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The One True God
The One True God
The One True God
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The One True God

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Release dateMay 7, 2024
The One True God

Sylvan Bailey

The author has worked in business for more than forty years and held positions from clerical to top executive in organizations. He pursued courses in business studies at the College of Arts Science and Technology and earned a BSC in Professional Management and an MBA at Nova Southeastern University. He is a born-again Christian, Holy Ghost-filled believer who has been in the church for more than fifty years. During these years, he held positions as Sunday school teacher, Sunday school superintendent, deacon, and presently, elder and senior Bible teacher at the church he attends.

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    The One True God - Sylvan Bailey


    The One True God

    Sylvan Bailey

    The One True God

    Trilogy Christian Publishers A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Trinity Broadcasting Network

    2442 Michelle Drive Tustin, CA 92780

    Copyright © 2024 by Sylvan Bailey

    All Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version of the Bible. Public domain.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without written permission from the author. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA.

    Rights Department, 2442 Michelle Drive, Tustin, CA 92780.

    Trilogy Christian Publishing/TBN and colophon are trademarks of Trinity Broadcasting Network.

    Cover design by: Kelly Stewart

    For information about special discounts for bulk purchases, please contact Trilogy Christian Publishing.

    Trilogy Disclaimer: The views and content expressed in this book are those of the author and may not necessarily reflect the views and doctrine of Trilogy Christian Publishing or the Trinity Broadcasting Network.

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    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available.

    ISBN: 979-8-89041-495-3

    E-ISBN: 979-8-89041-496-0


    A number of individuals have been kind enough to review this book and offer suggestions for improvement. I thank the following persons for their insight and invaluable contributions:

    Mrs. Marjorie Bailey,

    Mr. Dawkins Martin,

    and Dr. Karina Gilpin.

    I want to publicly acknowledge my wife and daughter, Marjorie and Dr. Sheaneena Bailey, respectively, for their understanding and support to me in doing this project. I must commend my wife for her consistent support in the critique and review of this book.

    Table of Contents


    The Writer’s Testimony

    Chapter 1

    The One True and Living God

    Chapter 2

    The God of the Bible

    Chapter 3

    Moses and the Children of Israel

    Chapter 4

    Saul Anointed King

    Chapter 5

    God Delivers His People

    Chapter 6

    The Announcement of the Arrival of Jesus

    Chapter 7

    Jesus’ Status

    Chapter 8

    Attempts to Kill Jesus

    Chapter 9

    His Final Capture

    Chapter 10

    His Death on the Cross

    Chapter 11

    His Burial and Resurrection

    Chapter 12

    The Time of the Resurrection: When Did It Happen?

    Chapter 13

    His Ascension

    Chapter 14

    The Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit Is God

    Chapter 15


    About the Author


    This is the first edition of this book. I have observed that there are not many books on this topic on the market, and I believe this book will serve as good information for those who need clarity on some or all of the areas referred to.

    The Writer’s Testimony

    In my quest to write this book, The One True God, I considered it essential to give my personal testimony so that readers can have an idea of my conviction and personal contact with the Lord Jesus Christ.

    We currently exist in an age when individuals are living according to traditions and not seeking to find the truth about salvation. I was born and grew up in a Trinitarian type of religion, but I always had an inquisitive mind about the Word of God. I always took and still take it as a pleasure to read my Bible daily, and I felt that my religious persuasion was the only way. However, when I met my wife, a strong advocate of the apostolic doctrine, she assured me that I had a need that could only be met by Jesus Christ. She reminded me of what took place on the day of Pentecost when three thousand souls were added to the church after they were endued with power from on high. They spoke in tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. Several thoughts kept running through my mind. In addition to my wife’s utterances to me, I was now receiving the unwelcome presence at my own assembly. At first, I thought of leaving the church, but then I said, This is where I grew up, but I later came to the realization that God’s plan is not our plan. I was definitely at a crossroads in my spiritual life, but after careful consideration, I decided to visit my wife’s church. On my very first visit on that Sunday morning, I was promptly recognized and given a warm welcome by the pastor. My thoughts echoed the fact that although I was deserted by my own brethren, there I was welcomed, and I felt warmth and wanted.

    I can recall my wife telling me that in this church, it would be necessary for me to be identified with the infilling of the Holy Ghost, which would be evidenced by speaking in tongues. However, my response to her was that I had the Holy Ghost already, but as far as speaking in tongues was concerned, I would not have a problem being involved since I believed that concept was still relevant.

    On my second visit to the church, I had an exhilarating experience. I sat close to the back of the pew. While the minister preached the sermon that Sunday morning, something strange happened to me. I observed that the perspective of everything in the church changed, and even the tone of the preacher’s voice had changed. I removed my tested glasses from my face and began rubbing my eyes. However, nothing changed. The minister continued to preach under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost. Suddenly, my wife, who sat to my left, gave a loud shout and began speaking in other languages. That was the first time I witnessed her speaking in tongues. Simultaneously, another sister, who sat to my right, began speaking in tongues as well. I then concluded that if one on my right was anointed and one on my left was anointed, then quite likely, I would be the next. Moments later, the altar call was made. Reluctantly, I walked to the altar as I was convinced that something supernatural was happening to me. As I stepped out into the aisle, I felt like something had left me, but I still continued.

