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EMDR Revolution 7 Guided Bilateral Stimulation Therapy Sessions for Life Changing Trauma Recovery That Has Helped Thousands of Tough Cases Recover From PTSD, Stress, Anger, Anxiety, and Depression
EMDR Revolution 7 Guided Bilateral Stimulation Therapy Sessions for Life Changing Trauma Recovery That Has Helped Thousands of Tough Cases Recover From PTSD, Stress, Anger, Anxiety, and Depression
EMDR Revolution 7 Guided Bilateral Stimulation Therapy Sessions for Life Changing Trauma Recovery That Has Helped Thousands of Tough Cases Recover From PTSD, Stress, Anger, Anxiety, and Depression
Ebook154 pages2 hours

EMDR Revolution 7 Guided Bilateral Stimulation Therapy Sessions for Life Changing Trauma Recovery That Has Helped Thousands of Tough Cases Recover From PTSD, Stress, Anger, Anxiety, and Depression

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Break free from the shackles of the past and regain control of your life — this is the 4 letter revolution to freedom and happiness!


Ever feel like you're walking around with a heavy backpack of emotions? 


You know, that constant weight of stress, anxiety, or bad memories that you can't seem to shake off? 


You're not the only one. Millions of people are going through the same battle every day. 


They try talking it out, or maybe even turn to medications, but somehow the burden doesn't get lighter. 


Is this what life is supposed to be? 


Absolutely not. 


One jaw-dropping study revealed that 84% to 90% of people who had just three 90-minute EMDR sessions got rid of their PTSD symptoms.


Yep, it's almost like having a "reset" button for your mind. 


Imagine being able to unload that emotional backpack and finally walk around feeling light and free. 


What would you do with that newfound freedom? 


More importantly, what's stopping you from reaching out and grabbing it?


This book is your roadmap to unlocking the transformative power of EMDR therapy, guiding you on a journey to not only conquer the burdens of your past but also to reclaim your present and future, filled with peace, resilience, and emotional freedom.


Inside, you will discover:


  • Why EMDR is turning heads in the therapy world as a beacon of profound healing and lasting relief from the grip of trauma and emotional turmoil
  • How to set yourself up for success with tips on finding the right guide for your EMDR journey and making your therapy space comfy and safe 
  • The 8 phases of EMDR, each explained in everyday language, so you know exactly what's coming
  • 7 guided EMDR sessions to help you effectively confront and manage issues like PTSD, stress, anger, anxiety, and depression, all while reclaiming your emotional freedom
  • A complete guide to facing those scary memories and saying, "You don't own me!" – manage these feelings without losing your cool
  • How to kick anxiety to the curb and take the second session head-on with practical tips and tricks to dial down the worry and stress in your life
  • A special session that helps you get along better with people and become the best version of yourself
  • How to let go of that boiling rage and say hello to calm – no more screaming into pillows, okay?

And much more!


Now, you might be thinking, EMDR might be another one of those fads that will just waste your precious time and money.


Or maybe you're concerned that the techniques will be too complex to understand, let alone perform on yourself. 


Those are legit concerns, but here's the thing: EMDR has been around for a while and its methods have been scrutinized, tested, and applauded by experts. 


Plus, this book breaks everything down into bite-sized, easy-to-digest chunks. No psychobabble, just straight-up, easy-to-follow guides.


So, what are you waiting for?


You're one step away from lightening up your emotional load and picking up a life of possibilities for a brighter tomorrow: Scroll up and click "Add to Cart" right now!

PublisherJane Kennedy
Release dateDec 23, 2023
EMDR Revolution 7 Guided Bilateral Stimulation Therapy Sessions for Life Changing Trauma Recovery That Has Helped Thousands of Tough Cases Recover From PTSD, Stress, Anger, Anxiety, and Depression

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    Book preview

    EMDR Revolution 7 Guided Bilateral Stimulation Therapy Sessions for Life Changing Trauma Recovery That Has Helped Thousands of Tough Cases Recover From PTSD, Stress, Anger, Anxiety, and Depression - Jane Kennedy

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    Chapter 1: Introduction to EMDR

