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Ascending the Light: Book Three in the Fostered Love Series.
Ascending the Light: Book Three in the Fostered Love Series.
Ascending the Light: Book Three in the Fostered Love Series.
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Ascending the Light: Book Three in the Fostered Love Series.

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Book three in the Fostered Love Series follows Evie Adler and Hunter Lane on their continued journey of self-discovery, love, romance, trials, tribulations, and triumphs.
In this third, and final book, Evie and Hunter do their best to continue to grow as a couple, while facing daily challenges as they fight to overcome the obstacles put in their way by people determined to undermine them and tear them apart. Through this series, Evie has made her way to the top alongside Hunter. She has stepped over hurdle after hurdle and secured a place for herself in the darkest of industries. What will her future hold? Hunter has been Evie’s protector from the beginning. They continue the fight to overcome. Love and respect from their peers in the entertainment industry continue to grow while they fight battles and vengeful enemies. Be encouraged and hopeful as you join them on the last leg of this exciting and suspense-filled journey. Will their love be able to sustain while they contend against all who stand in their way? Follow them as they do their best to make their way to the end goal, the altar. Will they make it, or will they go their separate ways?
Release dateAug 23, 2020
Ascending the Light: Book Three in the Fostered Love Series.

Kim Draluck

Transcending Darkness is the second book in the Fostered Love series. Kim is currently working on the third book in the series. Kim was born in 1969 in Manhasset, Long Island. She has been married to her husband, Doug since 1999. Her son is now sixteen years-old. Kim lives in North Carolina with her husband, son, two dogs, two cats, and two guinea pigs. Kim is creative; she paints and makes jewelry. Kims loves to shoot pool, and she is also an avid pistol shooter. Kim is passionate about all of her hobbies, including her writing.

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    Ascending the Light - Kim Draluck

    2020 Kim Draluck.

    Beach cover photo credit: Deedee Thomas

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, incidents, organizations, and dialogue in this novel are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.


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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Getty Images are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5320-9941-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5320-9942-7 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2020915014

    iUniverse rev. date: 08/20/2020


    I dedicate this book to my husband, Doug.

    Thank you for always having my back.


    Thank you to everyone who encouraged me and stuck by me while getting this third book finished. Thank you to everyone who contributed character names and pictures to this endeavor. Thank you to my editing team for their countless hours of hard work. Thank you to my husband and my son for always sticking by me and supporting me.’




    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24


    Chapter 1

    The hospital waiting room filled up quickly with tons of friends. We waited, not so patiently, for news on Cindy. Hunter refused to speak to anyone and disappeared for a long time. When he finally came back, he sat alone in the corner, staring out the window. My heart ached for him. We both know how it feels to lose a mother. Losing Cindy would devastate him. His world would be crushed all over again. I couldn’t imagine how Frank would handle it. Still, I couldn’t help but believe that this was all my fault.

    Frank continued to pace the floor, stopping briefly to hug people that came to show their love and support. I don’t know how many cups of coffee he drank that day, but by late afternoon, the table in the waiting room was littered with empty cups. He was running on worry and adrenaline.

    Not too long after everyone was gone, Detectives Morgan and Stone came to update us. Approximately a hundred fifty yards away from the scene, witnesses saw a black van speed away, just after hearing the gunshots. Several witnesses said they saw two guys jump into the van yelling at each other. A security camera from a store in the area caught the plate number and footage of the van speeding away. Unfortunately, the plate came back to a Ford Mustang that had been reported stolen earlier in the week.

    Officers found two, 5.56, steel core, shell casings on the ground. The pictures of the skid marks and tread pattern from the van’s tires were inconclusive. Morgan and Stone both agreed that the shooter was highly inexperienced. If he were a marksman, Cindy and I would have been dead. Upon further investigation, officers found both rounds inside the bridal boutique. The rounds had gone through some mannequins and a tightly packed row of hanging wedding gowns. One round landed on the floor below the gowns. The other was lodged into the wall behind the gowns. The police were hopeful that the fingerprints found on the shell casings would show up in AFIS.

    Finally, a doctor came through the doors. We waited with bated breath to see if he had any news. My heart raced when he called for Frank. The three of us jumped up as the doctor approached.