    At the altar, the pastor’s wife came and spoke to me. Consequently, she told me that the Spirit was there, but I was holding back on something, and if I so desired, I could go back to my seat. I immediately made my way back to my seat. My intention was that I would never go back to that altar to embarrass myself again. Suddenly, the lady asked me to return, which I did. She asked me if I was baptized, and I told her yes. She then asked if I was baptized in Jesus’ name, and I told her no. She further asked me if I would like to be baptized in Jesus’ name. My response was in the affirmative. Frantically, I was taken to the change room where there were garments for baptism. I got changed and was baptized in Jesus’ name that very hour.

    The next Sunday, I went to church alone as my wife was unable to attend. I sat at about the same position where I was the week before. That Sunday, the pastor preached. At the start of his sermon, he indicated that the devil gave him a fight during the past week, but God had given him the victory. He went on to say that God has a blessing in the church that day for someone who must claim it.

    He took his text from the book of Genesis. After about ten minutes in his sermon, I began to experience a similar feeling to the one I had the week before. At that time, I had my Bible in my hand. I was convinced that I was going to fall, so I closed the Bible and placed it beside me on the bench. That was very unusual for me to do during the delivery of a sermon. Immediately after I did that, I fell down, and God gave me a new language. Then and there, I felt like I was being thrown forward and backward. This continued for some time. I visioned many types of sceneries. It was as if the heavens were opened. I saw strange and beautiful things. I was not aware of what was happening until I heard the pastor’s wife plainly saying, Take the glasses off his face. After the glasses were removed, the vision ceased. I was removed from beneath the benches but still continued speaking in tongues. Persons tried to take me out into the aisle, but I could not stand on my own. Meanwhile, the pastor ceased preaching and made the altar call. I continued speaking in other languages to the extent that even though I speak English fluently as well as my country’s Creole, I couldn’t say that one foot of my shoes was missing. I could not say one word in English. I pointed to my foot, and a brother saw and brought the shoes to me. I spoke continuously in tongues for more than thirty minutes.

    Subsequently, a prominent brother and his wife from my former church came to visit me at my home. When I related my experience to them, the brother turned to his wife and said, Having known this brother for years, we can believe whatever he says. His wife also concurred. They knew my position as it relates to things concerning the Lord. However, a brother from the same church later questioned my experience, and my response to him was that my conviction was a result of the direct and special visitation of the Holy Ghost into my life.

    In Acts 2:1–12, when the apostles waited in the upper room, the Holy Ghost came and entered into the one hundred and twenty disciples that were present, and they spoke in other tongues. That signified the birth of the church of Jesus Christ into the world. The apostle Peter then preached to the people, and three thousand souls were added to the church. As the church grew in Jerusalem, Philip went to Samaria and preached the gospel. The people believed the Word, but as stated in Acts 8:15–17, it was not until Peter and John came over from Jerusalem and prayed for and laid their hands on them that the Samaritans received the Holy Spirit. However, according to Acts 10:44–48, while Peter was still speaking, the entire Gentile company that heard him received the Holy Spirit, and they spoke in tongues. Peter’s response was, Can any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized, which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we? (Acts 10:47). They were baptized that very hour.

    Similarly, while the pastor preached, in the midst of his sermon, the Holy Spirit came on me, and I spoke in tongues.

    Chapter 1

    The One True

    and Living God


    Throughout the entire Bible, it is expressed that there is a living and true God. However, from time to time, individuals who have read the Bible arrive at different interpretations. Some persons believe that there are three Gods; some believe that there are two, while others say that there is one. Deuteronomy 6:4 declares that there is one true and living God. It states, Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord. Therefore, when we read of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit with reference to the Godhead, according to the view expressed in Deuteronomy 6, we are looking at three different personalities of God. So when we speak of God in creation, we are speaking of the Father. Likewise, when we speak of God in redemption, we are referring to Jesus Christ the Son who went to the cross; similarly, when we speak of God in the church, we are referring to the Holy Spirit (Holy Ghost) in the church since the birth of the church on the day of Pentecost. God manifests Himself in three different ways. With these diversities in view, the writer hopes that when persons read this book, they will be enlightened as it relates to the one true and living God.

    I love, honor, and respect the Lord sincerely, and I have gone to the extreme and made great sacrifices to study the Word of God in order to develop a clear understanding of God. When I study the Scriptures, I rely on God’s leading for the interpretation of His Words. In my former years as a young Christian, the question of the oneness of God appeared very ambiguous to me, but now I am happy with the degree of clarity that the blessed Holy Ghost has accorded to me. You, too, can be enlightened. Read this book, seek God’s direction through His Word and through prayer, and you will receive the answer you need from God.

    The God who created the world is a Spirit, and at the time of creation, He did not have a human body, and He is eternal. In Genesis 1:1–2, we read, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And

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