    Bilateral Stimulation


    Adaptive Information Model

    Finding an EMDR Therapist

    Understanding the EMDR Process

    Phase 1: History Taking and Treatment Planning

    Phase 2: Preparation

    Phase 3: Assessment

    Phase 4: Desensitization

    Phase 5: Installation

    Phase 6: Body Scan

    Phase 7: Closure

    Phase 8: Re-Evaluation

    Setting Goals for Therapy

    Creating a Safe and Comfortable Environment for Therapy

    Chapter 2: Session 1—A Visit to the Past

    Setting up the First Session for Success

    Step-by-Step Guide for Your First EMDR Session

    Begin the Session

    Bilateral Stimulation

    Process the Memory

    Body Scan

    Install Positive Beliefs


    How to Handle Traumatic Memories and Emotions

    Affirmations for Healing

    Chapter 3: Session 2—Overcoming Anxiety and Stress

    Setting up the Second Session for Success

    Recognizing Sources of Stress and Anxiety in Life

    Preparing for EMDR Session

    Guided Session

    Affirmations for Healing

    Chapter 4: Session 3—Confronting Anger and Frustration


    Preparing for EMDR Session

    Guided Session

    Coping With Anger

    Active Listening

    Cultivating Assertiveness

    Planning for the Next Session

    Affirmations to Manage Anger

    Chapter 5: Session 4—Healing From Depression

    Managing Depression

    Preparing for EMDR Session

    Guided Session 1

    Guided Session 2


    Affirmations to Overcome Depression

    Chapter 6: Session 5—Building Self-Esteem and Confidence

    Signs of Low Self-Esteem

    Factors Influencing Self-Esteem

    Improving Self-Esteem

    Preparing for EMDR Session

    Guided Session

    Developing Positive Self-Perception and Compassion

    Planning for the Next Session

    Affirmations for Bolstering Self-Esteem

    Chapter 7: Session 6—Overcoming Grief and Loss

    Grief Triggers

    Delayed Grief Triggers

    Coping With Grief

    Preparing for EMDR Session

    Guided Session

    Dealing With Guilt

    Planning for the Next Session

    Affirmations for Healing

    Chapter 8: Session 7—Enhancing Relationships and Communication

    Areas to Work on in a Relationship

    Preparing for EMDR Session

    Guided Session

    Improving Communication

    Affirmations for Relationships

    Chapter 9: Maintaining Progress

    Deciding on the Next Steps

    Maintaining the Momentum




    Sylvie was a rising star at the marketing firm she had joined months ago. Her impeccable pitch record and unwavering confidence had won over even the most challenging clients. However, her promising career was abruptly derailed when she fell victim to a sexual assault. Caught off guard and unprepared, she struggled to cope with the aftermath of the traumatic event.

    As weeks turned into months, Sylvie gradually regained her productivity, but her confidence remained shattered. She missed her former self, the woman who commanded attention and exuded self-assurance. In an effort to recapture her lost spirit, she sought therapeutic help. However, despite exploring various treatment options, she couldn't bring herself to face the trauma head-on.

    This inability to confront the trauma is a common manifestation of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a condition that makes it excruciatingly difficult for victims to relive their traumatic experiences. Processing trauma requires revisiting the event and acknowledging the associated emotions. However, when the emotions become overwhelming, the path forward seems daunting and insurmountable.

    Sylvie's trauma held her back, preventing her from reaching her full potential despite possessing the necessary skills and expertise.

    Have you ever wondered why you couldn't perform at your best in a seemingly life-or-death situation? There are undoubtedly instances when you've looked back and questioned what held you back. Trauma often manifests when we attempt to progress toward our goals and aspirations only to be pulled back by fear of failure, hurt, anxiety, and a lack of self-esteem. Imagine a life where you are free from them.

    Trauma is a common thread that binds us all, regardless of race, ethnicity, color, income, or socioeconomic status. People who have suffered childhood trauma often face significant challenges in the workplace, including high absenteeism rates and financial instability. While therapy has emerged as a promising tool for overcoming trauma, it often lacks accessibility. Whether due to price, quality, or geographical limitations, good therapy options can be difficult to find. Even with access to information via the internet, the sheer volume can be overwhelming, making it difficult to filter and find relevant resources for addressing specific issues. Additionally, some individuals may have already tried therapy with unsatisfactory results. Moreover, the stigma surrounding mental health discourages many people from seeking help and overcoming their trauma.

