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The Scales of Death: The Esfah Sagas, #8
The Scales of Death: The Esfah Sagas, #8
The Scales of Death: The Esfah Sagas, #8
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The Scales of Death: The Esfah Sagas, #8

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En route to deal with a rogue dragon, the Gods'own escort a troop of traveling merchants when Melkior spots and recognizes the black drake. This is a creature he and the others watched die outside the hills near Lyandrica—there is no way the thing should be alive!


When the Dragonlord's abilities prove ineffective against the thing, the heroes turn aside until they meet an unlikely ally: Rahkawmn, scion of Vissenzyeth the White, a dragon famous among the eldarim people.


Perhaps Melkior and the rest can overcome this new challenge—but their trials become more difficult when betrayers emerge from their band of merchant companions!


This exciting, new 12-story event in the Esfah Sagas begins the Godmaker story arc and is also known as Time of the Champions. Start this epic journey today!

Release dateMay 22, 2024
The Scales of Death: The Esfah Sagas, #8

Christopher Schmitz

Christopher Schmitz (M.A.), geb. 1988, ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Göttinger Institut für Demokratieforschung.

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    Book preview

    The Scales of Death - Christopher Schmitz

    The Scales of Death

    The Godmaker Saga part 1: 8

    Christopher D. Schmitz, Steffen Larken


    TreeShaker Books

    Copyright © 2024 by Christopher D. Schmitz

    All rights reserved.

    No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.


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    The Scales of Death

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    (stories with an *asterisk are novellas)

    The Relic Quests

    Ashes of Ailushurai

    Rise of the Champions


    *The Clockwork Castle

    The Cyrean Songs

    Chill Wind

    Eye of the Storm

    Secrets of the Shadowlands

    *Thunderfist and the Dragon

    Tales of the First Age

    Rise and Fall of the Obsidian Grotto

    Cast of Fate

    Army of the Dead

    *Tome of the Tarvanehl

    *Heart of Stone and Flame

    The Godmaker Saga

    Time of the Champions

    The Magestorm Wars 1: Godmaker (coming soon)

    The Magestorm Wars 2: Godbreaker (coming soon)

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    Strength of the Gwich'in

    Bearer of the Shield

    The Sword of Aeschere

    Calling of the Champions

    Slow Burn

    Scales of Death

    Under Siege

    The Burning of Lurneville

    Bastard of the Death God

    The Pursuit of Madness

    The Scales of Death

    W hy did you kill me? asked the boy with the dead eyes.

    Aeschere woke with a start. He sat straight in his bed and shut his eyes hard, as if it might make the ghost go away. A vain attempt. Darkness is all too welcoming for such apparitions.

    With a grunt, he threw off the cover, rose, and walked to the basin. He washed his face before glancing into the mirror.

    He stared at his reflection. Dark circles ringed the crimson skin near his eyes. The lava elf hadn’t slept well for the past few weeks, not since Elion had left. It seemed the firewalker’s doubts had carried over to him.

    Aeschere thought he’d never see his victims again—and he hadn’t for months—but now they had returned to haunt him.

    Had he not atoned enough for his sins?

    He went to the window and gazed outside. The sky was lightening, and soon Soll would rise. The lava elf decided some fresh air would do him good.

    After he dressed and grabbed his things, he headed downstairs.

    The streets of Bralanthyr were empty. It was still too early for the crowds, though every once in a while he would cross an early riser who hurried to his or her destination, barely nodding at Aeschere as they went by.

    There were soldiers, too. More than usual. The attacks on Gnomehome had everyone on edge. Troops had been sent south to assist, while those who stayed behind remained on alert.

    King Vandoriil Silverleaf had pledged to help. His navy would be leaving from Lurneville soon. Aeschere thought they should go too, but Melkior convinced them that the local threats were more urgent, and this was no time for an insurrection.

    Nor was he wrong. An insurrection could destabilize the local government and spread chaos throughout the region—and someone was trying to do exactly that. Any troops fighting in Gnomehome would be recalled to contain the situation, and that could have devastating consequences for the war.

    He paused when he saw a familiar silhouette leaning against a nearby wall.

    Can’t sleep either? asked the vagha warrior.

    Aeschere walked up to his companion and leaned next to him.

    I have ghosts, he muttered.

    Don’t we all?

    The morehl quirked a brow as he turned to look at Klagend.

    Surely, you don’t...

    Ah, but I do! I often think of my father. He was murdered by the morehl. They used those damn cursed bullets of theirs on him and they went right through his shield.

    That’s not the same thing, the elf said bitterly.

    Klagend glanced at him. Aye. I imagine not. Still, it keeps me awake at times, thinking of how things could have been, had there been no war between our people.

    The lava elf said nothing and the two friends fell quiet, watching as the crowd slowly grew and Soll rose in the sky.

    We should head in, Aeschere said. They must be waiting for us.

    The dwarf nodded, and they walked back to the inn.

    They found the others in the backroom where the Gods’own had been meeting for the past few days.

    Melkior sat across from the door, with Ailushurai next to him. Across from them were Arfetsus and Hirthak, who looked over their shoulders when the two latecomers arrived.

    Aeschere sat to Hirthak’s right

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