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Virgin Nerd to Sexy Slut: A Gender Swap Romance
Virgin Nerd to Sexy Slut: A Gender Swap Romance
Virgin Nerd to Sexy Slut: A Gender Swap Romance
Ebook250 pages3 hours

Virgin Nerd to Sexy Slut: A Gender Swap Romance

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About this ebook

Sherman didn’t know the first thing about girls.
Until he became one.

Sherman is a twenty-year-old virgin nerd. His chances of ever losing his virginity are dismal. Sherman’s best friend, Graham, is also a nerd. They both love comic books, fantasy novels, and science fiction films. But being a nerd hasn’t stopped Graham from having sex with lots of girls. Sherman’s problem is his crushing shyness around the opposite sex.

A chance visit to an Irish witch’s tent changes Sherman’s love life. The witch gives him a magic potion that she claims will “ease his pain.” What it does is turn Sherman into a beautiful woman. Now Sherman has a new problem. Can she restrain her strong attraction to her best friend, Graham?

This is a gender swap romance story with a happily ever after ending.

PublisherMarci Wilcox
Release dateMay 17, 2022
Virgin Nerd to Sexy Slut: A Gender Swap Romance

Marci Wilcox

Marci enjoys telling stories. She hopes you enjoy her stories as much as she enjoyed writing them.

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    Book preview

    Virgin Nerd to Sexy Slut - Marci Wilcox

    Chapter One

    Graham searched the hotel lobby until he found Sherman in a secluded corner. Sherman was asleep on a couch with a blanket wrapped around his lean body. Graham gently shook him awake. Sherman sat up, his hair sticking in all directions. He put on his glasses and peered at Graham.

    What time is it? Sherman asked.

    Early, Graham said. I’m on my way to the gym.

    Graham wore a tank top, gym shorts, and sneakers. Sherman had on a pair of sweatpants and one of his collection of T-shirts with images of classic science fiction pulp magazines. This one featured a cover of Planet Stories. He yawned and stretched his stiff back.

    Is the room empty? Sherman asked.

    Yep. It’s all yours.

    I want to get my running shoes so I can get in a run before breakfast.

    Graham glanced at his watch.

    We have plenty of time before the convention starts. Let’s meet back at the room in an hour and then we’ll go eat.

    Sherman stood and wrapped the blanket around his shoulders.

    Sounds like a plan.

    Graham headed for the hotel gym. Sherman passed a few early morning risers on his way to the hotel room he shared with Graham. Some were extremely buff, probably superhero cosplayers on the way to the gym to make sure their muscles filled their skintight costumes. Some were families on their way to one of Orlando’s amusement parks. A few were vendors like Sherman. They were on their way to get breakfast before the convention floor opened.

    Sherman’s bed was untouched while Graham’s bed was a tangle of sheets. An empty bottle of wine and two plastic glasses sat on the nightstand and the tangy smell of sex hung in the air. If he checked the trash can, he’d probably find a used condom. Or two. Sherman threw his blanket on his bed, changed from sweatpants to gym shorts, and put on running shoes.

    Stepping outside the hotel, he was greeted by that sulfur smell even though Orlando was miles from the ocean. The temperature was just starting to rise. He stretched his legs and started out at a brisk walk before he began running. Sherman had been running almost every day since his first year of high school. He’d briefly been on the track team but quit because he hated competitive sports.

    He ran on the walkway that encircled the Orange County Convention Center. Running helped Sherman think. Many a time he’d come up with a new Ray Gun Ray plot twist while running. But Ray Gun Ray wasn’t on his mind this morning. Sherman was thinking about last night.

    Graham and Sherman always shared a hotel room when they went to conventions. Honestly, they couldn’t afford to get separate rooms. They had an agreement that if one of them met a girl who wanted to spend the night, the other guy would sleep in the lobby. Or if the lobby wasn’t available, they would sleep in the car. Which was what happened last night. Graham had hooked up with Siobhan.

    Both Graham and Sherman were fans of Siobhan’s steampunk novels. Last night, they were part of a group of fantasy and science fiction artists and writers who had gotten together for dinner and drinks. At some point, Graham and Siobhan had paired off and spent the night together in the hotel room. And Sherman had ended up sleeping in the lobby.

    This wasn’t the first time this happened at a convention. In fact, it happened quite often. Graham was a nerdy comic book artist, but he was also handsome, buff, and confident. He loved nerdy girls and they loved him.

    Sherman was a nerdy comic book writer, but he was neither handsome nor buff. And he had absolutely no self-confidence. The idea of even speaking to Siobhan much less flirt with her made him break out in a cold sweat. It wasn’t like Siobhan was a raving beauty. She wasn’t ugly but she was on the chubby side and a bit plain. Not that Sherman cared about those things. He was attracted to her talent and skill at telling exciting stories. He found those attributes just as intimidating than if she had been drop-dead gorgeous.

    Which explained why at age twenty, Sherman was a virgin. A virgin nerd. His only experience with the opposite sex was once he’d made out with a girl, and they had done some heavy petting, but he’d never come close to having intercourse.

