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English / Bosnian Medical Dictionary: Words R Us Bilingual Dictionaries, #98
English / Bosnian Medical Dictionary: Words R Us Bilingual Dictionaries, #98
English / Bosnian Medical Dictionary: Words R Us Bilingual Dictionaries, #98
Ebook514 pages3 hours

English / Bosnian Medical Dictionary: Words R Us Bilingual Dictionaries, #98

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About this ebook

This phrasebook and dictionary contains over 3,400 medical terms  in  English and Bosnian.  It will be indispensable for anyone doing humanitarian relief in areas where Bosnian is spoken. With the current war in Ukraine, millions of people are now being displaced, many with little language skills in the countries to which they are fleeing. While the greatest number have fled to Poland, there are a large numbers of Ukrainian speakers in the United States and other English speaking countries,  as well as Russia, southeast Europe, Bosnia, Belarus, Moldova, Israel, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Romania.


This dictionary and phrasebook is designed to assist those who need medical attention.  In addition to the triage and wound care sections, there is a section of phrases for medical assessment and specialties.  There is also a section on English, and Bosnian pronunciation. 

PublisherWords R Us
Release dateMay 17, 2022
English / Bosnian Medical Dictionary: Words R Us Bilingual Dictionaries, #98

John C. Rigdon

John Rigdon has authored a number of books on the American Civil War and is the manager of the web site, Research OnLine, ( the premier site for researching Civil War ancestors in the Civil War. His titles include the Historical Sketch and Roster Volumes (1100 plus titles) and a dozen volumes in the "We Fought" series focusing on particular battles and commanders. Additionally John works in translation of materials in several languages and maintains the website, John resides in the foothills of the Appalachians outside Cartersville, GA. where he enjoys gardening and aquaponics. You may reach him at

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    English / Bosnian Medical Dictionary - John C. Rigdon


    This phrasebook and dictionary contains over 3,400 medical terms  in  English and Bosnian.  It will be indispensable for anyone doing humanitarian relief in areas where Bosnian is spoken. With the current war in Ukraine, millions of people are now being displaced, many with little language skills in the countries to which they are fleeing. While the greatest number have fled to Poland, there are a large numbers of Ukrainian speakers in the United States and other English speaking countries,  as well as Russia, southeast Europe, Bosnia, Belarus, Moldova, Israel, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Romania.

    This dictionary and phrasebook is designed to assist those who need medical attention.  In addition to the triage and wound care sections, there is a section of phrases for medical assessment and specialties.  There is also a section on English, and Bosnian pronunciation. 

    This dictionary is extracted from our Words R Us system, a derivative of WordNet. English Wordnet, originally created by Princeton University is a lexical database for the English language. It groups words in English into sets of synonyms called synsets, provides brief definitions and usage examples, and records a series of relationships between these sets of synonyms. WordNet can be viewed as both a combination dictionary and thesaurus.


    Ovaj zbornik izraza i rječnik sadrži preko 3.400 medicinskih pojmova na engleskom i bosanskom jeziku. Sva tri ova jezika su u gornjem sloju jezika u svijetu. Ovaj rječnik će biti nezamjenjiv za sve koji se bave humanitarnom pomoći u područjima gdje se govori bosanski. Sa trenutnim ratom u Ukrajini, milioni ljudi su sada raseljeni, od kojih mnogi ne znaju jezik u zemljama u koje bježe. Iako je najveći broj pobjegao u Poljsku, postoji veliki broj onih koji govore ukrajinski u Sjedinjenim Državama i drugim zemljama engleskog govornog područja, kao i u Rusiji, jugoistočnoj Evropi, Bosni, Bjelorusiji, Moldaviji, Izraelu, Bugarskoj, Mađarskoj i Rumuniji.

    Ovaj rječnik i zbornik izraza osmišljeni su da pomognu onima kojima je potrebna medicinska pomoć. Pored odjeljaka za trijažu i njegu rana, postoji odjeljak fraza za medicinsku procjenu i specijalnosti. Tu je i dio o engleskom i bosanskom izgovoru.

    Ovaj rečnik je izvučen iz našeg sistema Words R Us, izvedenog od WordNet-a. Engleski Wordnet, koji je prvobitno kreirao Univerzitet Princeton, je leksička baza podataka za engleski jezik. Grupira riječi na engleskom u skupove sinonima koji se nazivaju sinsetovi, daje kratke definicije i primjere upotrebe i bilježi niz odnosa između ovih skupova sinonima. WordNet se može posmatrati i kao kombinovani rečnik i tezaurus.

