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Darkness into Light: Book 1 in the “Fostered Love” Series
Darkness into Light: Book 1 in the “Fostered Love” Series
Darkness into Light: Book 1 in the “Fostered Love” Series
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Darkness into Light: Book 1 in the “Fostered Love” Series

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At 18 Evie has been aged out of the foster care system. Her parents died tragically when she was 8. She lives a lonely life. Her best friend, Hunter, was adopted. She was left alone with unbearable and hurtful foster parents. Hunter is the only true friend she's ever known. After losing touch she feels she's got nothing left to live fore. She is desperate to find him. She must decide what to do with her life. A run away high school drop out finds herself at the Queensboro bridge to ponder her fate. She doesn't know where to go and she doesn't want to live anymore. Does she jump? All odds are against her. Her fate is in her own hands. She will need the courage to face the long road ahead.
Release dateJun 8, 2016
Darkness into Light: Book 1 in the “Fostered Love” Series

Kim Draluck

Transcending Darkness is the second book in the Fostered Love series. Kim is currently working on the third book in the series. Kim was born in 1969 in Manhasset, Long Island. She has been married to her husband, Doug since 1999. Her son is now sixteen years-old. Kim lives in North Carolina with her husband, son, two dogs, two cats, and two guinea pigs. Kim is creative; she paints and makes jewelry. Kims loves to shoot pool, and she is also an avid pistol shooter. Kim is passionate about all of her hobbies, including her writing.

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    Book preview

    Darkness into Light - Kim Draluck

    Chapter 1

    O n a very frigid, Friday afternoon in November 2013, I stood cold and alone on the walk of the Queensboro Bridge. I was deciding whether or not to jump. The sun went down as I stood there contemplating my fate. The weekend traffic had started. I stared at the lights and watched the waves ripple across the water of the East River. I really didn’t want to jump. Maybe I had a chance. I had nothing to lose and everything to gain. I was eighteen years-old with no home and no real family. Even though I had no prospects ahead of me, I had to try.

    Connecting with Hunter was my only hope. I feared that once I left the foster home he wouldn’t be able to find me. I had no idea where I was headed. I knew that once I finished high school I’d be out on the streets anyway. There was no way my foster parents wanted me and I sure as hell didn’t want to stay with them. At eighteen, I was an emancipated adult. When I was out of high school their responsibility would be over.

    I was an only child in a lower middle class family. My parents had died in a car accident when I was eight years-old. I was pushed into the foster care system. We had no family. We lived in a rented duplex in Flushing off Forty-Second Avenue and Utopia Parkway. My father, Joel, was a car salesman. My mother, Lyla, worked as a service writer at the same dealership. My parents probably never thought they would die when I was so young and sadly never made a will or arrangements for me. I guess they thought they had time. After they died I lived in one place for a few months and then finally ended up with my foster parents Jimmy and Deloris Mack. There was only one person in my life that I had trusted and that was Hunter. He was fourteen and living at the foster home when I arrived. We clicked right away because we led very similar lives up until we hit foster care. We also shared the same birthday, September first.

    Hunter’s parents, Jeff and Stephanie, were killed during a home invasion. The thief shot Stephanie when she wouldn’t cooperate. Jeff was shot in the chest while trying to protect her. When Hunter heard the first shot he managed to climb out his bedroom window and make it to the neighbor’s house. The thief rummaged the house and found what little valuables they had.

    Jeff had been a mechanic at a small service station in Whitestone. Stephanie was a hairdresser in Astoria. They didn’t have much. They had very few friends and none of them were able to adopt Hunter. Stephanie’s sister and brother-in-law were drug addicts. Jeff’s parents died years before he met Stephanie.

    Hunter and I spent all the time we could together while living at the Mack’s house. We played in the yard and he would take me to the park often. We became best friends. We were inseparable until his sixteenth birthday when he was adopted by the Harrisons.

    Frank and Cindy Harrison were a middle class couple and couldn’t have children of their own. They were a very loving couple and adored Hunter. He begged them to adopt me as well but they weren’t able to. After he left the Macks, we wrote to each other and spoke on the phone often. We would see each other whenever we could. On rare occasions, Deloris would let me go on outings with him and the Harrisons. We took weekend trips to New Jersey and Manhattan. The best trip we ever had was when we drove to California. I had the best time I’ve ever had in my life. During that trip we made a pact to remain friends forever and always be there for each other.

    It was during that trip we realized we had feelings for each other. We kept in touch weekly, but shortly after that trip the letters and calls from Hunter stopped completely. I couldn’t understand why he didn’t call. Did something happen to him, or to the Harrisons? Unfortunately, it had been quite a while since I had heard from Hunter.

