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The Power Of JHWH
The Power Of JHWH
The Power Of JHWH
Ebook369 pages6 hours

The Power Of JHWH

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About this ebook

The core topics
• What is the meaning of human life?
• What is good, what is evil?
• How to become a good person?
• How do you recognize evil and deal with it?
• How do you get closer to the goal, to divinity?

• What is spirituality?
• Spiritual theories
• Spiritual Lifestyle
• Spiritual exercises (e.g. prayer)
• The Negative Force
• Entities
• Interference and resistance
• Sexuality
Release dateNov 22, 2022
The Power Of JHWH

Eduard Tropea

Mit 46 Jahren beginnt die Reise unseres Autors im südlichsten Teil Deutschlands, nahe dem Bodensee, wo seine Wurzeln fest verankert sind. Sein Bildungsweg, gezeichnet von einer Mischung aus Rückschlägen und Erfolgen, offenbart eine Ausdauer, die seinen Charakter ausmacht. Obwohl er das Abitur nicht bestand, gelang es ihm erfolgreich, seine Ausbildung zum IT-Systemkaufmann abzuschließen und dabei Anpassungsfähigkeit und Entschlossenheit unter Beweis zu stellen. Sein Leben ist vielschichtig. Es besteht aus ganz unterschiedlichen Erfahrungen, angefangen von der Arbeit in einem Seniorenheim über die Verwaltung von Immobilien bis hin zum Betrieb eines Versandhandels von Sammelobjekten. Diese vielfältigen Rollen spiegeln eine facettenreiche Persönlichkeit wider, geerdet und zugleich offen. Seine freundliche und positive Art, gepaart mit einer Liebe zur Technologie und einem ausgeprägten Drang zur Selbstreflexion, zeichnet das Bild eines Menschen, der bodenständig als auch wissbegierig ist. Eine Konstante seines Lebens ist Spiritualität, ein Thema, das tief und nachhaltig in seinen Erfahrungen mitschwingt. Sein Weg, gekennzeichnet von Nachdenklichkeit und Selbsterkenntnis, war sowohl Quelle von Erkenntnissen als auch zunehmender Stärke. Nun, da er seine Lebenslektionen und Einsichten öffentlich kommuniziert, betritt er einen Pfad, der für seine introvertierte Natur untypisch ist. Dieser Übergang vom Zuhörer zum Erzähler markiert ein neues Kapitel, angetrieben von dem Wunsch, Wissen und Erfahrungen mit denen zu teilen, die auf der Suche sind. Dieses Porträt zeigt einen Mann, der mit ruhiger Stärke, offenen Herzen und aufgeschlossenem Geist die Höhen und Tiefen des Lebens auf positive Weise durchlebt hat. Seine Geschichte ist geprägt von kontinuierlicher Weiterentwicklung, Selbsterkenntnis und einer tiefverwurzelten Spiritualität allen Widerständen zum Trotz.

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    Book preview

    The Power Of JHWH - Eduard Tropea

    Before you open the actual book… a few important notes

    Caution. This is not a normal book. Watch carefully what is going on inside you while you are reading. Be alert. You will not like everything that is written there. You will also strictly reject some of it. This cannot be otherwise, because this book wants to appeal to as many people as possible, but many things are not what they seem at first glance. To really understand what it is about and to judge it, you should at least have read the book completely and understood it to a large extent. This should hopefully be easy for you. Some things may only become clear over time as they run through your mind. If there are any questions, ambiguities, etc., feel free to write me.

    Please note that it is important to me to approach any faith, religion or worldview with respect, understanding, tolerance and sympathy. Since I have always been very open-minded and have dealt with very different things, I am familiar with some of what you strongly condemn. But just because I write about it doesn't mean I'm on that side. By reading through everything at your leisure and letting it sink in, you may be able to understand how I think and how it is really meant. There is more to it than it probably (still) seems to you. I am not a talker.

    Please note that I am very sure that what I write is mostly so or so similar to the truth, but do not claim that it is so. I cannot, must not and do not want to. Everything tells me with a crushing clarity and forcefulness: it is true. There is no reason for me to believe that I am crazy. But a thousand reasons that it is true. The truth means extremely much to me. If I were not so sure, I would never publish these things.

