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Notes of Truth
Notes of Truth
Notes of Truth
Ebook187 pages1 hour

Notes of Truth

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About this ebook

Are you looking for inner peace and a greater understanding about life?

Getting to know God blesses a person with a clear understanding of what living is about and provides an inner peace that is helpful in coping with everyday life. Notes of Truth awakens the Spirit by discussing dozens of Biblical truths regard

Release dateMay 7, 2024
Notes of Truth

Tom Krippaehne

Tom is a Jesus follower, husband, father, and former accounting professional. He and his family reside near Seattle, Washington. After spending decades practicing as a management consultant and business writer, Tom has turned his attention to writing for Jesus.

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    Notes of Truth - Tom Krippaehne


    I dedicate this book to my family including my wife Linda, and my children Dan, Jeff and Lauren, as well as to others dear to my heart. This book contains spiritual truth and related insights that have enlightened me on my journey with Jesus and are available to give you hope for your own journey. The foundation of this book is found directly in Scripture, King James Version. References are provided alongside each section for reflection purposes.


    2 Chronicles 15:18 – And he brought into the house of God the things that his father had dedicated, and that he himself had dedicated, silver, gold, and vessels.

    Judges 17:3 – And when he had restored the eleven hundred shekels of silver to his mother, his mother said, I had wholly dedicated the silver unto the Lord from my hand for my son, to make a graven image and a molten image: now therefore I will restore it unto thee.

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    God Is

    God is perfect.

    I am righteous in His eyes.

    God is the Almighty.

    I am His servant.

    God is my compass.

    I follow Him obediently.

    God is love.

    I am made in His image.

    God is all that can be.

    I am clay and will return to the earth.

    God asks us to believe in Him.

    Out of love he blesses us with His grace.

    He gives us life for accepting Him.

    Love does that.

    Saved by grace through faith.

    It is simple really.

    Close your eyes and be still.

    Know that God is.


    od’s Kingdom

    God’s realms include the seen and the unseen.

    Heaven is much a mystery.

    In the book of Revelation, John tells us that Heaven is beyond our current understanding. What is comprehensible about Heaven is that it is a community of love and worship, living according to God’s will. The Bible contains dozens of references about Heaven including many glimpses about what awaits us. This includes what Jesus said about making preparation for us to be there and that we will dwell with Him forever.

    We can obtain further understanding about Heaven by studying God’s two domains, the earthly and heavenly realms. These two kingdoms are unified through Jesus Christ. A glimpse of Heaven worth recognizing is the peace and love that Jesus shared with humankind during His time spent on earth and continues to share with us through His presence. What a wonderful view, and one that we are charged with bringing to earth. There is certainly no mystery in that.

    John 14:2 – In my Father’s house are many mansions: If it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.


    Hell is an unsettling concept; so unsettling that many preachers do not like to talk about it. But hell is a significant part of Scripture and must be acknowledged. The majority of biblical scholars as well as most believers past and present believe Hell to be real.

    Many people think of Hell as a fiery place. This notion is given credence in the Bible. You can imagine Hell as being set apart from God, but like Heaven, we do not know much about the details of Hell. One way to imagine Hell is being the opposite of Heaven. In Heaven, we will be put at God’s feet. In contrast, Hell will separate us from God. This would be horrific beyond words. Otherwise, scripture leaves much to our imagination and that is probably the point. Hell is mentioned numerous times throughout the New Testament. The book of Revelation is the book that dominates the discussion and provides a view that people hold on to.

    Matthew 13:50 – And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

    What happens to unbelievers?

    Scripture speaks about Hell being the place where Satan and his dark angels will spend eternity. Less clear is what happens to unbelievers. Most Jesus followers believe that those who reject Christ will join Satan eternally in the abyss. What is stated in the Bible is that unbelievers will be judged by Christ and thrown into the lake of fire. A minority view raises the question of whether God will punish unbelievers forever. Perhaps He will show mercy on them and choose to simply extinguish the unfortunate souls who reject Him.

    Hell is a disturbing concept and should cause one to pause and reflect about one’s own beliefs. Whether sent to Hell for eternity or for termination, both paths offer an undesirable fate in contrast to the heavenly path Jesus has laid out for his people. To remove any question about your eternal afterlife, you should follow the righteous path. There is a clear way to do so in Jesus.

    Matthew 10:28 – And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

    Earthly Kingdom.

    As you are reading this you are living in the earthly realm. This kingdom exists in the natural world and operates alongside the Heavenly Kingdom. The two are directly connected through Jesus Christ.

    God gave the earth to man to take care of while Jesus is away, to be a trustee of sorts. In the meantime, God the Father and Jesus are directly involved on earth as overseers. As God stays connected with us, He also intercedes regularly to answer prayers and take action according to His will.

    Man’s role on earth is as a delegate of Christ. We are to walk in his shoes taking care of each other and the planet. This role will continue until judgement when Christ returns to the earth once again. Thereafter a new stage in humankind’s journey with the Lord will begin and the earthly kingdom will be reshaped according to God’s perfect plan.

    1 Chronicles 29:11 – Thine, O Lord is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty: for all that is in the Heaven and in the earth is thine; thine is the kingdom, O Lord; and thou art exalted as head above all.

    The Veil.

    The heavenly veil separates Earth and Heaven. The veil between the two realms is very thin. So thin, that at times you can practically see through it to the other side. The veil seems to illuminate best at nighttime. You can sense the light

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