    It was time to walk away, cut my losses and try to make it on my own. I didn’t want to end up in some shelter and I knew I needed to do something. That day, I cut out of school early, went home and decided to call Hunter. His number was disconnected with no forwarding. The wind had been knocked out of me. I quickly packed some clothes and walked out the door. I didn’t know where I was going.

    That’s when I found myself on the Queensboro Bridge. I decided to cross the bridge to Manhattan. I roamed around scared and cold for days. I had nowhere to go. At that point, I was truly alone.

    Eventually I ended up on Broadway, inside of a dark, quiet internet café. I paid for some cyber time and sat down in front of a computer in hopes of finding Hunter. I needed to know what happened to him. Where did he go?

    Searching website after website with tears in my eyes, I stumbled upon the information I was looking for. The story was almost unbelievable. Hunter had been groomed to become a strong and dominant business man. He would eventually take over the family business. FCH had become one of the top film studios in California. I was amazed at what I read. There were hundreds of pictures of him and the Harrisons with A list celebrities. Many women were hanging on Hunter at movie premieres and Hollywood galas.

    I read articles about the no name young man from Long Island City, New York who became an almost overnight sensation in the film industry. Frank and Cindy looked to be the epitome of Hollywood. Frank was a very fit, tall man with black hair. He had a patch of gray at his left temple that ran almost to the back of his head. Cindy was very thin and stood about five feet tall. She had long wavy blond hair.

    Hunter was more gorgeous than I remembered. His beautiful golden hair had grown long, almost to his shoulders. His eyes were the greenest I’ve ever seen. He had grown much taller since I last saw him. He must have been at least six foot by now. He was well built and muscular.

    The Harrisons were respected in the industry. Actors and producers wanted to be a part of FCH Studios in some way. Hunter was a smart and talented. People flocked to him. He became a wise business man. Everything he touched turned to gold. He was so young, how could this all happen?

    A recent article, titled Light and Dark in the Film Industry talked about how the Harrisons struck it rich making action and family friendly films. The second part of the article mentioned Night Sky studios. I read the words, Now the Dark Side of the Film Industry, then my time ran out.

    I was headed in the right direction. Suddenly, I was furious with him. Why didn’t he come for me sooner? I found a phone number to FCH and was able to make a call. Of course, it being a late Friday night, there was no one there; I got a recording. I would have to wait until Monday morning.

    I bided my time walking around Manhattan, ducking into the library for as long as I could to stay warm.

    On Monday morning I called the studio. A woman on the other end answered. I asked for Hunter but he wasn’t available.

    I said, Please tell him Evie called.

    I hung up without giving her a chance to reply. If he called back, the only number he’d have was the Mack’s house phone. If he called their number, I wouldn’t be there. I had to decide what to do next.

    Should I hop on a bus to California or go back to the Mack’s house? Then there was that thought; still looming in the back of my mind. Should I jump off that damn bridge?

    I roamed the cold Manhattan streets for a few day, then found myself back on that bridge. Cold, alone and hungry. I had no money left. I felt hopeless. I figured if Hunter really wanted, me he would have kept in touch with me. I stood there watching the cars go by, wondering if anyone would miss me if I did jump. I started to remember my parents and my only friend, Hunter.

    HE was the only thing on my mind. I reminded myself why I left the Macks. All I could do was stand there and cry. I watched the cars for hours. Did I really have the courage to jump? I took a deep breath, started to climb and hung there for a while. Then I realized, this could be the end. Thankfully I chickened out. I stepped down and decided to cross back over to Queens. I would be heading back to the Macks with my tail between my legs.

    I made it back over the bridge to Queens and found a place to rest. I sat soaking wet at the end of the bridge on the side of the road. At the stoplight, a lady with a young child in the car was beeping her horn and waving at me. I walked to the car cautiously. She rolled her window down and handed me a twenty dollar bill. She told me to get something to eat and go back home. Things would be better in the morning. I thanked her. The light turned green and she drove away. I grabbed some fast food at the first place I found on my walk back. Maybe the Macks would realize how horrible they were, feel bad and take me back. The lady in the car was probably right; I had to go back.

    It took me forever to walk back. I was a mess. I hadn’t showered in days and I’m sure I smelled. As I turned the corner of Forty-Eighth Street, in Long Island City, I heard Deloris shouting. She was having an argument with someone. A black stretch limo was parked in front of the house. I thought to myself ‘What did that crazy bitch do now?’ I cautiously approached the scene. Maybe I could sneak in without her noticing. But there, outside, stood a well-dressed, young man yelling at her. Jimmy came running out. The young man stood his ground shouting profanities at them. I was dumbfounded; I realized it was Hunter Lane. I got closer to him and dropped my bag. He turned toward me almost in slow motion after the bag hit the pavement. He stood stone faced, staring at me.