    Your mind may very often interfere and try to devalue and condemn the book, making it difficult for you to read it. However, you may be able to suppress this inner resistance and just go on. You can then think what you like about it. Just give it a fair chance. Discard the bad, keep the good.

    Thank you for your attention.

    May the force be with you.

    Written in Frickingen on 20 September 2022

    The Power Of YHWH is not a church, sect or religion. No association, no membership. It is a project that has arisen out of my own self. I don't want anything from you, but that you get something from it. I am just a human being, like you, and I want to share something of myself with you, in the hope that you will benefit from it. I don't feel I belong to any religion at the moment. YHWH is my God. He is good. He is superior to evil. He can make a soul overcome it and return to its homeland. Who else is capable of doing that?

    The Power Of YHWH is a new, modern path that can support and inspire you in your personal faith. It shows you how to deepen your love for God, who is love, the source of all good and your true highest self, and how to get closer to Him. This path does not compete with any faith, but is meant to enrich your own faith, to let it shine in its true glory. It is about motivation and inspiration. But also about connecting people who actually belong together. Look at it, examine it. Discard what is not good for you and keep what is good.

    Jews, Christians and Muslims are of course especially addressed. But YHWH wants to give a gift to all people, his heart includes everyone, no matter what he believes. If you believe in love as the highest power in the universe or that every human being can find the great happiness in himself, in his higher self, you are already very close to what this path can and wants to convey to you. YHWH has infinite love for us and he wishes that what belongs together finds itself again. This path can, should and will hopefully contribute a decisive part to this.


    The book you are about to read is the essence of a life that for more than 30 years has been characterized by spirituality and the search for answers to life's most important questions. Born and raised on the beautiful shores of Lake Constance in the southernmost part of Germany, close to the border with German-speaking neighbors Switzerland and Austria, it is in this home of mine, on July 4, 2022, in the small town of Überlingen, that I am writing the foreword to my first book today, at the age of 46. On this way I would like to share the most important part of the many insights of my life with all people who are interested.

    It is my deep wish to contribute at least a part to the fact that the conditions in the world change to the positive. I do not like them, they make me sad and angry. Because every single human being is in truth a very wonderful, strong, powerful being and if only a small part of humanity would realize their potential, life on our beautiful planet would be peaceful, full of joy, diversity and prosperity for all. Instead, we wage wars on every scale, ruin everything, hurt each other, and behave even worse than animals. Why? How low have we sunk? Does it have to be this way? Is this our destiny? Are we moving inexorably toward our downfall, our self-destruction? Are we just like that, fundamentally evil, selfish, stubborn, unteachable and a curse?

    No. Today, we humans are only a shadow of our former selves. We feel powerless and trapped in a world that is spinning faster and faster, sinking into chaos, fragmenting further and further, and we fear for the little that we have, that we cling to. We long for peace, prosperity, love, security, stability and a united world in diversity. And we all, every single one of us, is full of good, valuable, wonderful qualities. We all possess the best there is: A human soul, a heart, and that is the key to our happiness. A person's heart has more power than all the atomic bombs in the world put together. All we have to do is dig it out, uncover it, purify it, and then we hold in our hands the greatest treasure there is.

    In spirituality, everything revolves only around this heart that has been given to each of us for our journey through life. Everything revolves around what we are in our deepest being, what makes us and makes us human, and that is love. Love wants to come out of us into the world and so much stands in its way. It seems nothing is more difficult than that.

    And indeed, our heart has far more to offer than a warm feeling or a smile. It is extremely powerful and full of surprises, depth, beauty and wonder. Where the heart begins to live, all darkness must give way and can no longer exist.

    I would say that I have experienced many a miracle in the course of my life, and I wish that as many people as possible can recognize the miracles in their own lives and believe that the world and our life is far more and has far more to offer than what we have always been told. That you too begin to realize that you are very special, that you are very important and that what you believe, how you live, what you want to be and ultimately what you do has an enormous impact.