    Mr. Harrison. I’m Doctor Rhoads.

    Please, tell me she’s going to be alright. I can’t lose her, Frank said as tears spilled from his eyes.

    Hunter grabbed my hand and took a deep breath. I didn’t say a word.

    She’s going to be fine. She’s extremely lucky. We stopped the bleeding; she’s stable. The bullet hit her left shoulder, breaking her collar bone. She would have bled out if it had hit an artery. We repaired the collar bone with screws and rods, but she’ll be fully mobile before you know it. I expect her to make a full recovery.

    Thank you. When can we see her? Frank said, shaking the doctor’s hand.

    In a little while. She’s still groggy. She may not realize you’re here, but you can see her. After you see her, go home and get some sleep. Come back in the morning. I’m sure you’re all exhausted.

    Hunter shook the doctor’s hand, then dropped into a chair and bawled. I sat down next to him and put my arms around him. His head rested on my shoulder. The tears from his eyes soaked my bloody shirt.

    We were thankful for the excellent news. The three of us sat in the waiting room, crying while we waited for the nurse to call us back to recovery.

    We stayed with Cindy for a long time and waited for her to open her eyes. She was breathing steadily and looked so peaceful. Frank leaned down and whispered something into her ear. She barely opened her eyes and smiled at him. Frank brushed the back of his hand across her cheek as tears escaped the corners of her eyes. Hunter reached down and kissed Cindy’s forehead. She could barely speak.

    Oh, boys, it’s so good to see you. I thought I’d died. Evie, thank God you’re alright, Cindy said, reaching for Frank’s hand.

    Hunter couldn’t speak. He stared at her as tears fell from his eyes.

    I started to say, I’m sorry, this is all my fault. Had we not been…,

    She squeezed my hand as tightly as she could. It’s not your fault, she said.

    Hunter and I leaned down and kissed her cheek.

    Mom, get some rest. We’ll be back in the morning.

    I’m staying here; bring me some clothes, Frank said.

    Frank, go home. Please. There’s nothing for you…,

    No, I’m staying right here.

    The doctor came in to check on Cindy and shoo us away. There really was nothing we could do. We waited for her to fall back to sleep, but Frank still refused to leave. I was glad that I was able to talk Hunter into going home and getting some rest.

    On the way home, Hunter blasted the radio. I didn’t press him for conversation. He’d talk when he was ready. Finally, he pulled the car into the garage and parked. Neither of us moved for a few minutes. I watched as he stared into the darkness. I kissed his cheek, then left him alone with his thoughts and went into the house.

    Floral arrangements arrived within an hour of the news spreading. Flowers filled the kitchen, living room, and dining room.

    Wendy sat at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee. I could tell she’d been crying. I hugged her and broke down in her arms. The reality that Cindy and I could have both been dead came crashing down on me. After composing ourselves, Wendy and I gathered a change of clothes for Frank and a pair of comfy pajamas for Cindy for Theo to take back to the hospital.

    Hunter sat in the car for almost an hour; I was worried. I walked out to see if he was alright and try and coax him into the house.

    If I die Tomorrow, by Motley Crue played loudly on the car radio. Hunter’s head rested on the steering wheel. His hands were clasped so tightly around the wheel that his knuckles were almost white. I panicked and tried to open the locked door. When he realized what was going on, his head shot up. He looked blankly at me. I felt his desperation. His eyes were bloodshot; his face was red and blotchy from crying. Still, he wouldn’t open the door. His head fell forward onto the steering wheel. He continued to sob.

    Above the music, I shouted, Babe, please, open the door. Let’s go inside, you need to eat something.

    I want to be alone.

    I knew the reality that Cindy and I could have died hit him like a freight train. He needed to work through it. But at the same time, I wanted him inside where I could watch over him. I knew that nothing that I could say or do would ease his pain.

    Baby, please, come inside. You can be alone as long as you need to be. But you need food and a hot shower.

    He looked at me and wouldn’t say a word. I stepped back and stood against the wall with my arms folded. He knew I was right. I’d have stood there all night watching over him. But he finally came to his senses and shut the car off and got out.