    A Guide to English Pronunciation

    English is not a phonetic language.  It has borrowed many words from other languages and words are often not pronounced as they seem.

    The sounds of English and the International Phonetic Alphabet:

    An excellent resource with videos for learning to pronounce  English words;

    The English Alphabet

    English Vowels [1]

    A E I O U Y

    Vowel Sounds

    long a /eɪ/

    short a /æ/

    long e /i/

    short e /ɛ/

    long i /ɑɪ/

    short i /ɪ/

    long o /oʊ/

    short o /ɑ/

    long u /ju/

    short u /ʌ/

    other u /ʊ/

    oo sound /u/

    aw sound /ɔ/

    oi sound /ɔɪ/

    ow sound /aʊ/

    Introduction to Bonsian

    The Bosnian language is the standardized variety of Serbo-Croatian mainly used by Bosniaks. Bosnian is one of three such varieties considered official languages of Bosnia and Herzegovina, along with Croatian and Serbian. It is also an officially recognized minority or regional language in Serbia, Montenegro, and Kosovo. The differences between the Bosnian, Serbian, and Croatian literary standards are minimal. Although Bosnian employs more Turkish, Persian, and Arabic loanwords—commonly called orientalisms—it is very similar to both Serbian and Croatian in its written and spoken form. Bosnian is spoken by approximately 3 million people.

    Bosnian uses both the Latin and Cyrillic alphabets, with Latin in everyday use. It is notable among the varieties of Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian for a number of Arabic, Ottoman Turkish and Persian loanwords, largely due to the language's interaction with those cultures through Islamic ties.

    Until the 1990s, the language was called Serbo-Croatian and that term is still used in English, along with Bosnian-Croatian-Montenegrin-Serbian (BCMS), especially in diplomatic circles.

    The Bosnian Alphabet

    Bosnian Alphabet ~ Pronunciation Example

    A ~ a as in car

    B ~ b as in bat

    C ~ c as in cats

    Č ~ č as in chalk

    Ć ~ ć as in church

    D ~ d as in dig

    Dž ~ dž as in gin

    Đ ~ đ as in jack

    E ~ e as in let

    F ~ f as in fit

    G ~ g as in game

    H ~ h as in heaven

    I ~ i as in east

    J ~ j as in year

    K ~ k as in cut

    L ~ l as in love

    Lj ~ lj as in million

    M ~ m as in mice

    N ~ n as in nice

    Nj ~ nj as in onion

    O ~ o as in autmn

    P ~ p as in pick

    R ~ r as in Fritz

    S ~ s as in sound

    Š ~ š as in shut

    T ~ t as in time

    U ~ u as in shoot

    V ~ v as in verb

    Z ~ z as in zest

    Ž ~ ž as in pleasure 

    Medical Questionnaire

    Audio files to accompany these questions are available for download on our website at

    Introduction / Uvod


    Razumete li ovaj jezik?

    We are here to help you.

    Tu smo da vam pomognemo.

    I do not understand your language.

    Ne razumijem tvoj jezik.

    There is no one available who speaks this language.

    Nema nikoga ko govori ovim jezikom.

    Try to answer my questions with 'yes' or 'no.'

    Pokušajte odgovoriti na moja pitanja sa „da ili „ne.

    Move your head like this for 'yes.'

    Pomičite glavu ovako da.

    Move your head like this for 'no.'

    Pomičite glavu ovako ne.

    Do you know where you are?

    Znate li gdje ste?

    Are you thirsty?

    Jesi li žedan?

    Are you hungry?

    Jesi li gladan?

    Do you need to urinate?

    Treba li mokreti?

    Do you need to defecate?

    Treba li defecirati?

    Do you want a cigarette?

    Da li želite cigaretu?

    I understand.


    I do not understand.

    Ne razumijem.

    We will try to contact someone from your group.

    Pokušat ćemo kontaktirati nekoga iz vaše grupe.


    Molim te.

    Thank you.

    Hvala ti.

    You are welcome.

    Nema na čemu.

    Thank you for talking with me.

    Hvala vam što ste razgovarali sa mnom.

    I will talk with you again.

    Ponovo ću razgovarati s tobom.