    I stood there, yelling at them through my sobs, without allowing him to reply. Suddenly, I got dizzy; my body went limp and I hit the ground hard. I landed flat on my back hitting my head on the curb; the world went black. Was I dead?

    I woke up a few days later in the hospital. Hunter sat at the foot of my bed wearing black jeans and a dark green t-shirt. He was gorgeous. His sparkling hazel eyes gazed at me. His long, golden, almost slicked back hair hung at his shoulders.

    He had a well-groomed mustache. His beard was shaped perfectly, coming to a V at his chin. Sitting next to him was the biggest purple plush teddy bear I had ever seen.

    On the nightstand next to me was a large vase filled with dark purple roses. He remembered that purple was my favorite color. He stared at me, then got up and took a few steps towards me. My heart beat faster as he leaned in and kissed my cheek softly.

    He looked at me and said, Evie, I thought I’d lost you forever. I got your letter telling me you didn’t want to see me anymore, I was crushed. I called so many times and left messages. I wrote you many letters. I didn’t receive any replies, I gave up. I thought it best to leave you alone.

    He leaned in and kissed my cheek again. I hoped you’d find me when you were ready. I’m sorry I gave up. It was a horrible mistake.

    I couldn’t speak I was still in shock. My head was killing me. I was very weak and couldn’t keep my eyes open. I fell back asleep without uttering a word. When I woke up again, Hunter was gone. I frantically looked around for the buzzer to call the nurse but I couldn’t find it. I tried to get out of bed but couldn’t move. Then I realized I was attached to an IV.

    I panicked and yelled for help. Nurse Mary came rushing in and tried to calm me down. She explained I was in the hospital and had been asleep for a few days.

    Did you see him? I asked. She handed me tissues and pointed to the other side of the room. The bear and flowers all sat on the ledge of the window. What about the man that brought them, was there a man here at all to see me? I asked.

    Oh dear, that man has been by your side since he brought you in and hasn’t left your side. He went out to make a call; he’ll be back soon.

    Mary was a large woman with dark brown hair pulled back into a tight bun. She had on blue scrubs, a stethoscope around her neck and thermometer in her shirt pocket.

    I asked, Did anyone else come to see me?

    No, she replied.

    Honey, you need a hot shower and a meal. You can be discharged today if you feel up to it, Mary said as she unhooked my IV and helped me up. Get yourself in that shower and let’s get you cleaned up before your prince charming comes back.

    I followed her orders and took a long hot shower. For the first time in a long time, I felt safe. I didn’t want to leave the hospital bathroom. When I got out of the shower Mary handed me a pair of brand new sweats, a bra and panties, socks and a pair of sneakers. I wondered where they came from. They weren’t mine. I shrugged it off, dried my hair and brushed my teeth. I felt so much better.

    I walked cautiously out of the bathroom and there he stood; the most beautiful face I had ever seen. His hazel green eyes were searing into me. He was beautifully tanned, the picture of perfection. I could see his slightly bulging muscles through his t-shirt.

    He finally spoke. He had a manly, yet soft voice, How was your shower? I couldn’t speak. I could only shake my head yes. I must have looked like one of those bobble head dolls, standing there like an idiot wobbling my head.

    He approached me slowly, then put out his arms. I walked to him, he reached for me. I melted into him as he held me. I could smell the clean scent of fresh linen on his clothes. I took in a long deep breath and began to sob.

    He looked down at me, held my face in his hands and said, Everything’s going to be alright now. I’m here. The Macks are doomed. They’ll never hurt us again. I could smell the fresh mint on his breath as he kissed my head and let out a sigh.

    The doctor came in with Mary to examine me. I would be able to leave as soon as the discharge papers were ready. I didn’t say much during the exam. I was gathering my thoughts.

    I spoke to him through the sobs. Hunter, where did you go? Why didn’t you come for me? What took you so long?

    He sat with his eyes glazing over and he stopped the tears from falling. Your last letter said you didn’t want to see me anymore. I didn’t want to hurt you, so I stayed away. Jimmy and Deloris really wanted to make sure they kept us apart. All the letters I sent you probably went into the trash.

    I don’t understand. Did they say why? I asked.

    No, they wanted to keep us apart. I don’t think they cared if either of us were sad. They were always selfish people and our feelings probably never meant anything to them. We were only a paycheck to them. They never gave me a valid reason. My parents would call often to try and get in touch with you and they always told us to stay away and that we weren’t allowed to associate with you.

    I sat on the hospital bed crying and tried to understand things.

    Mom wanted you to come to California and give you a job at the studio. When Jimmy and Deloris heard that they went ballistic and told us we’d never see you again. Then, last week, I got your message. We got on the next plane to come get you!

    I didn’t get a chance to reply when two people walked into the room. It took me a second to realize that it was Mr. and Mrs. Harrison. Frank was in his early-fifties and Cindy was in her late-forties. They looked very sophisticated.

