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Bearer of the Shield: The Esfah Sagas, #4
Bearer of the Shield: The Esfah Sagas, #4
Bearer of the Shield: The Esfah Sagas, #4
Ebook77 pages57 minutes

Bearer of the Shield: The Esfah Sagas, #4

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Klagend, son of the legendary dwarf and shield champion Irenicus, has no intention of following his father's footsteps. As a general of Gundakhor, Irenicus' ended up gunned down by the lava elves of the Obsidian Grotto. Klagend would not make that same mistake.


When he has his father's shield repaired as an heirloom piece to honor the dwarf's memory he discovers it has a new and strong enchantment. Though he has no intention of heroing, he stumbles onto a plot by corrupt dwarves… many vagha have vanished in recent days.


When Klagend discovers the true motives of these wicked dwarves, he has no alternative but to foil their plans—inaction might keep him safe… but refusing to take up his father's mantle will doom his friends to die in the secret fighting pits.

This exciting, new 12-story event in the Esfah Sagas begins the Godmaker story arc and is also known as Time of the Champions. Start this epic journey today!

Release dateMay 22, 2024
Bearer of the Shield: The Esfah Sagas, #4

Christopher Schmitz

Christopher Schmitz (M.A.), geb. 1988, ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Göttinger Institut für Demokratieforschung.

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    Book preview

    Bearer of the Shield - Christopher Schmitz

    Bearer of the Shield

    The Godmaker Saga part 1: 4

    Christopher D. Schmitz, A.G. Wedgeworth


    TreeShaker Books

    Copyright © 2024 by Christopher D. Schmitz

    All rights reserved.

    No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.


    Other Esfah Stories

    Bearer of the Shield


    About the authors

    The Game

    Other Esfah Stories

    The Esfah Sagas is a large universe—here are other stories you might enjoy!

    (stories with an *asterisk are novellas)

    The Relic Quests

    Ashes of Ailushurai

    Rise of the Champions


    *The Clockwork Castle

    The Cyrean Songs

    Chill Wind

    Eye of the Storm

    Secrets of the Shadowlands

    *Thunderfist and the Dragon

    Tales of the First Age

    Rise and Fall of the Obsidian Grotto

    Cast of Fate

    Army of the Dead

    *Tome of the Tarvanehl

    *Heart of Stone and Flame

    The Godmaker Saga

    Time of the Champions

    The Magestorm Wars 1: Godmaker (coming soon)

    The Magestorm Wars 2: Godbreaker (coming soon)

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    The Godmaker Saga: Time of the Champions

    Black Dragons and Blue Elves

    The Pale Gunner

    Strength of the Gwich'in

    Bearer of the Shield

    The Sword of Aeschere

    Calling of the Champions

    Slow Burn

    Scales of Death

    Under Siege

    The Burning of Lurneville

    Bastard of the Death God

    The Pursuit of Madness

    Bearer of the Shield

    Klagend's abode stood like a fortress, south of Gundakhor and on the outskirts of Hagrond Mount. Towering stacks of books leaned precariously, like ancient monoliths erected by eldarim sages, buttressing the walls. Each precarious column bore the weight of history and myth, and parchment maps lay unfurled across tables like sails.

    Another tome for the collection, Klagend murmured, sliding a leather-bound volume into a narrow gap between treatises on alchemy and bestiaries. His fingers brushed over the spines with a curator's care, a soft symphony of whispers accompanying each touch.

    Above the hearth, where embers danced their eternal ballet, the mantel stood as an altar to his family's legacy. Centered upon it, an ornamental dagger gleamed beneath the flickering light as it rested next to a half-used black candle and other souvenirs of his father’s past.

    He turned his attention to the centerpiece of the wall above the mantel—a hexagonal war shield that hung with stoic dignity amidst the relics of his inheritance. Its surface was a testament to craftsmanship, the wood aged to a deep chestnut hue, polished by the hands of warriors long since passed to legend.

    Father's shield... the Tower Shield has finally returned from the artisan and has been reborn as a testament to his life and our family name, Klagend mused, stepping closer to admire the symbols etched deep into the grain. Each line and curve were a language of protection, recounting battles won and sacrifices made—a heritage of valor distilled into carvings that shimmered faintly in the candlelight.

    Six sides for six virtues, he recited from memory, tracing a finger along the embossed contours. Strength, courage, wisdom, honor, vigilance, and—above all—loyalty.

    The iron rim that framed the shield was unyielding to the touch, a stark reminder of the weight of history that Klagend now shouldered. The sigils upon its face—a constellation of ancestral tales—spoke of the valorous lineage he was bound to uphold.

    Your edges are still sharp, Klagend whispered, feeling the echo of clashing steel and the roar of bygone battlefields resonate through his being. May my resolve be just as unwavering.

    As his fingers danced across the symbols, each indentation a familiar topography beneath his calloused skin, Klagend's thoughts turned inward. He imagined the echoes of his father's voice, recounting legends of yore, instilling in him the principles that shaped the man he had become.

    Through you, their stories live, he affirmed, straightening to his full height. And through me, they shall endure.


    The heavy thud of their boots against the stone path echoed through the crisp air as Gormla and her daughter, Petra, approached the door of Klagend's home. The place itself was a testament to dwarven sturdiness, with arching stone lintels and robust ironwork. Its facade was etched with runes, showing his lineage and lore. Above the door, interlocking patterns of axes and hammers were carved into a thick beam of dark wood.

    By Shatterfist’s beard, Gormla muttered under her breath, her gaze tracing the solid

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