    Watching Graham score over and over again was a constant reminder that Sherman was a total loser. A virgin nerd loser. He knew he should be jealous of Graham, but Graham was Sherman’s best friend. He loved Graham like a brother. Instead of jealousy, Sherman worried that Graham would stop hanging out with him because he was a virgin nerd loser.

    As Graham lifted the barbell, he thought about the night before. Siobhan had been as sexually adventuresome as the plots of her steampunk novels. After she’d left his hotel room, Graham had looked at Sherman’s unmade bed and felt a wave of guilt. He had forced Sherman to sleep in the lobby so many times but the reverse of never happened. Sherman had never brought a girl back to the room. Graham had never slept in the lobby. He wished it would happen.

    If Graham could wave a magic wand that would give Sherman the confidence to talk to a girl and maybe have sex with her (if they both consented), then Graham would do it. He would gladly sleep in the lobby every night at a convention if it meant that Sherman was no longer a virgin.

    Not that there was anything wrong with being a virgin. It didn’t make Sherman any less of a man in Graham’s eyes. But he knew Sherman wished he could overcome his shyness and lose his virginity. Graham tried to tell Sherman that it would happen when he was ready. There was no rush. Sherman pointed out that he and Graham were juniors in college. By this time, the only guys who hadn’t lost their virginity were virgin nerd losers.

    Graham finished his reps, put the barbell on the rack, sat up, and wiped down the bench for the next weightlifter. The gym was crowded with attractive men and women working out. As soon as Graham had vacated the bench, a tall brunette with perfect muscle tone took over the bench. She adjusted the weights and sat on the bench.

    Hey, she said. Do you mind spotting me?

    I’m sorry. Are you talking to me? Graham asked.

    The brunette smiled, showing gleaming white teeth.

    That’s right, handsome. So, how about it?

    Sure. Be glad to.

    Graham stood at the head of the rack. Her muscles flexed and sweat glistened on her skin as she did reps with the barbell. She lifted with ease until her third set. Toward the end, she began to struggle. Graham kept his hands ready to grab the barbell.

    Come on, Graham said. You can do it. You’re almost there.

    She grunted and strained but finally made it. Graham helped her put the barbell on the rack. She got up. Her face was red and sweaty.

    Thank you, she said. I really needed that boost at the end.

    No problem, Graham said.

    She held out her hand.

    I’m Heather.

    Graham took her hand. She gave him an extra firm handshake.

    I’m Graham. Who you going to be today?

    Heather put her fists on her hips and struck a heroic pose.

    Wonder Woman.

    I should have guessed, Graham said.

    Maybe later I’ll tie you up with my golden lasso and get you to confess your wildest sex fantasies.

    What you described is my wildest sex fantasy.

    Heather laughed and went to the leg press. Graham left the hotel gym. He couldn’t believe a hot cosplayer had just hit on him. He might have to take her up on that golden lasso thing. That would mean Sherman would have to sleep in the lobby again.

    Graham was in the lobby when this thought came to him. He flopped down on a couch. He’d been coming to conventions with Sherman for years. And for years, he’d made Sherman sleep in the lobby while Graham had sex in their hotel room.

    This was probably going to be the last year Graham and Sherman spent the summer going to conventions together. Graham loved Sherman like a brother. He would have plenty of chances to have sex with girls back in college where he and Sherman rented a house, and each had their own room. Sherman might not like to hear the moaning coming from Graham’s room, but he didn’t have to leave his room and sleep in a lobby.

    For the rest of the summer, Graham wasn’t going to pick up any more girls. No nerdy girls or hot cosplay girls. He was going to keep his cock in his pants and enjoy hanging out with his best friend, the way they did when they first started going to conventions. Graham felt like this was going to be the best summer ever.

    Chapter Two

    Graham and Sherman sat side by side at their vendor table on a middle aisle in the massive convention center. Judging by their appearance, Graham and Sherman were complete opposites. Graham was medium height with short blond hair, broad shoulders, muscular body, and a square jaw. Sherman was tall and skinny with thin arms and legs, long brown hair, and a long face. Sherman wore glasses. Graham didn’t.

    Their demeanors were opposite as well. While Graham slouched in his chair and smiled at the people walking past their booth, Sherman was bent forward like a human question mark. He pushed his glasses up on his beak nose as he glared at the crowd.

    Don’t worry, Graham said. People always wait until the last day to buy.

    This is the last day, Sherman said. And they’re still not buying.

    Sherman was right. It was the last day of the huge comic book convention, Mammoth Con. During the four-day event, Graham and Sherman had only sold a half dozen copies of Ray Gun Ray, their self-published comic book.

    You know how it goes, Graham said. You can never tell how a con is going to turn out. Sometimes we sell nothing at a big show like this and then the next week we sell out at a small con like the one we’re going to in East Ridge.

    I know, I know, Sherman said. I can’t help it. I take it as a personal insult every time a person who walks by our booth without even glancing at our comics.

    They paused to watch a woman in a skintight superhero costume saunter by their booth. She didn’t even glance at them. She wasn’t the woman who spoke to Graham that morning in the gym, but she was just as gorgeous.

