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Summary of Gut Check by Dr. Steven R Gundry: Unleash the Power of Your Microbiome to Reverse Disease and Transform Your Mental, Physical, and Emotional Health (The Plant Paradox Book 7)
Summary of Gut Check by Dr. Steven R Gundry: Unleash the Power of Your Microbiome to Reverse Disease and Transform Your Mental, Physical, and Emotional Health (The Plant Paradox Book 7)
Summary of Gut Check by Dr. Steven R Gundry: Unleash the Power of Your Microbiome to Reverse Disease and Transform Your Mental, Physical, and Emotional Health (The Plant Paradox Book 7)
Ebook76 pages1 hour

Summary of Gut Check by Dr. Steven R Gundry: Unleash the Power of Your Microbiome to Reverse Disease and Transform Your Mental, Physical, and Emotional Health (The Plant Paradox Book 7)

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This book does not in any capacity mean to replace the original book but to serve as a vast summary of the original book.

Summary of Gut Check by Dr. Steven R Gundry: Unleash the Power of Your Microbiome to Reverse Disease and Transform Your Mental, Physical, and Emotional Health (The Plant Paradox Book 7)


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Gut Check is a groundbreaking guide by Dr. Steven R. Gundry, MD, that reveals the complex and intelligent ecosystem controlling our health. It reveals that all disease begins in the gut, and imbalances can affect immune systems, hormone levels, mental health, longevity, and risk of developing autoimmunity, heart, and neurodegenerative diseases. Gundry provides the keys to unlocking gut health, allowing our bodies and microbiome to function at their highest potential. He shares new research and a detailed eating plan with food lists and recipes to heal and rebalance the microbiome, providing cutting-edge information and tools to repair our health and reclaim our lives.

Release dateJan 10, 2024
Summary of Gut Check by Dr. Steven R Gundry: Unleash the Power of Your Microbiome to Reverse Disease and Transform Your Mental, Physical, and Emotional Health (The Plant Paradox Book 7)

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    Summary of Gut Check by Dr. Steven R Gundry - Justin Reese

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    Bacterial Brain Washing

    The Plant Paradox argues that free will is an illusion and that there is actually a vast, mysterious universe within us that we are on the verge of understanding. The universe is designed to guide and support us, and to heal anything that currently ails us. The book highlights the importance of looking inward for answers about our health and longevity, as the most significant contributors to our well-being are actually the smallest. Inside our digestive system lives a galaxy made up of trillions of bacteria belonging to at least ten thousand different species, viruses, fungi, and other microbes. These living microscopic creatures collectively make up the holobiome, which contains more than three million genes, whereas the human genome contains a mere twenty-three thousand.

    The human gut is akin to a tropical rain forest with its own diverse ecosystem, communities, and multiple signaling devices, languages that single-celled organisms use to talk among themselves. They manipulate and control us in unfathomable and shocking ways. Scientists have discovered a whole new world of information about the microbiome and the multiple languages its members use to interact with every part of our bodies, communicate with one another, and most importantly, to control the power plants in our cells, our mitochondria. Through these communication signals, they exert control over every aspect of our health, wellness, and longevity.

    The book provides an example of how single-celled organisms can control us, such as Toxoplasma gondii, responsible for the disease toxoplasmosis. By understanding how these organisms came to live in cat litter, readers can learn how to decipher this system and use it to their advantage.

    Toxoplasma, a single-celled organism, has evolved over millions of years to manipulate the actions of mammals, making them more likely to be eaten by cats. Most rodents are innately afraid of cats and are repelled by the sight of a cat or its urine. Toxoplasma undoes this fear response by manipulating the fear pathways in the rodent's brain, making it less afraid of cat urine and attracted to the smell of it.

    Toxoplasma infiltrates the nervous system of rodents, disconnecting the amygdala, and leaving only the fear circuits associated with predators. This results in the rodent being less afraid of cat urine and exhibiting a stress response when exposed to its smell. Toxoplasma also produces dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure, attraction, anticipation, and reward, and sends it to the rodent's brain, activating the sexual attraction circuitry.

    This clever single-celled organism has completely hijacked the brain chemistry and behavior of a mammal for its own selfish purposes. In 2022, field biologists noted that many gray wolves in Yellowstone National Park were infected with toxoplasma, which led to them becoming pack leaders.

    In humans, toxoplasmosis affects an estimated one-third of the population in developed countries, but many remain asymptomatic. During this latent stage, toxoplasma begins producing the enzymes that make up dopamine, making humans more impulsive, disregarding rules, and more likely to put themselves in harm's way to save others. Additionally, there is an interesting link between toxoplasmosis and schizophrenia, as patients with schizophrenia have altered dopamine levels in the brain.

    Toxoplasma, a singlecelled organism, has been found to manipulate humans and other animals in a similar way to rodents, eliminating fear and making humans easy prey. This is not a rare pattern, as other singlecelled organisms also exert control over humans in complex, sophisticated ways. Over the past fifty years, humans have introduced innovations that have overlooked, depleted, and destroyed our microbiomes, leading to an increase in major diseases such as obesity, mental health crises, and autoimmune epidemics.

    The majority of the bugs living in our guts do not want us to run toward danger as toxoplasma does. They want us to stay healthy and thriving because it is in their best interest. Our relationship with these bugs is symbiotic, as our body is their home. Hippocrates, who believed that all disease begins in the gut, proposed that physicians should identify factors that prevent our green life-force energy from flourishing and teach patients to remove those causes without further intervention.

    The Gut Check program aims to advance Hippocrates' theory by suggesting that all diseases can be cured in the gut, and by restoring the gut to a state of equilibrium, diseases often abate or disappear. By understanding the mechanisms behind diseases and treating them with the Gut Check program, we can work towards a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.

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