    We cannot give you anything to eat or drink.

    Ne možemo vam dati ništa za jelo ili piće.

    If you need surgery, your stomach must be empty.

    Ako vam je potrebna operacija, vaš želudac mora biti prazan.

    We will give you food and drink as soon as it is safe to do so.

    Daćemo vam hranu i piće čim to bude sigurno.

    Guidance / Smjernice

    Be quiet.

    Budi miran.

    Come with me.

    Pođi sa mnom.

    Describe it with gestures.

    Opišite ga gestama.

    Do not get excited.

    Nemojte se uzbuđivati.

    Do what I ask.

    Uradi ono što tražim.

    Do you mean no?

    Misliš ne?

    Do you mean yes?

    Mislite da?

    Hold up the number of fingers.

    Držite broj prstiju.

    I will get an interpreter.

    Dobit ću prevodioca.

    Is this it?

    Je li to to?



    Point to it.

    Ukažite na to.


    Opusti se

    Show me.

    Pokaži mi.

    Squeeze my hand once for yes.

    Stisnite mi jednom ruku za da.

    Squeeze my hand twice for no.

    Dvaput stisnite moju ruku za ne.

    Write your answer here.

    Odgovor napišite ovdje.



    I know first aid.

    Znam prvu pomoć.

    Don't move.

    Ne mrdaj.

    We need to move you.

    Moramo te preseliti.

    I need to clean your wounds.

    Moram ti očistiti rane.

    I am here to help you.

    Tu sam da vam pomognem.

    Registration / Registracija


    Kako se zoveš?

    What is your family name?

    Kako se zove vaša porodica?

    What is your nationality?

    Koje je tvoje državljanstvo?

    What country were you born in?

    U kojoj ste zemlji rođeni?

    How old are you?

    Koliko imaš godina?

    Do you have an identity card?

    Imate ličnu kartu?

    Show me your identification.

    Pokažite mi svoju identifikaciju.

    Do you have any bad reactions to medications?

    Imate li loše reakcije na lijekove?

    What is the name of the medication that causes bad reactions?

    Kako se zove lijek koji izaziva loše reakcije?

    Do you have any allergies to medicines?

    Imate li alergije na lijekove?

    What is your religion?

    Koja je tvoja religija?

    Do you smoke tobacco?

    Pušite li duvan?

    How many packs of cigarettes do you smoke per day?

    Koliko paketa cigareta pušite dnevno?

    Are you married?

    Jeste li udati?

    Do you have any children?

    Imate li djecu?

    Do you have high blood pressure problems?

    Imate li problema sa visokim krvnim pritiskom?

    Do you have diabetes?

    Imate li dijabetes?

    Do you have blood sugar control problems?

    Imate li problema sa kontrolom šećera u krvi?

    Do you drink alcohol?

    Pijete li alkohol?

    How much do you weigh?

    Koliko težite?

    Assessment / Procjena

    Assessment / Procjena

    You have been injured.

    Ozlijeđeni ste.

    You are ill.

    Bolesni ste.

    Lie still.

    Lezi mirno.

    We will take care of you.

    Mi ćemo se pobrinuti za vas.

    Let us help you.

    Dozvolite da vam pomognemo.

    We must examine you carefully.

    Moramo vas pažljivo ispitati.

    We will try to not hurt you further.

    Trudit ćemo se da vas ne povrijedimo dalje.

    This will help protect you.

    To će vam pomoći da zaštitite.

    Do exactly what we ask.

    Učinite upravo ono što tražimo.

    Keep your head very still.

    Držite glavu mirno.

    We must examine you carefully.

    Moramo vas pažljivo ispitati.

    We will try to not hurt you further.

    Trudit ćemo se da vas ne povrijedimo dalje.

    This will help protect you.

    To će vam pomoći da zaštitite.

    Do exactly what we ask.

    Učinite upravo ono što tražimo.

    Keep your head very still.

    Držite glavu mirno.

    Keep very still.

    Držite se mirno.

    Can you breathe?

    Možete li disati?

    Say your name out loud.

    Izgovorite svoje ime naglas.

    Do you hurt anywhere?

    Boli li negdje?

    Show me where.

    Pokaži mi gde.

    Show me where it hurts worst.

    Pokaži mi gdje boli najgore.

    Does this hurt?

    Da li to boli?

    Move all of your fingers.

    Pomičite sve prste.

