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Frankinsence and Peppermint: Where Nature Is the Temple, and the Horses Are the Healers. a Journey to Enlightenment.
Frankinsence and Peppermint: Where Nature Is the Temple, and the Horses Are the Healers. a Journey to Enlightenment.
Frankinsence and Peppermint: Where Nature Is the Temple, and the Horses Are the Healers. a Journey to Enlightenment.
Ebook157 pages2 hours

Frankinsence and Peppermint: Where Nature Is the Temple, and the Horses Are the Healers. a Journey to Enlightenment.

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During a profound healing, spiritual gifts began to open. I began a very serious practice of meditation, breathing and increasing my personal energy. Certified in equine massage therapy, I was called to work on a horse, only problem was he would not let me touch him. I had to find another way. Through meditation I connected with him and his herd, a whole new world opened. I found myself being mentored by horses, seeing, and experiencing them in a completely different way. I began to question everything and meditate for extended periods of time over the next few years.
Surrendering to Source, to the best of my ability, it opened me up to an entirely new world of possibilities and adventures. Leading me down a path of self-discovery and truth. Realizing that I had been living a life of lies, completely upside down. Love wasn’t what I thought it was and I had to learn how to love myself like never before, for the first time. It came with a price, having to face my demons, experiencing the dark nights of the soul which lasted weeks.
I had to start again after losing everything, including my mind, to find me. I had to take my power back. I am now driven with purpose to create a new life for myself, not settling for anything less that love, respect, and honor.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateApr 27, 2023
Frankinsence and Peppermint: Where Nature Is the Temple, and the Horses Are the Healers. a Journey to Enlightenment.

G. Mann

The author engaged in a Quest of self-inquiry to find the truth of things. A whole secret life was revealed, leaving her stunned, confused, angry and heartbroken. Addiction, and abusive relationships time and time again, that ultimately led to the need to know the truth. Drawn to holistic, ancient ways of yoga, Shamanism, meditation, nature, earthing, herbs, essential oils, and multiple other natural ways of communing with Earth Mother and the Universe, a whole new world opened. Despite the mind-shattering discoveries beginning at infancy, she was able to find her power, joy, true self, and Source, which included multiple personae from of the lifetime of trauma. She began to write, journal, paint, make jewelry, meditation pieces, she eventually came to accept every aspect of her being. A better understanding of mental illness and what drives human behavior. Her journaling and meditation led to many miraculous experiences including the reconciliation of her inner child. It opened her heart and mind to things greater than the limitations that had previously been programmed into her throughout her life by authority figures. She began to see the living intelligence of everything around her and began communing with it all. Her love of and work with rescue horses led to her life's passion that is still unfolding. She now fully accepts herself as a limitless, quantum, multidimensional being connected to everything and everyone ever expanding. Her writing is unique, direct, and honest, keeping her heart and mind open, and remaining vulnerable, and just allowing what is to. Her desire to live in nature away from the hustle, bustle, and business of life is calling her home, home to nature, calling her to create her temple with the horses. Believe that anything and everything is possible, and we are so much more than we've been told.

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    Frankinsence and Peppermint - G. Mann


    This is a mix mosh of events that happened over the last several years while on my healing journey or as I sometimes like to call it, my Spiritual Quest to find Self and the Truth of Things, that brought an undefinable expansiveness, pure magic, bliss and miracles into my life. Broadened my limited thinking by opening my heart and mind to anything and everything. It’s all in a very random order as I allow it to just flow through me as I call on Arch Angel Gabrielle’s help to write. It is also done in this manner at the request of Spirit. While in meditation, I was told it was done in this random way because it is important for the reader to pay attention to every paragraph, page and word to remain fully present. If the reader can maintain that presence, focus and dedication to what they are reading, they will not only understand what I am trying to convey but will also be learning huge lessons in expansiveness and stepping beyond the known to open the door to pure magic.

    The journey takes me in a circular fashion that looks the same but it’s not. There is a different level of understanding that comes with every cycle and experience. I am grateful for it all and intend it brings great healing and understanding to everyone it touches. That everything doesn’t have to look like anything we’ve ever known to live an enchanted life if we so choose. To smell frankincense in the air and know a lesson is coming from the Divine in some shape or form, usually through the horses and peppermint at the lesson’s close. To connect intimately with Earth Mother herself, all her kingdoms and the Universe. To know you have touched and belong to something much greater. It is possible, it is!

    My form of writing is unique and authentic, it is who I am, not following anyone else’s guidelines. We are all authentic and unique if we choose to be, it’s not as easy as it sounds. We’ve always been told what to do, how to do it, what it needs to look like. All these rules were made by another person who felt it was the right way of things. It doesn’t have to make sense to you because it makes sense to me. I can change my mind and beliefs a dozen times if it doesn’t work for me anymore as I grow. I don’t believe there is a cookie cutter way to be for anything. How can there be? We are all unique. That’s where the paradox lies, we are all one, yet individual and unique. That’s when I know I’m doing it the best way for me when it doesn’t make any sense in my mind but just feels right in my soul. Every single rule/law was written and agreed upon by an individual or group that deemed themselves superior. I don’t believe there is any level of importance or hierarchy in humanity. All life is sacred, every single person from the billionaire to the homeless. Yes, there are those who have amazing skills of organization and creativity that can help us be more efficient and effective humans but to maintain true freedom it must be optional to follow or not. Every single animal, sacred. Insects are actually healers too. If we open our minds and our hearts fully, bring the lens of perception from the logical mind to the heart and observe, animals included, from a distance without attachment, life becomes magical. I always wonder how I could have spent all these years missing so much beauty and magic.

    My biggest obstacle was my own self-doubt, believing everything had to be a certain way. It was all just programming. When I was finally able to throw away the labels and not care what other people think, deepen my meditations, a whole new world began to open, then, it not only was a new world expressing itself, a whole universe and connectedness began to come into my awareness, without any effort on my part. It now seems inevitable, how can it not when it is part of who we are, I just had to let it in and remove the walls I had put up.

    I spent a large part of my journey in total confusion. I now reached the point that the more I know, the more I understand, I KNOW NOTHING! And it’s beautiful! It’s okay to not be okay. It’s okay to not have all the answers. It’s okay to sleep when the rest of the world is awake and on a schedule. It’s okay to be different. It’s okay to be who we are because that’s how we were created and if we are being anything else it won’t feel good. And most importantly it’s okay to be okay! I love you, welcome to my world and yours if you choose it to be.

    I would rather be that lady and called crazy than ever go back to the old way of being. Blessings!

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    During my meditation earlier in the day, I was guided to study with the horses. They would show me what I am seeking. The knowledge of how to co-exist in a manner that is mutually satisfying to both human and horse. I wasn’t quite sure what that meant. I always knew there was something more to horses and my love for them was determined to find out. There is never a bad day when I am around them, so what have I got to lose? Off to the farm I

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