    Before we walked out of the garage, Hunter grabbed hold of me and sobbed. We stood there for a long while, holding each other. Both of us tried to make sense of it all. Knowing full well that Cindy and I could have been dead wasn’t an easy pill for him to swallow. I also knew that we had to focus on the fact we were both alive and that Cindy would make a full recovery. Detectives Morgan and Stone would do everything they could to find out who did this.

    Hunter went straight into the study and closed the door. Wendy fixed him something to eat and brought it to him. It was obvious she was concerned about him when she came back to the kitchen.

    Oh, Evie. That boy is a wreck. I can’t imagine what he’s feeling. He sat there stone-faced. Wouldn’t say a word to me, she said.

    It’s like reliving the death of his parents all over again. He’s vulnerable, yet strong. I have to give him space, I replied.

    Wendy and I talked late into the night while Hunter stayed in the study.

    The next few weeks were somber. Everyone walked around somewhat lost. No one bothered Hunter. Frank refused to leave Cindy’s side and worked from home most days. Still, none of us could make sense of what had happened.

    I continually felt like I had a target on my back. Hawkeye and his guys were with us twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Thankfully, Cindy was making a full recovery. But, it would be a long time before things seemed normal again. Then again, nothing had been normal since the day I stood on the Queensboro Bridge. I had to wonder if my life would ever be normal. What is normal, anyway? No more drama, or anyone trying to take us down, kill or hurt us? I thought to myself.

    We tried to go about our days as usual, but everyone was on edge. Diane was distant and didn’t talk much. She’d been acting strange since the shooting. I didn’t press her and hoped she’d come around.

    Jimmy and Deloris had finally been arraigned and would stand trial sometime in May. I had to get them out of my head. I had wedding plans to make and a life to live. I had to find normalcy.

    Hunter and I met with Missy Sloan to start the process of creating the line of lingerie and adult toys for Night Sky. It would take a while to sort everything out, but Missy assured us that the products would be on the shelves very soon.

    One afternoon, Detective Morgan came by with some excellent news. Alister Wolf, the punk who’d shot Cindy, had been arrested during a liquor store robbery. His fingerprints from the 9mm handgun he had in his possession matched the prints on the shell casings found at the scene the day Cindy was shot.

    Alister was Tiffany’s errand boy at Night Sky. After the detectives came down hard on him, he confessed to being in love with her; he’d do anything for her. He vowed to kill everyone who’d ever hurt her, starting with me. I shudder when I think about what could have happened to Cindy if Alister actually knew how to properly use the scope on his gun. Police searched his house and found the long list of all those he had planned to kill. Alister is a tech genius; he knew where everyone would be that day because he hacked into the electronic calendar, email, and FCH database for all the employees of Night Sky and FCH. He’d be in jail for a very very long time.

    Thankfully, Cindy was recovering. She and Frank decided to take their trip to Napa Valley early and get some much deserved rest.

    Even though Alister was behind bars, we still had twenty-four hour security. Detective Stone suspected that Tiffany manipulated a few others, in case Alister fucked up. She’s a psycho, and none of us put it past her to seek help from someone else. Frank and Cindy had twenty-four hour Gemini security while in Napa.

    The rest of us also needed to have some fun. The Crew went out for a nice dinner and some bar hopping. It almost felt normal, as if the events of the past few weeks hadn’t happened. For one night, I wanted to push it all to the back of my mind.

    That night, after getting shitfaced, Kerri and her boyfriend had gotten into a huge fight. Her boyfriend was flirting with some girls and hanging on one of them. Kerri saw it and had a fit; she punched him in the jaw. Everyone was shocked. Hunter and Tony put Kerri into a cab and sent her home. Her boyfriend left shortly after to cool off. We figured they would sleep it off and realize what they’d done the next morning.

    Later that night, I called Kerri to make sure she was alright. She was still very drunk but told me that her boyfriend came home and they made up. Unfortunately, they were still drinking heavily but assured us they’d be going to bed after make-up sex.

    At 4:00 in the morning, Hunter’s phone rang, waking me from a deep sleep. I nudged him awake. The ringing stopped, then immediately started again.

    Finally, he grabbed the phone. Yeah, Hunter said, yawning.

    I could hear a male voice yelling frantically on the other end.

