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Beautiful Stories of Divine Love
Beautiful Stories of Divine Love
Beautiful Stories of Divine Love
Ebook139 pages1 hour

Beautiful Stories of Divine Love

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About this ebook

This is a collection of true real stories.

Along with the stories useful pointers have also been described so that a person can live a happy and productive Muslim life.

Release dateJul 11, 2022
Beautiful Stories of Divine Love

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    Beautiful Stories of Divine Love - Dr. Muddassir Khan


    What is real happiness and how to find it? From the Quranic verses and hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), as well as from the words of the righteous predecessors and wise scholars, we can clearly define what is considered happiness in reality and what steps need to be taken to achieve this state.

    Every person on earth wants to be happy, regardless of their religious affiliation. Whether rich or poor, noble or common, everyone wants to feel happy.

    Someone imagines himself happy if he lies on the beach of Bora Bora, serenely sipping a cocktail ... Someone thinks that happiness is to have a beautiful and obedient wife ... Another will say that happiness is to have a well-paid job or, conversely, not having to work at all.

    But what exactly is happiness? This can only be learned from those who have already achieved happiness and, moreover, have surpassed everyone else in this.

    Allah (He is Great and Glorious) sent his Prophets and Messengers to make people happy both in this world and in the Hereafter. The Prophets, like healers, healed people from the diseases of misfortune, wrote out appropriate prescriptions for them, gave recommendations and led them to well-being and a happy life. It is known that a successful doctor himself must be the furthest from the disease for which he treats others. From this we can conclude that the most happy people were the Prophets and their companions. And this is no doubt true.

    Someone may object and say: "After all, the Prophets and the righteous were subjected to the most difficult trials. The Prophets were insulted, expelled and killed, there was no living place on the body of some of their companions from the tortures they were subjected to because of their faith. Was the companion of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) Bilal (Allah be pleased with him) happy when he was taken out into the desert in the middle of the day, thrown on hot stones, pressed down with a huge boulder from above and beaten with a whip, demanding to renounce his faith? Was Ammaar ibn Yasir happy, when in front of him his father and mother were killed, and he himself was tortured so much that he was forced to renounce his faith in words, remaining devoted to Islam in his heart? Were they happy - the Companions of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) when they were forced to leave their homes, their families, their homeland and property, fleeing from the persecution they were subjected to in their homeland, seeking shelter and salvation in foreign lands? If we could look at the army of the companions of the Prophet today, we would see that many of them had various injuries received in the course of the struggle for the faith. Some had no arms, some had no legs, some had no eyes, some had no nose, while others had toenails falling off from difficult travel without good equipment. Many of them died away from their families and loved ones and were buried in unknown lands. Of the four righteous caliphs, only one died a natural death, and the rest were vilely killed. Is their happiness great?

    We will answer: Yes! If these people were not happy, they would never be able to make other people happy. Indeed, before Islam, Bilal ibn Rabah was nobody, whose fate never worried anyone, no one wrote down their biographies, no one was interested in their opinion. But it was the happiness, the sweetness of which Bilal felt in his faith, that helped him to endure. The desire to preserve this happiness at all costs helped him rise above his tormentors and laugh at their impotence. It was the presence of spiritual saturation and inner wealth that made it possible for the Companions to meet unprecedented difficulties, overcome obstacles that others see as insurmountable, and achieve goals that seem unrealizable. They took one downhill after another, finding happiness in what they did and in what they had to endure.

    Happiness is a word that is easy and pleasant to pronounce, it causes only positive emotions in the heart of any person. This is a special feeling, expressed in spiritual peace, when the heart is open and serene, and the conscience is calm. Everyone wants to achieve such a state of mind in their lives. But, as we have already said, most people see happiness in completely different things, and, therefore, follow the wrong path, wanting to achieve it, and they will never come to the desired goal. Because the top of their aspirations is always limited by the limits of the near world, their whole life passes in search of perishable goods, which sooner or later are destined to disappear. Walking such a path, a person goes against his nature - because he was originally created for life in Paradise and will not be satisfied with anything but Paradise. As for this world then the highest happiness in this world is the realization of the correctness of one's path leading to eternal happiness. As one Arabic poet said:

    O oppressor of his body! How desperately you strive to serve it!

    You burden yourself with deeds that lead to a clear loss.

    Turn to the soul, bringing to perfection its beautiful properties.

    After all, you are a person with your soul, and not with your body.

    If happiness were in wealth, then Qarun would be happy; if it were in power, then Haman, the Pharaoh's minister, would be happy. But there can be no happiness in that which is doomed to perish. True happiness lies in obedience to Allah, the Ever-Living One, and in the renunciation of sins, because this is how the boundless success of the righteous is achieved. Allah said:

    Whoever is removed from the Fire and entered into Paradise, he will gain success (Quran, 3: 185).

    True happiness is when a person follows the straight path of truth, follows the noble Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), fears Allah both externally and in the depths of his soul, in front of people and being alone with himself. Thus he achieves success and happiness in both worlds.

    Chapter 1

    Only relatively few people have knowledge of the essence of happiness and work to achieve it. These few have made their life a bridge along which they move to their future eternal Life, and no ornaments and tinsel of this world distract them from the intended route.

    Allah (Great and Glorious) said:

    "Those who desire life in this world and its adornments, We will fully repay their deeds in this world, and they will not be deprived.

    They are those who in the Hereafter will receive nothing but Fire. In vain are their efforts in this world, and their deeds are useless" (Quran, 11: 15-16).

    Abdul-Malik Al-Qasim (Allah have mercy on him) mentions a beautiful story where a brother says:

    I noticed that my sister's face became pale and she had lost weight. But she, as usual, read the Quran, and she could always be found on the prayer rug at the allotted time. I remember how she prayed and how her hands in prayer stretched up to Allah. And so tirelessly: in the morning and in the evening, in the afternoon and late at night ... I spent all my free time reading entertainment magazines about actors and singers, watching videos and reading novels about love. They even called me TV lover, because nicknames are often given to a person according to his actions.

    I could not sort out my affairs and prayers.

    ... I just turned off my video player - I had watched a new movie for three hours in a row. From the nearby mosque comes the morning azan for Fajr prayer. I climb into bed, but suddenly I hear my sister calling. I ask:

    - What do you want, Nura?

    Don’t sleep until you have done the morning prayer! Sister replies sternly.

    - Oh ... should I wait a whole hour for prayer in congregation, because only the first azan had sounded!

    My sister's gentle voice has not changed since she became seriously ill and lay in bed for days on end. In a soft voice, she called me to her:

    Come, please, and sit next to me.

    I sat down next to her.

    - Well, what's interesting you?

    Quietly, but with a joyful and proud feeling of unshakable faith, she read the Quran:

    Every soul will feel death. And on the Day of Judgment, you will receive what you have done…

    Nura was silent for a bit, and then asked:

    You still don’t believe in death?

    Well, I believe in her.

    Have you thought about being asked about all your little and big actions in the Hereafter?

    Yes, but Allah is Merciful and Forgiving… and life is long… I drawled.

    - Oh, my brother! Doesn't the suddenness of death terrify you? Remember Hind – our cousin? She was younger than you, and you see, she died in a car accident. And this is the fate of many. Death knows no age. And age does not determine when death will come.

    I suddenly felt uncomfortable in her dark room; shivering with fear, I reproached her:

    I'm afraid of the dark, and you're scaring me with death. How can I sleep now? Are you coming with us on vacation during the holidays?

    Suddenly her voice trembled.

    She said, "Probably, this year I will be far away ... in a completely different place ... Anything can happen - life is in the hands of Allah

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