mother, married, then going through a divorce, dating again at 30, having to take a leap of faith and going back to school to better myself while holding down a full-time job, I was not ok. Those experiences helped shape me and have changed my paradigm into the person that I am today.

    I've tried since 2009 to get this first book out and the title and premise have changed over the course of almost 11 years to be open and honest with people about life experience and how it transforms us into the people that we are today. But my attitude and the way that I was viewing and writing my first book held me back. I wondered who would read it or if it was good enough. I thought it would be extremely boring to have a book where I only talked about my experiences with domestic violence. Some of those stories will be in this book. However, I've learned so much more from those experiences that I feel can be applied to your everyday life, whether it be relationships, family, parenting, career or spiritual.

    No, I'm not an expert on life, but I do feel that my experiences helped me to explore myself and the things that were holding me back in ways that are deeper than I could have even imagined. It may help to highlight other issues that you may be dealing with in other relationships in order to properly address them and learn the lessons from them to shift your paradigm. In all, I want everyone who reads this book to know that it's ok to be honest with yourself and those around you. They need to know that because of your experiences in life, you're not the person that they think of as having it all together, because you don't. And it's ok to tell the truth whether people choose to accept it or not. The first step in going higher is accepting where you are right now. His strength is made perfect in your weaknesses. Stand in that. But in order to move forward, you have to forget all that is behind you.

    One of my favorite scriptures and inspiration for this chapter is Phillipians 4:13-14.

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