    Eye movement sensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is a promising approach that has demonstrated significant effectiveness in clinical studies. Some studies have reported success rates as high as 90% for trauma victims who have experienced a single traumatic event (Wilson et al., 1997). Another study showed a 100% success rate (Marcus et al., 1997), while a third study found a 77% success rate for individuals with multiple traumatic experiences (Marcus et al., 2004).

    In cases like Sylvie's, EMDR proves beneficial as it allows one to process the memory while minimizing the trauma's physiological effect. The aim of this book is to provide a comprehensive understanding of EMDR therapy and offer a step-by-step guide for self-administration. Additionally, the book will equip you with coping skills to overcome the challenges mentioned, such as stress, painful memories, anxiety, depression, and relationship issues. These factors significantly impact our emotional well-being and hinder our overall functioning. By completing the exercises and techniques presented in this book, you will develop the ability to set clear goals, make positive decisions, and cultivate a sense of control over your life.

    This book empowers you to set clear and achievable goals to overcome long-standing unresolved trauma. To facilitate self-administered EMDR therapy, the book provides comprehensive guidance on how to create a safe space and conduct the therapy in the comfort of your own home. Additionally, practical tips and coping mechanisms are offered to support your long-term mental health beyond the book's completion. Furthermore, the book enhances your communication skills and strengthens your relationships. The concluding chapter specifically addresses relationship issues, offering EMDR techniques to improve communication and foster deeper connections with your partner.

    Through EMDR, Sylvie was able to achieve this, ultimately finding relief and a renewed sense of control over her life. Sylvie's story is just one of many that exemplify the transformative power of EMDR therapy. Now it's your turn to understand the essence of EMDR therapy and harness its potential to overcome the issues that have held you back.

    Chapter 1: Introduction to EMDR

    Trauma is hell on earth. Trauma resolved is a gift from the gods. –Peter A. Levine

    Eye movement desensitization reprocessing (EMDR) therapy involves several key elements: eye movement, memory reliving, memory reprocessing, and desensitization of the effects memories have on our mind and body. While this may initially appear somewhat technical, I assure you that it will become clearer.

    Let me begin by sharing a personal story. There was a period in my life when I found myself teaching two nine-year-olds because I had some free time. Over time, I got to know them quite well. One day, one of them confided in me that they had felt overwhelmed during a test. Initially, I found it difficult to believe because I was confident in the quality of my tutoring. However, as the child's mother became involved, she was reduced to tears, and it became apparent that the child was telling the truth.

    I asked the child to describe the feelings they experienced when they received their exam paper. Initially, they couldn't articulate it, but as I introduced bilateral stimulation (which I'll explain shortly), they shared that they were overwhelmed by fear because of being subjected to excessive pressure. Strangely, bilateral stimulation helped the child effectively express their emotions. Upon learning this, I told them that no examination should feel bigger than them and encouraged them to approach tests with that mindset.

    I don't wish to boast, but this exercise had a positive impact. The child is now 11 years old and is thriving both academically and emotionally.

    Bilateral Stimulation

    BILATERAL STIMULATION plays a crucial role in EMDR therapy. It works by activating both hemispheres of your brain, which essentially means that both the right and left sides of your brain are engaged. This dual activation also happens during sleep. If you had ever observed people in their sleep, you would have noticed their eyes moving, which might have led you to conclude that they must be dreaming. This is closely related to bilateral stimulation. During a dream, both hemispheres of the brain become active (Korabel’nikova & Golubev, 2001), allowing you to express emotions about scenes inspired by your everyday experiences. This creates an environment for emotional exploration within the dream. This underscores the significance of sleep and how compromising on sleep can lead to various lifestyle diseases.

    The activation of both brain hemispheres allows you to revisit a memory in a safer environment and change your feelings about it. This process was first used by Francine Shapiro in the 1980s (History of EMDR, n.d.). Bilateral stimulation involves several methods, one of which is auditory. In this method, an individual hears a beeping sound in each ear and is asked to focus on it. Another method involves focusing on a visual stimulus or object, much like what magicians or psychologists did with pendulums in old movies. It's important to note that the movement doesn't have to be strictly horizontal; it can also be oblique, elliptical, or vertical. Even a tap on alternate hands can be

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