    Declan, slow down. What happened? Hunter said, putting it on speaker.

    There was a massive fire at Kerri’s place. Her neighbor, Lily, came home after working a late shift. She saw the blaze and called 911. She tried to call Kerri, and when she couldn’t get her, she called Diane.

    We’re on the way, Hunter said.

    When we arrived, everyone was standing outside. No one would give us information. In desperation, Diane called Kerri over and over, hoping she’d answer. We stood there until the blaze was finally out. After a long while, the paramedics wheeled two bodies out of the house covered in sheets. My heart hit the floor. We were devastated. It hit Diane the hardest. They were closer than sisters. Kerri was Diane’s only family and listed as the next of kin.

    When would all the tragedy end? I thought to myself and tried to make sense of it all. Kerri’s name wasn’t on Alister’s list. This had to be a fluke unless Stone’s suspicion was right.

    After we composed ourselves, we went back to the house. Wendy put on a pot of coffee and made breakfast. We all sat at the table like zombies. None of us wanted to admit that Kerri was gone. It was now up to Diane to make funeral arrangements.

    The autopsy report revealed the cause of death was smoke inhalation. They had probably died long before the actual fire made it to the back bedroom where EMTs found them. There’s still no word on how the fire started. We all felt some guilt for letting them go home.

    One Monday morning, three weeks after Kerri’s funeral, I was in my office going through messages. Diane came in, still a mess, but refusing to take more time off. I was prepared to do inventory alone, but she wouldn’t let me. Her body was there, but her head was somewhere else.

    Di, go home. I got this, I said, rubbing her back.

    No, I’ll be okay.

    We finished inventory in silence. Diane went to her office and closed the door. She stayed there all day. She didn’t really want to be there, so we just let her do her own thing until she was ready to talk.

    At 4:00 that afternoon, Gary, Diane’s boyfriend, came to pick her up. He seemed really happy. Almost overjoyed; that didn’t sit well with me. How could he be so happy with all that Diane was going through? I thought.

    Hey, how are you? I see things are back to normal around here, he said, smiling.

    You seem awfully chipper, considering all that’s gone on the last few weeks, I said with a tinge of anger.

    We’ve got some celebrating to do. I’m assuming Di didn’t tell you about my promotion or her new…,

    Congratulations. Not a word.

    She’s not thrilled about the idea of moving to Texas, but she’s looking…,

    "TEXAS! You’re MOVING?" I said in shock.

    Linda and I were dumfounded. We looked at each other in disbelief. Linda bit her lip, and I could tell she wanted to rush off to grab Diane, but she waited for Gary to reply.

    She didn’t tell you that I proposed Friday night?

    Nope, she didn’t mention…, I began.

    Linda interrupted me. With her beautiful, Swedish accent, she said, I bet that’s why she’s been acting strange.

    I wanted to scream. Even though I was sad, I was happy that he’d finally proposed. Diane probably thought I’d be mad that she was leaving. Nothing could have been farther from the truth; I’d never hold her back.

    So, when’s the big move? I asked.

    I start in two weeks. Diane has her second phone interview tonight. It’s only protocol, but my company offered her a job managing the Austin office. We’ve been talking about this for a long time. We’re both ready for a change. I thought she told you.

    Wow, this is a lot to take in all at once. I’m very happy for you, I said, somberly.

    Before Gary could say anything else, Diane came out. We all clammed up. She kissed Gary, then handed Linda a stack of papers.

    I’ll be done in five minutes. Wait for…,

    Diane stopped talking when Hunter walked in.

    Hey, Babe. Ready for dinner? I said, then kissed him. Before he replied, I said, Hunter and I are going to that Italian place down the street. Who’s coming with us? My treat.

    Hunter looked at me and raised his left eyebrow. He knew something was up; we didn’t really have dinner plans.

    As if on cue, Hunter laughed and said, Oh yeah, come with us. Evie’s treating.

    Before anyone else could reply, Gary put his arm around Diane.

    Sounds like a great idea. Besides, Diane and I have good…,

    Diane elbowed Gary in the gut, hard and gave him the evil eye. If looks could kill, he’d have dropped dead on the spot. Diane walked away and didn’t say a word. Gary followed behind her, holding his stomach.