    The world doesn't have to be like this, there doesn't have to be wars, poverty, disease or injustice. By finally waking up, believing in our potential and the power and beauty within us, we can take the fate of the world into our own hands and change it. We can overcome the evil in the world, in people, in ourselves, by recognizing it, standing against it with iron, courage, strength and determination, focusing on the good, the wonderful, the love in us, and working to find and bring out that core in us.

    May the book inspire and encourage many people and spiritual forces to wake up from the trance of everyday consciousness, to get up and get going, to finally work for what is really worth it.

    You sleep.

    Wake up now. Wake up now. Open your eyes.

    Time is running out.

    Please wake up and take the hand that is stretched out to you.

    Please take it and hold it as tight as you can so that you don't fall into the abyss,

    that will soon open up beneath you.

    Wake up, because you are in danger.

    Take the chance.

    You don't know if it's the last one.


    When you were born, they took away your memory and knowledge of

    Your true beauty and glory.

    Please wake up now! Get up!

    What is at stake is much more than your life.

    It is your heart, your soul,

    Your innermost, your highest,

    divine self.

    Ages already you wander through the worlds and still do not find the exit

    Please believe me!

    You are so wonderful.

    You are so loved and appreciated,

    and yet you think you are so small.

    You can not even guess in your dreams,

    how wonderful you are.

    You are so longed for.

    You don't know how precious you are.

    About the author

    So that you know with whom you are dealing, I introduce myself briefly. I am 46 years old, born and raised at the southernmost end of Germany, near Lake Constance. I went to school in Überlingen and went to high school until 1995. Unfortunately I didn't pass the Abitur. But in 2004 I passed the final examination to become an IT-system businessman and with that I also got the advanced technical college entrance qualification. I did my civilian service in 1996 / 97 in the old people's home St. Franziskus in Überlingen. In 2000, I attended a non-medical practitioner school and studied psychology from 2013. Both, however, I had to break off after several months due to unfavorable life circumstances. 2004 - 2015 I lived in Koblenz. There I managed houses and ran a mail order business for collectibles as a sole proprietor.

    Basically, I'm just a nice guy. An affable person with whom you can have a good conversation. My nature is friendly and positive. In terms of type, I was mostly domestic, cozy. Music, movies, series, games, books were important to me. Technology has always been fun for me. I have written, talked and thought a lot in my life. Too much I slept, ate and spent money. My personality has always been very open. Accordingly, my interests were varied. The only constant in my life was spirituality. Everything else was current for a certain time and I left it behind at some point. Accidents and illnesses were my faithful companions from childhood. At the age of 21-26 and 31-38 I was in a steady relationship. I am very grateful for the experiences I was able to gain. I gave up the business and finally retired to my home country for regeneration and reorientation.

    Writing this book, posting videos, sharing my views and life experiences is completely out of character for me. I don't like to be the center of attention. I prefer to take myself back, listen, respond to others. I have only opened up to people who were really close to me.

    Now I feel that I have learned something that is worth publishing. Information that is helpful and useful for certain people. I wish for it to reach where it does. I am grateful for the assistance I have received on my spiritual path and would like to pass some of it on.

    The spiritual career

    What you can read in this book is not taken out of the air or just said. The more you get into this topic, the more you will see similar or the same statements and corresponding references. As you know, I do not insist on being right. But what I say shall be true. That means a lot to me.

    Spirituality was literally laid in my cradle. My earliest memory goes back to the first months of my life. I was still an infant and kept my eyes closed most of the time. In my mother's arms I had an out-of-body experience. When I closed my eyes, I was transported into a reddish-white tube or tunnel. Similar to a roller coaster, I raced through several twists and turns before finally landing weightless and disembodied in a subterranean, nearly lightless passage. My gaze was fixed on a wall, while I was gradually drawn to the left. It became increasingly brighter. The flickering yellow, orange, reddish glow of a flame made the structures of the earth wall visible. After a while, I seemed to approach an opening that led to the source of the light, wanted to get out of there, and so I did. What was behind this passage, I can only guess. An intuition showed me a huge hall with a throne and a great flame in the immediate vicinity. The presence of demons in this room was clearly perceptible.

