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About this ebook

Are you a loser?

You are not a loser just because you haven't realized your dreams, but it would be a pity if you took them to the grave with you. Realizing your dreams is not selfish, but rather an enrichment for humanity, because you will also be happier. I believe that everyone has the right to hope for a better life. Unfortunately, our school education misses this topic quite a bit, which is why many feel left alone. You are not alone. This book will help you get closer to your dreams.

In the book you will learn how to
✔️ create more clarity in your life
✔️ set goals and constantly approach them
✔️Build habits for long-term success
✔️Build life principles for long-term happiness

For maximum progress, at the end of each chapter you will find a challenge with to-do's and exercises that will help you find your own individual solution. People rarely regret at the end of their lives what they have done, but what they have not done. Your life is about taking the journey to your dreams. This book will accompany you on your journey. Do you have the courage to try?
Release dateNov 22, 2023

Elias Jakob Renner

At 19, Elias Jakob Renner is one of Austria's youngest authors. When he was still a baby, it became clear that something was wrong with his eyes. Medical examinations revealed that his eyesight was around 5%, which shocked his parents. Would he be able to go to school? But his mother, who gave birth to him at the age of 15, did not shy away from any challenge. As he can see a little better at short distances, he learned to cope with his visual impairment in everyday life. However, he was bullied at secondary school. In addition to comments such as "mole", he was also pushed around. His low point was the turning point that would change everything. One day, as he sat on the couch crying, he asked himself the following question: "Am I worth less?". To answer this question, he searched the internet and came across personal development. He realized that he was not worth less just because others put him down. At the age of 11, he made the decision to take full responsibility for his life. Early on, he began reading books on self-confidence, motivation, psychology, discipline and mental health. This knowledge gave him self-confidence and enabled him to get rid of bullying. He came to the realization that he was not the only one with mental health challenges, which a study by Danube-Krems University confirms. Almost every second teenager suffers from depressive symptoms. When he became aware of this, he decided to set up the non-profit organization Go for your dreams, which brings personal development workshops to schools. The aim of the organization is to introduce "personal development and mental health" as a fixed school subject throughout Austria. In an interview, Elias said the following: "We see that gyms are becoming more and more flooded with young people. First the body, then the mind. There will be a rethink in the next few years and personal development will become a trend. Young people who live in clarity, peace and happiness will raise children who will surpass us all. We cannot even imagine the extent and importance of mental education. It is our responsibility to ensure the well-being of future generations. We must act now." Today, Elias studies psychology, gives lectures and is building the non-profit organization Go for your dreams. He is happy to join forces with you. Text him via WhatsApp: +436644500270


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    Book preview

    GO FOR YOUR DREAMS - Elias Jakob Renner

    Challenge 1: Preface

    I have a vision…

    My vision is to make personal development a trend among young people. My vision is that young people will work on themselves, their skills and their character every day. Why am I so sure that my vision will come true? A study by Danube University Krems shows that almost every second person suffers from depressive symptoms in their youth.

    Mental health is becoming more and more important. We see that physical health is already receiving an increase of attention as gyms are overrun more and more by young people. First the body, then the mind. The collective consciousness of humanity is rising. A collective awakening is taking place. The awakening regards the awareness of the transience of time. Some young people are already aware that they only have this one chance and therefore want to give it their everything. These people carry an energy within themselves that is transmitted to those around them. It's like a viral effect that spreads exponentially after a certain point. We have reached the threshold of this point. We are on the verge of this exponential increase. Maybe it will take another year. Maybe a few more months, maybe just a few more weeks. There is not much time left. It may be happening right now as you read these lines. I can't tell you exactly when, but I can assure you that it will happen. Maybe this book will be the trigger. Maybe this book will go viral among young people. In any case, character development will become the norm among teenagers. You can be part of it - regardless of your age.

    The mental revolution is coming. This is my vision.

    How it all began

    The reason most people don't achieve their goals is not that they don't have goals, but that they lose sight of them as life goes on. Just as it was the case with me. But the goal should not be to never get off track, but to quickly recognize it when it happens. This moment of realization, when you get clarity about your current life situation, is what I call the "switch moment. It's the very moment when the switch flips in your mind and blocks that behavior that has held you back for far too long. Although I had big goals at 14, they all seemed to have disappeared by 16. It was a switch moment" that reminded me of my goals again and also prompted me to write this book.