    "What the fuck? I know she’s still distraught, but something else is going on," Hunter said.

    "Ya think? Gary got a promotion. He proposed; she said yes. His company offered her a job. They’re moving to Texas," I said, rubbing my temples.

    "WOW! I had no idea. Neither of them said a word to me."

    Don’t let on that you know. Maybe Diane will tell us at dinner. Or, we’ll sit in awkward silence all night.

    She’s probably worried that we’ll be pissed off, Hunter said.

    Linda, please call the restaurant; tell them we need a table. We’ll be there in twenty minutes. Will you join us? I said.

    Thank you, I’d love to, Linda said, picking up the phone.

    That night, Gary told us that he’d been hoping for this promotion. Diane knew all along there’d be a chance they would have to move. But Cindy got shot, then Kerri died. Diane couldn’t find the right time to tell us. When Gary proposed, Diane knew she couldn’t put it off any longer. Gary also knew that if he didn’t propose, Diane would have stayed in California; he couldn’t risk losing her.

    Things really weren’t the same after Diane moved. With her and Kerri gone, things were surely different. I missed them both very much. I did my best to get back into the grove. Thankfully, Linda was there. She had become my right hand and taken on a lot more responsibility. She picked up a lot of Diane’s slack; things were finally running well again.

    Cindy was recovering nicely, and the scumbag that shot her was behind bars. Everyone refused to think about Alister. We had more important things to do and a lot of life to live. Putting these psychos out of our minds, for now, would be the best thing.

    By the twenty-seventh of May, the designer had started on my wedding gown, my California Driver’s License had arrived, and our wedding plans were coming along. The Mack’s trial had finally begun, and I hired two certified sex therapists to make videos for Night Sky.

    Jerzey and Lonny are relatively new to the porn industry. They started out making lackluster, adult sex education videos. They quickly realized that no one was interested in listening to two doctors sitting behind a desk droning on about sex. People wanted to see it in action.

    Jerzey contacted me, hoping to change things up. She wanted to show married couples how to have sex. She and Lonny agreed to make videos exclusively using the Night Sky adult toy and lingerie line. After quickly getting over their inhibitions, they made two videos. I was confident their videos would be a success and enhance the line of toys and lingerie.

    May thirtieth had arrived. The guys were taking Tony out for his bachelor party. They’d be gallivanting around Los Angeles. I didn’t want to think about the trouble they’d all get into.

    The girls were looking forward to Angela’s Bachelorette party. We’d probably get into some trouble on our own, too. Hunter and I arrived home after a long day. I couldn’t wait to shower and go out.

    Babe, what are you wearing tonight? Hunter asked, stepping into the shower.

    That pretty red dress with the black suede belt. We’re all wearing red tonight.

    "You’ll look hot in that. But you look hot in everything you wear."

    He smiled at me; his crystal eyes sparkled. It took everything I had not to jump him. We were running late; the limousines would be arriving very soon. There was no time to do exactly what I wanted but figured a little tease couldn’t hurt.

    I quickly undressed and stood in front of the shower. The devious grin on his face made the butterflies in my stomach go nuts.

    Hey now, Woman. You know we don’t have time for this, he said, grinning.

    Oh, no time for this? I replied, slyly.

    I knelt down slowly, dragging my fingers down his chest and stomach. He was as hard as a rock. He sighed loudly as I leaned in and took his hard shaft into my mouth as deep as I could. I pulsed back and forth slowly as he moaned.

    Damn, Baby, that feels good. Don’t stop, he said, grabbing hold of my hair.

    If I continued, he’d explode. I reached around and grabbed his ass tightly. He sighed louder. I knew he was close, but I stopped. I had to leave him wanting more.

    Fuck! I need you now.

    I stood up slowly and licked his stomach all the way up to his chest. I kissed him passionately. He reached down to my peach, and I grabbed his wrist.

    Deviously, I said, Not now. You’ll get more later.

    Babe, you’re so bad. I’m not going to be able to think straight all night.

    That’s the idea.

    With an evil grin, he said, Baby, you have no idea what I’m going to do to you later.

    I smacked his ass, then giggled deviously.

    I’ve created a sex maniac.