    At the age of about 2 years I saw at night in a few meters distance from my sleeping place in the line of sight a demon standing. He was staring at me. He had horns, a tail and held a trident in his hand.

    The sight was very frightening. I screamed excitedly for help until my parents were there and the figure disappeared. This happened several times in a short period of time. When I fell asleep, there were disturbing images. I remember a mammoth with long tusks. However, I was able to escape it.

    Early on, I was interested in esotericism and from the age of 12 or 13 I engaged in card reading, scrying and similar things. At some point I began to smoke, made first experiences with alcohol and cannabis. From then on there were always uncanny perceptions and experiences. I sometimes heard voices, once a ghost talked to me in my left ear, loud and clear. It was nothing good. I developed a strong desire for out-of-body experiences and began to meditate for this purpose at the age of 16-17. For this I concentrated cross-legged on the forehead chakra and tried to become quiet inside. I did this for about 1 year maybe daily for about 1 hour. Nothing happened. But then…. I lay down on my back after the meditation and fell asleep again. Completely motionless, I opened my eyes, closed them again, and experienced briefly flying at high speed through a familiar tunnel. Afterwards, I floated disembodied above my bed. Everything was foggy. Directly in front of me a maelstrom. Are you God?. A soft, high-pitched voice answered, No. I moved into the maelstrom, which took me like a portal into another dimension of my room. I have forgotten further. After that I opened my eyes. I had remained completely motionless the whole time, bathed in sweat. And suddenly remembered again my experience as a baby. Because the tunnels were the same.

    I continued the meditation practice as before and from then on I had continuous out-of-body experiences. Unfortunately, I burned the spiritual diary of that time. Only a few memories have remained.

    An out-of-body experience often began with vibrations in the head that occurred periodically and became more and more intense. Also typical in the beginning was the feeling of traveling a long distance at high speed with a power nozzle on my back. The places where I then found myself were quite different. At one point I was floating in a vastness with a large block containing rooms with furniture, toys and other things. This experience was accompanied by background music. The atmosphere was perhaps reminiscent of a child's room. At one point, a blue ghost appeared behind me. He paralyzed me while performing (probably) Buddhist recitations. Another time I got out of the body awake and fully conscious as a spirit or could observe this process at the same time.

    A very extraordinary meditation experience of that time made me observe how first a spirit body rose from my body and from it another, smaller spirit body. From one of the spirit bodies, at the point of the third eye, a thick, strong beam of light streamed into one of the other, lower bodies. This process lasted a little while and the receiving body trembled during it. The whole thing was accompanied by a very violent storm or thunderstorm in the real world.

    Over time, the experiences became more and more dream-like and prolonged. The quality increasingly deteriorated, the atmosphere darkened. Experiences accumulated in which I was apparently pulled out of the body by demons and treated badly in some way. I was usually blind to this. I was thrown, thrown, pulled, shoved from here to there, back and forth, maybe I was also punched, kicked, cut up and it seemed to be fun for the spirits. Now that sounds worse than it was. It wasn't painful, but it was still unpleasant and disturbing. At 18, a point was reached where negativity overshadowed everything. If I lay down to sleep, I ended up fully conscious right in the darkness where I was expected and welcomed. Or I was in other places, only I slept little in the process. I was not allowed to rest. The condition was very problematic, it could not go on like that. I changed the place where I slept, it got better, but it was not a solution. So I looked for a way out, for help, which I urgently needed.

    The book Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda fell to me. I literally devoured it. Everything described in it felt familiar and appealing. I wanted to do that and ordered a book on Kriya Yoga. But it was a long time coming. In the meantime, I surprisingly got in touch with a colleague of my mother's at work. She was spiritually oriented, interested in my experiences. It was nice to be able to talk about it with someone who could also say something about it, bring light into the darkness. She recommended that I attend an event in France that was to take place in the near future. Through my mother, she sent me a photo of a spiritual master from India. He would be at the event. When I saw him, I knew I had to go there. I read the book Path of the Masters by Julian P. Johnson and was excited about the Light & Sound Meditation. Too late, the book on Kriya Yoga arrived.