    Once upon a time, it was a Monday morning like no other that was to change my life completely. At 5:15 a.m. there were two gentle, but not too gentle, knocks on my bedroom door. My sleepy YES! with an annoyed undertone could not dissuade my mom from her plan to get me out of bed early that day. After gently opening the door, she said the following words in a clear and determined voice: "Go for your dreams. When I heard those words, I wrenched my eyes open and was shocked. I realized that I had completely forgotten to follow my dreams. I sat down on the edge of the bed and cogitated. My passion is to help young people grow, but I don't live that at all?! If I don't do it in this life, what life will I do it in? I only" have this one life, this one chance, yet on my current course I am wasting it. In that moment, I realized that it wasn't just me. Billions of people out there are wasting their true potential. Far too many are not even grateful for the gift we call life. All of these thoughts rushed through my mind, but it wasn't overwhelming - it was rather enlightening. These thoughts wanted me to know that it was time to make a decision. With unwavering determination, I made it. Here's what I decided:

    The purpose of my existence is to help you achieve your dreams.

    Why did I write this book?

    My goal is to inspire you to the extent that you too will pass this knowledge and energy on to your next generation. Why this book? I once heard that the richest place in the world is the cemetery, because that is where the most beautiful dreams are buried. I am writing this book so that you don't have to bury your dreams. With this book, I want to give you your own personal switch moment that shows you your direction - just like my mom gave it to me.

    Maybe you experience this moment while reading, maybe in the evening when you think about what you have read, or maybe years after you have read this book. Whenever the moment comes, I hope it does come to you! I want to give you the chance to explore your dreams. I want to give you a new perspective that will make you break your old boundaries. I will accompany you with this book on a journey to your new self. In no way do I want to tell you how to live. I do not want to promise you happiness or wealth. Nor do I want to sell you my opinion as the only right one. I just want to show you a new perspective that will have a positive impact on your life in the long run.

    Faith moves mountains

    Again and again, I see how the status of a person determines the value of his or her statements. A stupid statement gets credibility when it comes from a successful person, and a brilliant statement is considered less significant because the person it comes from is not successful to a comparable degree. We label people through prejudice. That's why the most brilliant minds and the best ideas may never be heard. My advice is not to rush to judgment. Not just with this book, but in your whole life. Listen to people who otherwise wouldn't be heard. Try paths that no one has walked before you and you will find what no one has found before you there.

    Your view determines the value

    If you read this book with the attitude that an 18-year-old has nothing to say to you anyway, has no life experience and his statements are therefore worthless, then you will be equally unable to believe what is written. If I already were the most influential thinker of the 21st century, then you would let me tell you something appreciatively and your skepticism would fade. You wouldn't just read the book, you'd implement the entire challenge, do all the to-dos, and most likely make positive changes in your life along the way. So, I wonder what it would do to your life if you only judged after you had implemented the Challenge. Only those who have implemented the Challenge will understand this book. Like Dr. Manfred Winterheller, my greatest role model in Austrian Speaking, would say, "You don't have to believe anything I say, but try it." I invite you on this journey! Are you ready to give it a try?

    Challenge Introduction:

    Step 1: Get your bonus

    Because you purchased this book, I want to give you something else! Each concept and challenge in this book is compiled into a readymade workbook that you can complete to make optimal progress. You may want to save the file somewhere on your computer, as the website may soon be down. You'll find pre-made templates in the workbook for goal setting, daily organization, productivity, self-analysis, habit transformation, and much more. They're all wrapped up in a step-by-step guide that will walk you through your journey to achieve maximum change. Just go to the website right now and get your bonus workbook to go with the book if it's still available! Thank me later (;


    When you go through the book for the first time, I recommend that you complete the exercises right in the book. You can fill out the printed workbook, for example, a year later. If you fill it out in the book now, then you can go back to the book in 10 years and see how you have developed. For some people, it can be helpful to get a challenge buddy. You can check in with each other to make sure you are actually doing the Challenge. This can help you stay on track. (:

    Step 2: Become part of the movement

    In the meantime, we have founded a non-profit organization to get personality development workshops into schools. Our vision is to integrate the school subject of personality development and mental health into the school system. We are sure that this will improve the mental health of humanity. Currently we are looking for people who want to be part of this revolution. Let's make a difference together and check out the website!