    Move all of your toes.

    Pomičite sve nožne prste.

    Open your eyes.

    Otvori oci.

    Push against me.

    Pritisni protiv mene.

    You will feel better soon.

    Uskoro ćete se osjećati bolje.

    You must stay here.

    Morate ostati ovdje.

    When did you have your last meal?

    Kada ste imali posljednji obrok?

    When was your last bowel movement?

    Kada vam je poslednji pokret creva?

    How often are you urinating?

    Koliko često urinirate?

    Is it difficult to urinate?

    Je li teško mokreti?

    Surgical Consent

    You are badly hurt.

    Jako ste povrijeđeni.

    You are very sick.

    Jako ste bolesni.

    We need to take you to surgery.

    Moramo te odvesti na operaciju.

    We need to remove this.

    Moramo ovo ukloniti.

    We need to repair this.

    Moramo ovo da popravimo.

    If we do not operate, you may die.

    Ako ne operišemo, možete umrijeti.

    If we do not operate, you may lose this.

    Ako ne djelujemo, ovo možete izgubiti.

    The operation is dangerous, but it is the only way to help you.

    Operacija je opasna, ali to je jedini način da vam pomogne.

    Do you understand that you need this surgery?

    Da li razumiješ da ti treba ova operacija?

    We will operate very carefully.

    Radit ćemo vrlo pažljivo.

    We want your permission before we operate on you.

    Želimo vašu dozvolu prije nego što djelujemo na vas.

    May we operate on you?

    Možemo li operirati na vas?

    We will begin the operation as soon as we can.

    Mi ćemo početi operaciju što je prije moguće.

    This medicine will make you sleep.

    Ovaj će vam lijek zaspati.

    Have you had any surgeries?

    Jeste li imali neke operacije?

    Do you have any allergies, especially to medications?

    Imate li alergije, posebno na lijekove?

    Do you have high blood pressure/diabetes or blood sugar control problems?

    Imate li visoki krvni pritisak / dijabetes ili probleme sa kontrolom šećera u krvi?

    Trauma / Trauma

    You have been hurt.

    Povređeni ste.

    We are all working to help you.

    Svi radimo da bismo vam pomogli.

    Help us take care of you.

    Pomozite nam da se brinemo za vas.

    We have to remove your clothes.

    Moramo vam ukloniti odjeću.

    Do you have any bad reactions to any medicine?

    Imate li loše reakcije na bilo koji lijek?

    Have you eaten food in the past six hours?

    Da li ste jeli hranu u poslednjih šest sati?

    Is this injury from a landmine?

    Je li ovo ozljeda od mina?

    Were you shot?

    Jeste li pucali?

    Is this from a knife?

    Je li ovo s noža?

    Is this from a rock?

    Je li ovo sa stijene?

    Is this from a vehicle crash?

    Je li ovo zbog sudara vozila?

    Did a person do this to you?

    Da li vam je to osoba uradila?

    Did you lose consciousness after this happened?

    Da li ste izgubili svijest nakon ovoga?

    Did you lose more than this much blood?

    Jeste li izgubili više od te puno krvi?

    Point to all the parts of your body that hurt.

    Pokažite na sve dijelove tijela koji boli.

    Does it hurt when I do this?

    Boli li to kada radim?

    Move this like this.

    Pomičite se ovako.

    Turn over this way.

    Okreni se ovim putem.

    Did you inhale any smoke or very hot air?

    Da li ste udisali dim ili veoma vruć vazduh?

    Do your lungs hurt?

    Bole li pluća?

    Are you having trouble breathing?

    Imate problema sa disanjem?

    This will help avoid infection.

    To će pomoći u izbjegavanju infekcije

    Procedures /

    This will help you.

    Ovo će vam pomoći.

    I have to put a small needle in you here.

    Moram ovde staviti malu iglu.

    We need to give you fluid.

    Moramo vam dati tečnost.

    We need to give you blood.

    Moramo vam dati krv.

    I need to put a tube into your throat.

    Moram vam staviti cev u grlo.

    This tube will help you breathe better.

    Ova će vam cijev pomoći da bolje dišete.

    This tube may feel uncomfortable.

    Ova cevčica može da se oseća nelagodno.

    I need to put a tube through your nose to your stomach.

    Moram vam staviti cev kroz nos do vašeg stomaka.

    You need to swallow while I put this tube in your nose.