    The trip to France in the spring of 1994 with my mother was an adventure. So many people who wanted to meditate and develop spiritually. The event lasted about 3 weeks. I stayed for about a week, my mother left after a few days. When we arrived, we went into the tent. The master was sitting in the front on the stage meditating. I felt a strong vibration, as if the air was shaking, trembling, and I had to grin. My mother grinned as well. But felt nothing. We went together to the initiation, also called initiation. Our small group was enlightened. Meat, fish and eggs were taboo, drugs, cigarettes as well. It was clearly stated that we were not allowed to talk about our meditation experiences. I still live with this restriction today. How this method looks like is described in the last part of the book. The special thing about it is the energetic connection to the master. The 5 mantras that are received are charged by the master. So the effect depends on the competence of the master. A passing on is strictly forbidden.

    My mother left the room at the last moment, after once again was advised that no more meat should be eaten. She had a special experience there. After she got up, got dressed and wanted to have breakfast, she was surprised to find outside the door that it was still the middle of the night. Meditating didn't work for me. But I also had an impressive experience, which is still described in this book. There I was allowed to experience the healing power of tears for the first time. I could not understand it at that time.

    Completely new for me was to experience people who behaved conspicuously abnormal in connection with their spiritual practices. I mean, for example, tics or something reminiscent of Tourette's. One very nice, affable woman would occasionally toss her head swingingly to the side during dinner and conversation with the words, I don't want him. While waiting for meditation help in the tent, I sat next to a woman who kept making sounds. Perhaps she was crying or moaning. During the Master's lectures, occasionally someone in the audience could be heard shouting loudly, talking or otherwise. It even happened that a listener had to be expelled from the tent or forcibly taken away because of this. Sometimes such incidents were also very funny and created a good mood in the audience.

    The time afterwards was frustrating for me, the meditation did not work. It did get better with the sleeping, so it was bearable. But it was incredibly difficult for me to do the exercises. There was a huge, insurmountable resistance in me. In France, I had written a letter to the Master: Why does God allow all the suffering, created this terrible world? The answer: First know God, then you know will of God. (First know God, then you know will of God and why this is so.") From home I wrote to him another time and he replied in detail. Very kindly he gave me courage and hope. Nevertheless, it did not get better and after a few months I gave it up.

    What followed was the wildest time of my youth. But in the end I ended up in a meditation castle, where I meditated intensively for months and worked in the kitchen for 3 hours a day. There I was allowed to experience for the first time what spirituality means. Several times a day video lectures were shown with a projector. There were 2 meditation rooms, almost always someone was there. Although it was deep winter and I often spent 16 hours or more there, it was one of the best times of my life. The meditation was not a pleasure. It was mostly exhausting and sobering. But I was happy because it brought something. The many satsangs were also a great help. I left this place practically as a new person. Unfortunately, the joy did not last long. I became careless and experienced a crash. Compared to the demands that followed, the road up to that point was a walk in the park.

    From 1997 to 2001, everything in my life revolved around this path. All my friends and also my girlfriend at that time were with the cause. We never missed a visit of the Master in Europe and I spent a total of 1 year in the castle. I met a lot of nice, kindhearted, interesting people and had a lot of inspiring conversations. Of course, I was always striving to make progress on the spiritual path. But the results were not satisfactory. Not with anyone I knew. There were often quarrels, conflicts and problems of all kinds. Nevertheless, we gained experience and there were also many beautiful moments.

    An important part of this experience was a confrontation with evil. This also happened in a clearly visible, deeply impressive way that I can talk about openly. This has shaped me and shown me that the world can't be as great as many think. That there is an invisible curtain behind which hides a fantastic and sometimes disturbing reality. A reality that is part of our lives but remains unrecognized. In the environment of this master and during the spiritual practice of his followers, some of this became visible. People who were particularly sensitive to the presence of the master or to meditation were sometimes called jumpers because it happened that they suddenly jumped (sitting) in the air, sometimes with a scream, sigh, etc.. It affected only a very small part of the initiates, to which I did not belong, but I had friends who were there. Those who had nothing to do with such people and who had no problems of this kind did not hear much about it. It was not a secret, if only because such people received VIP seats in the front rows and special treatment. Nevertheless, one did not want this to get too much attention.