    Cindy came to me slowly. Sweetheart, we’ve missed you so much. She leaned in and gave me a hug so tight that I thought she’d squeeze the life right out of me. She pulled back and said, We wanted to take you so badly but couldn’t. Our investments had panned out. We told Hunter we were going to get you and bring you to California. We spoke to Deloris and told her we wanted to come get you. She gave us false information. We thought you were gone forever. No one in the foster care system would give us any information about you or where you went. It was all confidential. We were relieved to hear from you.

    Frank moved closer. Let me get a hug from our girl. He nearly pushed Cindy off the bed and grabbed me. Honey, you’re coming home with us and everything’s going to be alright.

    Cindy handed me a large, white, leather box and told me to open it. Inside was my birth certificate and some legal papers. There were pictures of my parents and all the letters from Hunter that Deloris had kept from me. I found a few locks of hair and some baby teeth. All I could do was sit there and cry. I didn’t ask how they were able to get this away from Deloris.

    I was finally discharged. Hunter wheeled me out of the hospital into the cold air. He helped me into the long black limousine waiting for us out front.

    We arrived at the Plaza Hotel in Manhattan, a place I never thought I would see the inside of. It was so elegant and I worried I didn’t have enough class for such a place. The two bedroom suite blew me away.

    Off-white and gray painted walls, gold and black furniture, intricately designed throw rugs with shiny wood floors and sparkling crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling.

    Hunter had put my things into a black leather suitcase. Baby, we’re going shopping. It’s time for some new clothes.

    It was all overwhelming. I needed to sit a while and catch my breath. We stood staring down at the cars passing on Fifth Avenue. New York City was festively was decorated for Christmas.

    After a while we headed down to the awaiting limo to go shopping. Hunter bought me a thick black winter coat, matching gloves, and a hat.

    We stopped to see the humongous Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center. The lights weren’t yet lit. But it would be amazing when it was. I’d never seen the tree in person, it was in awe of it. We took a long peaceful horse and carriage ride through Central Park. We huddled in the carriage covered in a thick red blanket. Our striking white horse strode through the park proudly.

    It was late and I was starving. Hunter and I arrived at Carmine’s for dinner around 8:30 p.m. The ambiance was wonderful. The place was packed. Frank and Cindy had plans to meet friends at The Tavern on The Green. I didn’t want this day to end. We talked non-stop, I was having a great time. We sat there until 1:00 a.m.

    We got back to the Plaza around 1:30 a.m. The suite was dimly lit. I could hear the TV in Frank and Cindy’s room. Hunter went into the kitchen and made some tea. I sat on the couch and suddenly panicked. There were only two bedrooms; where was I sleeping? I started to cry. Hunter came out with our tea and realized I was crying. He grabbed me up into his arms.

    What’s wrong Baby?

    I explained my fears to him. He went over to my new suitcase. He took out a pretty lavender robe and a pair of purple flannel pajamas for me. I laughed at how stupid I must have looked crying over a pair of damn pajamas and a place to sleep.

    He grinned at me. You can stay in the room with me. If you don’t feel comfortable with that, I’ll sleep on the pull out sofa.

    I’d never slept in a bed with him, except the few times when we fell asleep on the couch as kids. I wanted to sleep with him even though I was afraid. I wanted to be in his arms.

    I agreed to sleep in his room. He picked me up, carried me into the bedroom. I sat down on to the comfortable bed. The pillows were so large and plush. The bed was made in all white. It looked so cozy, I couldn’t wait to get in the bed. We sat on the bed sipping tea and talking. My eyes were getting heavier by the minute. Before long I was out like a light.

    I had a nightmare and woke up in a panic. At first I didn’t realize where I was. The room was dark. The shades were closed. I remembered I was at the Plaza. I was alone in the room. I went to the window and looked out into the dark sky of New York City. I thought it was the middle of the night until I looked at the clock and realized it was 5:30 in the morning on Thanksgiving Day.

    I heard Hunter and his parents in the other room laughing and talking. How could they be so lively at such an ungodly hour I wondered? I peeked through the door and saw Cindy and Frank leaning over Hunter. I couldn’t hear what they were saying. All I wanted to do was run out there, hug him and never let go. I wanted to tell him I loved him and I wanted to be with him for the rest of my life.

    I didn’t want to be a needy little girl anymore. I had to take charge of my life. I guess when you come close to killing yourself, you realize you can’t take anything for granted.

    What was next for me? Would I go back to California with Hunter to start a real life or would I only be another one of his Hollywood girls? I walked into the kitchen where there was a huge spread of food. We ate and talked about what was next.

    Cindy jetted right in. You two will get married and have a beautiful life.