    No gendering?

    Opposite sentence:

    If a student gets a reprimand, then he/she must go to the principal and justify him/herself to him/her.

    Non-reverse sentence:

    If a student gets a reprimand, then he has to go to the principal and justify himself in front of him.

    Which sentence was easier for you to read?


    I respect people regardless of their gender and sexuality. I don't want to hurt anyone or be disrespectful by not using explicitly gendering language. Of course, I am aware that some people still find it disrespectful, but I put up with it for functional reasons. Why? Because I believe it causes more problems than it solves here. Many argue purely out of emotion and forget about the consequences of gendering. In my opinion, a gendered text is harder to read than a text that uses the generic masculine. It interrupts the flow of reading. And to make matters worse, texts that are harder to read are clearly less memorable. Language becomes more complex not only for the reader, but also for the author. Gendering is more than writing an extra word. In many cases, sentence constructions must be changed, and interlaced sentences are even more difficult to formulate grammatically correct. In addition, it should not be forgotten that articles or pronouns often have to be adjusted as well. This might even lead to lower quality in texts, as the additional grammatical complexity makes the content a bit less central. Perhaps the loss of quality is minimal, but even small things can have a big impact. Case sensitivity, as well as articles to be learned, make German, the language this book was originally written in, a highly complex language anyway. English, on the other hand, only has the article the, which is why it's usually not gendered. Interestingly, English also once had three articles. Over time, however, the simplest solution prevailed, and the other articles disappeared. Why? Language naturally always takes the path of least resistance. Always. It is us who make it more complex. This can be seen, for example, in dialect, where grammatical correctness is often abandoned. Another example is WhatsApp texting. Who pays attention to upper and lower case when texting with a friend? Very few. I hope you now realize that it brings dangers from a linguistic point of view. In my opinion, the generic masculine is not disrespectful because it approaches all genders. I support equality in most cases, but I don't see this as a disadvantage to women, because here the disadvantage only arises when you are convinced that it is a disadvantage. The linguistic disadvantage, however, is real for everyone and more serious in my opinion. Thank you for your understanding!

    Challenge 1: Preface

    Essence: Often people skip the preface because they want to save time. However, if you had skipped the Preface, you would be missing a significant component: the Workbook. The preface is the first challenge because I want to make a point: Do things fully and understand them completely, because that creates clarity. Only by implementing the whole book with each challenge you can realize the full potential of this book and yourself.


    Get your workbook at:

    Find a Challenge Buddy to do the Challenge with you.

    My Challenge Buddy is:

    I have completed Challenge 1

    Congratulations … let´s go on

    Challenge 2: Learn to make decisions!

    Stop, stop!

    If you are one of those people who skipped the Preface, then you are missing one of the most important things. It will change your whole outlook on the rest of the book, so I urge you to read the preface before moving on to this chapter! (:

    What is meant by decision anyway?

    Do you know the feeling when life doesn't go the way you imagined? But you also don't know what to change? When you don't know which decision to make? In these moments life asks you to actively make a certain decision. Most people live the life they accept. They cling to their current life and are afraid of change. When change is imminent, they hesitate and try to maintain their standard life. However, this doesn't work because life has surprises for all of us in store, which no one can ignore. You have to face your choices and you have to become good at making choices. Decide consciously what you want to have, because otherwise life will give you what happens to be left. The problem is that we have come to forget how to make real decisions. We no longer take our decisions seriously because we often don't take ourselves seriously. We revise our decisions. We break our word. This starts as early as school, when we decide to do something, but by evening we forget about that decision and we´re doing something else already. In our fast-paced world, decisions have lost their value. We make decisions all the time, but we can´t remember what it actually means to make a decision! It does not mean to be flexible, as everybody wants to be nowadays. It doesn't mean leaving all options open. That is not the original meaning of

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