    Yes, Mr. Lane, you’ve corrupted me.

    When he was finished showering, he got out and dried off. He dropped his towel to the floor; I watched him intently while he brushed his teeth. That man was fucking fine. The mere thought of him inside me made my heart skip a beat.

    I want Heather to cut my hair for Tony and Angela’s wedding. What do you think about her cutting it really short? he said, squeezing gel into the palm of his hand.

    Sure, you’ll look great.

    I’ll text her, I’m sure she can fit me in tomorrow.

    You know everyone bends over backward for you, I said, stepping out of the shower.

    Hunter reached for me and pulled me close. He kissed me passionately; my knees went weak.

    How’s that for a tease, Baby? he said, laughing deviously.

    With a coy smile, I said, Not bad. You’re learning.

    The limousines arrived at 6:00; we went our separate ways. The girls and I were very ready for a night on the town. I was excited to meet Tony and Angela’s other cousins. Giavanna, Serena, and Luciana had arrived from Italy a two days before the party.

    We arrived at Patina Restaurant on South Grand Avenue. The hostess greeted Angela with open arms.

    Good evening, Ladies. Your table is ready, the hostess said.

    She sat us at a beautifully set table near the floor to ceiling window. The dimly lit room created a beautiful atmosphere. Perfect for a romantic dinner for two, actually.

    We looked great; all eyes were on us as we approached the table. Several of the men smiled at us. For a few moments, we were the center of attention.

    The waiter came to the table with a beautiful spread of caviar, crackers, and fine cheeses. He popped the cork on a bottle of very expensive champagne and poured us each a glass.

    I’ve planned a beautiful dinner. I hope you’re all hungry, Angela said.

    Of course, we were all famished. Antoinette was the first one to dip into the caviar and started doling out plates for everyone.

    Angela, the wedding is going to be fabulous; you’re going to make a beautiful bride, I said.

    Having you girls with me is going to make my day even more special, she said, raising her glass. To friendship, love, and a lifetime of great memories. I love you all.

    We raised our glasses and toasted to Angela and Tony. We talked non-stop about the wedding and the honeymoon while we ate.

    The first of the three-course meal was terrific. The waiter brought out a delicious foie gras appetizer. Our second course was a perfectly broiled Main lobster with couscous, saffron, and tarragon aioli. It was tender and perfectly cooked.

    Before the waiter brought out dessert, Angela handed us each two red leather boxes. I was honored just to be a bridesmaid and didn’t expect a gift.

    I would love for you to wear these to the wedding. I found just the right pieces of jewelry to go with your dresses.

    My eyes lit up when I opened the box; I gasped. Angela, these are beautiful. Thank you so much. It’s an honor to be part of your day, I said.

    One box contained a stunning pair of white gold, emerald cut, diamond earrings. They had to be at least a half carat each. The other box contained a simple, cable chain necklace with a one-carat emerald cut diamond pendant.

    NoeLani was as surprised as I was. Neither of us expected to be a bridesmaid, and this generous gift blew us both away.

    Our waiter offered to take some group pictures for us. Angela was thrilled, and I know I’d never forget that night.

    Our Pistachio dessert was brought out shortly after. Vanilla and pistachio ice cream with pomegranates and cherries. It was delicious. We had one more toast and finished another bottle of wine.

    After we got into the limousine, Antoinette popped another bottle of champagne. I was getting tipsy but having a blast, and decided to throw caution to the wind. Antoinette’s next statement made me a little nervous, so I decided to reel that caution in a bit.

    "I know I’ve kept you all in suspense about our next venue. I’m not going to tell you where we’re going, but get ready for some sexy guys."

    While the girls talked about the probability of male strippers, the knots in my stomach tightened. I wasn’t interested in that, but wouldn’t ruin Angela’s night. Antoinette had been very hush-hush about everything except dinner.

    I cringed at the thought of strange, half-naked men touching me. I slugged back the last of the champagne in my glass and tried not to think about it. I was quiet during our thirty minute ride to The Event Center on Glenoaks Boulevard.

    When we arrived, ten other ladies were already waiting for us. Angela had invited a few other friends and business associates. Antoinette reserved the small lounge at The Event Center. The room was beautifully decorated in all black, white, and gray, with mirrors and crystal accents everywhere. A large wedding was going on in the White Ballroom and a Sweet Sixteen in the Black Banquet Room.