    I sat there with a bagel stuffed in my mouth, barely able to bite off a piece. I nearly choked.

    Hunter sat up. Mom, stop, you’re freaking her out. Maybe she doesn’t want to come back, maybe she doesn’t trust us. Then he stormed off.

    I didn’t know what to do. Should I sit there and eat or should I run after him? I swallowed the bagel and made an uneasy smile. Frank looked over at me, put his hand on mine and smiled.

    Don’t worry Evie, whatever you want to do is fine. It’s your choice. Sweetie, do you want to come live with us?

    Cindy was in tears following after him. Frank looked at me with the most adorable puppy dog eyes as if I was going to answer him right away. I couldn’t speak. I could only sit there and shake my head yes.

    "OF COURSE, how could I not? I realized I was in love with him when we took that trip to California." I smiled at him.

    Frank got up and poured more coffee. The phone calls and letters we sent went unanswered. The Macks told us to leave you alone, that you didn’t want anything to do with Hunter. We had no idea that Jimmy and Deloris were keeping you from him.

    Cindy came back out crying and apologizing to me. I put my hand on hers and said, Of Course I want to go back to California with you. I’ve loved Hunter for a long time.

    I paused and tried to hold back the tears, but it was useless. Tears streamed down my face. When I thought he no longer wanted me, I was devastated. Jumping off that damn bridge seemed the only way to find peace.

    Hunter came out of the bedroom and knelt down next to me. He handed me a long, blue box with a white satin ribbon.

    Evie, please come back to Los Angeles with me. It’s as if I can’t breathe without you. I need you with me.

    I opened the box and saw the most beautiful necklace I had ever seen. It was a very dainty, platinum chain with a single set sapphire placed delicately in the middle. Delicately set diamonds were placed a few inches apart along the chain.

    Do you like it? I thought since it was our birthstone it was perfect. The beautiful glow of his hazel eyes burned into me. He took the necklace out of the box and placed it around my neck.

    Please come home with me. We’ll have a beautiful life and I’ll never leave you again. I looked deep into his eyes, smiled and nodded.

    Yes, I’d love to go to California with you. I smiled and hugged him tightly.

    I didn’t know what would happen, but I knew I wanted to be with Hunter. I was very happy and couldn’t believe that we had finally found each other.

    We finished breakfast, got dressed and headed out into the cold, brisk November air. We got into the black stretch limo and drove down to Herald Square.

    Before I realized what was going on, we were pulling up to Macy’s and being seated in the VIP area to watch the parade. I was in awe of everything around me and had to pinch myself. How in the world did they manage this? We were seated at the main viewing area of the parade.

    My adrenaline was working overtime, I didn’t even realize how cold it was. Hunter introduced me to several people, who I was sure I’d never remember. We watched the entire parade. The marching bands and Broadway acts were amazing. The floats and balloons were breathtaking. I couldn’t believe how large they were in person. I reminisced about the times that Hunter and I had watched it on TV together.

    We went back to the hotel when the parade was over. Frank and Cindy left for the airport to catch their flight back to California. I was suddenly aware of the fact that Hunter and I would be completely alone. We slept in the same bed the night before and nothing had happened. Would he be expecting sex tonight? I would eventually have to tell him that I was a virgin. I had dreamt of him in that way several times throughout the years. I often wondered what his body would feel like on top of mine. What his tongue felt like as he licked me from my chin to the bottom of my belly. The thought of him making love to me sent chills up my spine.

    Hunter ordered a Thanksgiving feast for two and we watched TV. We still hadn’t talked about our future or sex yet. It would come out when we were both ready. We ate and talked about everything except what we had been doing all the time we were apart.

    We cuddled close, hugging and kissing while watching TV late into the night. Hunter was a perfect gentleman. Suddenly I was afraid I had done or said something wrong because he stopped kissing me. He was quiet as he held me. I didn’t want to ask but I could see some kind of pain in his eyes. He hesitated starting a conversation. What had I done? I left it alone. If something was wrong I hoped he would tell me. We cuddled on the couch and fell asleep in each other’s arms.

    The next three days, we did a lot of sightseeing and shopping. We ate in the best restaurants and saw two Broadway shows. He was assertive and dominant, yet gentle with me. He never touched me sexually. He kept saying ‘when you’re ready.’ I thought I was ready and wanted to make love to him soon. I was afraid and yet wanted to touch every inch of him. He had a perfectly muscular body, beautiful blond hair and the whitest teeth. His hazel eyes burned into my soul every time he looked at me. I knew that no matter what, we needed to be honest with each other.

    One morning Hunter took the opportunity to meet a business associate in New Jersey. I didn’t want to be in his way so he arranged a spa day for me at the hotel. He told me to enjoy my day getting pampered and he’d be back around 5:30.

