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Unleashed: From Ashes to Beauty
Unleashed: From Ashes to Beauty
Unleashed: From Ashes to Beauty
Ebook98 pages1 hour

Unleashed: From Ashes to Beauty

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Life, with its twists and turns, often leads us down paths of trials and tribulations. Some of these challenges immerse us in a darkness so profound that finding our way out seems an insurmountable feat. Yet, in the midst of these trials, there exists a guiding light, a beacon of hope - Jesus, the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). &

Release dateDec 17, 2023
Unleashed: From Ashes to Beauty

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    Unleashed - Marjorie Troupe


    From Ashes to Beauty

    Marjorie Troupe


    To My Beloved Children,

    I never wished for your lives to be ensnared by brokenness. That's why I made one of the most crucial decisions. My love for both of you fills every fiber of my being. Your existence has infused my journey with purpose and vitality. You've contributed more to my life than you might imagine. When God graced my womb with both of you, I made a divine promise that you two won’t experience the kind of life I experience. My love for you two is boundless, enduring forever and beyond.

    With eternal love,


    To My Dearest Friend, My Intercessor, My Sister,

    Our meeting and collaboration seemed ordinary, but little did I know that our paths would align within God's kingdom. Your sacrifices resonate deeply within me. Gratitude floods my heart for your prayers during moments when I didn’t have the strength. Thank you for your attentive ear and Godly counsel which has sustained me. I had prayed fervently for a friend like you, and in divine orchestration, God blessed me. Being part of your life and sharing this journey with your family is an honor I cherish. My love for you knows no bounds, extending beyond time itself.

    With everlasting affection,


    To My Loving, Kind, Supportive Husband,

    I thank God for you every day. You have been my rock, my lover, my best friend, my everything I could ask for. You flipped my world to the right orientation. Through you, I learned the essence of unconditional love. Your authenticity in embracing our flaws and pain has us better at love.

    Witnessing the man you're evolving into fills me with profound love. Trading you for anything is inconceivable. Being your wife is a blessing I treasure beyond measure. My love for you transcends the infinite expanse of time.

    Forever yours,


    To My Cherished Parents,

    "God intentionally placed me in your lives, fully aware of who I am and where my journey would lead. He foresaw that our collective experiences would ultimately serve His greater purpose and bring glory to Him. While my upbringing may not have met all my aspirations, your unwavering love and support exceeded my expectations. I am immensely grateful to both of you.

    During the most challenging times of my life, you stood by me without hesitation. I am profoundly thankful to God for blessing me with your presence. Your dedication and sacrifices as parents never went unnoticed. Papi, I dearly wish you were here to witness my book publication, just as you once did. The pride and love I hold for both of you extend beyond words—forever and a day.

    With enduring love,


    Letter to the Overcomer


    I am deeply moved and filled with gratitude that you have chosen to embark on this journey through my story. It's my heartfelt prayer that as you delve into these pages, you discover the inspiration needed to unlock your fullest potential and confidently step into the divine destiny that awaits you. Know that I am wholeheartedly in your corner, cheering you on every step of the way.

    The Purpose Behind My Writing

    I address this letter to the inner child whom others deemed unworthy, the little girl belittled by jealousy and baseless dislike. To the unnoticed soul who feels like an underdog, continuously overlooked. To the child who suffered in silence through pain, confusion, and enduring abuse.

    I write to the spirit within, echoing the strength you've carried despite the weight of unjust judgments and mistreatment. You, who persevered through adversity and mistreatment, your resilience a testament to your unyielding spirit.

    I address that inner child, whose voice was muted by circumstances. The one who grappled with thoughts of despair and anguish. That innocent soul whose purity was stripped away far too soon. The child navigating a turbulent sea of emotions, feeling the weight of depression and oppression. The one overwhelmed by fear and the constant need to please others, seeking validation externally. A child plagued by low self-esteem, diminished self-worth, and a lack of confidence, tethered to conventions and tradition.

    Your cries have not gone unheard, your pain not unnoticed. Contrary to the labels imposed upon you, you are not defined by their words. Take a moment, turn around, and witness the resilient individual you've become. She eagerly awaits your breakthrough, urging you to reveal the power and fortitude of a strong woman. They wait for you to demonstrate the might and tenderness of a loving mother. The woman who exudes resilience, strength, and compassion despite enduring unimaginable trials.

    You have the capacity to conquer every obstacle in your path. You possess the strength to prevail, to be the beacon of love and empowerment you aspire to be.

    Beloved, it's time to reclaim your voice. You are worthy of so much more. You are abundantly more. You are the cherished daughter of a King. Shed that tattered, stained robe. Adjust your crown, and let us embark on a journey of healing together. I speak life into you. In fact, declare with me: I AM an OVERCOMER! I AM a WARRIOR! I AM VICTORIOUS! I firmly believe in your potential. The same benevolent God who transformed my life stands ready to do the same for you.

    Embrace this narrative and let its truth resonate within your soul. Together, let us illuminate the path toward reclaiming your true identity and destiny.

    With unwavering faith and boundless hope,




    Letter to the Overcomer

    Chapter 1  I…AM…BROKEN

    Chapter 2 LOST IDENTITY

    Chapter 3 The Ashes

    Chapter 4  Beauty

    Chapter 5 Unleashed

    Chapter 1



    never imagined I would be more broken now than any time before. Let me explain. At first, I wasn’t interested in writing this book. I felt unworthy, a joke. I thought to myself, Am I doing the right thing? I felt like I wasn't good enough and wondered if I was making a mistake. I thought I didn't have the right words to make an impact on someone’s. I thought my life hadn't been through anything important enough to write about. As I write this, I feel lost for words, confused in thoughts, stuck in captivity and lost in a wilderness. I feel sad and don't understand why. How can I help others when I'm struggling myself? I feel broken within myself and unsure about what to do. Battling with this predicament made feel like I don’t know what I was doing and should just give up and forget it all.

    I've been feeling an immense weight on my shoulders these past few days, as if the entire world is bearing down on me. It's been a struggle to move, with my back hunched, legs feeling like jelly, and walking with a stoop. My thighs ache, and every breath feels labored. My mind is a jumble, making it hard to think clearly. I've been overwhelmed to the point where it feels like I might burst. Everything seems to be passing me by, and I feel immobilized by the heaviness within me. I'm taking things slowly, enduring the agony, pain, and hurt.

    It's like navigating through a dark and cramped tunnel, but I'm fixated on a distant light at the end—the symbol of my liberation. I'm pushing myself forward, determined to reach that light because I know that's where my freedom

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