    After some mingling, a group of six women, dressed in black trench coats, fishnet stockings, fedoras, and stiletto heels, walked in. Were they the strippers? I didn’t want to see guys strip. Why the hell would I want to see women strip? What the hell was Antoinette thinking?

    Antoinette greeted the girls, then introduced them to us. They were there to perform and teach us how to strip burlesque style. As Antoinette walked away from the mock stage, the song You Can Leave Your Hat On began to play. All the women went nuts and began hollering and whistling. I was uncomfortable yet intrigued. After a while, I wondered if I could ever muster the courage to strip for Hunter. Why not? I’d done a lot of other things that I never thought I could do.

    Self-consciously, I stood behind my chair, but thought that this might be a good thing to learn should I decide to strip for Hunter. For nearly forty minutes, I awkwardly mimicked their moves and hoped I didn’t look like a total goofball. Even though I wasn’t stripping, I felt naked. By the end of the lesson, the girls had stripped off everything except their thongs and heart-shaped pasties.

    The rest of us mingled while Angela and Antoinette walked the dancers out. My heart raced at the thought of stripping for Hunter that night. I figured I’d have to get really drunk to get the nerve up.

    "Wow! You and I should take some real lessons. What do you think?" NoeLani said, excitedly.

    Nearly choking on my drink, I replied, You cannot be serious? There’s no way I could ever do that again.

    Evie, why not? Hunter would go wild. I’ve thought about doing it for Declan. This is a sign, she replied, laughing.

    Before I could reply, Angela came rushing toward us.

    Holy shit! That was so much fun. I’ve got some new moves for my wedding night, Angela said with a giggle, then sipped some champagne.

    I tried not to let on that I was uncomfortable, and laughed right along with the girls.

    After some mingling, the lights flickered. The room went dark. Everyone became quiet. Still, on edge, I was afraid something was wrong and tried not to panic. As the lights slowly came back up, four, very handsome guys walked onto the stage. They were classically dressed like mobsters from the nineteen twenties. They wore white on white, man-tailored shirts with black ties, and black, three-piece, pin-striped suits. They each carried a fake Tommy Gun. My heart fell into my stomach as I chuckled nervously to myself, relieved that they were there to strip and not to kill me.

    The girls went completely nuts when the Peter Gunn theme song started. I swallowed hard and sat down as they started dancing. The girls continued to go wild during their well-coordinated routine. After stripping down to their snugly fit G-strings, they exited the stage. I was paralyzed as they walked towards us. I bolted from my seat and was blocked by one of the guys. Thankfully, I made my way around him and headed to the bar. I felt like a football player rushing to the end-zone for a touchdown.

    The familiar song, Thunderstruck, started, and the women continued to hoot and holler. Four more guys came out dressed in jeans, tank tops, and black leather jackets.

    Spur of the moment, I asked the bartender for a shot of tequila. I wasn’t tequila drinker, but I needed something strong. I swigged it back, then two more followed. I knew full well I’d be sick to my stomach. I regretted it immediately; the room spun. For nearly ten minutes, my body shook while the music blared, and the guys danced.

    It wasn’t long before Antoinette grabbed Angela to the stage and sat her in a chair. One guy came out dressed like a mobster wearing all white and began dancing for Angela. As Alien Ant Farm’s rendition of Smooth Criminal played in the background, Angela pawed at the guy and rubbed his muscular body. She was having a ball.

    For an instant, I thought about my own bachelorette party and knew I didn’t want some strange guy pawing at me like that. I couldn’t watch any longer and rushed to the bathroom. I stood over the toilet and threw up. I felt my face go flush. After a few minutes with the Porcelain God, I went to the sink, wet a paper towel, and blotted my face. Still dizzy, I sat on one of the benches for a few minutes. I sat there in a daze, losing all track of time and hoping I wouldn’t vomit again.

    There you are. What’s wrong? NoeLani said as she entered the bathroom.

    Fretfully, I replied, I don’t feel well. Too much tequila and excitement.

    We were wondering where you went. I bet some ginger ale will settle your stomach.