    I spent the day getting pampered. I was uneasy being alone, but I enjoyed it. I had a lot to think about. Only one thought kept creeping up; why hasn’t he tried to make love to me yet? What was it that was stopping him? I couldn’t get the sight of him out of my mind.

    After a relaxing, luxurious day I went back to the hotel room and put on a pretty red dress that he’d bought me. I poured a glass of white wine, turned on the TV and waited for him to return. At 5:15 the door opened, my heart raced. In his hand he had the largest bouquet of light purple roses. They were exquisite. He stood in the doorway wearing a pair of faded black jeans, motorcycle boots, tight red shirt and a black leather motorcycle jacket.

    He walked into the room and sat down. He held my hands and stared into my eyes, for what seemed an eternity. He kissed me deeply and passionately. But I felt some hesitation in his kiss. What was he so desperately afraid to tell me? I needed to know what it was.

    I pulled away gently and looked at him and I could see he had something on his mind.

    What’s wrong; why do I feel you’ve got something bad to tell me?

    He looked at me almost with shame. I couldn’t tell if he was ashamed of me or something that he’d done. What was he going to say that worried him so much? I thought.

    Evie, there’s so many things we have to talk about. I have to tell you about things that happened while we were apart. I don’t want you to hate me. He sat there with tears streaming down his beautiful face and started to talk.

    Evie, I love you more than life itself. I have always loved you. I wanted you to be my first and you were the girl I wanted to spend my life with. Please don’t hate me after I tell you this.

    My heart pounded as I waited for him to speak. I wasn’t sure if I was ready for this, but I needed to know. I let him speak.

    Her name is Tiffany. She’s seven years older than me.

    I almost wanted to tune him out as he briefly explained to me how she taught him many things in bed. I was appalled at how a woman so much older could have relations with a boy so much younger than her. I didn’t want to know what she did to him. How could he have a relationship with an older woman?

    He continued, I thought I’d lost you forever and I needed some type of companionship. She was the closest thing to love I had after I lost you. She broke my heart. One day I realized that it wasn’t love and I left her. I was alone and numb. I swore I’d never love anyone again until I got you back.

    I hoped we’d spend the night getting to know each other sexually and he would teach me things. I was deathly afraid and didn’t know what to expect. I finally found the courage to tell him my secret.

    I stood up quickly. Hunter, I’m a virgin. I knelt down to him, cradled his face in my hands and looked deep into his eyes. I’ve been waiting for you to come for me and now that you have, I’ll never let you go. I want to experience these things with you and no one else. We need to talk about this so we can open up fully. I paused and kissed his soft lips.

    Hearing these things scares me, but I love you and don’t want to lose you again. Can we enjoy each other’s company tonight? We’ll open up more as the days pass, I said with hesitation.

    Sex is a big thing and to open myself up like that would leave me vulnerable. Would he hurt me physically or emotionally? All I knew was that for tonight Hunter Lane was mine. We were talking about starting a life together.

    Absolutely! He said and kissed me.

    He placed a room service order. I was astonished at the spread that arrived shortly after. Things I’d never imagined I’d be eating in such luxury. Lobster, steak and caviar along with champagne and delicious chocolate mousse for dessert.

    We talked and laughed into the wee hours of the morning. We talked about what we wanted in life. We were both very young and had our entire lives ahead of us.

    Hunter, I want to be with you more than anything in this world. You’re the only person aside from my parents that I’ve ever trusted, please don’t hurt me!

    He held back tears and said, I never will Baby. I knew he was sincere.

    It was 9:20 the next morning; the phone rang and startled me awake. I answered it, and couldn’t believe who was on the other end. It was Deloris Mack and she was yelling at Jimmy.

    I hate you, drop dead and leave me alone, I yelled at her then hung up.

    With that, Hunter sprang up in a fit of rage. How the hell did she find us?

    I bet you she called every hotel in this city looking for us, I said in a very angry tone.

    The phone rang again, Hunter answered it.

    What do you want Deloris?

    All I could hear was her still yelling at Jimmy. Hunter put it on speaker.

    Deloris seethed, We’ll get what’s coming to us no matter what. It will be a cold day in hell before we hand over the rest of her things.

    We were confused and had no idea what they were talking about. We stood there looking at each other trying to figure out what things she was talking about.

    Deloris yelled more. Hunter, you bring that girl back here this instant or we’ll have you arrested for kidnapping. She rambled incoherently for a while longer then finally hung up.

    I assumed I’d been given everything that belonged to my mom. Did they really have more or were they bluffing? Hunter called the lawyer then his parents to let them know what had happened. I was eighteen, so I wasn’t worried about having to go back. I only wanted what belonged to me.