    She can insult me anytime she wants, Graham said.

    Me too, Sherman said.

    They did a fist bump.

    Despite their physical differences, Graham and Sherman were exactly alike. They met in middle school and bonded over their mutual love for comic books, video games, and science fiction movies. They were both aspiring comic book creators.

    In high school, they created a space western comic book. The title character was galactic lawman Ray Gun Ray. Other characters included Ray’s love interest Karen Cosmos, Ray’s sidekick Laser Beam Larry, and Ray’s arch nemesis, the evil Black Hole Sam. Sherman wrote the stories and Graham illustrated them.

    Their first issue was crude and childish but had plenty of enthusiasm. They made photocopies and sold them to family and friends for a quarter each. They were inspired and immediately went to work on a second issue.

    They continued creating Ray Gun Ray comic books all through high school and into college. Over time, their skills improved. The stories grew more coherent and exciting. The artwork became more dynamic and sophisticated. Graham and Sherman became a better creative team, almost able to read each other’s mind.

    Eventually, Ray Gun Ray became a web comic though Graham and Sherman still had issues printed to sell at conventions. Doing everything on their own meant paying all the expenses. They didn’t even break even. They tried to convince comic book publishers to hire them to do Ray Gun Ray but so far, they’d been turned down.

    The reason they got from publishers was always the same. Graham and Sherman did professional level work, but Sherman’s writing was more appropriate for juvenile audiences and Graham’s artwork was more appropriate for adult audiences. The story and artwork on Ray Gun Ray didn’t match.

    Graham and Sherman were twenty years old and had one more year of college. Publishers were eager to hire them once they graduated, but not as a team and not on Ray Gun Ray.

    Starting their senior year of high school, Graham and Sherman spent their summers going from convention to convention to sell their Ray Gun Ray comic books. While other students spent their summer vacations at the beach or traveling overseas, Graham and Sherman scrimped and saved for months so that they could attend as many conventions as possible.

    They had only sold three more comic books before Mammoth Con ended. As they packed their comic books, banners, and book stands, their fellow vendors stopped by to say goodbye. Like Graham and Sherman, they traveled from convention to convention.

    Sebastian and Darlene stopped by with their rolling cart loaded with boxes containing anime action figures and manga. Sherman admired how the husband and wife team always seemed so happy together.

    Where you guys off to next? asked Graham.

    Wizards, Witches, and Cyborgs Con, Sebastian said.

    That’s in Atlanta, right?


    I hear it’s a good con.

    It is. Where you off to?

    Magic Baltimore Con.

    Don’t know that one.

    Science fiction and fantasy con in Baltimore.

    Sounds right up your alley.

    We’re looking forward to it. You going to the con in Charlotte?

    We’ll be there.

    We’ll see you then.

    Sebastian and Darlene rolled on with their books and toys. Siobhan stopped by and gave Graham a goodbye kiss. She was disappointed that she wasn’t going to be at any of the same cons as Graham until Leviathan Con on Labor Day.

    Graham and Sherman loaded their stuff into Graham’s old but reliable Honda Civic. They got on I-95 and headed north. They rode in silence for the first ten miles.

    Should we listen to music or a podcast? Graham asked.

    Is it okay if we don’t listen to either one right now, Sherman said.

    That’s cool.

    They said nothing for another mile.

    It doesn’t matter how many books we sell, Sherman said.

    I know, Graham said.

    It doesn’t look like a publisher is going to pick up Ray Gun Ray. Even the small independents turned us down.

    I know.

    Once we graduate, we’re going to have to find jobs.

    I know.

    What’s going to happen to Ray Gun Ray? What’s going to happen to our partnership?

    Graham shifted in his seat. Traffic was heavy but moving steadily.

    We have job offers. A lot of guys who have been writing and drawing comics for years can’t say that. We’d be fools not to accept them.

    I know, Sherman said. But once we start working on other projects, we won’t have time to do Ray Gun Ray.

    I know. Maybe someday we’ll be able to work together.

    Sherman stared out the window.

    But it probably won’t be Ray Gun Ray.

    Graham glanced at Sherman.

    I know.

    Graham slapped Sherman’s arm.

    Dude. Just because we’re not doing comics together doesn’t mean we won’t still be best friends. Nothing is ever going to change that. Not if I can help it.

    Sherman nodded.

    It’s just. Unless a miracle happens, this will be our last summer traveling from con to con together.

    And since it is, here’s what we’re going to do, Graham said. We’re not going to worry about sales. We’re not going to try to find a publisher. We’re not going to worry about the future.

    We’ve paid for the hotels and our vendor memberships at all the cons we want to do.

    Exactly! The only thing we have to worry about is having a great time.

    They did a fist bump.

    Chapter Three

    Magic Baltimore Con was about a quarter of the size of Mammoth Con, but Graham and Sherman loved how it focused on science fiction and fantasy rather than throwing a wide net to include all flavors of pop culture. Most of the attendees were older adults who took genre writing seriously.

    They lucked out and got a good spot in the dealer’s

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