    I just need to sit here for a little while. I’ll be alright.

    I’ll be right back, she said, rubbing my shoulder.

    She vanished. I waited for the room to stop spinning. I leaned back against the wall and started to doze off. It felt like I was riding on a train. My whole body seemed to be in motion.

    NoeLani and Antoinette came back with some aspirin and ginger ale. I wanted to go home but didn’t want to be a party pooper. My stomach started to settle after throwing up one more time. I patted some more water on my face and went back to the party.

    The strippers finally left, and Antoinette announced the next venue. I knew I’d pay for it but wanted to be with the girls. I reluctantly got into the limousine. We went to another club and continued the party. Stupidly, I had two more glasses of champagne. The last thing I remember from that night was getting into the limo to head to one more club.

    I woke up Saturday morning still in my dress with a pounding headache. I had the worst case of cottonmouth, and I’m sure my breath was horrid. I felt like an amateur boxer who’d gone ten rounds with the champ and lost. I drank way more than I should have. I looked over at the clock and saw that it was 9:30. How could I have let myself get that drunk?

    Hunter wasn’t in bed, and I wondered if he even came home. I staggered out of bed, undressed, and stumbled into the shower. At that point, I didn’t give a shit where Hunter was. All I wanted was a hot shower, a few aspirin, hot coffee, and breakfast.

    When I got downstairs, the house was quiet. Everyone was gone. I looked for a note, but couldn’t find one. I put some cinnamon buns in the oven, then popped the little plastic cup into the brewer. I watched impatiently as the liquid poured into the large mug. The smell of coffee and cinnamon filled the house. Figuring Hunter had gone to get his haircut, I texted him.

    Hey, Babe. Where are you?

    I watched cartoons for almost an hour while waiting for his reply. I began to worry but remembered that one of Hawkeye’s guys was around. I texted him again.

    Babe, are you alright?

    No reply; I was getting pissed off. I cleaned up and went out to the pool. I sat on the large lounge chair and stewed.

    Finally, at 10:30, I heard the beep from the front gate. Hunter walked in, still dressed in his clothes from the night before. He was still a bit tipsy and not acting normal.

    Hey, Babe, he stuttered, leaning in to kiss me.

    Did you get my texts? I shot back.

    He hesitated, then said, Oh, I, uh, left my phone in the limo.


    I’m going to shower. I’ll be down in a bit, he said.

    Like a little kid trying to hide something, he rushed into the house and up the stairs. I waited a few minutes, then went upstairs. His clothes were still on the bed. His phone rang as I picked up his dress pants.

    What the fuck? He just fucking lied to me! I reached into the pocket and grabbed the phone.

    There it was, Avery’s name splayed across the screen. For a split second, I thought about answering it. He’d better have a good explanation as to why this bitch’s number is still in his phone and why she’d be calling him after a drunken night out with the boys.

    I didn’t want to press him and hoped he’d bring it up on his own. I didn’t trust her because of what her mother said to Cindy and me the day of the spa fundraiser. That whore would do anything to get her grubby hands on Hunter.


    Chapter 2

    Hunter finally came downstairs, still looking beat up. I didn’t let on that I’d found his phone.

    So, did you have a good time last night? he asked.

    "I did. I got very drunk and passed out in the limo. I have no idea who put me to bed. At first, I thought it was you, but since you just came home, it must have been Wendy."

    That’s great. She probably did. Can you make me a cup of coffee? I’m going to call Declan; he’s got my phone, he said, then went into the study.

    MOTHER FUCKER! He’s hiding something. I was stunned, watching him walk into the study. He smiled, then closed the door.

    My anger grew as I made him coffee. The longer he was in the study, the madder I got. Why was Avery calling him? Is he calling her now? Why did he lie to me? I was sure nothing had happened between them at the party, but that twinge of jealousy and doubt made me think that something could have. If he didn’t come clean soon, I was calling him out. I put the coffee and cinnamon rolls on the table and sat, not so patiently waiting for him to return.

    Finally, he came in as if nothing was wrong. I knew I’d have a fit if I said anything. But, it was eating away at me.

    Thanks, he said, then took a bite.

    Matter-of-factly, I said, "So, did you

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