    Our flight was scheduled for 8:00 that evening. I had a lot more things to pack for this trip. When I left the Mack’s house, all I had was a duffle bag with some clothes, a small trinket box and a pair of shoes. Now I’m leaving for Hollywood with a Louis Vuitton suitcase, beautiful clothes, shoes and the love of my life.

    Was I passed out on that damn bridge or did I jump? I snapped back to reality. I was safe with Hunter and optimistic and hoped that everything was going to be alright.

    After a while, Hunter emerged from the bathroom wearing a pair of faded blue jeans ripped at both knees, a form fitting dark blue shirt enhancing his perfectly sculpted body and his motorcycle boots. He looked more beautiful than any man should be allowed to look.

    His beautiful hazel eyes gazed at me; I sat there on the bed in awe of him. I went into the bathroom and showered. I put on a pair of black jeans with a purple sweatshirt and a pair of white Converse.

    At 4:00 a limo arrived at the hotel to take us to the airport. I was nervous I had never flown before and didn’t know what to expect. Was I ready for this new life? I’d have to grow up quickly.

    Getting through security at the airport seemed to take forever. Right across from our gate was a magazine shop. I wanted to get some candy and a magazine. I started to walk away and stopped. I realized I had no money. I stood frozen with empty pockets. I sat back down feeling foolish.

    What’s wrong Evie, I thought you wanted a magazine and some candy for the flight?

    Embarrassed, I replied, No, I changed my mind!

    He reached into his wallet and pulled out a fifty dollar bill. I was ashamed to take it when he shoved it into my pocket.

    He smiled and patted me on the ass. Evie, really?

    There I was, with a man I was totally in love with and completely embarrassed; I’d forgotten that I didn’t have a dime to my name.

    I started to cry and said, I promise I’ll get a job and pull my weight.

    I blushed and wiped a tear from my eye, then walked away. I looked back to see him looking at me with a smile on his face as I walked into the store.

    I went back to the seat and sat down next to him. He smiled at me and I felt almost foolish for crying about not having any cash.

    He said with a wink, Don’t worry Angel. You never have to worry about things like this with me. You don’t even have to think about getting a job unless you want to!

    He grabbed the Kit Kat out of my hand, opened it up; broke off a piece and put it in his mouth. He smiled at me and stroked my cheek with the back of his hand.

    Thank you, I said. He reached over, put my face in his hands and kissed me.

    We had some time before we boarded. I wanted to talk some more about what I had gone through with Jimmy and Deloris after he was adopted.

    "Evie, I know the Macks were greedy horrible people. Please be honest with me, were you really alright after I left? You never let on that things had gotten any worse. I hated that you were stuck there. When I asked you how things were, you always said fine."

    I took a deep breath, They didn’t beat me. They ignored me and never helped me with homework or took me for new clothes. They never showed any interest in me. I wasn’t allowed to have a social life. I did all the cooking and cleaning.

    I had to catch my breath before I broke down. Deloris always used to laugh at me when I would study. She told me the money she got from the state was her paycheck and she didn’t have to spend it on me. I called social services many times to complain but no one ever came to help me. My social worker, Marge, was nowhere to be found. She never intervened. I guess Deloris had them believing everything was peachy.

    I told him about Jenna, the girl that came to us after he was adopted. Her home life was horrible. I had to share a room with her and she always stole from me. I had to hide what little babysitting money I earned when I babysat the neighbor’s kids. I couldn’t buy new clothes because she would steal them. Hunter’s eyes were wide and a small tear slid down his cheek.

    I continued, Deloris didn’t do anything about Jenna. Thankfully she was placed in a different home.

    I started to cry and excused myself to go to the bathroom. He must have been crying; his eyes were glazed over when I returned.

    He spoke, Angel, I had no idea I wish I could have taken you away sooner.

    I said, "Even with all their get rich quick schemes, they were always broke. I was amazed I was able to save a few hundred dollars from babysitting, without them stealing it from me. I wasn’t allowed on the internet or to use the house phone. The neighbor didn’t have a computer, that’s the only reason Deloris let me babysit for them. But they had no idea I was being paid. Deloris told her I’d do it for free. But she always paid me and I would hide the money."

    I wiped my tears and continued. One night Jimmy was drunk, he stormed into my room and I thought he’d beat me. He demanded money but I told him I didn’t have any. He tore my room apart until he found one hundred dollars that I’d hidden behind the bed, tucked into a small hole in the wall. I had managed to save five hundred dollars. That’s when I packed a bag and left. Deloris told me that once I graduated high school I could leave but I couldn’t wait any longer.

    Evie, why didn’t you tell me? I would have sent you money. You kept a brave face. I had no idea what was going on. Then you told me it was over, stopped replying to my letters and wouldn’t return my calls.

    He stopped and kissed my cheek. Evie I’m so sorry.