    Trebate progutati dok ti ja stavljam tu cev u nos.

    Drink this while I gently place the tube into your nose.

    Popijte ovo dok ja nežno stavljam cevku u nos.

    This tube will drain your stomach.

    Ova će vam cijev isušiti stomak.

    I have to put a small tube into your neck to give you fluid.

    Moram ti staviti malu cev u vrat da bih ti dao tečnost.

    I need to put a tube in your chest.

    Moram vam staviti cev u grudi.

    This needle will release the air from your chest.

    Ova igla će ispuštati zrak iz vaših grudi.

    This will help your burns.

    To će pomoći vašim opekotinama.

    I need to cut your skin.

    Moram ti rezati kožu.

    We have to restrain you for your safety.

    Moramo vas obuzdati zbog vaše sigurnosti.

    You have been burned by a chemical.

    Izgorela je hemikalija.

    We need to wash the chemicals from your skin.

    Moramo oprati hemikalije s vaše kože.

    You will need to be completely washed.

    Trebat ćete se potpuno oprati.

    Hold this dressing and apply pressure.

    Zadržite ovaj preljev i izvršite pritisak.

    I need to splint your arm.

    Moram da se narežem za ruku.

    I need to splint your leg.

    Moram da ti razrežem nogu.

    I am applying a tourniquet to stop the bleeding.

    Primjenjujem šibicu za zaustavljanje krvarenja.

    Foley (Catheter) / Foley (kateter)

    Have you urinated today?

    Jeste li danas urinirali?

    Does your bladder feel full?

    Osjeća li se vaš mjehur punim?

    Do you have problems starting to urinate?

    Imate li problema sa mokrenjem?

    Do you have an urge to urinate but are unable to pass urine?

    Imate li potrebu za mokrenjem, ali ne možete proći mokraću?

    Do you have any pain with urination?

    Imate li boli kod mokrenja?

    Urinate into this container.

    Urinirajte u ovu posudu.

    You need a tube in your bladder.

    Trebate cijev u svom mjehuru.

    I am going to insert a tube into your bladder to drain urine.

    Ubaciću cev u vaš mokraćni mehur da ispustite urin.

    This tube will empty the urine from your bladder.

    Ta će epruveta isprazniti urin iz vašeg mjehura.

    This tube will feel uncomfortable in you.

    Ova će se cijev u vama osjećati neugodno.

    Do not touch this tube.

    Ne dirajte tu cev.

    Surgery Instructions / Uputstva za hirurgiju

    Do not eat or drink until the surgery.

    Ne jedite i ne pijte do operacije.

    Do not eat or drink anything after midnight tonight.

    Ne jedi i ne pij ništa iza ponoći večeras.

    Take this medicine.

    Uzmi ovaj lijek.

    You must remain in bed.

    Morate ostati u krevetu.

    Do not move at all.

    Ne mičite se uopće.

    You must stay in this room.

    Morate ostati u ovoj sobi.

    You must not smoke.

    Ne smijete pušiti.

    We have to cut your hair off here.

    Ovde moramo da vam ošišamo kosu.

    You may get up to go to the toilet.

    Možda ustanete da idete u toalet.

    We cannot give you anything to eat or drink.

    Ne možemo vam dati ništa za jelo ili piće.

    If you need surgery, your stomach must be empty.

    Ako vam je potrebna operacija, vaš želudac mora biti prazan.

    We will give you food and drink as soon as it is safe to do so.

    Daćemo vam hranu i piće čim to bude sigurno.

    Pain Interview

    Are you having pain?

    Imate li bolova?

    Where are you having pain?

    Gde te boli?

    Is the pain here?

    Je li tu bol?

    Does anything make the pain better?

    Da li išta olakšava bol?

    Does anything make the pain worse?

    Da li nešto pogoršava bol?

    Did the pain start today?

    Da li je bol počela danas?

    How many days have you had the pain?

    Koliko dana ste imali bolove?

    Describe the pain on a scale from 1 to 10.

    Opišite bol na skali od 1 do 10.

    10 is the worst possible pain, and 1 is no pain at all.

    10 je najgora moguća bol, a 1 uopće nije bol.

    Hold up the number of fingers.

    Držite broj prstiju.

    What is the main problem?

    Šta je glavni problem?

    How long have you had the pain?

    Koliko dugo te boli?

    Show me where the pain started.