    It was clear to everyone that the cause of these behavioral abnormalities were occupations of negative entities. Everyone knew that. There were no discussions about it, because it was obvious. Away from the master or the meditations and exercises, everything was fine. One would never think that such things are in us human beings without our ever realizing it. But there is. I have seen it with my own eyes, heard it with my own ears.

    Two of my best friends had been involved in black magic practices. Magic is all about invoking spirit beings. They then come and help or grant wishes as they are able. But this is a business. And it gives the spirits the right to occupy the human being. That doesn't have to cause any trouble at first. It is up to the spirit how he behaves. If he restrains himself, the human being is fine. But often this is not the case. Through the connection, he also gets energies that the person receives in his spiritual practice, which is unpleasant for him. It hurts him, reduces the measure of his control and changes his character towards good. Therefore, he tries to prevent it and disturbs or blocks spiritual progress.

    Those who practice magic and are knowledgeable know that spirits possess people. Sometimes the price for the servitude of a spirit is also a whole human life. This is karmically behind some of the serious mental illnesses. The spirit is simply taking what is rightfully his. And takes advantage of its rights in the process. The best thing, therefore, is never to get involved in such things. No one will complain about that either, I think. Such problems can be solved with energy. But where is a person supposed to get this energy from if he is prevented from practicing?

    In this area, the mantras were not recited mentally as usual, but aloud, orally. This was also called the loud simran. I myself participated in such sessions a few times out of curiosity. One of my best friends suddenly became green in the face and extremely angry. He complained with shouting that almost hurt his ears. Apparently, an entity had completely taken control. Most people would be frightened and disturbed by this. Yet everything that happened was under control and virtually mundane. My friend bravely got through this session and left. He is a very kind, friendly, humorous person. My other friend got tense about everything. He also became incredibly angry in these situations. Just from what I have seen in these sessions of people who are otherwise completely normal, there is no longer any doubt about the phenomenon of possession. Especially since some of these people and the backgrounds were known to me and everything fit together.

    Of course, one can doubt reports about the use of magic. If it comes from a best friend of many years, it looks different. They had no particular interest in reporting these experiences. One of them described to me how the entity flipped the pages of a book through him without touching it. Another told me how he was shown possible future scenarios that came to pass exactly, provided certain conditions were met. Paranormal phenomena I have experienced myself. Reports about cases of possession, exorcism can be found in heaps, also in the Bible. The work of demons plays an important role in Christianity.

    At some point, the master canceled this practice of loud simran. With his successor, there is none of this. I am grateful to have had this experience. You can talk a lot about it, but it is not the same. If you have experienced it yourself, it is clear. It's respectful and scary. Instead of looking at it for alternative explanations, you just take it seriously and think about what it means for your worldview.

    From late summer 2004 I spent almost 11 years in Koblenz. There were many worldly tasks for me there, also a relationship awaited me, even a marriage for a short time. My master died and his successor took his place. Spirituality was sidelined for me. Nevertheless, I meditated again and again, visited a center of the organization in the city, dealt with topics in this direction. It gave unexpectedly, unexpectedly a strong boost, and almost effortlessly. Until the day I got together with my then wife. I had been leading an abstemious life, which was very good for me. I was strong, healthy, slim, athletic, and spiritually everything was fine. There was harmony between my mind and soul. Everyone was having fun. Everyone was happy. A feat under the direction of the new master. Unfortunately, I did not recognize and understand this.

    The good starting position of the relationship dissolved. Slowly but surely I degraded and after about 3 years I was energetically at the end. The consequences were devastating. What had been built up over 3 years was completely lost. But it did not stop there. Again a crash followed. Why? See the section on sexuality.

    I returned to Lake Constance in the early summer of 2015 richer by a lot of life experience. The worldly life fell away from me. Suddenly there was nothing to keep me busy. Health-wise, I was in a very bad way. I was allowed, could, had to rest, recover. And suddenly the old longing was there again. It had never gone away, but disappeared under the weight of life. For how many times did I set out? So many ups and downs lay behind me. But this time it was different. I was burned and eaten up. And finally, 21 years

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