    The Macks always hated that we were close. Every time a letter from Hunter arrived for me, they would throw it at me. When he called, they had acted as if everything was alright and I was doing well. They threatened to turn me in to social services for stealing if I’d said otherwise. I was afraid.

    During that conversation, Hunter explained how Frank and Cindy called and said they were coming to get me and bring me back to California. That’s when he received a letter telling him that I didn’t want to see him anymore. That’s when we realized that the last letter he’d gotten from me was actually typed by Deloris.

    I explained to him, in great detail, how I ended up on the bridge after leaving school that day, thinking I had nothing left to live for. It felt good to get that off my chest. He told me that when he got the message from me and realized the number I left him was the Mack’s house, he knew something was up and cut his business trip short to come get me.

    Our flight was finally boarding. Hunter told me to get some rest during the flight. I wanted to get to know what he’d done while we were apart. I also wanted him to tell me about his friends and the studio. What did he do for the company? I didn’t want to talk about Tiffany.

    We got settled in and prepared for the long flight. The plane started move and I grabbed him. I was a bit afraid. I think he saw the fear in my eyes. He asked the flight attendant for a drink, hoping it would settle my nerves. She came back with a can of soda and a mini bottle of rum. He mixed the drink. I sipped slowly and to my surprise, it had actually helped me calm down.

    The pilot turned off the seatbelt sign. Hunter moved the arm rest and pulled me close to him. First class was empty. I stretched my legs and looked out the window. I could see the lights of New York fading from view. I lay in his arms while he stroked my hair. I dozed off.

    When I woke up, I tried to move without waking him but I was unsuccessful. I had to use the restroom. I leaned over and kissed him gently on his forehead. When I came back, he was munching on pretzels. I told him how I wanted to eventually wanted to be married with a few kids. I thought I had freaked him out. He asked if we wanted to live with his parents for a while or get a place of our own.

    I told him staying with Frank and Cindy would be okay for a while. I needed to have parents around. I needed to experience the things I had been missing for so long. He held me for a long time. The pilot turned on the seatbelt sign and finally made the announcement that we’d be starting our descent into LAX. I didn’t even realize that the lights of California had come in to view. I was so happy to be with Hunter that things around me didn’t matter. All of this still seemed surreal.

    Within minutes, the plane touched down and taxied to the gate. As we got off the plane Hunter made a call letting someone know we’d meet them at the curb.

    Chapter 2

    O ne of the Harrison’s personal drivers, Theo, was waiting for us when we arrived. He greeted Hunter with a firm handshake and he gave me a hug.

    Welcome to California, he said.

    Thank you, it’s great to be here.

    Theo was a very tan, well-built, man that stood about six foot five inches tall. He had a heavy Brooklyn accent. When we exited the terminal, there was a beautiful silver stretch limo waiting for us. Theo brought our bags to the car. I was so sleepy that I fell asleep on the ride to the house. When we arrived it was quiet. Frank and Cindy must have been asleep.

    Hunter carried me upstairs to his bedroom, put me to bed then went back down to the kitchen for something. I heard something crash onto the marble floor. It must have woken Frank and Cindy because they rushed downstairs.

    I stood quietly at the bedroom door. They were talking but I couldn’t hear what they were saying. Exhaustion overcame me, I couldn’t stand there anymore. I got back into bed and drifted off into a deep sleep.

    I woke up at 11:00 the next morning when the phone rang. I knew it would take me a few days to acclimate to the time change; my body was drained. I looked around the room for Hunter but he was nowhere to be found. I got out of bed, washed up then cautiously descended the stairs and found my way to the kitchen.

    I heard someone singing Heartbreak Hotel in the kitchen and assumed it was Wendy, the maid that Hunter had told me about. She was a short heavy-set woman with dark brown hair who looked to be about fifty years-old. She was adorable with brown eyes and plump cheeks.

    Good morning Evie! I’m Wendy. It’s a pleasure to meet you. You must be starved. How’d you sleep?

    I smiled at her. Very nice to meet you. I slept well, thank you. I’m a little hungry.

    She made bacon and eggs with toast. I was awake after a good cup of strong coffee. I sat there in silence so as not to disturb her. I couldn’t help but wonder where everyone was.

    Wendy, where is everyone? I asked shyly.

    They’re at the office. Hunter will be home soon. He asked me not to wake you. She disappeared and I continued to eat. She came back a little while later singing.

    Breakfast was delicious, thank you. I got up to wash my plate when Wendy stopped me.

    That’s my job Sweetheart. She smiled as she took the plate.

    I was afraid I had offended her. I wasn’t used to this. I thanked her again, then climbed the stairs to the bedroom. I needed a shower. As I entered Hunter’s bedroom, I started to make the bed and noticed the letter that he’d left me on the pillow.

    The letter

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