    Pokažite mi odakle je bol počela.

    Does the pain go to the back?

    Boli li prelazi u leđa?

    Does the pain go to the testicles?

    Boli li preći na testise?

    Does this pain go to the groin?

    Ide li ta bol u prepone?

    Is this a sharp pain?

    Je li to oštar bol?

    Is this a dull pain?

    Je li to tupa bol?

    Is this a cramping pain?

    Je li ovo grčevit bol?

    Is this a constant pain?

    Je li to stalna bol?

    Is this an intermittent pain?

    Je li ovo povremena bol?

    Is this a mild pain?

    Je li to blaga bol?

    Is this a moderate pain?

    Da li je ovo umjerena bol?

    Is this a severe pain?

    Je li to jaka bol?

    Is this the worst pain you ever had?

    Ovo je najgora bol koju ste ikada imali?

    Is there anything that relieves the pain symptom?

    Postoji li nešto što ublažava simptom boli?

    Is there anything that worsens the pain symptom?

    Postoji li nešto što pogoršava simptom boli?

    Have you seen a doctor or anyone about this?

    Jeste li vidjeli doktora ili bilo koga o ovome?

    What medicines are you taking?

    Koje lijekove uzimate?

    Are you experiencing fevers?

    Imate li groznicu?

    Are you experiencing chills?

    Osjećate li prehladu?

    Are you experiencing nausea?

    Osjećate li mučninu?

    Are you experiencing vomiting?

    Osjećate li povraćanje?

    Are you experiencing diarrhea?

    Imate li dijareju?

    Are you experiencing loss of appetite?

    Doživljavate li gubitak apetita?

    Are you experiencing headaches?

    Imate li glavobolje?

    Are you experiencing visual disturbances?

    Imate li poremećaje vida?

    Are you experiencing numbness or tingling?

    Osjećate li otrežnju ili trnce?

    Are you experiencing bleeding by mouth or rectum?

    Osjećate li krvarenje iz usta ili rektuma?

    Medicine Interview / Medicinski intervju

    Do you feel sick?

    Da li vam je mučno?

    Did you begin to feel sick today?

    Da li ste danas počeli da se mučite?

    How many days have you felt sick?

    Koliko ste se dana osjećali bolesno?

    Is the sickness here?

    Je li bolest ovdje?

    Do you feel nauseated?

    Osjećate li mučninu?

    Did the nausea start today?

    Da li je mučnina počela danas?

    How many days have you had the nausea?

    Koliko dana ste imali mučninu?

    Have you been vomiting?


    Is there any blood in your vomit?

    Ima li krvi u povraćanju?

    Is there any black color in your vomit?

    Ima li crne boje u vašem povraćanju?

    Have you had any diarrhea?

    Jeste li imali dijareju?

    How many times have you had diarrhea today?

    Koliko puta ste imali dijareju danas?

    Would your diarrhea today fill this?

    Da li bi vam dijareja danas to napunila?

    What color is the diarrhea?

    Kakve je boje dijareja?

    Is it red?

    Da li je crvena?

    Is it yellow?

    Da li je žuto?

    Is it green?

    Da li je zelena?

    Is it black?

    Je li crna?

    When was the last time you had a bowel movement?

    Kada ste zadnji put imali pokret creva?

    Has there been any blood in your stool?

    Je li bilo krvi u vašoj stolici?

    Are you bleeding from your rectum?

    Krvari li vam iz rektuma?

    Have your stools been black?

    Jesu li vam stolice bile crne?

    Do you have fever?

    Imate li temperaturu?

    For how many days have you had a fever?

    Koliko dana ste imali groznicu?

    Does it burn when you urinate?

    Da li gori ako urinirate?

    Are you urinating more than usual?

    Urinirate li više nego inače?

    Is there blood in the urine?

    Ima li krvi u urinu?

    When did you eat last?

    Kada ste posljednji put jeli?

    Are you hungry?

    Jesi li gladan?

    Do you have worms?

    Imate li gliste?

    Do you have malaria?

    Imate li malariju?

    Do you have tuberculosis?

    Imate tuberkulozu?

    Do you know what I mean by the term HIV?

    Znate li što mislim pod pojmom HIV?

    Do you know what I mean by the term AIDS?

    Znate li šta mislim pod pojmom AIDS?

    Do you have worms?

    Imate li gliste?

    Do you

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